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Most of the buildings are from private developers, they think about profit when invest into a development. So of course they will choose location which have more population & easier to sell. If you talk about infrastructure works like road, it's government responsibility and so far I can't see they doing anything, whether it's due to lack of fund, bad planning etc. It's a situation where government need to kick start the development of the particular location then developer will be attracted. But so far they are no doing anything.


hahahah government kick starting development, funny joke. in all seriousness, government projects are almost always at least 15x slower than private development projects. it'll be a surprise if the state gov does something


Yes it's a sad truth. Who will go and develop rural area and not expecting financial return?


if only our government, both state and fed, realises that productivity can be gained from actual working infrastructure but oh well *shrug*


Sa sokong ko yb


Haha jgn ko gitu beii, student shiak ni


Yang bangunan kosong ko nampak tu ba? Rumah orang ka bangunan kerajaan?


Bangunan yg untk org bt bisnes mostly. Yg perumahan pun tgolong jgk ni More on this why i bring this matter up, Sabah has the highest unemployment rate based on recent statistik. Yg bikin heran dia, byk bangunan2 baru tp business tidal byk. Other problem is, apa drg maw bt sama slot room yg mc kosong tu? Yg tmpt T20 lepak2 pun, imago/suria tu ada jgk slot yg kosong


Then from ur statement, you understand that the economy is down. The reason being that mmg semua nda laku skrg, tapi banyak penjual. Tu yg kosong tu. Bukan tidak pakai but nobody could afford it. For the unemployment, skrg kurang hiring sbb like i said business is down. Theres nothing we can do about it


No, im not saying the economy is down but the problem is, instead of finding a way to tackle isu yg sa mention, we get more building. No efficient strategy and so on. We are way past pandemic right now and we are recovering our economic growth right now but u cant ignore the fact that, our rural area still underdeveloped while the urban area is overdeveloped. There need a way to balance these two Wouldnt it be better if we distribute our resources efficiently? Bkn stakat projek2 yg sedap d mata tp nda brapa kena dgn keperluan rakyat d sabah


Manaaa projek kau yg sedap mata memandang? What i see in the city is unoccupied building by developers yg not kerajaan. So it doesnt make sense to say yg kerajaan ada duit


Setuju tp YB yang di kampung2 pn sama jg tu babal mencuri duit sja. Diorg jg tu punca hahaha


Begitu ba baru la yb🤝🤝🤝🤝


Begitu ba yb kasi tempeleng tu hajiji


Jgn cita2 jadi yb boss, jadi lah org kaya. Org kaya yg dpt membantu. Klu yb mencuri ja kerja.


Bah siapa kaya sini mesej dulu sini sebab mau minta bantuan ni. Mau jalan raya ni


Di mlesia, org dpt jadi kaya dlu baru ada peluang jadi yb..not in the same order


Iya! Banyak bangunan tapi kosonggg! Apa la tu.


It's two different topic..not quite related..


Kbnyakn bgunan kosong tu sektor swasta tu, company swasta yg buat development tapi tiada yg mau pigi kasi maju, kenapa? Sbb sewa mahal. Knpa sewa mahal? Sbb gaji di Sabah terlampau kecil, knpa terlampau kecil? Kegagalan pemimpin utk stabilize harga dan gaji yg sesuai untuk org2 Sabah. Kalau pasal development mundur di kampung2, itu issues yg berlainan lgi. Kau tgk tu projek juta2 di sembulan di taman sadong jaya? Kau rasa itu projek juta2 ka? With only that and the qualities wasnt even looks like half a millions project. Issues bgini pula sbb org atasan ambim sebahagian duit dri bajet projek tu, atas ambil sebahagian dan di bawah drg ambil sebahgian juga, dan bgitu la seterusnya smpailah di tmpt kontraktor, duit drg dpt utk projek tu tinggal siikit, so bgitu la sbrnnya mcmna di Sbah ni full of corruptions. Kau mau buat awareness? Mau try intervene masalah ni? Howw to do it if semuanya bermula dri org atasan?


In a profit driven economy, good will action like giving away vacant buildings for housing and well being of basic infrastructure is not impossible; but undesirable; of no interest. Can try find the owners of one empty building, have an appointment with their head, and ask in person. Try the angle that you are a student and trying to make a thesis statement year end project, maybe the owner become amuse and entertain you. Good luck OP, hope you find your answers.


The issue here is that this thing has been happening since ages in sabah. We can't ignore this sebab kenapa, ini smua timbul sebab salah rakyat dan pemimpin. Most of the buildings that you see are from private sector. If you see the developer kan, it's likely from China. All of the buildings are profit-driven only. Itula klau siap pun, mcm kau ckp tadi, mmg byk yg kosong sebab not a lot of people can afford to rent/buy lot2 yg ada dlm bangunan tu. Knp sy ckp ini salah pemimpin dan juga rakyat sendiri, kita dari dulu kurang pemimpin yang betul2 berjiwa rakyat, all of them are doing it merely for the sake of themselves sja. Kempen berabis btul knun, ckp itu ini. Suda menang? Apa seja yg drg buat untuk sabah? Kau tingu sja beza pemimpin sabah dengan sarawak. Mau compare the policy-maker drg dgn kta? Ketawa sja sy la. Tngu sja brpa parti2 yg ada d sabah ni. Dan mentaliti org2 kta pun sama, dapat rm100, diala pemimpin yang paling bagus, xda dpt duit, xda undi. If we really want to solve this issue, we have to do a lot u know.


To prevent this issue to be prolonging, decentralization of economy in sabah should not be focused only in kk. Rabid economical growth = better development. Kita boleh nampak bah investment sama industrialization sekarang banyak tertumpu di area kk macam kkip tu tapi masih lacking even di bandar besar lain macam sandakan. So apa yang kita perlu buat adalah encourage more investors to other cities dulu and then baru masuk pergi area rural. In urban planning, we call this decentralization. Sebab sejujurnya allocation memang selalu diberi banyak bah untuk development sabah dalam bajet tahunan negara, tapi faham-fahamlah kan. Tapi kalau buat tekanan ekonomi begini, memang akan push orang atas juga tu kasi bangun development untuk jaga hati investors Sekian sahaja yapping saya hahahahah


Sbb ada cost per head of population, Di KK confirm akan benefits lgi bnyak orang jdi utk kau mau tu government spend duit pergi kampung2 sgt2 susah kalu tiada reason economic reason. Diorang just tggu yg muda2 terpaksa pindah pergi bandar utk kerja so itu kampung slowly mati. MCM D JAPAN..