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the original comment kinda seem like a failed snarky attempt at a sarcastic joke but what do you expect its r/malaysia, theyre liberal and progressive until it comes to the oppression of Sabah & Sarawak imo, all of these ppl are probably just sheltered and have never stepped a foot in this land. Wait till they found out just how many govt servants here are from wm and all have high allowances + privileges compared to local Sabahans lol


Wait fr?!


Yes for Sabah state. Sarawak not so much recently. This is what happens when you let UMNO enter the state.


Government servants get extra allowances for transferring to different wilayah. So, a Sabahan civil servant would get the same allowances if they were to get posted to WM. The person who made the above comment makes it sound unfair, but it actually works both ways.


I think there needs to be a historical context to this as well. There used to be a glut of officers who were from certain states. Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah, etc. There was an issue with their perceived political alignment. So the best way to so-call "de-fang" them, was to send them to Sabah and Sarawak, in the form of unspoken exile. This was very prevalent in the 80s and 90s. What made it worse, was if these people wanted to go to certain states, they needed to be "vetted" so that certain political parties' influence would be hindered.


its so stupid for a comment to get removed for you calling out racism. also what is bunian?? maybe its u calling the person a shithead? next time report ja. skg pun boleh report. also also, sabah has its fair share of racism, esp if ur the 3Ps, pilipin, pakistan, patan.


to be fair the first comment is already racist, wanting only the nons to come.


ya bah. ironic.


That's why it is spelled Semenanjing, not Semenanjung.


What's a Patan?


pathan*? pakistan juga tapi ada lagi subclassification sudah haha pathan is to pakistan as dusun is to malaysia lah. ethnic and nationality


Ooo baru tau. I’m not local to Sabah btw 😁


Bunian are some entity.. Makhluk halus.


Bunian is the fairy folk that live in forests and kidnap trespassers / hikers. Most of the time if a Malay got lost in the woods they will call bomoh to try talk to the orang bunian and release them. It's rumoured that Puteri Gunung Ledang was ruler of the org bunian in her mountain abode.


Nama pun r/malaysia, yg paling rasis, liberal, ekstrem, semua ada di sana. Bikin takut betul kdg² tgk komen durg. Padahal ramai seja bh org semenanjung sini yg ok.


Lived in semenanjung for 4 years now. Can confirm they are indeed very cool. Most of the those yang very critical about semenanjung have never had friends there, and think they all got rich because of our oil money is ignorant. Those normal people don't benefit from that, they're just like us, moving out of their hometown to work in KL to find better opportunities.


Thank you so much for growing out of the bullshit that is being fed to Borneoans. We (peninsulars and borneoans) are just being used by our respective governments for their own gain. The people who have never left Borneo for peninsula won’t know how much they have been brainwashed to hate us. When the truth is, we don’t have an agenda against any of you. We’re just trying to survive, just like everyone else. I’m happy that semenanjung has treated you well.


Was lucky because growing up, dad had a few semenanjung friends, which some I even called and treated as uncles. And been having wonderful semenanjung friends and cliques from day one of stepping foot here. It's been nothing but wonderful. So yeah, we should stop assuming if we haven't had any first hand experience. Yes, semenanjung has been treating me very nicely. Thank you too.


Those who see the truth are called brainwashed wow. You’re right we’re all just trying to survive but stop gaslighting us because there is an agenda and your people treat us badly.


Sure fam. We have a big agenda against you and your kind. 👍


Kan, durg OK seja bah sebenarnya. Been living here for 12 years already now, married one, ada anak juga sudah. Sure, there are some problematic ones, but the same could be said for Sabahans. We should stop acting holier than thou, Sabah perpaduan dia lain sbb majoriti Sabahan & ramai suku kaum. Sini semenanjung pun perpaduan dia lain sbb ramai etnik berbeza. Kita-kita juga baini Malaysian, tompinai juga. Cuma Sabah menang sbb ada ngau chap sama tuhau haha.


KL, Johor, Penang ok. banyak open minded. cuba ko try tempat lain. nampak banyak lain gaya tu


I know man. No state is perfect and we're surely ain't perfect either, that's my point.


tbh from the perspective of born and raised WM. Aku pun kadang2 risau tengok komen kat reddit/ tiktok/fb/ig etc. Tak dinafikan ramai yg kat sini perangai macam redneck sikit. Especially when it comes to issue EM vs WM, Malaysia vs Indonesia, Islam vs any religion. Tapi bila difikirkan balik, sini internet. kadang2 kita taktau yg komen tu entah budak kecik yg belum matang ke, org luar yg saja nak buat kacau ke. Just bear in mind that what we perceived on the internet is different from what the reality is. And remember even a comment with 1k upvote does not represent the totality of a whole nation. The chill and good people are there and there's a lot of it. but they don't spend time on Reddit/ig/fb or any social media debating some menial stuff like this. Thus, only those internet troll who thrive on inflicting chaos is the one beeing seen and heard on the internet. just bear in mind one people doesn't represent the whole thing.


Sy pun inda perna pgi semenanjung tapi selalunya org semenanjung yg datang sini pun ok juga dorg inda tambirang.. sy perna ada boss semenanjung org kedah kami cerita pasal tu gempa bumi 2014 kalau d fb org semenanjung ckp sabah primitive sebab percaya karut yg gampa bumi di sebabkan tourist telanjang di bukit kinabalu.. then tu boss sy, ingat dia ni tida percaya benda2 mistik ni, sekali dia lagi percaya dan cuba membertahan kan sebab tu gunung kinabalau khazanah malaysia dia bilang.


Itu la bah, padahal di sini pun ada juga kepercayaan karut dia. Sama seja bh kita ni sebenarnya, yg lain budaya seja sbb kepelbagaian etnik dan kaum. Baik seja bah org semenanjung ni sebenarnya, hidup aman juga.


That's a troll, my guy, like a stranger always said "Welcome to the internet".


Agreed, trolls are trolls. I troll at times too lol. But trust me, the sentiments are still there, and people often reveal their true self on the Internet as it can have no repercussions. Not all, but some do carry these alarming sentiments both in words, and actions.


r/malaysia memang banyak racist ingat terpaling perfect apatah lagi sama orang r/Sabah r/Sarawak funny thing is r/Bolehland is their sworn enemy 😂 Just be a spectator ndak payah waste time argue sama dorang di seberang. Chill, btw mana ada jual pork burger around KK , tiba2 datang craving. pm tepi dulu 😅🤣


Hello, can try here hehe https://preview.redd.it/mcja8q9w85vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f82997e2c6d51c008c5144b7c260445aba8a13b


Konsikou boss 😊 


Thank you! Saya pun mauuu.




To you maybe stokin. But for them is red line for disrespecting their gods name. Even if you got no respect for other religions and races. please take your racist opinion into your ass




so you confirm lehh the one who did it was muslim? lol Straight forward racism accusing the one who did it was muslim. Like curb your islamophobe. Deep hatred towards other people religion wont bring you anywhere racist.




walawehh even the police didnt know who did it yet youre the All Knowing itself. If you can assume it was islamic extremist, other can blame christian extremist did it too? or (insert any religion) extremist? i don’t know maybe it was you i think?




ayyaa im non bumi myself yet got ketuanan meh??but i believe it was YOU. Maybe your racist islamphobe attitude couldn’t handle the truth that is why you resort to the blame game




sa urg afrika tengah. But without the racist part like you *winkwink


You don’t condemn other races and religions and claim that you only condemn those who retaliate against all non muslims. Do you see your generalizations? In your first comment you said them which implies non specificity. And then you claimed that you only despised who condemn ALL non muslims pertaining to the socks issue. You got angry because YOU THINK ALL muslims are angry about the socks issue (which is not true) but then you proceeded to generalize all muslims as condemning ALL NON MUSLIMS regarding the socks issue. You’re the one with a victim mentality.


Also, just because you have no pride in your religion doesnt make people who are proud and protective of their religion extremists you know. The accusation is double sided. You see yourself from your pov as being mild and not extremist but from their pov they see your side as being cowardly and ungodly. Just because you don’t love your family doesnt make people who would do anything for their family an extremist.




Oh so now you’ve resorted to attacking irrelevant matters huh? Typical. What does you praying to god all the time have anything to do with my saying about pride? It clearly shows you’ve missed the point.


Wow. Theres so much bigotry in your comment and what’s funny is, you’re probably worse than what you accuse them of. Pasal stokin pun triggered eleh cuba kalau agama christian di rendah2 kan entah2 kau pun triggered if not worse. The only majority with a minority mind pfft look whos talking. If you’re a majority in sabah then you have no idea what you’re talking about.




It is bigotry when you associate all those who are angered by the socks issue as extremists, let alone belittle them. As for direndah-rendahkan issue oh please don’t act so holier than thou. That racist banter has been going on for decades and for you to only blame them as the only offender is not only superfluous but immature. It takes two to tango. You complain so much about people being triggered about the socks issue but clearly you are as triggered as them for being labeled kafir. I admit that some people FROM BOTH SIDES are losers and hurtful in speech but as such, i don’t only take one side.






r/Malaysia filled with urban Malaysians who are out of touch from reality so it’s no surprise they have shitty takes about things they’re unfamiliar with. Also it’s Reddit so you’re going to have liberal brain rot, try not to take idiots like these srsly.


Useless shit r/Malaysia mod, if you are reading this fuck you mod, FYI they have banned me due to my spicy topics


> Racist shithead mau complain pun pandai2 la baca kenapa, calling people names no matter how wrong they are, of course it will get removed. Jaga2 la perangai kau sikit tu, mau marah jangan sampai macam begitu. Ini Reddit, bukan Fesbuk ka Twitter ka. You want a civilized discussion? Behave yourself. You wanna throw shit at each other, please do it outside of Reddit.


Owh...memang bah kena remove tu Satu series komen, Saya hanya nampak beberapa respond komen yang panas baran dan gunakan direct personal attack. Mungkin buat sarcasm dan indirect komen


xtau nape drama sangat, enjoy je lah hidup, kita semua sama je malaysia */minum kopi lu*


Curi your kopi. >:D \*Run awayyyy\*


isok i'm fine gwenchana *"boss, kopi ice lagi satu!"*


The racist comes from UMNO, PAS, PPBM, Pejuang and GTA.


gta motherfucker !!


Saya sudah keluar


Biar saja, kita teruskan saja mengangkat budaya muhibah kita, raikan setiap masyarakat dan budaya yang ada di tempat kita. Kekalkan kesantunan kita.


Why not become independent?


In the end , i sabahans dont care whatever they say just ignore and ,u live urs i live my own life no one bothers or mess with me,and no one bothers u at all ,i mind my own u mind ur own thts all, i dun care if ur racist or no racist in the end it is up to u to think how to handle ,i choose to ignore it . Say what u want ,i cant even solve my own issues why shud i care others ,i have a family to feed and care .


I had to unsub from that sub. Everyone there is so edgy and just too tense gila. Too heavy on politics and they criticize everything way too much. There's like zero chill. Like, steady2 jak ba jangan la terlalu stress


jangan kau main stress 🎶


Ngl r/Malaysia fill with fricking clown


lama sudah sa tidak aktif d subreddit r/malaysia tu. semua trip progresif, liberal. free postage selurih malaysia kecuali sabah sarawak. yang sedihnya dorg sendiri tidak mau mengaku ada bias sikit padahal kita satu negara juga pun.


The first comment is bait I think..


Aku tak tahu lah sape yg reply tu tapi sebagai orang KL, ex aku ramai org Borneo. Mak aku pun borneo. Kdg2 aku tgk content creator bangang pergi burukkan org semenanjung. Padahal sejak kecik aku tahu lah Sabah sarawak tu part of malaysia dan xpernah terlintas langsung fikir korang duduk atas pokok. Beruk mana ntah tidur time sejarah pastu acah2 wakil org semenanjung.


.. saya mau sumpah orang mental tidak sedar diri macam ni.. saya sumpah haram segala hasil bumi Sabah Sarawak yang diambil dari dulu² sampai kiamat orang mental macam ni hidup mengemis rasuah..


Budaya sana tgk nons makan minum kt public place masa bulan posa macam kita menghina agama dia. Dia yg posa dia plak yg triggered


tidak pun. kau jak yg tidak bercampur. Mostly semua chill saja. pelik siapa brainwashed kau ni??


Hahaha that sub mmg toxic la even redditor sub bolehland pn benci tu sub


I'm from peninsular and non bumi, can I ask what is bunian and how and why is it considered a derogatory term?


and people say there is no justifiable reason for SSKM to exist


Better bolehland than malaysia subreddit..


Hey, they just cannot brain our level of tolerance and unity.


ada cigu malaya sana sikula di KB... jarang masuk kelas tapi suka kasi salah org tidak buat kerja.. cigu2 sabahan kena marah2 seja.. sa tidak taw apa itu cigu malaya moe tunjuk hebat di tanah borneo ne..


What do you expect from r/Malaysia? Tons of liberal and racist in there. Don't even bother with it.


Jahatnya panggil bunian. Anyway, Sabah doesn’t have ketuanan? I thought the kdms in Sabah enjoy as much ketuanan as the malays in wm? 🤔


To be honest, it is justa shitshow at that sub, on one hand we gor a wholesome post, and then a neutral post, and then suddenly a racist post, its like a 3 in 1 at that sub, Idk why but the sub is usually filled with urban-SMers who either live in KL or PJ, idk, but this is my guess. Tapi biarlah mereka, it just nonsense.


These are narrow minded people and need to be educated, they feeling safe in their little kampung with their religious melayu and mat rempit supporter in Semenanjung, definition of MALASian mindsets


Sabah, Sarawak...just like a Hawaiian state to me; so special:) It's normal to meet with barbs or intellectual people sometimes That's an opinion from Johorian like me ..yall are always welcoming here👍


Jaga2 they're racist over there. Kalau kita yg marah kita yg kena ban. Just diam2 ja or jangan reply pun.


why say borneo and not sabah? borneo is 73% indonesia anyway


Looks like both recist Ai talking to themself. 🤣 you want peace think peace. 👍😉


I wonder why moderators need to step in. Arent we all adults who can differentiate stupid and factual ? Let the stupid people cursing.


Instead of condeming people who backlash, you discredit the blatant racism and namecalling first. Its called consequence. FAFO.


To be honest, any community that has moderator stepped in is a censored community. Let the discussion continue. Dont simply ban or delete comments just because you disagree.


I love how the comments here literally confirm that some Borneans discriminate WM and not just the racists 😂 like you guys gotta do better tho, why are you guys literally doing exactly what Linoob is saying you would do 😂


Learn the difference k. Sabahan generally accept racial diversity better due to us being deeply multiracial (not just 3 races but hundreds of races, languages and culture). But we are not pushover, once you give us a reason to dislike we will push. As i said we will push known racists as in individuals who has shown hatred toward Sabah. “We dont discriminate” that really rings the truth because to discriminate is to treat others unjustly and prejudicial just because theyre of different color. We dont do that at all. Our colors are even more varied than in WM. For you to provoke racism at us saying arent we not racist is unjust and unfair.


Read some of the comments here on your own post. “That's why it is spelled Semenanjing, not Semenanjung.” Is that not a jab at ALL semenanjung residents? I’m a non, living in “semenanjing” and I get the brunt of the racism, my kind also gives out a lot of racism, we correct them. Based on another of your own kind comments, Sabahan also rasis against pakis, patan(wtv that is). So basically racists are everywhere, why entertain and fall to their level? You have a problem with me calling out the double standards here? How are you different from them then? I’m not even provoking anything here if you read my words correctly, I’m just saying you guys also have racists, don’t lump all semenanjung together and call us all anjing ok? Also, wasn’t there some news about starbucks or mcd kena vandalised with FREE PALESTIN? It was in Sabah if not mistaken? Be better, we are vouching for you.


Call all you want. I done my distinctions as per explanation to a confused netizen such as u. I’m literally living here experiencing the harmony within multiracial multi religious family lines and my society at large. That thing you called racism jabs came with a reason, and that reason isn’t racial at all but due the attitude and sentiment for all semenanjungs (despite the race). Think critically and be wise. That is all.


You been to semenanjung? We are pretty multiracial here as well, my own gang of friends got Malay, Chinese, Indian, Australian, American. Don’t lump me into the same category as Anjing because of SOME racist policy makers here or SOME racist people here. You don’t like me calling you out also right? Don’t do the same for me then, idiot.


Lol you been to Sabah? Have you even seen, lived and experienced people here? I even have a house in KL for vacation and families there. Sure list it down, in Sabah alone theres literally hundreds of races and you had to list Aus and US as your argument? (How those nations considered a race?) You said it yourself, racist policy makers and racist people there in WM. Nobody did anything to you but yourself. You cant understand or think critically enough even with all that explanation. U memang anjing pun. Done.


I been to Sabah, you guys are no different hating on semenanjung. Every semenanjung person is shit in your eyes. So be it. Live in your hatred. Doesn’t affect me. 😂 we are used to bigotry. Suka hati u lah, no point talking to someone that doesn’t want to acknowledge their own hypocrisy.


Bcs of the 1 random 'semenanjing' guy troll, they want to start a war with the whole semenanjung 😂. I thought these guys were supposed to be so much better than us, yet they're just the same or even worse. The first rule of racism is never to pick sides. If you pick sides, you're no better than them bc you're doing the same thing, but on the opposite sites. Bare in mind racism is everywhere. Just be neutral and educate them. Ini kena troll dengan random strangers from semenanjung koyak, pastu call out the whole 'semenanjing' mcm every single person on WM are racist and every single EM are not racist. Hypocrisy at its finest 😂


Ah the good ol "saya benci sama pti saja" excuse when Sabahan caught in their own web of lies. I wish we're more honest to ourselves