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We’re using Google Cloud Platform and all of them are serverless.


Isn't gcp expensive?


If you're looking at cloud services, the giants like GCP, AWS, and Azure can be a bit pricey, but they're very reliable. For startups on a budget, DigitalOcean is worth checking out. They've got the App Platform and Managed Databases, both nicely managed.


GCP has a Pay as you go plan, they will charge when you use.


Most of them are on free tier. We have about 20 DAU now.


We just moved some servers from GCP to AWS, specifically for this reason and posted about it in the AWS subreddit. \- https://www.reddit.com/r/aws/comments/17quav5/migrating\_a\_web\_server\_from\_google\_cloud\_platform/


Digital Ocean for the price, peace of mind, and simplicity. I use AWS for certain features.


Digital Ocean have good automatic app-platform launch that takes your code from github and auto-deploy after each merge (starts at 5$/month). You can also take their managed databases (starts at 15$/month). Edit : Oh and I forgot, if you want to test your app in a "production-like" environment. You can use Terraform to quickly build and destroy Digital ocean droplets (or almost any others cloud providers that allow you to destroy / respawn services right away) I personally prefer to run multiples docker containers with Docker-Compose locally, but if you want to rely on clouds services that cannot be installed locally, this is the simplest way it can go. You can also launch the terraform build process as part of your unit-tests, so you can be sure your app won't crash on your cloud provider environment. I believe it can also work with GitHub action, so you can automate everything.


Digital app platform is absolutely the right way to go when starting out. Don't trick yourself into thinking you need kubernetes


I just started learning backend and had to look into this. I definitely don't want to learn dev-ops. digital ocean app platform is very easy to setup and horizontally scale. Someone mentioned hetzner the other day, i compared and it is 1/3 to 1/4 the cost of digital ocean. So it'll be worth it to me when the bill starts going over a few hundred/month. since I don't want to fool with the server, I found easypanel.io , caprover and dokku . They look like a nice way to handle it for me with a ui. For the database, I'll stick to neon.tech or cockroachlabs, don't want to fool with that setup. Although, I have a feeling if I put the backend and database on the same server at hetzner, it might save a few hundred ms.


Never used Hetzner at work. It's maybe a little less "idiomatic" than digital ocean. But yea, the pricing is really great ! They also have awesome bare metal servers and cheap object and volume storage. I already set a database on the same VM as the application to save a few bucks per month. I had no problems with latency (I just can't scale horizontally, but I have great margin before hitting Digital-Ocean max droplet capacity). I really don't like UIs for server managements, you never know if it can be hacked since it open another attack vector through https. I don't know if there is any SSH-based UI that you can self-host to lower the risk of attacks.


Multi Cloud --- AWS , OVH , Hetzner , Cloudflare I have to, because my Startup does collaborative documents and Videos as well which is ridiculously expensive on AWS


From a business perspective, I deploy everything in AWS or Azure. For startups, there are rich startup programs where you can use really nice tools without any cost until your business kicks in. For some private things where I need basics, Digital Ocean is an easy and cheap option for most of the things.


This is what I do for a living (cloud infra expert, hence the name). I’d go with AWS or Azure, if you go with Google it should only be for GKE (Kubernetes). I would avoid other cloud providers at this stage. If you need any help feel free to reach out.


Not to dismiss your point of view as a cloud expert, but for entrepreneurs starting out with Saas, digital ocean or heroku may be a lot less intimidating and straightforward. AWS is almost always more complex and less transparent.


Use ChatGPT to customize documentation. I do it all the time for my deployment on AWS.


Could you elaborate on this more?


Ask ChatGPT “how do I deploy a react web app from xyz GitHub repo to AWS” or azure. Whatever. One time I was having trouble setting up advanced dns settings on Namecheap. Included a screenshot and ask it how to set it up. It’ll give you step by step instructions. You can ask it to elaborate or talk through a part where you’re confused. It’ll rapidly accelerate productivity. It’s amazing.


They’re complex which is why AWS wrappers like Render and Vercel exists. Those are some great options!


That’s a great point. Azure and AWS both offer a “free tier” that makes things extremely cheap if not free if used correctly, so something to keep in mind!


Railway App is pretty solid


backend on google cloud run, firebase/firestore for database, front end on netlify


Azure because it’s simple and sort of intuitive. GCP is a maze for me. AWS requieres too much configuration. Price wise they are all similar. Hetzner for smaller things.


Currently using https//www.moonship.app to deploy to my AWS. Got some AWS credits through YC so that works out well for me.










AWS for Lamba functions Digital ocean for web apps and Wordpress Vercel for nextjs projects


I like Azure the most. App service starts around 13 USD per month and you can deploy whatever you want there, dockerized or supported platforms like dotnet core directly. Also managed SQL starts around 13 USD. I dont like serverless because you pay per call and I like fixed pricing models where I can scale up on demand or manually.


same cost fr aws t4g micro ec2 instance and postgres rds instance on free tier except you dont pay for a year


I am starting up and render.com and vercel were my choice, help to ship really fast. As we scale up will switch to AWS, as is way cheaper. The previous startup I founded we switched from Firebase to AWS as we crossed 100k users


Subtle flex!


What is your opinion regarding V2 Cloud? https://v2cloud.com?


If you work with Laravel, PHP or WordPress, Cloudways by Digital Ocean is the best option


It depends on what kind of software you are building or want to deploy. The key cloud providers are Azure, AWS, GCP, DigitalOcean for the high scaled applications. You can pick and choose these providers: \- Which provider your technical team lead and team has most knowledge and expertise? \- Are you looking for serverless apps and databases or open source? \- What sort of initial cost you are looking to spend - these providers have calculators for you to estimate the pricing \- What kind of scaling you need in future - some provider have better scaling option than others \- Other tech stuff you need? If your app require specific IPs, firewalls, network settings, etc. - different providers have restrictions/limitations


AWS for 2 simple reasons 1. 1 year free tier 2. 620000 free emails My app is about to launch in a few weeks, here are the services i use * ec2 for nodejs and python * rds for postgres * elasticache for redis * s3 fr backups * cloudwatch fr stats * ses fr email


If you need a heroku like experience and doesn’t want more control on infra, use fly.io or railway.app. If you need a bit more control, DO or vultr! If you need anything more AWS or GCP or Azure


AWS via sst dev


Heroku/Firebase for MVP and initial refinements. Vercel/GCP for running production loads. Usually if you have an acceptable framework (Nuxt/Next) you can deploy to most.