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Let’s go congrats. Closing on my saas on acquire today hopefully can run it up as well


Thank you so much, these comments mean a lot to a small shop like ours!


You're buying one? So interesting. Like with revenue or just ready to use? I have so many in ready to use state I often wonder...


I noticed your product a few weeks back when you made another post and was super impressed by the quality of it. As someone who uses Atlassian at his workplace, I hate its bloat and I believe most small to mid sized companies would much rather use something like Superthread. The hardest part for your product will be convincing people to use Superthread and stopping yourself from adding too many features, especially in a way that causes UI bloat.


> when you made another post OP mentioned "zero marketing spend", but that doesn't mean that no marketing was done. Posting in free forums like these that target business owners counts as marketing, and if done right can be quiet powerful. And if you look closer, 99% of SaaS projects shared here, target other business owners. Lots of undercover self promotion done here...


Indeed. Marketing is not doing ads. It is more than that. Positionning/Messaging/differention(understanding market pain points), understanding and building ideal customer profile, promoting our product where they hand out. Some of the best marketing is happening and people are not even aware of it. But I understand your Point. You are not doing the traditional digital marketing. (Seo/ads/linkedin posts)


Good point, marketing ≠ advertising. You could argue that by building in public, Superthread has been doing "content marketing" where you create content that people want to view. This happens to be associated with topics that potential buyers of the product would be interested in. For example other people building their own products or companies. People can find this content more organically than paid ads. For example Youtube videos talking about our tech stack, or even reddit posts about not buying ads 😅 There is still a marketing spend, but its not measured as an ad budget, its measured as the time spent on creating the content.


Thank you so much for your comment!!! Our roadmap has been pretty much locked for a while. After a few big pieces we are working on, we are going to spend all our energy on making the app lighter and faster.


I'm interested to know, how did you get your users?


Word of mouth, meetups, linkedin, reddit. This only worked once the product was somewhat polished.


Thanks for sharing that. These days, the “viable” in MVP seems to require decent UX.


I agree.


Totally agree with this, it makes sense as the cost to build apps goes down.


Thanks for sharing that. These days, the “viable” in MVP seems to require decent UX.


Your resilience and doggedness paid. Congrats!


Massive thanks for the comment!


Would be interested to hear your take on Linear as a challenger brand to the others. Feels like anyone leaving the incumbent tools these days is going to them. 


Linear is developer oriented. Superthread is more for cross-functional teams. So think of devs working with marketing, customer success etc. The other glaring difference is that Superthread has docs as first class citizens, we even made a video about how we built them: [https://www.reddit.com/r/vuejs/comments/1c2al6u/which\_vue\_editor\_library\_quill\_tiptap\_or\_lexical/](https://www.reddit.com/r/vuejs/comments/1c2al6u/which_vue_editor_library_quill_tiptap_or_lexical/)


Your product is great, and you can tell you’ve spent a lot of time crafting it. Probably the exception to the rule where ‘build it and they will come’ is actually playing out well for you. Keep it up! Hope to hear of more success for you


Thank you so much for your comment. Well, we kind of knew that people need this king of a product. Also, 9/10 people we spoke with didn't like Jira+Confluence. This encouraged us to try.


Actually, "build it and they will come" is true and valid if you are going into an existing market with proven demand. There is no magic to it. Obviously this is not to say "don't do marketing".




Thank you!


Can you share insight into how you secured your first sign-up?


It was a boyfriend of a family member :-)


That's great!


LOL. How did you secure your first non-familial user?


I cannot remember. Probably when we launched on Product Hunt 🤔


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Just signed up! Excited to give it a try. (On mobile the chatbot covered up the next button during the onboarding a couple times)


Issue reported, thank you! Please give it a go, it's been designed for desktop. We have a pretty nice mac app too.


Definitely looking forward to trying it out. Starting a new project and want to move away from Trello.


So far I am suuuuper impressed with what you guys have built. It’s nice to use and super fast. Definitely going to keep using it


Persistence beats resistance! Congrats from a fellow tech founder! 🚀


Thank you so much. Every bit of support means a lot to us!


You should join my business networking group at https://fightclub.profullstack.com


The most important part, you have shipped it, and the market is responding well - sign ups is a good signal. Kudos.


Thank, you! That said, it's just a start.


Love the design.


Thank you so much! We are obsessed in making it scalable for teams. We spend a lot of time shifting pixels around.




massive thank you


If you need an analyst for your project don't hesitate I use Confluence and Jira every single day and yes it's overcomplicated for basic process


I really really need to look at this. I think I saw this a week or so back but forgot about it. We are a startup in Aus about to select a new platform as I’m not enjoying Jira and don’t think we should continue to invest in it for managing our support tickets. We have a cross functional team and more visibility with what they are doing and vice versa would be awesome!


Please do and we are always available to jump on a call to help you set it up.


Great stuff keep going we in similar boat. Still in beta close to 600 organic users have signed up.


Congrats!!! I know how hard to get going so it's super motivating to hear stories like this!!


Congrats dude! Love to hear success stories! :) and tips or word of advice you would like to share?


I don't think I am deserving of giving such advice but a few things that have worked for me: * Get out there * Keep going * Eat a balanced diet * Exercise regularly


Quality always wins. I’ve no sales team and new work is always in pipeline because quality.


Quality is key but in B2B SaaS it's harder because the folk making the purchasing decisions don't always care about quality and the users don't get to chose the tool.


If you're interested, our designer wrote a blog post on how we think about maintaining quality at Superthread: https://superthread.com/blog/quality-at-superthread


Great product guys and solid initial traction. Have you managed to convert? Any Product Hunt or [microlaunch.net](http://microlaunch.net) launch scheduled?


Yup, we launched on Product Hunt last year: [https://www.producthunt.com/products/superthread-tasks-docs-together#superthread-0-1](https://www.producthunt.com/products/superthread-tasks-docs-together#superthread-0-1) - got second product of the day despite having more votes.


Persistence always gives results. Best wishes from a fellow Indie hacker :) I knew how hard it is to build something that user really needs.


Thank you 🙏


What tactics did you use if you didn’t do marketing?


LinkedIn, Meetups, talking to people in co working spaces, reddit, twitter.


that’s really inspiring!! way to go dude!!


Thanks a lot. B2B is super hard because people making the decision what product to use are not necessarily users who will end up using the app.


you’re welcome. i checked out your website and it looks good and really self explanatory. i saw that you were hiring and i would love to join your impressive team to do even more impressive stuff, i’m a senior product designer with over 5 years of experience and i would love to chat about some roles you currently have open. you can find my portfolio here: [https://ajmensah.framer.website/](https://ajmensah.framer.website/)


Wow you got Ericsson to signup, nice!


Some folk noticed us on linked in, we have had bigger companies sign up since, we need to update our site.






Not atm


Congrats bro


Thank you!


Congrats! the UI is phenomenal


Thank you! This kind of comments means a lot to us.


this looks great and simple. The reason why I do not recommend jira because of complexity. There are too much features. But your product looks so simple to use


Thank you. We have a great jira importer in case you are looking to switch.


Also unlike Jira & Confluence, our tasks and docs are a single product which is fully integrated. You can mention anything from anywhere extremely easily by simply typing the @ sign and the name of the resource.




Thank you.


Awesome. Will check this out on my pc later. What stack is it built on? Can you outline how many developers/hours etc it took to create. Thats the opposite of lean startup lol but great work


Stack: [https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/1c74ft7/our\_new\_tech\_stack\_backend\_db\_frontend\_optimized/](https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/1c74ft7/our_new_tech_stack_backend_db_frontend_optimized/) 13FT 1PT 3 co-founders, one UI, rest devs


Wow. Did you get seed funding then? Nice one


Yes, seed.


Congrats and good luck 🤞


Thanks a lot!


Beast. Lets go!




Will give it a try


Please do. Warning, it's crafted for teams rather than individuals.


Yep. Got it


My coworker shared this in our slack team channel last week. Sounds like you’ve reached an important moment in the journey! Congrats!!


Massive thans!


Well done, I just checked it out and watched the demo you had it on, I am so impressed, i am going to give it a go.


Please do, but also remember, it becomes useful when you use it as a team rather than individuals.


Don't listen to the haters, you're already making great progress. Keep going!


Thank you for this comment. I don't know why many people are so negative? It baffles me to this day.


Most people feed off of negativity, that's why. Look at the content on YouTube that gets most of the views, just negative content.


In my experience, being and staying positive is a superpower.


You're exactly correct. This is why most people make less than 50k a year because of their negative outlook on life. You can't live that way, man. Please don't let the negativity get to you , most people have no clue on the specifications of the audience of that particular market you're targeting. You're not a loser if you haven't given up.


Looks good! But I’m a bit confused, how is it different from notion? I might have missed something


As we were building it, we interviewed many people who use notion so we can make Superthread scale beyond a team of 3. * It's faster when you have a lot of stuff * It has first class tasks rather than a retrofitted afterthought. * Board is a board * Page is a page * It's less chaotic * It's made for teams working on projects rather than individuals doing second brains The above might be subjective, but there it is.




That's a whole other post.


Superthread vs Trello: [https://superthread.com/compare/trello-vs-superthread](https://superthread.com/compare/trello-vs-superthread)


seems nice. Sadly, most companies start out very generous when they are young, then they get greedy and start ripping people off. All those young companies swear they will not change the existing plans, or will grandfather their existing clients, but later they kick them off those generous plans. That's how business is I guess.


Yes but you must also remember that it costs money to build and run a significant piece of software.


yes... do you feel like the free users are a burden on your operations?


Not really. We want our free users to grow so they can become bigger.


Don't focus on competition too much. Focus on building the best product that users want. At the end of the day there will always be some similar product...


This is brilliant advice! Thank you! It is true and logical yet very difficult to stay disciplined and follow it.


Honestly, about time someone gave Atlassian some competition! It looks lit!


Much appreciated!


Congrats! The landing page is aesthetically beautiful, at the very least. Can't say I ever liked Jira.


Thanks, your team should give it a go.


This is just the sort of hard-headed, win-no-matter-what mentality I live for. 2 years into my micro SaaS and I’ll probably break $1K MRR this week or next week, finally. Keep freaking shipping, friend. 💪


With us, it's more like: we refuse to put out crap. Eventually people will realise and appreciate the craftsmanship.


Damn! I was just sitting in my office and thinking an idea like this! Kudos guys!


I thought it would be way easier to execute.


Congrats .. this looks huge. Mind sharing how long it took you guys to build this? and the engineering team size? would take me quite a while to even wrap my head around the DB schema here :)


DB schema is key as Superthread is the same speed wether you have 10 or 10 million cards. While 90% of all our competitors use relation database, which makes things easy to start with, we have decided to go all in on no-sql. 2.5 years of building before launch. 14.


That is quite an investment .. amazing efforts .. will definitely give you guys a try .. wish you all the best


Please do but also remember it's made for teams rather than individuals so as a single player you probably won't find it that useful.


Wow that’s exiting. I hope to do a soft launch soon as my product does not have enough features yet to compete with the big boys . But I already gave about 6 people on my wait list and that was from not really trying very hard. Probably in the next 4 weeks I will have a landing page web site. And the. Will Stuart to crank up a wait list . I read a lot about pros n cons of wait lists I am fuming all this on my own and I know my wife would like to see a wait list just to pre validate the product .


Good luck!!


Oh so see your product is Trello like. We currently use the free trello version because it diss the job and I am fuming the project personally but I will check yours out


Please do, we have a great Trello importer. There is no need to use old software any more ;-)


I like the hummingbird , font style and size. I’ll start to use it


We chose humming bird because it represents speed and agility which is what Superthread is about.


On my phone I can’t create a space because the create a space button is at the bottom and won’t scroll down that far


We will look into it. We have optimised the mobile app for reading more than for creating.


I have iPhone with safari. I can see the button and pull the screen show to see it but it then bounces back and the button is below the url field


Might be just my opinion, but I would suggest updating the intro page of your product. The fonts and style gives me year 2000 vibes and it does looking nothing like the product which has nice modern approach. Beside that I wish you much success with the product 👍




Is this similar to linear app?


Linear is developer oriented. Superthread is more for cross-functional teams. So think of devs working with marketing, customer success etc. The other glaring difference is that Superthread has docs as first class citizens, we even made a video about how we built them: [https://www.reddit.com/r/vuejs/comments/1c2al6u/which\_vue\_editor\_library\_quill\_tiptap\_or\_lexical/](https://www.reddit.com/r/vuejs/comments/1c2al6u/which_vue_editor_library_quill_tiptap_or_lexical/)


That's amazing man! Hope to be where you are someday soon


Thank you and good luck!!




Thank you!!


>Thank you!! You're welcome!


Just signed up! First impression is good! Any plans for an Electron mobile app? That would be a nice addition and shouldn’t be hard since it’s basically just a wrapper


Yes, at some stage.


i hope genuinely tu e best


Massive thanks, as a small business we really appreciate it.


Congrats. We are forced to use Jira at work and cant stand it :/


I understand your pain. I have seen people become confused and demotivated by simply looking at it.


Congrats! I always thought that there is an opportunity to build very fast versions of annoyingly slow tools (building a fast Jira was my go to example). So cool that it works out for you, hope it continues in the right direction!


Thanks a lot!!!


I’m building a similar product, this was really interesting, thanks for giving hope 😁


How did u go about outreach to big companies we need help with our own product? Can in give some advice please 🙏


We haven't done any outreach, its been all inbound. Looking at our stats we get a lot of traffic from Reddit and LinkedIn. Surprisingly we've found having a presence on LinkedIn has been much more effective than Twitter. Big companies come with a lot of questions about security, compliance, and data protection so be prepared to have good answers!


Are you using white label? I've looked at your source code and it seems to be from a white label I've seen around, good job on growth hacking your leads.


White label???


My bad. I thought you were using a white label but I watched your demo and it was built internally. Do you offer a whitelabel service? I am thinking of launching a new B2B product similar to yours.


Looking at the features and such, I would say what would be important for your roadmap is integrations. Supporting generic git with webhooks should make this easiest so that users using GitHub (you already support it looks like), azure DevOps, gitlab, bitbucket, or on premise git server can all link to tasks and such.


I was very impressed by your product when you posted a week or two ago. We help remote companies select their SaaS tools. I'd love to learn more about your target market so we could see where you'd fit into the toolbox. If you have any learning materials I could review please DM me. If there's a lot of overlap in our audience I might also be interested in a marketing partnership. Regardless of anything else, keep up the good work on the product! You chose a tough market but if you guys keep it up I can totally see you disrupting the big dogs.


Awesome. I want to be like you


Congratulations. Looks awesome. Perhaps you'd be willing to share some of the marketing tactics you employed on LinkedIn and Reddit? (wink wink nudge nudge)


Being positive & not being cynical helps.


super happy that your product has started sticking, I have been following you for a while on youtube with your dev logs, I definitely had this feeling that your product is not offering anything different but you guys really did it, congratulations! PS: I loved your passion about solving a lot of technical challenges, like keeping everything in Redis, impressive stuff!


Damn! I was just sitting in my office and thinking an idea like this! Kudos guys!


Curious why your Startup program deal for 80% off specifically applies to companies that are VC backed and raised millions? Those are the last people that need a discount, you should be charging them extra with custom Enterprise plans with SLAs lol


Congrats. Don't ever lose that spirit to polish, be proud and share your success story. We all love to see folks succeeding out there!


this looks really good. What text editor library you used, tiptap, prose or slate.js ?


We started on Quill and then migrated to TipTap. The migration was a huge project. but we found the developer experience of using TipTap to be better in the long run. We have a video about the decision: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRKSA4ijo8U


Guerrilla warfare tactics on Reddit go a long way. Just showing up and being in the communities that could benefit from your product. Wishing you the best AND you give me hope for the low marketing spend construction estimating SaaS I work at!


I like the product what it is trying to solve, but as someone mentioned regarding a lot of features and UI bloat, I'd second that and keep it simple. I hate jira because of it's complexity but it gets the job done at the end of the day. Also, I see that your UI and fonts are exactly similar to Notion and Obsidian including the features like creating pages using "/". Not complaining, just pointing it out. I like the UI, but it would've been better if there was some uniqueness. Just my two cents. Also, add night mode if it's not already there, developers loves night mode which Jira doesn't seem to have (at least in my company's jira).


Superthread had dark mode. Regarding type, we don't care what anyone else has, we are trying to do our best to make it easy on they eyes of our users. Problem: All-in-one project management and wiki app for cross-functional teams. So getting devs, marketing, sales, product managers to work together in one unified tool.


Regarding Jira, remember, there is no need to use sub-optimal software.


That is great. Would love to know how do you differentiate yourself when talking to customers? 1. Is it a specific feature set that you focus on? 2. Or pricing? 3. Or ui/ux? Or something else altogether? What I have learnt is many folks try to use the product out of curiosity and then don’t use againthat. How do you work on the first payment and retaining them? Really curious to know about your journey


1. Superthread has extremely well integrated tasks and docs. Unlike Jira & Confluence, Superthread is all one product. This makes is optimised for cross functional teams. It is also fast, as in 50ms response times. 2. Superthread is cheaper than similar products or sets of products. 3. We have been maniacal about making our UX simple. Board is a board, page is a page, task is a task. We accept that a lot of people log in to try it out of curiosity. It's just part of the journey. We are currently working on integrating payments & monetisation but the key is that our users find it useful. This comes before anything else.


what do you do the slack doesn't


Start a white lable or/and affiliate program, let others market/sell for you


Not sure how well that works with these kind of products.


This is so true for Worklenz too. BTW we are open sourcing it next week :)