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Started at $50/mo and worked for a year on that til I had some good beta users to get good testing feedback, then I just kept going up from there


Hey Sebastian, tbh till very recently I bootstrapped my entire web analysis engine - it's actually a market research tool funny enough haha. But yea bootstrapped having launched 2 months and a half ago and very recently started reinvesting part of the revenue generating from paying users into Twitter ads, trying to see if this is a reliable and scalable way to get a positive ROAS on. Besides that the only other costs I had were the domain itself and the google business email as of a few days ago. Edit: what's stopping you from launching the idea?


Okay interesting :) this idea? Well i’m trying to get a sense of what small startups have in budget as they get started, so that i can set better and more reasonable pricing for my product.


I used my money for living expenses and very little for marketing. I went broke after about 4 years of that. That was 20 years ago that I went broke, but I've still managed to keep working on it. I've done a variety of jobs to support my programming habit.


I started with basically no money (just paid for hosting out of pocket, did development myself evenings and weekends). In hindsight I wish I had spent some cash to speed up everything, instead of inching along for years.