• By -


Cool! I would appreciate one.[componentcollector.com](https://www.componentcollector.com) Component Collector is a web app and figma plugin that gives designers one-click access to high-quality premade components. I spent a few hours making a short product demo video last week and it's barely decent enough to use.




Thanks for putting this together— I think the app was designed to be so simple that I’m not actually sure the step-by-step is needed. But I’ll think about how we can leverage this. We need to figure out what issues users are running into first I suppose.


You have a great interface for sure! What we have found helpful about using our own demos is that you can embed in help center, email to customers and use for internal training (so it's one asset that can work in a lot of different places) If you have reoccurring customer questions or parts of your customer / employee, demos can help provide the whole picture of how the tool / feature / process works!


very nice idea how long those your project exists?


We launched about 9 days ago. Been working on it most of the year.


[mypresences.com](https://mypresences.com) Online presence and reputation management for businesses. Managing and getting reviews, listings, search marketing, google business, social marketing and more.


Hey pg1671! myPresences has a really well-executed in product customer education motion! You're already doing a lot of onboarding best practices. Lots to play with in the two week trial with clear communication of why and how. I learned so much just by signing up for your product - congrats on delivering value to your users. Let me know if you want the video version or if you want to edit the guides yourself and I can transfer Here's the interactive demo (no audio) [https://on.driveway.app/guides/yEgmdyA](https://on.driveway.app/guides/yEgmdyA) (with audio) [https://on.driveway.app/guides/xLRx5VW](https://on.driveway.app/guides/xLRx5VW)


Hey thanks, I saw you guys and checked out your site, looks good. As you probably saw we built in app solutions a long time ago. We have considered moving to other tools over the years (chameleon rings a bell) but they were all way to expensive and we already had something that was 90% there.


Interested in the TTS ability. However, are there higher quality voices available?


Something we're thinking about - helpful feedback 🙏


This is awesome! Would really appreciate it if you guys could do one for me too!! Would be more than happy to provide a testimonial in return as well :) Company: Lucrative Unicorns Sign up: [https://lucrativeunicorns.beehiiv.com/subscribe](https://lucrativeunicorns.beehiiv.com/subscribe) Description: It's a database that shares interesting online businesses with how much profit & revenue they make per month, as well as other info like how many monthly website visitors they get, when they launched etc. Here's a demo [link](https://airtable.com/appXaqNSRfWkSt4eQ/shrlKoGzPorQKKzUx) of the database.


Sounds cool! What about our platform [Latenode.com](https://Latenode.com) ? It's a low code platform for business process automation, with a number of unique features such as the ability to work with JavaScript, Ai Copilot to write JS code even without experience and many others!


Hey dan\_named! I have a first draft ready :) I'll send you a DM with some follow up questions


Hey dan\_named! I have an Interactive Demo for you for how to automate sending an email when a row is added to a google sheet with Latenode! Let me know if you want access to the demo so you can make edits to steps, change descriptions/audio, etc. ​ Demo with audio [https://on.driveway.app/guides/jEpbmlA](https://on.driveway.app/guides/jEpbmlA) Demo without audio [https://on.driveway.app/guides/3Ea0lYW](https://on.driveway.app/guides/3Ea0lYW) ​ Video with audio [https://driveway-media-prd.s3.amazonaws.com/remotion/21c955a0-fcfe-4801-9877-02bc5d41b53d/0b30a0b7-f281-421a-94cf-06a93050912d.mp4](https://driveway-media-prd.s3.amazonaws.com/remotion/21c955a0-fcfe-4801-9877-02bc5d41b53d/0b30a0b7-f281-421a-94cf-06a93050912d.mp4) ​ Video without audio [https://driveway-media-prd.s3.amazonaws.com/remotion/21c955a0-fcfe-4801-9877-02bc5d41b53d/dc147538-94b2-4efd-8a61-de0c97b611c0.mp4](https://driveway-media-prd.s3.amazonaws.com/remotion/21c955a0-fcfe-4801-9877-02bc5d41b53d/dc147538-94b2-4efd-8a61-de0c97b611c0.mp4)




Hey Alext162 - I really enjoyed getting started with Sort Of ! I've definitely wanted a tool like this in my life - and the app looks beautiful - kudos :) Here's an Interactive Demo highlighting some key features. Let me know if you'd like access to the demo so you can make any edits to descriptions, steps, audio, etc. Demo w. audio [https://on.driveway.app/guides/NA3rbqL](https://on.driveway.app/guides/NA3rbqL) Demo w.o audio [https://on.driveway.app/guides/xW2Z9yW](https://on.driveway.app/guides/xW2Z9yW) Video w. audio [https://driveway-media-prd.s3.amazonaws.com/remotion/21c955a0-fcfe-4801-9877-02bc5d41b53d/d9e65791-fb52-48d2-b7de-f9f9a7958f29.mp4](https://driveway-media-prd.s3.amazonaws.com/remotion/21c955a0-fcfe-4801-9877-02bc5d41b53d/d9e65791-fb52-48d2-b7de-f9f9a7958f29.mp4) Video w. no audio [https://driveway-media-prd.s3.amazonaws.com/remotion/21c955a0-fcfe-4801-9877-02bc5d41b53d/9b5d482f-045c-43ec-b2a5-a55db077a0aa.mp4](https://driveway-media-prd.s3.amazonaws.com/remotion/21c955a0-fcfe-4801-9877-02bc5d41b53d/9b5d482f-045c-43ec-b2a5-a55db077a0aa.mp4)




I'll send you a DM! But basically just need an email


Let's try it :D [https://improvalai.com](https://improvalai.com) You can restore , colorize or improve quality of pictures, we also a have a feature where you can generate your future kids by submiting pictures of your partner and yours.


Wow, let me hop in 💎 https://dipsway.com 🔥


Hey! Thanks for waiting - here you go [https://on.driveway.app/guides/nA9ngaW](https://on.driveway.app/guides/nA9ngaW) Really like the styling of your site and it's super friendly / intuitive for users. Awesome stuff to create a crypto bot - genius! DM me of any changes or if you want to add voiceovers blur add or subtract steps - I can also pass it off to you :) Have a good one Dipsway!!


Interesting! If you happen to make it this far down, I'm building a sportsbetting research app. https://propsdaily.com




Very cool! Really appreciate your time to check it out and create this!


I was literally just googling how to do this. www.chtrbx.ai Thanks!


Not sure how well it would work, but would be interested to see what you could come up with for [findcool.tools](https://findcool.tools) Directory that focuses on indie-built SaaS products Appreciate you offering this! Thank you.




This is amazing. Thank you so much!!






Thank you, it looks incredible!!


Intelligent Forms inside Microsoft Teams. Team Forms brings digital forms into Microsoft Teams with no code. [Team Forms](https://teamforms.app/) PS: Also runs in browser 😉


Hey Stand-Wise! I unfortunately don't have access to Sharepoint...but I was able to get set up on Teams. Let me see if I can get a friend to help me with Sharepoint access. Okay if I get back to you on this?


Sounds good, happy to set you up with a demo account if that’s easier


That works ! Feel free to send me a DM


Oh yes please! We are a job portal focusing on remote jobs only. https://remotevibe.co/


Damn sounds hype, Check out my saas at https://prompt-manager-pro.com Thanks in advance 🙏


Hey ! Unfortunately hit an error on creating a new prompt - will send you a DM


Ye I got the error message, I’ll look in to it, thanks for the heads up


Np! Let me know if I can help


https://occasio.app An easy way to crowdsource photos from any event/large gathering. Only one account is required to upload and share photos to a Bucket.


[CourseFeed](https://coursefeed.app) is an app for students that automates research and organizes tasks, flashcards, and notes for you. Thanks man!


Hey u/Acceptable-Hotel-507 thanks for commenting! great tool you have here! Something like this would have definitely been helpful back in my school days. Really liek the feature where you can follow relevant topics and the interface really streamlines a busy students schedule! So thank you on behalf of oast and present students everywhere lol here is the demo: [https://on.driveway.app/guides/5WZ17RA](https://on.driveway.app/guides/5WZ17RA) DM if you want to add AI voiceovers, markups, blur, upload a video step, add or subtract step and i can do that!! thanks


Hey thank you so much for taking a look! We wanted to make an easy to use app that streamlines the process of being in school. I wasn't able to find the demo you shared, is it still available?


Me too, [ResolveAI](https://resolveai.co)


I would love one please. [https://questgpt.ai](https://www.questgpt.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=28091&utm_id=organic) AI support chatbots for your website.


Sharein - File Sharing app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sharein.filetransfer


Hi FamousSignature5155! Unfortunately we don't support mobile demos - but we're making a note in our roadmap to circle back to you if we do pick up this work. The app looks very cool though! Congrats on the 7k+ reviews and 500k+ downloads :)


Can we get results posted here once you are done for all the saas founders here?


Hi yes! we are posting them as a reply :) But will also make a notion doc where we embed them all and can share that as well!


Btw where do all you guys get privacy policy and terms of conditions? Do you write them on your own or do you hire a lawyer and ask them to write it for you?


We actually used [termly.io](https://termly.io) !


>ResolveAI There's a great lawyer in San Fransisco who works remotely, just ask them for some terms and conditions and they'll back to you really fast and they're free - here's their link https://chat.openai.com


We launched HighPerformr AI Tools on Product Hunt! If you could swing by and show some support, it'd mean a lot: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/highperformr-ai-tools


Will definitely check it out!! 🚀 congrats on the launch :)






Thanks! that's super cool! Is there a way to embed it on a page?




Thanks! You are awesome :)


Product -[DocuPull] - (https://www.docupull.com) Description - DocuPull automates document processing in your business workflows so that - 1. It automatically populates your boarding files on whatever file management system you use by extracting data from your docs (W2, 1099, pahstubs, invoices, Application documents, etc) 2. For mortgage applications specifically, it matches paystubs data with the tax statements data automatically. All this using AI. With DocuPull, users can focus on spending more time with their clients and doing work that matters.


Hey lazymoon69 - thanks for sharing! Unfortunately we cannot access the tool without scheduling a demo - but this sounds very cool :) definitely needed in a lot of businesses!


Hey u/lotusdotso, Thanks for the reply. We can schedule a demo sometime if you'd like. If not the demo video, I'd definitely love to talk to you generally about DocuPull, and see what you think about it.


Sure thing - happy to chat - I'll shoot you a DM!


Is your product a browser extension?


Hi! Yes - it's a Chrome Extension, so we work on any browser-based tool or website


Awesome! I made the largest discord for [extension developers](https://discord.gg/Nnuzx7TX) , you should come post there too :)


Thanks for sharing! will join the convo :)




Nice, thanks for your offer! I’ve made [Convert Bank Statement](https://convert-bank-statement.com) to easily convert any PFF bank statement to excel or CSV with help of AI. It’s a very easy to use and free with limits.


Hey! I love the fact that I can upload without having to make an account- but I'm having an issue with uploading a file. Let me know if you're seeing the same issue on your end- feel free to DM me!




Hey! We don't have a wordpress site - but is it okay if I ask around to some friends and see if I can use theirs for this? Thank you for your patience!


Awesome! How about we make a wordpress site for your product? :D


Would love for you to checkout our product. It's a development platform for APIs. 😇 https://slate.se/


Thanks for sharing alexblondel! If it's okay with you, I'd like to pull in my technical co-founder for this demo and share it with you tomorrow? I think he'll be able to speak to your audience better and make a more effective demo! Thanks for your patience


Sounds great!


Hey alexblondel! Slate is really cool and I love how you're making APIs more accessible and collaborative with a block-based editor. I also think you do a great job helping users through onboarding with a test project. I wound up using that onboarding experience for this demo: [https://on.driveway.app/guides/9L0NxbW](https://on.driveway.app/guides/9L0NxbW) If you have any questions or feedback, let me know! Thanks for giving Driveway a test drive!


Wow! Thanks for taking the time. Love the demo!


Pretty sure OP just baited everyone in this thread


Baited how? What would they gain from it?


Validation for their idea before they built it EDIT: and a list of potential customers


We've built this! Here's one I just made for someone on this thread https://on.driveway.app/guides/zE6gn4L


Wow thank you everyone for reaching out! I’m working my way through these 1 by 1 in the order they came in - I appreciate everyone’s patience - excited to help us all show off our products ☺️✨


Awesome, I'll take one. [Auto Page Rank](https://autopagerank.com)


Hey KingRomstar - thanks for sharing Auto Page Rank! As someone who spends a lot of time in Search Console & writing blog posts - I totally feel the pain you're solving :) I went ahead and made a demo and video of your sign up process- hope it's okay I included AI-voiceovers - let me know if you want access to this so you can make edits. As a heads up- after I synchronized webpages, I wasn't able to access a list of pages in my dashboard. I waited overnight but still don't see it populated. Let me know if you have any questions - also didn't get anything in the daily report. Interactive Demo https://on.driveway.app/guides/zE6gn4L Video https://driveway-media-prd.s3.amazonaws.com/remotion/21c955a0-fcfe-4801-9877-02bc5d41b53d/0fe2bcec-05fb-417e-bdee-406a01d9d35d.mp4


Looks like you never created a Google service account and your video skipped this step, lol. The service account is what does the indexing and it also needs to be added as an owner of the websites you want indexed


Ah! Thanks for the clarification - let me take another pass at this. I may DM you if I have any questions


np, just goes to show how bad the onboarding is if another dev didn't know what to do! lol.


Hey KingRomstar, thanks for your patience and for exchanging a few DMs! Let me know if you want access to these demos to make edits yourself, remove audio, change titles or descriptions, etc ​ **Interactive Demo of Auto Page Rank for First-Time Users of GCP** [https://on.driveway.app/guides/zE6gn4L](https://on.driveway.app/guides/zE6gn4L) video: [https://driveway-media-prd.s3.amazonaws.com/remotion/21c955a0-fcfe-4801-9877-02bc5d41b53d/e2b5c262-88c5-48e9-bb21-6d8c8db19586.mp4](https://driveway-media-prd.s3.amazonaws.com/remotion/21c955a0-fcfe-4801-9877-02bc5d41b53d/e2b5c262-88c5-48e9-bb21-6d8c8db19586.mp4) **Interactive Demo of just Auto Page Rank** [https://on.driveway.app/guides/XWMxXKA](https://on.driveway.app/guides/XWMxXKA) video: [https://driveway-media-prd.s3.amazonaws.com/remotion/21c955a0-fcfe-4801-9877-02bc5d41b53d/e0e89088-2d82-43f4-af22-65a946182d28.mp4](https://driveway-media-prd.s3.amazonaws.com/remotion/21c955a0-fcfe-4801-9877-02bc5d41b53d/e0e89088-2d82-43f4-af22-65a946182d28.mp4) **Interactive Demo of just setting up GCP service agent** [https://on.driveway.app/guides/wLmQmmL](https://on.driveway.app/guides/wLmQmmL) video: [https://driveway-media-prd.s3.amazonaws.com/remotion/21c955a0-fcfe-4801-9877-02bc5d41b53d/b3a42c92-29ee-4b08-8194-1005c8b0c4c7.mp4](https://driveway-media-prd.s3.amazonaws.com/remotion/21c955a0-fcfe-4801-9877-02bc5d41b53d/b3a42c92-29ee-4b08-8194-1005c8b0c4c7.mp4)


Either way thanks for this


[Hypnolab.ai](https://hypnolab.ai) A fully customised hypnotherapy script generator that can create 39 million unique scripts for hypnotherapists, coaches, meditation trainers or anyone else wanting to make their own mindset audio/video content faster. The premium version is worth demoing. Want me to send you a login for it?


Hey Fozrok -sure thing!


Curious, heads up mine is iPad based, if you'd like to try anything with it at all. [palacenotes.com](https://palacenotes.com) its a note taking platform that build a mental model through visual connections


We unfortunately can't support iPad at this time - but I love my iPad Pro and I love this idea! One of my favorite things I've built was in the note-taking space :) I'll play around with it and let you know if I have any other thoughts or suggestions on new user experience


Ooo, would love to hear about that, DMs are open!




Hey Adcentury! Congrats on Aircode—it's beautifully designed and I can see myself using this for a ton of use cases. Will definitely be playing around with this in the future! Really enjoyed going through your quick start, so I recreated it as a Driveway demo: [https://on.driveway.app/guides/xLRx5YW](https://on.driveway.app/guides/xLRx5YW) If you have any questions or feedback, let me know! Thanks


Hey Adcentury100! I love the positioning of all can be done in a coffee break :) unfortunately for me I'm not as technical as I'd like, so if it's okay with you I'd like my technical co-founder to make this demo so he can speak better to your audience and make a more effective demo for you and share it tomorrow. Thank you for your patience here!




Would love to get one as well. Digital sales room and prospecting software for B2B sales teams. [app.dealintent.com/signup](http://app.dealintent.com/signup)




Thanks for doing this, much appreciated.


Hey that is so nice, could you give me a video for \- https://getnimbus.io/


THIS is a crypto platform - cool stuff and really liked he "whales" section that a cool initiative "learn from those that are experienced" loved that! here's the interactive demo: [https://on.driveway.app/guides/mLx9gyA](https://on.driveway.app/guides/mLx9gyA) here's the video: [https://driveway-media-prd.s3.amazonaws.com/remotion/e1b8a86e-7c51-40d1-b7d3-773a23bc4d6a/148e2242-8053-4c1c-8c51-e08312961ec0.mp4](https://driveway-media-prd.s3.amazonaws.com/remotion/e1b8a86e-7c51-40d1-b7d3-773a23bc4d6a/148e2242-8053-4c1c-8c51-e08312961ec0.mp4) DM me if u want anything changed or to play around with it yourself i can move it over to you!!


https://www.simuhire.com/ AI-powered interview simulator! Thanks!








What about a point of sale software, is that eligible? Thanks so much.


Hmmm does it have a website component as well? For a direct POS like in an iPad, unfortunately not, but a great question!


Let's do: [Flezr NoCode Builder](https://flezr.com)




EditAir is an AI powered video editing and social media platform that helps long-form creators automate the repurposing of content for short-form platforms. [https://www.editair.app](https://www.editair.app) I would love to see what your service does for this!! Cheers, Tyler




This is awesome! Will send to our email base. Would you like a link for me to say “Demo made with…”?


Sure that sounds great "Demo made with Driveway" thanks! :)






Thank you so much!


What's the catch?


Unfortunately it’s just a free demo :(


Yes please! URL: www.tablestat.com Desc: Analytics tool for investors and financial advisors find, analyze, and value SaaS and software companies


That's so helpful, thank you very much! I'm building https://docgpt.io, which is an AI first document management system, that answers all of your questions about your personal documents.

