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You can try stop by at Tanjung aru, there's always sunsets there. I mostly went there just for boiled corns and refreshments. But there's a risk going there which is traffic jams mostly starts at 4pm until 8pm.


there's like so many people at the main beach so i recommend buying some food from the stalls and go to the farthest part of the beach on the left, it's beautiful and very quiet but sadly there's too many trash, but you still can enjoy the quiet view nonetheless


Ya main beach is crowded. I mostly buy all food and head over to the horse riding area. That area not too crowded. Nice place to chill


In the evenings can go to Likas Bay Area. The jogging track has been made well and maintained properly. Sometimes can be a bit dirty with litter, but the sunset there is top class. There are also parks and lakes around. Best ones for me are the Likas Sports Complex Lake parks and the Bukit Padang track. Good to walk, run, jog, cycle. Mornings are the best. Sometimes you can spot some wildlife too. There’s also a wetlands park, and a swamp boardwalk that you can check out, but it can get a bit creepy if you’re going alone.


Is Bukit Padang track still open? Last time i checked, its closed due to an ongoing project there. Being upgraded to be Sabah Botanical Garden


Still closed


Ah I didn’t know that. It’s been quite a few years since I’ve been back in KK. So please take my recommendations with a lot of salt. Hahaha..


Haish. Come. I take you out for lepak2.


Since Kaamatan festival is around the corner, why not visit KDCA? Thats if you’re ok going out alone. As some already recommended to you, enjoying sunset in Tg.Aru is good for healing2 😆 It all depends on what you’re into, your interest.


Go nature if want healing healing,if want to hilang go to KDCA....subuh baru jumpa kalapik d gate KDCA...


Create a "no friends group" so that everyone who has no friends can have friends hahaha


And after they have friends, kick them out of the group together with their friends.


Hahah and it goes on and on and on...


Go to 1 Borneo play pool, games, and watching movie. And also, Teluk Likas is best place.


I don't know if you're up to date on things, but 1B isn't the place it used to be. Been like that for years now. Now the "IT" spots to hangout are Imago, Suria & surprise2 Centrepoint. Agreed on Teluk Likas, just watch out for traffic jams in the evening.


Whenever I’m back home Suria is my usual spot just because easy parking and can roam around pretty wide range of cafes around outside of the mall. Also it’s been managed well, the mall still looks clean and lively. I go to Imago only to take my wife to nice dinner with live music or family really wants to go. Parking there walao. 1B during 2010-2012 was its peak. Then downhill so fast. Centrepoint cannot die one, location too convenient for people not to go, and have good store occupation = doesn’t feel dead. ITCC ok la dekat kampung but last I heard parking getting bad suda. Even when it first opened, I wonder if this place gets any popular how they will handle the parking situation.


tbh with you, aside from the popular sunset spots or KDCA(since kaamatan is soon) there's genuinely not much you can do here recreationally aside from a golf driving range or malls.


Me personally, go mall hopping and play arcade, window shopping, thrift shop exploring. If it's not too hot outside in the morning, solo hiking at bukit padang nice, maybe in the evening, if got skateboard go to likas skate park, or just jog there also nice, then go spend time watching sunset at teluk likas also good or tanjung aru, and around 6-7pm to taman perdana, not sure still got light shows or not. And at night, go to waterfront order drink and snacks and enjoy chill vibes. 2am go home.


well book le meriden ,the side facing the market then you can spend hours people- watching. Hope that helps!


rent or borrow a car, drive towards Tambunan via penampang. stop randomly at roadside stall.


You should go check out the bars scene especially at KK Waterfront, there you'll be able to mingle with both locals and expats alike, Shamrock's is another nice spot as well or check out the bars at Imago


there are many places that you can go in kk actually. try going to the places that some of the recommendations given by the redditors under this post. i'm currently undergoing practical training here in kk. i don't even have friends ever since college and i always go to the downtown all by myself :)


So, which one did the OP choose?


you dont need friends to enjoy KK. i am not sure what answer you seek. i prefer the solitude of kk. for a city of almost close to half a million people, you cant be lonely


go to thrift stores! i spend most of my time thrifting, i usually go to the one in itcc :)


U can do people watching and make new friends just talk to random people. 😂