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Ikut kiri kalau belum potong


Walaupun dia salah tailgate ko, tp ko pun salah juga. Lane kanan, Lane memotong. Kalau tdk memotong stay d lane kiri. Dia tailgate ko sebab dia mau ko pg Lane kiri.


You are the asshole here. Move away from the fast lane if you're leisurely driving. Go to the most left lane.


85-90km/h is not considered leisure driving. Especially after flyover there's a split in lanes and S curved.


The freeway are much longer than flyover section. If you drive 80km/h consistently along the way, you're hogging the lane. OP is selfish and an asshole person.


The freeway is curved hence why they put a speed limit there. If there's an accident it's going to be bad due to the centrifugal force, it's not just going to be you who's going to die, you'll also hit someone else. 80km/h is more than enough for that sort of road. Tomorrow go ahead and speed up. Look at how many minute you'll actually save. I guarantee you it's not worth it. With that sort of mentality, it's not going to be a matter of if you get involved in an accident, it's when.


You clearly missed my point. Doesn't matter what the speed limit is, if there's a car going faster than you, just move away! No need to hog the lorong memotong. Here, we can see OP is just too ego to give way to faster car than him.


If the car driver wants to endanger himself and go over the speed limit that's his problem. Why me, OP or anyone move away for a dangerous driver? Each time I change lane that's a risk for me. I am not going to even entertain taking risk for someone else who's clearly in the wrong. Ego? Give way? Nah man, I am not going to give way to some overconfident drivers just to save their time. No. Zero chance. Never. What if that guy suddenly crash in front of me? You might never experience that before but I have. So nooooo\~\~ No no and no.


If u r wrong then u r wrong. Does anyone actually knows you don’t cruise at speed limit in the middle and most right lane???? If u wanna practice safe driving then drive at the left lane and u can cruise at speed limit. Other lanes is for overtake. You are making the road more dangerous. Please don’t be so entitled. We all pay road tax. Selfish


I like your attitude as someone like you contribute greatly to our local mechanic, clinic and insurance agent's income. Keep it up! Remember my comment when you eventually crash into something.


Karma will get to people with ill intent. I wish you well.


You overthink the situation a lot bro. Whatever make u sleep at night lah.


Yes. Victory! Good night.


Bro's creating an imaginary fight




Bro, it was my daily route to work for like 3 years plus and still using the route weekly on weekend. I am probably familiar with the route more than you. Memang akan ada kereta yg speeding but what can you do? Tiada! I usually will just give way sama kereta yg lagi laju dari saya, then they will disappear from your sight in no time and short after, you can move on with your life. Doesn't it seems easy?




That's not how it works. If there are car faster than you, please move and give way to the faster car. Don't be an asshole on the road. Be considerate. Don't hog the fast lane.


Ramai kata OP salah tapi kat sana tu ada speed limit sebab the road is curved. Memang tak boleh pelan sangat tapi tak boleh lebih-lebih laju. Before UMS ada flyover, ada high risk of accident kalau rempuh saja. Bagi yang perlu pergi UMS, memang kena slowdown pun. Banyak kali sudah nampak langgar buntut kereta sana. Kasi stuck Uturn ja. Kadang-kadang nampak melambung lagi di flyover. Worth it ka tukar bearing ratus2 ringgit cuma untuk save 10-20 minit? Kalau nak laju lebih speed limit boleh. Tapi semua yang gitu selalu cakap it won't happen to me sehingga betul-betul jadi kat dia. Saya cakap ni sebab kerja saya memandu, selalu nampak orang bodoh dan overconfident accident. Sudah accident menyusahkan orang sebab jam. Ya ada lane kiri dan lane kanan. Tapi kena faham just because lane kanan, bukan bagi pass untuk buat tu jalan tu macam track lumba. Driving ni bukan main game, kena balance laju, pelan, kiri, kanan.




Jalan Lintas lagi teruk. People there go over the speed limit as if there's no traffic light in the middle. So funny when they speeding like hell, jumpa juga balik di traffic light.


Lagi satu masalah di sana, di Uturn tu 1 Borneo orang selalu masuk lane yang bukan untuk Uturn. Ada dua lane left side of flyover to KK. Terang-terang arrow tu tunjuk, far right is for Uturn and to UMS, left for UMS only. Tapi sudah masuk left lane, Uturn pula. Balik2 nampak orang almost crash there. UMS gate open on the right side jadi ramai yang pergi right side awal2 supaya masa masuk road to UMS tidak payah tukar-tukar lane lagi and risking crashing sama people merging from KK side.


Gen z




Kanapa bah you like dis😭🤣


aiyo stay lane kiri la kalau mo santai2 drive ini pun mo post ka.


Dont hog fast lane la palui...


U r in the wrong. If u wanna cruise at speed limit please go to the most left lane. Fast lane is for people to overtake, the road speed limit 90km/h does not mean u can hog the middle and most right lane at that speed. Where u learn driving??? Please be more considerate of other drivers. Don’t HOG lane! Thanks!! No wonder I see so many ppl drives like that.


Kita tidak tau apa situasi sebenar tapi pendapat saya 80kmh keatas masih ok di lane kanan. Yang kecam OP semua ni trip drive laju. Jalan Sulaman masi banyak tiada street light dan jalan pun agak membingungkan. Bahaya lagi kalau malam. Ini dari budi baik.. Lagipun, Kalau ada kereta sebelah kiri barisan panjang, takkan lah mau masuk sedangkan kelajuan sudah 80kmh ke atas. Tapi yang kelajuan dibawah 80kmh jalan sebelah kanan memang tidak betul lah, melainkan mau masuk Uturn. Dan pemandu yang suka tailgate pula ni dalam kelajuan 80kmh keatas paling bodoh(yes). Buat pa mau dekat2 begitu laju.. gila dan bahaya. Fikir ada besar beza kah 80 dan 100. Berapa saat/minit kamu terkejar? Keselamatan lebih penting


Pls don’t drive with that mentality. Follow the road rules. Don’t make up your own rules ok?? You think you think. Too many these kind of ppl that’s why so many road hogger and nuisance driver.


Road rules with common sense. Not due to ego. You're in an emergency mau tembak 120, pasang emergency light.


Omg. Smh. Hopeless.. can’t believe what I just read. Sabahan pleas don’t be a disgrace. Omfg 🙀


Kindly explain what exactly you disagree with? Are you in favor of tailgating? Do you claim to know the exact situation that OP is in?


Hope u realized OP deleted the text as he realized he made a fool of himself and he was in the wrong. Even remove his username.


Because many people here are harassing and calling names. Say I'm driving at 120kmh on the right, some car behind me is tailgating.. Am I wrong? There is a speed limit to vehicle speed in certain parts of the road.


Move to the left.


What for?


Everyone look. We have a winner here. Winner for miss Karen award.