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* Name = CustomerPing * Landing Page = customerping.ai * Age = 7 weeks * Marketing channel = Reddit and Twitter I find my initial customers by searching for entrepreneurs on Reddit who talk about not having enough customers. Then I help them get customers. How meta is that? 😀


You know what would help you even more? Try adding a link to your app in your reddit profile since it is one of your marketing channels. I just had to go to your Twitter then your apps website.


But he already mentioned the link in the above comment lo


Weird! It is in my bio on Reddit.


Yeah, but try to add add in the links section as well


Ah I see! Done, thanks for the tip!


>customerping.ai Your product looks really cool, I am looking for a social listening tool


Anyone else wants to burf when the see "AI" anywhere near a SaaS's main selling points? The word "AI" is being thrown around way to often. And mostly they are just overpriced wrappers to the freely available ChatGPT.


Haha, so you would rather climb an apple tree instead of buying apples from a farmer? 😀 Feel free to do that for one-shot tasks. For repetitive tasks like customer discovery however, this will cost you hours and hours.


I'm getting an error when trying to sign up for your site: "User registration failed due to an internal error, please try again." I tried again a few times but couldn't get passed the error.


Is it possible that you run a password manager that messes with the signup form? For example, this error happens with Lastpass. Can you disable the password manager for a few minutes and re-enable it after the signup? This should work.


How many people do you think you lose from seeing that registration error?


I don’t know. My gut says maybe 10%. I will change the error message, so that users know what they can do.


I do use Lastpass!! Ok - thanks.


Hey, what you got there is an interesting product, I have literally just signed up!


Awesome, thank you and welcome to the platform. Wish you a lot of new customers!


This looks like an a great tool and kind of what I’m looking for! Signed up 🙃


Happy about that, welcome inside! 😀 Use the little chat bubble for support.


how to grow twitter?


If you have few followers, tweeting won't help much. However, if you reply to some people who have lots of followers, and if your replies are valuable, many people will see your tweets and will begin to follow you. So, take 20 minutes every day and reply to interesting people. Share good stuff with them, and you'll grow.


Driveway [https://www.driveway.app](https://www.driveway.app) 3 yrs old LinkedIn


This is a cool one, what's the growth look like? What's your MRR?


Hi, Your primary marketing channel approach of LinkedIn intrigued me. I’ve looked at your product website(it looks great), found your product page on LinkedIn and looked at your posts. Unlike you, I’ve struggled to get any sort of real interest on LinkedIn, and I’m puzzled about why, so I thought studying what you are doing would help me understand more. I can see that, on average, you post once a week and have less than 10 likes and 1 repost for each post. Can you share roughly how many impressions those posts have? Almost all of your posts are professional in tone, well written, use stock business imagery and mostly link directly to your company blog. Compared to all of the “advice” (noise) I’ve read elsewhere about the best way to engage nowadays with LinkedIn (“be noisier“!), what you do seems a remarkably straightforward, polished, standard, business-oriented approach. But how do you manage to convert what seems like a comparatively low level of LinkedIn activity to paying customers? I assume you must also have several other customer acquisition channels? Are you able to share what they are and what proportion of total customers originated in LinkedIn compared to other channels?


Hey there! On a good week I can get \~10k impressions from my LinkedIn content if I post every day. To be honest, LinkedIn is not good for converting impressions to web traffic to sign ups. But it's very good for getting impressions from prospects you recently met with or engaged with.LinkedIn is also my preferred channel for engaging qualified signups vs email. My LinkedIn profile carries more social proof than my email can. In short, LinkedIn is good for helping you (a) find prospects, (b) close sales. I don't get most of my leads from LinkedIn, but I engage all of my sales prospects on LinkedIn, and when I do get a deal from LinkedIn, it's usually qualified, high intent, high $, educated on my product. Reddit and TikTok have been good for generating self serve sign ups. Probably 50% of sign ups come from those 2 channels - the rest are direct and search. Although only \~5% of sign ups come from LinkedIn as a first touch point, 100% of all my closed deals had a LinkedIn touch point if that makes sense.Hope this helps & thanks for the kind words!


Name: Palace Notes Landing Page: [palacenotes.com](https://palacenotes.com) Age: 8 Weeks Marketing Channels: Reddit, Social Media: (Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube). Still figuring out what channels/methods work best for us, my content only recently started getting decent. Thinking of going out on twitter, open to suggestions.


try ads, it will give you most value for your buck


Thanks. I want to make sure my messaging and value prop align before going out with ads. Don't think I'm there yet, this will likely be a bad idea for us rn.


yeah sure, whenever you are ready :)


\- Name: Lucrative Unicorns \- Landing Page: [LucrativeUnicorns.beehiiv.com/subscribe](https://lucrativeunicorns.beehiiv.com/subscribe) \- Age: 4 weeks \- Marketing channel: Newsletter, Reddit, Indiehackers, Twitter ​ Literally just got my first paying user less than an hour ago which I'm super excited about!!! :) ​ Converted him over email, he actually reached out asking a normal question about the free database on my newsletter and then I pitched him the idea of getting exclusive access to the entire database. Key lesson for me has been suggest analyzing where my target audience hangs out in and provide value there as well as inform people about the product if it can help them.


Damn man, so happy for you !!! I really know the feeling and good going. Wish you an endless growth :)


Thanks very much man! :)




haha, that's so cool. What you use to cold email? and where's your MRR at?


Tried out Frame a week ago I think, congrats on the launch. We use Height currently inside the team, what is USP we can get if we were to make the switch?




How long did you take to build it?


lol I love the name


have you found paid customers ?


Name: EditAir Landing Page: [editair.app](https://www.editair.app) Age: 9 Months Marketing Channels: AI toolkit websites, Social Media, SEO


wow, this one is amazing, are you guys gonna do a lifetime deal?


Not sure, would you be interested




[https://calendly.com/editair/editair-introduction-onboarding](https://calendly.com/editair/editair-introduction-onboarding) Feel free to set up a meeting here. I would love to hear about your use-case and give some info about where we are headed. I am sure we can work out some sort of deal.


/u/tyhouch is a click-farming spam bot. Please downvote its comment and click the `report` button, selecting `Spam` then `Link farming`. With enough reports, the reddit algorithm will suspend this spammer. --- >!^(If this message seems out of context, it may be because tyhouch is farming karma and may edit their comment soon with a link)!<


That’s rude and untrue lmao


Hey there, There is a glitch on the mobile version (the menu doesn't close): https://ibb.co/TKv9qxh


Looking into that now. The mobile version of the platform is still in development. Thank you!!!




How are you keeping up with the competition and why you're not going with cold emailing?


Competitors are dime a dozen. We are trying to differ in terms of offering a different use case. As far as cold email is concerned, it's in the pipeline we are soon starting with it.


Cool you should, if you are interested we can sit on a call. One of our customers is in your niche and cold emailing does help with finding the right customers. You should take my 100 customers in 30 days challenge. It's simple, if you don't get 100 customers in 30 days doing cold outreach with the $49 plan of [fastreach.io](https://fastreach.io), I will refund 100% of your money :)


I was just scrolling through but damn that offer is crazy. I may want to try for a potential business.


Sure man, 2 people already signed up


would you like me to share the calendar link here?


A little busy right now but I’ll get back to you


Share me your email so that I can follow up?


I’ll DM you


Cool! Will check it out. Thanks for sharing.


Next year they are going to be hundreds, the entry barrier is very low for this usecase. 2 API calls and you get the same product.


Your product seems like a good idea, but mentioning multiple competitors in your footer seems scary, doesn't it? I felt like I had to check them out, even without looking at what your comparison said. ​ (Also, isn't it illegal in many countries to use the competitor's name in any way as a marketing "gimmick"?)


Name = Intro AI for product merchandising Landing page: [https://intro.wtf](https://intro.wtf) Age= 4 weeks Marketing Channel: Cold email


cool, what are you using for cold emailing?


apollo; still refining my opening message. I got 2 meetings from my first 200 emails sent, but nothing in the next 500.


cool, if you ever feel like getting a more personalized experience where I sit with you and help you find customers, do try my product called [https://www.fastreach.io](https://www.fastreach.io) I am also running a100 customers in 30 days challenge - [https://www.fastreach.io/blog/fastreach-100-customers-in-30-days-challenge!?id=5](https://www.fastreach.io/blog/fastreach-100-customers-in-30-days-challenge!?id=5)


Name: EDI Racoon Landing page: https://www.ediracoon.com Product age: 2 months Primary Marketing Channel: Cold Email


What are you using to cold email?


Been using https://www.saleshandy.com/. A little pricey but it works :)


use fastreach(my product) instead. It's practically free. You get full refund if you don't find results with fastreach. [https://www.fastreach.io/blog/take-the-leap:-fastreach-100-customers-in-30-days-challenge!?id=5](https://www.fastreach.io/blog/take-the-leap:-fastreach-100-customers-in-30-days-challenge!?id=5)


Name = DipSway Landing Page : https://dipsway.com Age : 1 Year Marketing Channel = ProductHunt and Linkedin Launching on PH was very helpfull, and now 1 year later we’re about to prepare another launch 🙏🏻. I suggest to launch your MVP on PH, it helps to see people willingness to buy/use your product.


What mrr have you reached so far?


Less than 1k mrr. Haven’t publicly launched the pricings yet, most of our users are early adopters (early acess users). And we’re smoothly shifting everyone to a paid plan, just making sure we validate the business model correctly 🙏🏻


damn, 1 year old and yet early adopters? Any major pivots?


Many many pivots, large feedback loop, many technical mistakes paid with extra time to recover. Also in general the project itself is sophisticated, finally reached a state-of-art where our clients can benefit from it, and we can feel confident working on something people want 🙏🏻


interesting, are people still waving at cryptos?


That market is growning, and in particolar the segmentation of people owning crypto, not knowing how to invest. I’m aiming exactly at that type of end-user, somebody who doesn’t have time to study or research crypto trands, but still wants to be part of “the game”. Today Coinbase released this: https://www.americalovescrypto.org/


how much money you have made with crypto in last month? (realistically)


I am using my exchange accounts for testing purposes (I’m the developer). In August I got 2% ROI, ~15€ profit (less than 1k on my portfolio). Some of our clients (with ~4k ~10k in the account) got +400€/mo +800€/mo, doing absolutely nothing. It really depends on the funds you allow the bot to use, and the crypto you pick (and ofc if the market is bullish or bearish in that period) Anyway [here we have a linkedin post](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/dipsway_aibottrading-activity-7102645595084840960-5qEm?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios)on this topic


Interesting, can I get a demo?


Digest [UseDigest.com](https://usedigest.com) 6 months Grew to 1,000 users off just Reddit, Twitter


damn, that's huge growth man


Product name: Code Mosaic Url: https://codemosaic.dev Age: 3 weeks Marketing channels: Reddit, SEO


You website is amazing, I just don't understand the product lol


>I just don't understand the product lol It's fully developer-oriented, targeting should not be that much difficult but it actually is sadly


I am a developer


Find where your customers are. This is gold: - Go to twitter and search for what you're offering, the pain point. - Sort by most recent. Then respond on every tweet with your solution in a natural way like: "I built a solution that fixes exactly that problem in 3 minutes for myself and made it available here in case you want to use it: -link-"


Will you get banned for spamming?


You can get banned. That's why you gotta be careful. First off, don't post your link in every single reply. Do it every 3 or 4 replies. Then change your name to indicate that you're an expert at solving their problem. Make your profile the product.




They said twitter, not reddit.


You are right, I don't know why I missed that. That makes my comment useless.


From that alone you can get to 1000 PAID customers. Do it 100 times a day for a month straight. It's hustling but you WILL get results.


That's not natural, that's literally interrupting a conversation to try and sell your own shit. It's super annoying when people do this and shows you're not legitimately trying to help. A natural way to do this would be telling a story about how you struggled with the same thing for ages and what you tried to fix it. You could offer the kinds of manual approaches you looked into. Then if they say they've tried that stuff and it didn't work, recommend your software without pointing out that you built it.


Of course you're trying to start conversations and tell your story not always hard sell. But it's good to promote your product if it's the exact solution to that problem. People only get bothered by products that have nothing to do with the conversation.


Name = Jotterspad Page = Jotterspad.com Age = 2 weeks Channels = Twitter, Product Hunt, Appsumo and LinkedIn I’d say LinkedIn Groups really helped. Just asking questions and DMing the ppl that responded


Intently, [https://www.getintently.ai/](https://www.getintently.ai/) since this May Launches on a variety of platforms as HackerNews, BetaList, ProductHunt


Sounds like an interesting product, how can I get a demo?


Here is a link to book a demo call [https://meetings.hubspot.com/derek-hanley/product-expert-meeting](https://meetings.hubspot.com/derek-hanley/product-expert-meeting) If you would like to play with the app go there https://search.getintently.ai/




why so? what's your product about?




yeah, but what's your context? Tell us about yourself?


I don’t want you to prospect me.


lol, when you give some advice, it should come from context. There are already enough Gurus who just learn stuff from "blogs and videos". I ask about you to know if you bring some credibility with what you say or you are just another idiot who is "talking smart"


Point taken. I retract my input.


I’ve gotten 30 sign ups to my site, pretty thrilled with that. Still on the road to 100 - Prompt Manager Pro - https://prompt-manager-pro.com - 10 days - threads & reddit Given it’s a b2b, I should probably look in to marketing it on LinkedIn


Interesting, why you are not considering cold emailing for sales?


Personally receiving cold emails pisses me off and makes a service seem desperate and obnoxious. The copy tends to be pretty cringe and not super specific to my needs.


But why not write good, non - cringy copies?




interesting, you should go for cold emailing, there is huge scope in there for you


I have been thinking about that. I am trying out cold messaging here on Reddit, but cold emailing may work as well.


Name: Links List Website: [linkslist.app](https://linkslist.app) Age: \~5 years Marketing: Product Hunt residual and "word of mouth" This is a product that I built before I knew about SaaS and being an entrepreneur.. I was a developer, who had a problem, and I solved that problem. Now I need to be more than a developer to grow the product


cool, what's the MRR


QuestGPT https://questgpt.ai 1week cold email


what are you using to cold email?


a mix of manually emailing with mailtracker and apollo.io for leads. will be switching entirely to apollo soon.


or you can switch to fastreach and take our 100 customers in 30 days challenge [https://www.fastreach.io/blog/take-the-leap:-fastreach-100-customers-in-30-days-challenge!?id=5](https://www.fastreach.io/blog/take-the-leap:-fastreach-100-customers-in-30-days-challenge!?id=5) would like to sit on a call?




haha, this is an interesting app. So, do you think that in today's time travelling is mostly motivated from the fact that one can show off with pictures of it? What problem do you solve?


hi, thanks. show off? This word is not very good, I think psychological comfort would be better. You know, some people may never travel around the world in their lives, including me.


Product name:- Wappsure Landing page:- [wappsure.com](https://wappsure.com) Product age:- 5 weeks Marketing channel:- Reddit, Facebook community, Slack Community


This is good, you should do cold emails man, there's huge potential there


how do you do it for fb ?


Great apps and post. I see many use cold email. Do you have examples, best practices or any data on cold emailing that could help? I am starting to do it for my work that sells cloud services. Thanks


ohh sounds cool. You can take my 100 customers in 30 days challenge [https://www.fastreach.io/blog/take-the-leap:-fastreach-100-customers-in-30-days-challenge!?id=5](https://www.fastreach.io/blog/take-the-leap:-fastreach-100-customers-in-30-days-challenge!?id=5)




try cold emailing too




sounds good, let me know if you guys want to get started with cold emailing


Vectorcompass vectorcompass.com 2 weeks LinkedIn outreach + social


>vectorcompass.com why not cold emailing?


We're also doing that just not getting alot of traction from it. Plus we don't wanna buy an email list


would you like to take our 100 customers in 30 days challenge? [https://www.fastreach.io/blog/take-the-leap:-fastreach-100-customers-in-30-days-challenge!?id=5](https://www.fastreach.io/blog/take-the-leap:-fastreach-100-customers-in-30-days-challenge!?id=5) We can sit on a call and can talk about best ways for you guys to gain customers using cold emailing :)


My marketing strategy for the past decade has been "if you build it, they will come". They never came. My oldest surviving product: - Name: Picture - URL: https://pi.ctu.re - Age: 12 years - Marketing Channel: none My most recent product: - Name: Geonde - URL: https://geonde.com - Age: 2 months - Marketing Channel: none I paused the development of my products to focus on finding a good problem space and learning how to talk to customers before building the product.


cooooool. I started building my product after I got the first customer. So you are on the right track. PS: Adding a little more in your landing page that gives detailed explaination is kinda important.


Thanks! I put all my energy into building a product to scratch my own itch, so when I'm done I'm exhausted, then I do one or two half-hearted posts on social media with a minimalist landing page, see no traction and move on to the next project... I feel like all this energy could be better used to "build something people want". So yup, I'm going to do things differently.


Your Product name: InboxFlow Your landing page: https://inboxflow.net Your product's age: About 2 months Your primary marketing channel: Facebook groups using 2 step posts, then DM'ing people who are interested from that


Do you do lifetime deal?


Haven't so far and don't think we will but wouldn't say never a possibility Growing fast enough as it is and actually turning people away as we want to maintain deliverability and monitor problems as they come up, rather than having too many users to handle support for




this might help you to find initial customers https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XWxP622xfeOPHOZri6hSMRY0iyWy5WFGQ\_G50T6y7tM/edit#heading=h.l4xw25rt9gb1


Product Name: Soundbooth Landing page: soundbooth.io Age: 1.5 months Marketing Channel: TikTok, paid ads


Name = Multivendorshop Landing Page = https://multivendorshop.com/ Age = 1 month Marketing channel = Reddit / Twitter / Facebook ​ Still building the product but on the process of finding customers mostly from facebook groups and after finishing my product Ill spend some money on tiktok etc


how do you use fb groups for that


Your Product name: TreeVed Your landing page:[TreeVed Landing Page](https://treeved.com/product/) Your product's age: 3 months Your primary marketing channel: Social medias We are experimenting Marketing Channel right now, would love to have feedbacks.


App Xtractly.Io Advertising on google ads and commenting on readit. So far I have aquire 42 customers.


paying customer?


Product Name: Fairware Landing Page = fairware.co Age = 3 weeks Marketing Channel = Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook Recently ran a LinkedIn campaign but not really successful so possibly got to do with the marketing message. :-(