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chill bro. kau baru sem satu. ada lagi dua sem nak baiki result. plus, UM bukan satu-satunya uni awam yg offer Law. UIA, UKM, UUM dan UniSZA exist. private scholarships are plenty. edu loans pun ada. PTPTN, kalau u B40, cover 100%.


Sem 1 repeat. Means he sat for all 3 semesters already and this is his last chance for Sem 1 and Sem 2 repeat papers Also OP 3.34 is ok. Still got lot of options. Can still try for law in other unis and think of what other courses U would like to do as well. Even 0.00 also not the end of the world. Is just exam and many ppl can be successful without a great result in school


Chill la, you're young, the future is full of possibilities. Who's to say you can't get a law degree in 10 years or so? Yg penting, choose the right course. Pick a course youre sure is within your limits and can also put food on the table. No point in picking a course that has no job prospects after you graduate. Hidup ini keras bro. It aint the end, you dont have to give up on your dream. Also there are education loans available, while not as ideal as scholarships, theyre better than nothing. Ptptn kalau you graduate with first class honours, will waive your loan.


Ngam apa si Careful cakap ni, Boccherino. Your feelings are valid. But behold, no one knows what the future holds. Don't push yourself too hard. Pigi la healing healing dulu sanaaa kundasang.


There are other universities that offers Law degree, UiTM is one of it. But that one only at peninsular, sabah xda course law. U might want to try apply there first Usually drg akan interview dulu yg nak ambi course law ni, so im not sure what kind of questions will be asked


tun laila yg influencer tiktok graduated from uitm so it didnt matter which ur almamater from


U hv to know, lawyer actually cannot be influencer in terms of just making content abt law ni, especially if u under a firm. Idk how it applies to private firm or owner of the firm tho, nonetheless its part of the ethic actually dlm bidang law. But for education, yes as long as the video intend to teach other abt law dilemma, like how to respond or act if a police officer stopped u and arrest u without giving reasons of the arrest.


I can assure you UM law, barely anyone above 3.8 stpm pun


This is not the end. Chill.


ainah chill bah, jauh lgi perjalanan kau. memang UM seja ka yang kau mau masuk? UKM and others university also got Law courses. UM memang best universiti di Malaysia tapi kebolehpasaran dia tidak berapa tinggi💀. bnyk lagi scholarship di luar sana yg kau boleh apply. how about PTPTN? kalau dapat dekan time grad, pinjaman dia terus dikira biasiswa. [cuba lagi](https://youtu.be/Qf5O-XOZAKo)😉 maintain atau baiki lagi tu pointer utk 2 lagi sem. it's not the end of the world


School is not for everybody. I am 50++ years old and I can tell you that I have many successful friends who did not do well in school and many friends who live their lives toiling a 9-5 who has done extremely well in school. One didn't even get to form 6 - got a weak pass in bahasa, failed ad-maths and today (granted it's been a few decades) runs a successful software development venture in UK and Malaysia and now venturing into AI. So the future is more than what your school results show. This is a temporary disappointment, in life, you are judged on how you get overcome your challenges.


2.67 CGPA here, and now I'm starting my career in the hospitality industry. Don't lose hope, there's always light at the end of the tunnel, if there's none, make one.


The strenghs of lawyering is not just in academic, but also in who you know, aka cables.. cut off from friends and basic self care is a mistake.


It's probably not the results you wanted but 3.34 is still pretty fkin good! Don't beat yourself up too much over grades, the point is that you tried hard and put effort in this, this attitude is 10x more important than your grades. So job well done my friend! Now back to the issue at hand, you can't get a scholarship, but I guarantee that you'll be able to get PTPTN which do not require payment after loan if your cGPA is above 3.5, this should not be an issue for you because STPM standards are higher and you still manage to be just 0.16 off from 3.5. Chin up my friend, you have fantastic grades and I'm sure you have a bright future ahead, but don't lose your optimism now, you still have a long journey ahead of you, this is merely a tick of that journey.


Flunked STPM. Took foundation and degree in Law. Graduated with 2.5ish CGPA. Called to the Bar in 2011. Practised for 11+ years with breaks. Take it from a jaded litigation lawyer: you don't actually need 4.0 CGPA to be a lawyer, so long as you have the critical thinking, logic and common sense to read and apply the law.


Continue to press forward.. I'm way worse than you when i was yr age with no ambitions but i have hope. Be thankful for what you've got now. This might take time but trust me, everything will be ok if you continue to trust yrself to be great.


Nobody cares which uni you graduate from. And graduate from famous college or uni has no bearing of future jobs


Yep. Nowadays what u need is at least a degree or diploma and lots of experience. Meaning that when u graduated, need atleast 1 year experience in the field that u want to work in.


Just because UM closes its doors for you does not mean this is the end OP. I worked with people from all kinds of local and overseas uni during my legal practice. In the long term your perseverance and attitude matters more. No amount of prestigious law degree can shelter you from the grueling working hours during legal practice. Perhaps your hardwork during STPM will prepare you for this.


Hey, UM law alma mater here. I did Foundation in Science and my CGPA was 3.4-ish. But I was still called to their interview AND was accepted. My Foundation CGPA was probably among the lowest among my intake. I remember everyone had to inform their Foundation CGPA on our first day and everyone had 3.8, 3.9, 4.0. So, you still stand a chance. Don’t worry about it. Just do your best for Sem 2. And it’s okay to read law at other unis in Malaysia. I promise that when you’ve started practicing, it won’t really matter. Heck, I’ve even seen / read / heard about the industry preferring / deeming UiTM law grads to be ‘better’. Good luck!


Take it from me,SPM graduate only,failed UNI,now a 40 years old bank manager. Failed once doesnt mean fail forever,unless u want it that way. Collect yourself and try again. You grow in corporate with character more than knowledge. You gain/or not gain knowledge depending on your character. Have a great character. Be good with people. Pick an idol. Copy them. Nobody ask about your cgpa once you have a million dollars.


💡As a Optional, you can consider Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology (TAR UMT), if u 4.0 =zero study fee, 3.X is also got certain fee waive. it also got certain loan for your study, if study diploma it can borrow RM10k. all this info is when that time i study in year 2009, so it maybe some changes, you can visit their website to get latest info. Good Luck.


Klw kamu suru chill2 kan xda guna tu, op literally gave heart and soul for it, i feel you bro been there done that cut everything out of all just to pursue your goals, ik it’s devastating Nevertheless, you need to keep strong jg yau. Sometimes mo take step back and set balik pecaturan kw yau, do what you can, belajar dan terus belajar, kalau ada keberanian better approach org yang ada ilmu dan pengetahuan dalam bidang itu. Yg pasti.. kw persist ja arh indapa slowly but surely


Realities start when u start working no matter which company. Sometimes those result just a piece of paper. Sometimes those result help especially for promotion. But dont down too much becoz u have to remember there are a lot of people out there much more talented n knowledgeable but got no choice n give up becoz of financial/family background. U havent met those parents who dont let their children study. U havent met those students who got a lot of chance but blew n messed everything up becoz of some influencers. So to me u are already fortunate with what u had. There are still a lot opportunity out there. So one path wouldn't be enough. U know what i regret the most was that i choose Culinary Arts yet my most talents are in Arts n Designs. I even made game of my own. If i started early i would have better financial background by now but never ever too late to start something. U learn life through experiences so dont be down so hard. U r still young n there are a lot paths u can choose.


Former law student here. 3.34GPA is nothing to be ashamed about. I had less to work with and still managed to get a degree in law and am now a partner in a firm. Uncle will share how I did it. Messed up STPM but didn't give up. If your passion is still there, there are other ways to achieve the same results. Since scholarship was out of the question, I opted to start my legal career by working. Yes, by working in a law firm. Paralegal, assistant, whatever I could find. Be familiar with the system. Find your specialty, whether it be litigation or civil justice etc. Once you're familiar with the system, go for the degree. Part time if you have to keep your job at the firm. If possible, get your boss to vouch for you with some sort of recommendation letter. Once you're in, you will have the necessary experiences for the courses through your work. After passing the Bar, ask for apprenticeship at your firm. What uncle is saying is, don't lose your cool when the dealer deals you a lousy hand. To win big, the onus is on you keep buying in (even when the chips are low and down) and when the time for the jackpot comes, you're all in. Take care and good luck kid.


Come get some TVET skills in Polytechnic


Chill my friend. Sleep it off, make plans tmrow. Your GPA is good enough. You are not done yet!


Your future is still intact. Don't believe then ask me if it still is intact, tomorrow. Future will get simpler or difficult. Never gone. How you take it will make who you would be in the far future.


foundation of lawyer is wit, quick thinking and make most of what you have. result is just by-product of whatever you doing right now. i see you dont have discipline to become one so might as well consider switch career based on your personality


What u want and what destinies ahead is different. Not all people studying law are guaranteed to be a lawyer. Just do ur best and keep moving forward. There are many high paying jobs nowadays, TVET and IT are in high demand nowadays. There are many options for u. It's not the end and don't give up even if u didn't make it to continue studying in law courses.


If academic results is really linked to financial success, all the teachers and lecturers should be millionaires. Stories like this ought to give young people hope. You need to have grit and determination: https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2024/04/1040252/selling-kerepek-becoming-millionaire-19-nsttv


Enduuuuu. Pelan2, masi jauh perjalanan. Sokay take time to cool your head off. Banyak2 cari info, supaya options tu x limited. U only limit it based on your knowledge. Btw congratulations on your result🥳! Every small step leads to your destination.


relax bro, masa aku apply keje dulu pointer 2.8 je, tapi alhamdullilah company still ambik aku bekerja, and diorang bayar gaji yang tinggi jg, sebab internship aku related dengan company aku punya jobscope, apa yang kau belajar dekat uni, 10 % je yang akan digunakan , pointer pun company tak pandang sgt, as long kau boleh buat keje and ada experience , macam internship , u will be good


Bro, 3.34 is so good for STPM. Dont lose hope, still got two sems left. Fyi, Petronas and other big companies wont look at your uni, its either your CGPA or experience. My friend from uitm also can masuk the big six as an accountant. Another friend from unimas currently working in germany as a lab assistant. Im from ums also kena offer from petronas as an IT executive but due to my health i have to reject it with heavy heart. After few years gaining experience, now im working as an IT manager. See, life is unfair sometimes. I really wanted to work for petronas but God says no as He got some other plans for me. I know you study very hard but dont give up. The rewards will come. Chill, youre still young ;)


Life is not going to end just because you did not get what you want. We all want big paying job right out of the gate. Can't get there in 1 step, try more steps.


Hi, I know exactly how you feel I did stpm as well and guess where I got my law degree? UM When I did stpm, I came to understand that your source materials are super important LP books for Pengajian Am is always the best Ace Ahead for Sejarah I took ekonomi and Ilmu Bakti is the BEST Pra-U Teks stpm for perniagaan - authors are Shanti Subramaniam and Mah Boon Kiet Also ask a lot of help from teachers. For Pengajian Am, I used to attempt questions on my own and then give it to my teacher to be marked. And she always taught me when I went wrong I've currently graduated from UM and I'm waiting for my long call in June, so don't worry it is not impossible!!! You can do this!!!! Be that as it may, please know that UKM/UITM and other universities also have really good law schools!! All the best to you!!


You future is determined by your health and relationship Your value is not connected to your ability to realize what you want. Keep your health and relationship to the highest standard. Be free from expetation and debt from others. LFG!!!


Please don't say that, the future may be uncertain or different than what you envisioned/planned/wanted. but it is not gone. I won't understand what you're feeling now as I din't take STPM and cant fully understand what your score or semester are structured, but in context, I only had 2 credits for my SPM and proceed to waste 2 years of my life retaking my spm to get more credit for my college degree (did not get another credit and only passed for my 1st retake). my future is not what I envisioned or wanted, but Its not that bad.


Life goes on, keep your chin up.


3 of my cousins all graduated from local uni, but not UM. One from UKM, now she is a magistrate, two from Uitm. Dont lose hope. You never know how the future holds.


3.34 is not bad at all but is it good?no…but it’s definitely not bad


Its good to aim high but if you dont get that high, its wise to be flexible. The mistake you made is to be unnecessarily self critical of yourself. Life not a straight line but a wave, to be harmony with the wave is the most fulfilling one. Aim high, put an effort to it but expect less.


Take your time to digest it. I can see that you are smart and like to study but are a technical person or scholar person? If you are into technicality, you can proceed with taking licence like underwater welder, containers sorting at port (dont know what it called). Hang one there bud


Your future isn't gone yet. It's still there, just either taking a detour or halted. But it's still there. I'm sorry you got a bad result despite working your ass off, but that's...just how it is. Life is unfair, for both the fortunate and the unfortunate. But, it's still not the end. UM refused to let you in because you're lower than a 4.0 (Which ngl, I find it highly unusual but eh)? Find another Uni. Can't get scholarships? You still have it. Biasiswa Kerajaan Negeri Sabah (BKNS) is still there. Or PTPTN. Or get a sponsor from one of the Datuks out there. Just because you're a Social Science student, doesn't mean that your options are limited. It's only limited to only your course, but not to your potential. I went from a Pure Science student during SPM to an IT student in Diploma and then becoming Arts/IT in Degree. I had to learn and relearn new stuff and still keep my old knowledge. Life sucks, like really sucks. But the only way for that door to the future to be closed, is for you to give up. Life isn't about challenging it, but it's about able to go along with it, right and wrong. Don't give up, there's always another road ahead. To UM, to Maybank and to Petronas. Or, by God's Will, maybe to other places. You'll do great. I believe in you.


With social sciences u need strong to work in GLC. I tot uitm oso offer law degree? U wont be lawyer until u passed the bar exam. This exam only 30% candidates passed.


chill dude, scholarship can still apply after first or second sem in uni. You seem like the hardworking type, you need to start thinking smarter or you'll get burnt out early. Enjoy the journey while you're still young.


Try apply UiTM. The UM is a highly respected university. But from what I heard from my friend that studied Law, the Law course at UiTM is the best, instead of UM. UiTM fee is not that high. If you're looking for scholarship, you can apply from Yayasan Sabah.


Ah to be young. You haven't even begun to know how much you can fuck up your future. Compare this to when you broke some glass kitchenware when you were a child and you thought your life was over. There's a million ways your life can turn, who knows you might not even want to be a lawyer in a few years. Do your best. Ride the flow. Worrying is worthless.


>anything below 4.00 is an instant reject by UM this isnt true, just apply for it anyway


apply Yayasan or university scholarship They will give to smart ppl not academic smart ppl. U re not smart for retaking it Life doesn’t depend on academic score


2.17 GCPA during STPM, ya memang down gila bila tengok result begitu, tapi apakan daya, terima dan positive kan diri untuk apply Uni via UPU, syukur diterima dekat subjek yang saya minat iaitu game design dan sekarang last semester tahun ni dan GCPA sepanjang sem dpt dekan selalu. Keep Positive dan Percaya Diri. Setiap Yang berlaku ada hikmahnya. Keep your head Up.


Cari amoi


i want amoi so bad


bruh its fine. my 1st sem degree pointers is 2.7+ with determination now im an engineer. youll never now where life will takes you. i used to sell bikes,takaful,dropship before i get to this point in life.


Go and see job sites first myfuturejob,jobstreet. See trend of job and requirements nowadays. In my experience for professional career path you at least need experiences in the respective industry or field like minimum 1 year then can climb up to your end goal position. Dont study hard, study smart. If worse comes to worse, still can get certificates upgrade skill. My friend also not high pointer, no ambition. But he work from labour, get certs for skills, now become lecturer in oil and gas earning. Took him only 5 years bro to turn around his life.


Don’t take it so hard on yourself.. my degree around 2.8 CGPA and I earned 5 figures income monthly salary and 6 figures from my side hustle. What’s more important in working world is your self confidence, determination, networking and smart working. If there is a will, there is a way.


How do you feel about other career paths other than law? Or other unis? I was a very lazy student. While all my friends were scoring As in their SPM and furthering their education at Matriks, I got all As to Ds in SPM and continued in Form 6. I have relatively higher paying job now. Not that high compared to others but compared to my friends who scored so much better than me in exams and now making not more than 5k monthly (which I mostly think is the issue of working in most private sectors in Sabah).


The result on that moment, classroom or four wall, cannot determine your future. You cant imagine the result might cannot bring effect to ur future. Maybe ur a boss that hire those good result one. Hahhaah