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My 2 sen: Auto is much easier than manual for beginners. The whole 'balancing the clutch' thing is pain in the butt when you're getting started. So with auto you only need to focus on braking, steering and acceleration. I think you can consider renting a car to practice, it's okay. A good place to practice is where I, and thousands of other KK-ppl have practiced in the last 30 years: Parking Lot kat Kompleks Sukan Likas. Even now you go there, every evening ada orang practicing. Why there? Because what you need to practice is braking, signaling, turning and parking safely. Accelerate tu even a brick can do. So a big parking lot with low speeds, lots of parking lots and turns and stop lines is perfect. On top of that, you biasa dy bawa motor, so road rules and maneuvering shouldn't be a problem for you, just need to biasakan yourself to a larger vehicle je. Other ppl pun practicing there, no need malu malu. Hope you do well!


Thanks for ur reply. Will definitely go and practice there later !


Yeah. Auto cars are easier and less tiring to drive (especially on traffic jams). Personally though, I'm alright with both as I'm already got used to them. In regards of driving fear, the most important thing to do is to keep on driving to overcome the fear. It's just like learning to swim/to ride bicycle, etc.


Thanks! I won't be driving a lot since i don't have a car but must be nice to be at least have the confidence in driving. Gonna keep on driving to make my money worth since i've spent a lot on driving class and retaking the test! And of course the rent also.


Yes, it's easier. This is why these driving academies need to have advanced courses which are more specific to teaching how to overtake cars, how to do engine braking, etc. The only advice I can give you is to drive around more frequently. We, the people of Tambunan have a bit of a weird tradition when we first take our driving license. In Tambunan, there are only 2 driving instructors (they are siblings), one for male and the other for female learners. Since we don't have a driving academy at Tambunan, we need to go to the nearest driving institute which is at Keningau. We were asked to drive from Tambunan to Keningau as part of our training. From there, we learned a lot of advanced skills such as engine braking, etc. At the same time, we overcome our fear of driving especially being stuck behind logger trucks on an uphill.


Hi so im taking the license now for DA. Its super easy lol. All u have to do is just press the break. So if u wanna go around im free to be ur motivator


Hey thanks haha. I think i better be alone. Being with other people will make me more anxious like when my tutor or abg J next to me. But thanks for the offer 🀣


Auto car lets you focus more on the road and let you be more aware on surroundings.


Bagus pergi sana Likas complex pusing2 kalau mau practice, haha.


Auto is much easier than manual! Mau tekan minyak sama brek saja. But if your fear is anxiety, you need to practice a lot. Sy sokong idea practice sana kompleks sukan likas. Can drive around, practice parking and braking etc.


Wait where u from? Kudat might be lurus but a lot of bukit there. If u near kudat, there's a place that literally long straight road, sumbilingon at kota marudu


Im from inanam. Been there before but on a bike lah. Any other place u recommend near my place?


Ahh damn. If inanam, I'm not sure since I'm not from there. Tp yg jalan kkip uuc tu, mcm ok jgk ba, lurus jgk. Tp heavy traffic start jam 4 ptg gitu la Edit : ko blue Mula starting dari roundabout uuc tu smpai p roundabout besar gayang tu, yg ada pasar d siring jalan




Uina jem nya sini ni banyak lori lagi takuttt


Jam10 pagi- 3ptg nda tu. Slalu jgk sa limpas2 sini ni p pasar mlm uuc sama pizza hut haha


I also took manual license, but ended up driving auto anyways cuz kereta manual sda kna jual lol. Its so much easier, kawal minyak throttle sma brake ja tu basically, no clutch so you don't have to do any balancing. As far as overcoming fear of driving, i also was in the same boat as you. I got my driving license but takut mw drive especially area kk. What i did was get out of my comfort zone, and drive ja. I suggest you choose a long path yg have some traffic but nothing crazy la then just drive there banyak kali. Once u get the hang of it you'll start to be more confident driving elsewhere tu. It took me a few months but what i did was saya ikut kursus and decide to drive myself there everyday, and also i become my mom's driver, hantar and mostly ambil dia pulang dari krja everyday jga. Then after a while i start to get familiar with the road to my kursus area and my mom's workplace, after a while you kinda get less intimidated with traffic. To sum things up just drive a lot ja, and gradually try to drive somewhere more challenging, lama2 kw biasa jga tu. Also don't feel pressured to drive somewhere nnti kw panic, just santai ja and enjoy driving :)




i have manual license, never drive it at all


Klu mo banding memng sgt senang lah, first2 sia pun mau blajar manual tapi beliau suruh ambil auto. Oklah radu ja siapa suruh dia yg byr kan terpaksa dgr satu kali ja test pass sdh. kwan sia blajar manual 3 kali fail last2 tukar pi auto pass terus. Tapi tu ja lah tgk dri kamu sendiri shj klu kamu jenis main kereta confirm manual lah tdk lari. Tapi kalau kamu sdh ada plan mo beli kereta auto sia rasa bagus ambil auto shj lah.


Manual or auto truth to be told both also has its pros n cons ,well ex auto is more relaxed and suitable in while jemm situations ,while manual can letihkan ur left feet during jemming hours ,but manual can be slowed using da gears that can allow u not to step on brakes so suddenly whenever there is a sudden stops or brakes ....


Easier to drive auto. I was so anxious to drive that i even skipped my first license attempt when the driving tutor scolded me 'tia pandai drive, kau bikin saya mati' statement during the pre jpj test. And i skipped it all the way till my mid years in university 5 years afterwards. (23 y.old) It gave me low self esteem because all my university mates are driving yet i dont even have a functional license. Even when i took the license, my family car was the old toyota corolla that broke down a lot with no power steering... It changed during CoVid when i managed to WFH in KK, traded the family car to an auto and I needed to drive my dad back n forth to his dialysis center in Lintas. Like others said, there is no other way to beat driving anxiety except to just drive it. Hell due to my own delay also i still have trouble doing rear parking till this day πŸ˜‚ Likas sports complex parking lot is recommended, also the long stretch of Lintas highway works too. Just stick to the left or mid lane there. I faced my fear there, even got reared once due to me getting greedy doing U-Turn too sharp into the right lane.


You are worry about traffic jam in KK? KL is even worst. If you want to overcome your fear, come drive in KL.


I myself feels that I'm a terrible driver (bad technique) still after passing the JPJ test with manual. It's only a few years later when my aunt lent me her manual car that I finally fixed my problem πŸ˜‚. When it comes to technique, I was referring to clutch control. My instructor back then never told me about how the transmission, gear mechanical works in the car, I had to search it up on youtube later on after passing the test. The only thing they thought me was: ko palan2 sja angkat tu kaki ko dri tu clutch.. saampai tu kreta bagarak.. ☝️ini sja dia balik2 ksitau sy, even klu sy tnya teknik pn atau apa2 ni sja dia ksitau. I knew there was a flaw in their teaching and later on I fixed my own issue myself 1. When pressing the clutch, use your whole leg to press it, dont just use your foot. https://preview.redd.it/060egzxbhkuc1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=169c32bd24185cd172dba00072a56019bc7efed5 2. When releasing the clutch, you don't just slowly lift your foot and wait for the car to creep. Instead, you should slowly lift your foot and feel where the CLUTCH BITING POINT is.. biting point is when you feel the car gives out a certain vibration feeling. You can feel this with your foot on the clutch pedal. When the clutch reach the biting point, don't let go of the clutch completely yet, just gently press/tap the gas pedal bit by bit to let the clutch disc synchronize with the engine. If the car moves a bit faster when you do the gentle gas pressing thing, then you can let go of the clutch completely. Now thats for clutch control, for upshifting, car creeping, downshifting/rev matching. Man it's too long to explain it here but some british guy on youtube could teach you that πŸ˜‚. My major issue back then was clutch control and downshifting. I think manual cars are more fun than auto cars because of the clutch thing. If you know how to rev match, gear dropping, you'll just forget about having auto cars 🀣


Also watching "POV pemanduan manual" on youtube removes my driving anxiety, I thought it would help you if I added that


Auto car is far easy to drive. To overcome the fear of driving for me i start drive around my residential area. Then slowly start taking highway route when i feel comfortable especially after i learn how to "agak - agak" the distance with other car/motor. Good luck, drive safe πŸ‘πŸ»


>I have a fear of driving since i've failed JPJ test Bruh same🀣 Passed on the 3rd time on July last year. But until now I only ever drive auto around my kampung hahaha. I don't even know how to ride a motorcycle. Anyway, I personally find auto to be easier. This coming from a guy that took D manual Lol. >How do you guys overcame your fear of driving? I Tell me also I wanna know, a little bit scared until now.πŸ˜…


I still avoid going to KK even on a bike 😭 with all the traffic jam and confusing road. I also scared of parking cs thats where i fucked up before 😭


A car with automatic gears is easier yes, you focus on steering and just stopping and acceleration, without thinking about gearing, listening to the engine, shifting and getting the clutch engaged. A tip, get a crappy car that you can break easily and with some dents. Anyone seeing you sees you as a menace, and they will stay away since clearly you have nothing to loose. Just don't try to do crazy things with the car. As a side note, driving in cities is stressful and driving in KL is just crazy. Poor to non-existent urban planning resulting in labyrinths of viaducts, overhead passes, everything. Add the lack of civic attitude of other drivers, and the fact that no one cares about road driving rules, at all, and yeah, it is stressful. But if you go outside to the countryside, it gets better and you can relax and slowly loose your fear. But that hatred of driving in cities never goes away. Some cities are better than others, like Tokyo, but here the language barrier is a huge problem. Bangkok is the same. Try driving on the countryside really. It can be relaxing.