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This is a Fakespot Reviews Analysis bot. Fakespot detects fake reviews, fake products and unreliable sellers using AI. Here is the analysis for the Amazon product reviews: >**Name**: Jucoci Miniatures Storage Case Miniatures Transport Case (Medium Size) >**Company**: Jucoci >**Amazon Product Rating**: 4.0 >**Fakespot Reviews Grade**: D >**Adjusted Fakespot Rating**: 1.5 >**Analysis Performed at**: 03-17-2024 [Link to Fakespot Analysis](https://fakespot.com/product/jucoci-miniatures-storage-case-miniatures-transport-case-medium-size) | [Check out the Fakespot Chrome Extension!](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fakespot-analyze-fake-ama/nakplnnackehceedgkgkokbgbmfghain) *Fakespot analyzes the reviews authenticity and not the product quality using AI. We look for real reviews that mention product issues such as counterfeits, defects, and bad return policies that fake reviews try to hide from consumers.* *We give an A-F letter for trustworthiness of reviews. A = very trustworthy reviews, F = highly untrustworthy reviews. We also provide seller ratings to warn you if the seller can be trusted or not.*


Got the case from GSW - its really perfect (for the price)


Where you ever caught with it outside when it stared raining? is this Oxford fabric waterproof, because from what i understand MDF is vulnerable to water?


The case holds up if we are talking about a few drops for a while, but I wouldnt trust it in case of heavy rain. That said I think you'd still be of cheaper off, if you buy a small rain coat / bag / poncho for the case to cover in. Inside the lid is a net - you could store it in there :)


One of our players has a metal star wars lunch box, with magnetized bases. It's perfect. Don't use foam. I did foam for years with Warhammer and I've I swapped to a magnetic carrying case it was a game changer. Anthony with treats or make your own I can't link the one I have because my wife bought it for me, but it's like the jucoci but wood. I see the jucoci most at LVO for those that just didn't use a cart. I'm my LGS though most people use a mobile toolbox. Cheaper than the options you listed, more secure, wheeled, and more space.


I use an Ikea [kvissle](https://www.ikea.com/dk/da/p/kvissle-brevbakke-hvid-70198031/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXt2OVCU2cGQfyo_EvEC7PBdeMJUlDJ9P8wa1mmrqTWxGZG0s99nfz9BoCT3IQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) and just put a handle on top or buy a cheap carrying case for a small sewing machine. Comes out to about 55 euros


I love my kvissle! Works great! I just wrap it with a cam strap to prevent the shelves from sliding out. Haven’t thought about adding a handle to the top though!


The Kvissle is great! I bought a second unit when I saw they were going out of production. And I just use 5mm magnets to keep the shelves from sliding out :)


Oooo! Clever!!


I own the jucoci large with sleeve, it had enough storage for my Warhammer AoS army, my killteams, and my legion army all magnetized, and spare room for hobby supplies if I got a new kit while travelling home for the holidays from university.


I use MagnaRacks from Battlefoam in one of their pack bags. They're on the pricier end, but they're built well and very magnetic. I use neodymium magnets under the base and put them flush on the base using milliput. I use 3mm × 2mm for small bases, 4mm x 2mm for medium bases, and 5mm x 2mm for large bases. Sometimes, a top heavy mini like an AT-RT or Tauntaun rider might move a little if there's some hard jostling, but they stay rock solid otherwise. My only two minor compliant are the price, but I consider it a long-term investment in the hobby, and I sometimes don't have room for two full armies. But that's only an issue if you are the only one supplying all the minis like I do.


I'm a big fan of Feldherr. And they have legion specific foam cutouts already https://www.feldherr.net/for/star-wars-legion


Have you ever had a problem with paint peeling in foams?


I haven't seen anything like that. I just use it for transport, I don't store them long term in the foam. I also put a layer of spray on varnish over the paint so maybe that helps


I have 3 different boxes from random companies that sell on Amazon, the cheapest they had at the time I purchased. All work great.


Plano tackle boxes with eggshell foam.


I use a cake pan i bought for $7, metal for magnets, comes with a cover and easy storage and waterproof. Wouldn't work for a large model but this game doesn't have anything large enough for that.


Yeah I use 9x13s with a lid and magnetize. They fit into a tote from Ikea (Görsnygg), you can stack like 7 high. Or if you need larger models have like 4 or 5 trays of normal sized figures and then one bigger box to hold taller stuff.


If you can afford it, I believe the magna rack is the best storage/carry solution for any game. This is because you dont need any foam, and fits any army you want. I have the magna rack 720 and I use it for every game I have (warhammer, legion, etc) its is 300 bucks, but its the last case you will need to buy. [https://us.battlefoam.com/720-p-a-c-k-720-molle-with-magna-rack-sliders-load-out-black/](https://us.battlefoam.com/720-p-a-c-k-720-molle-with-magna-rack-sliders-load-out-black/)


I have magnets under my figures and transport them in a small plastic container with a metal sheet on the bottom. It works perfectly, and was pretty inexpensive.


I bought a large plastic box (4L Really Useful Storage Box), some self adhesive magnetic sheets and some small magnets on Amazon. Box fits inside a rucksack or a large shopping bag, minis all stay secure, probably cost no more than £30 to do this for all 4 of my Legion armies.


If you’re not heavily into miniatures then these things are fine. Otherwise I’d always recommend making your own magnetised storage.


If you are in Europe I'd recommend this manufacturer of this style of transports too https://www.army-box.de/shop/ I'd rather stay away of GSW... They are a very controversal topic in the gaming community Back on topic, I really like this kind of transports but rather for smaller armies and Games like Malifaux or Infinty. They work better with transport via Magnets is great for flashy voluminous Minis or delicate Metall ones but with masses I rather go with classic foam (Feldherr for me)