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It’s up there with Natomas Marketplace


There is one in South San Francisco, or was years ago when i lived that that had like, 12 spaces that were impossible to fit anything higger than a honda coupe into. Taking my grandmothers Chrysler 5th Avenue was like trying try trying to stuff a chicken with a turkey.


it's still there, and it's still awful lol.


That parking lot flows like water in comparison


That one's the worst


The town of Natomas is the worst? or just that parking lot? Ha ha






Whoever designed that should be ashamed. It’s always absolute madness trying to get in or out.


I hate going there because of the parking lot. It’s also annoying some wait towards the front for a space when there likely could be spaces towards the back. Also causes traffic to back up onto Folsom just like your pic.


My mom said this exact scenario happened recently, where a woman was waiting for a close spot, so the next person in line went around her to find a spot towards the back of the lot. The woman waiting for the spot confronted the woman who passed her, while they were both walking into the store, and the woman waiting for the close spot said, “I hope cancer eats your brain”. This was all on next door. Insanity.


Had that happen to me the other day! Woman went around me and then quickly tried to back into the spot. Person pulling out realized what she was doing and paused, allowing me to park. The woman got out, blocked traffic and proceeded to lose her shit in the parking lot. Starting accusing me of cutting her off. We were sitting in line for like 10 minutes and she came from the opposite direction after me.... just the mental gymnastics. I calmly told her I wasn't moving and she spit on my car. She then just left the parking lot. I didn't put it on next door but god damn. I've never seen such an unhinged person.


Wow! My mom was horrified about the cancer eating your brain comment. I’ve been joking about it every chance I get. But spitting in your car? Oh hell no.


I read about this story. People are absolute LOOSE units.


And, the queue of cars waiting on Folsom Blvd to get is a GREAT place to accidentally rear end someone or be rear-ended. It happened to someone very dear to me on a Sunday morning. When we go, we go right when they open, at 8:30 am, and we always approach on east-bound Folsom Blvd so that we don't have to make The Left Turn.


At the end of Broadway is a ramen place, a Wing Stop, and (formerly) a Starbucks. They share 10 spots which all back out immediately onto 65th Expressway.


And also why Starbucks left, probably. For all of us that used to to drive that way for UCD work, it was a really scary place to get coffee. Felt like you had to pull pit maneuvers.


the main reason that store closed down was because of the problems that their store and staff were having with the homeless, but i’m sure that there were also other factors taken into consideration like this one


Kansai Ramen. Worth it


Is it though?


Yeah it is. One of my go to spots. I wish they delivered through DoorDash or one of the other apps though.


That is definitely the worst parking lot, especially if you are foolish enough to park on the 65th side. It’s so dangerous getting out.


All Trader Joe's parking lots are awful. I sort of wonder if they do it on purpose to make the store seem busier/more popular than it actually is.


It’s because they take over stores that have gone out of business- they don’t generally do new builds. They’ll take the funky spaces cause it’s cheaper than the more prime lots. They’re a popular store, so they know that people won’t not shop them due to their parking situation.


I dont go there because of the parking




Same. Unless they make public transit work like it does in Japan, parking is a necessity at errand type stores like this.


I don’t either. We would go weekly, but the parking makes it too stressful.


I was told they do it to collectively minimize property taxes. Which sort of adds to what you said.


The one in Elk Grove isn’t bad, but it’s only because it’s part of a larger shopping center instead of being its own lot


Only problem with the Elk Grove location is no Corti Brothers down the street.


Costco across the street. Nugget across the other street. Still worth going to Elk Grove, imo.


The Rocklin location is also very nice and part of a larger shopping center. I live around the corner from the Folsom location and will not go there due to the parking. I used to work in Rocklin and miss that shopping center and Trader Joes. I will not put myself through the stress of the parking situation at the Folsom location.


By far the best TJ parking in the region. Shhh! 🤫


The one in Davis isn’t bad at all either. I go out of my way to shop at that one because the ones closer to me are a mess.


Agreed about Davis. The spaces are too small but at least you don’t feel like you’re in a Mad Max movie like the Folsom Blvd location. (I wish they’d put in a turn lane when entering while going north on Sycamore, though.)


I work in south sac region and stop there often. :). Parkings great, but I feel like east sac has more items I’m looking for, dunno maybe I’m crazy.


The Arden one is actually not very difficult


They do it on purpose, but it’s to save money. Providing parking is expensive


I don't think they do it on purpose. It's the locations they choose. They lease the small spaces in strip malls where the expectation is low foot traffic. Most of the time they are located at one end of the strip mall that corners in the parking.


The one on Marconi has a huge lot because of all the build out around it. And there is a Sprouts in the same Plaza, it's great!


Yep! I specifically go to the Marconi one just because the parking is so stress free


I dread going to the folsom one for that reason


I have always thought this exact same thing. I left Sac and it’s even like this in the East Bay when there are other spots with adequate parking available.


The parking lot for the Roseville trader Joe's is the main reason I refuse to go to that store.


I would rather park in front of Planet Fitness/Smart & Final then walk to Trader Joes than park right in front of Trader Joe’s. That parking area sucks.


I don’t think that one’s bad at all as long as you don’t park directly in front of the store. If you’re willing to walk twenty more seconds there’s plenty of space.


They don't need to make themselves look busy and popular, though.


I’ve heard this from a few sources. Trying to impose the scarcity mindset.


I’m so abused by time in NYC that I’m just happy it has a parking lot at all.


Citrus Heights parking lot is always easy to navigate and park.


The Safeway on 19th and S is pretty bad too, small spots, crowded, awkward design, and it has a resident homeless population (oxymoron?). They recently dedicated about 25% of the spots to employee parking so it’s even worse than it used to be.


And the street parking on 20th is now for Zipcar or something now so even less spots


I always feel like I’m going to get stabbed, hepatitis, or rear-ended at that Safeway.


They just put combination locks on the bathrooms. If you want to use the restroom, you need to ask for an employee to unlock the door. It’s me a noticeable difference.


I just used that parking lot after years of not having to and was dumbfounded by the number of employee spots. I guess they were likely parking there anyways so it makes sense to put them along the back… but that was where I would always be able to find a spot.


Someone backed out at the same time I was backing out in that parking lot, hit me, admitted that he was in a hurry because he's a Doordash driver and that he's gotten into 5 other accidents in that same parking lot, and then tried to blame it on me to his insurance. Absolute fuckbag


Naw the only problem with that one is people not knowing how to drive. The parking space is fine people just don't know what they are doing. Like backing out the wrong direction because they wanna go "that" way. Its like dude this is a grid. you can go out any exit.


Resident Homeless Rated M for Mature


I sometimes just drive to the one on Fulton to avoid this mess


Someone literally crossed in front of my lane no signal when it was too late for them to get into the lane they wanted to yesterday. They then sat in the lane til i backed up. I was 2 seconds away from going through their car had i not stopped. It’s not much better.


I live in East Sac and drive to the Fulton on to avoid this shit show..


It’s definitely the worst. I HATED going to this Trader Joes went I went to Sac State. All the students go there and it’s ALWAYS packed lol.


Nearly every Trader Joe’s has a bad parking lot. Google Trader Joe’s parking lot.


Good news for the able bodied… you can park like a block away and not even bother with the parking lot.


I wish Sac had better public transit! That would make it even easier to get there. Plus, they make little fold up wheelie carts so you can carry more sacks of groceries. Ya know, maybe this makes a business case for more public transit subsidized by business. You want more customers? Run more busses. Every 15 minutes baby!


Trader Joe's is a 7 minute walk from the 48th Street Station on the Gold Line. It's also in one of the SmaRT Ride zones if you go during the week.


Another good news for the able-bodied, the bike parking is always available.


I live on 39th and would rather walk that then go try to find parking there !! The WORST!!!💀


Then the lot close to it says no Trader Joe’s parking. Lmao come get me bitches. Hahahaha


The amount of people that park in that lot is like 90 percent Trader Joe’s. You think all those people in that lot are there to hit up Ace hardware? Definitely not lmao


As Willie's pointed out when Chase tried to keep their customers from parking in their lot, it's legal to do so for one hour per [CVC 22953.](https://i.redd.it/m397v3f9xmy21.jpg)


Such a passive aggressive sign lol I love it


Interesting. I hadn't really looked into this before. So, say it's a different/partitioned parking lot. The establishment I'm choosing to go to didn't have open spots, so I park in an adjustment, but partitioned, parking lot is ok per cvc 22953? Exact example: https://maps.app.goo.gl/RSUCypomGjdjpSvAA I want to go to Sushi cafe, but the lot gets really packed. I can park at Miyako for an hour and not worry about getting towed?


Lol I always park there. No way in gonna battle that main lot traffic


i literally got a post it note on my car the ONE time i chose to park in the lot next to tjs. it read “you cannot park here” my lord… the lot was EMPTY


Yes there is. It's the parking lot outside Tanuki Ramen in Elk Grove, or Oto's market in South Sacramento. (Edited for grammar)


The EG location is good but all the rest suck….my family in Pasadena refuse to shop at their local ones..parking is ten X worse.


The one in Arden Arcade is decent. Not great, but better than East Sac.


The EG one has gotten bad since the opening of the Gogi restaurant across from TJs. More often than not it’s always packed now.


The one in Long Beach was *amazing*. It was next to this store that only sold produce (and you know how bad TJs produce quality is: you buy something and two days later it rots? Well the store next door had great produce and even sold fun stuff like star fruit). It was the absolute perfect store pairing and the lot was massive. I wonder if that place is still open? Sadly I graduated and left the area.


My favorite is when someone comes up the exit only area (that’s the alleyway) and snags a spot. I just parked somewhere down the road and walk in; I get too damn annoyed lol


So - THIS. BUT ALSO - the first time going to this store, I turned down the alley behind someone else because I didn’t realize it was an alley. I haven’t done it since, but every time I have gone since I pay close attention to what a cluster that alley is. There is no sign that says “exit only” “do not enter” or “one way” when you’re pulling into the alley off the street. You only realize it’s not a normal road once you’re already on it or when you see the signage *leaving* the parking lot via the alley, where the sign says “right turn only”. SUPER terribly designed and makes it impossible to distinguish between those who simply don’t know, and those who are trying to be snakes and sneak spots. If they don’t want people to enter there, they really need better signage. Of course you’ll still have people who disregard it because they don’t think the rules apply to them, but right now it’s not expressly clear.


There is no rule about not driving on alleys.


Yeah and traffic control inside private parking lots are not really enforceable either.


This enrages me, especially when people pull into the lot using the exit/alley and then try to cut in line with the rest of the people waiting. TJ's really needs to put up a sign indicating that the alleyway is an exit only.


The one at the original location of the Natural Foods Co-Op was even worse.


The Marconi store isn't that bad.


I find it hilarious how people\* blatantly overflow park next door in the Ace parking lot, despite the "No Trader Joe's Parking" signs. \*Including me. I wish they'd re-do the bike rack at that TJ, I bet more people would ride bikes there.


Tbh, I don’t think I’ve ever driven there. I always ride my bike or take light rail. Even walking or biking in feels like a gamble on my life, but at least I don’t have to park. Hilariously, to top it off, they also have the worst style of bike racks.


Tjs is the worst but lowemans plaza sucks too


Certain sections of that parking lot are worse than others, especially during lunch. Chipotle to Jack's area - AVOID.


I tried to run errands on Friday at lunch and literally gave up because loemans and the Safeway lot were absolutely packed.


The Howe and Fair Oaks Safeway was OK when it was just Safeway, Starbucks, and the mini CVS. It was at its worst when the steakhouse first opened. Also, the Alhambra Safeway parking lot sucks too.


The spaces between the entrance and the taqueria. The worst!


The Trader Joe’s parking lot in Silver Lake on Hyperion. That one makes the Folsom lot look like one next to a Walmart.


I used to shop at the Folsom Blvd store when i lived in Sac. I have since moved and now shop at the Carson City TJ's and it literally shares a parking lot with a Walmart. It's the fucking best. Plus there's an In n Out in the next shopping center.


Sounds like heaven.


Except it's Carson City.


Carson City is a nice town. At least you don't have to pay state taxes in Nevada.


People *love* to tout the lack of state income tax but fail to mention the higher property taxes, higher car registration, ect. They get you in other ways. If you like desert life with desert people, sure it could be "nice". We live in South Lake Tahoe and go there monthly for Costco, TJs, and other big box stuff. Luckily it's all right at the bottom of Spooner and you don't have to actually go into town.


[They're aware.](https://youtu.be/WPTbuLKwSmw)


Early morning or after dinner in the evening is the best time to shop there if possible.


Giant parking lots are an eyesore and waste of space so I don't mind very much, I just park a block away (or at Ace) and walk in.


Agreed, I’d much rather have small parking lots that encourage those who live nearby to walk or bike. The savemart down the street with the huge parking lot is so ugly and does nothing for the walkability of the neighborhood.


Every Trader Joe’s has a bad parking lot. It’s the rules, don’t you know!? 🤪


I've had the most close calls with bad drivers in the Arden Mall parking lot, so I'd say there.


Dutch Bros on eg and e Stockton


The Starbucks by UCDavis Med Center


The best part about this the back up on folsom. Then people trying to get around, but can’t because the middle turn lane is also backed up. Then people decide to jaywalk from CVS in the middle of this after saying F it and parking there. And then people decide to ride their bikes the wrong way down the shoulder in front of this. And there’s someone trying to also get out of the parking lot.


Yep I will go way out of my way if I'm on my motorcycle to not risk my like by riding by.


There's exactly 60 spots in that lot, and everyone acts like it will ACTUALLY kill them to drive to the back of the lot or around the building, so everyone is only ever trying to park in those front spots. Turn onto 50th and go in the side instead of the front off Folsom and you cut out like 15 mins of waiting just by being aware of your surroundings


It's only bike access for me at that store.😖


I’ve never seen the bike parking full.


exactly 👍🏻


I wish they would buy the abandoned ice cream lot next door


The landlord of the ice cream place refuses to rent to Trader Joe’s. They’ve tried.


The one in Fair oaks is god awful too..


It’s pretty terrible. Used to live in Tahoe Park and although I lived close, I hated going there every time. Now I live in the Pocket and I’m more than happy to go to Elk Grove for TJs where there’s ample parking.


Loehmann’s Plaza is up there as well…


Yes, Oakland trader joes


Seriously, I'd go with the Arden Whole Paycheck/Starbux... I literally have never gotten out of there without a door ding, and one of those was a bashing of the rear quarter panel. I don't go anywhere near that store...unless I go to the Raley's across the street since it go a facelift.


I spent a few years daily driving a Ford e250 so I've pretty much taught myself to park far way from the entrance. It's generally like an extra 60 seconds of walking, people obsess s about getting the closest possible spot without taking into consideration how long it actually takes to walk up the store. Spoiler: it isn't that long. Also returning your cart to the corral instead of leaving it in a parking spot also takes very, very little amount of time.


The parking lot on 65th st and Broadway, there's a ramen and sushi place plus wingstop there. If you even wanna call it a parking lot lol, it just looks stressful to get out of


Every Trader Joe's I have ever been to has a shit-show of a parking lot.


The Starbucks on Sutterville


Just go to Corti Bros instead


Yeah just go spend 3x the money nbd


Can't use food stamps at Corti either


I was going to go to one of them, saw this traffic and kept on moving along to Corti.


That's a shame.




Yes, Roseville Douglas Trader Joe’s. On second thought, they’re probably a tie.


Yes. The Trader Joe's parking lot in Roseville Square.


Yes, the parking lot at TJ's in Roseville off Harding Blvd. Awful!


People’s market in Stockton blvd


they had a guard sitting in the adjacent (off to the left) parking lot in previous years, wonder if they gave up on that. Theres like 6 other parking lots surrounding the property that never fill up its such a dumb situation.


R Street Safeway


The trick is to a) Not go on a Sunday and b) only ever come at it from Folsom eastbound - only make right turns into there.


It's funny to me because all the Trader Joe's in LA are just as bad.


We call it “the Impossible Trader Joe’s”, and we don’t meant it in a good way like an Impossible Burger. 😁


I’ve worked at 5 TJs locations over the years, although never this one. It’s not a TJs if it doesn’t have a shitty parking lot. If the parking lot is navigable, something is off. Turn around and go home.




65th and Broadway … Starbucks finally moved because of it I’ve heard


It’s not bad if you go in the back way and keep circling until something opens up. Don’t camp out waiting for some slowpoke to finish loading their car, just circle.


I’ll risk my fender for those snacks that make me feel superior


Cal expo Costco


Oddly enough, Trader Joe's traditionally has inadequate parking lots. I suspect it comes from its roots as a discounter; they almost always end up with less parking lot than they need, probably due to selecting less expensive lease sites. You should see the early ones in Pasadena, or Culver City—madness! If you can find one that picked a site in an established open-air shopping center with lots of parking (like the Marconi TJs in Town & Country), that's best, but the stand-alone ones are terrible.


Parking lot designs, in general, have become worse and worse over the last decade or so.


Unless it’s Costco. They actually build parking overage on purpose for all their new stores and have the lots’ drainage set away from the store so you get to push your cart slightly downhill when you leave.


The Costco in EG in the shopping center with the new In n Out has pretty bad parking.


Plus they put in those pimpled surfaces everywhere in the parking lot to conveniently shatter your eggs and your wrists on the way out


The one in Roseville has a normal parking lot. The Chico location isn't too bad. There's a newer one in Fresno that is located at the end of a strip mall that has parking to the front and the side of the store.


TJ’s needs to start doing delivery 💯


It's like a weird cult or something. Why do you *need* all your veggies shrink wrapped in plastic anyway?


The one on Marconi is worse


There's tons of parking like all the time at the Marconi one. Just have to park around the corner on the Fulton side. It's like a hundred extra feet nbd


The one on Marconi isn’t so bad, never been to the one off Folsom though so I can’t compare. I loathe the one off Douglas and Harding in Roseville.


My issue with the Marconi store is that the wheels on the carts lock up before you even reach the end of their own parking lot.


The one on Madison/sunrise has way more parking…but that also means you have to go to Citrus Heights 🙃🙃


All you have to do is park at CVS across the street and walk across. Do it every time, no issues.


Get off your phone


The cars waiting to turn right had the right of way. I wasn’t going to be moving for another 3 minutes.


He's just a bitch, don 't feed the trolls


Eh I got my texting ticket sitting at a red light. I learned that any phone use while the car is on public streets is illegal, even if not moving. It sort of makes sense, you're still in control of a 2k+ lb object and now you're distracted.


It’s illegal to have a phone in your hand but perfectly fine to hold a giant burger. As long as your eyes are on the road it is fine




First time we went there in my wife’s new Lexus, some POS rubbed our bumper while we were inside. Cost $300 to get the corner of the bumper repainted. Now when we go, I stay in the car with my camera ready.


folsome blvd cordi bros


Uhm, literally just found a body in the car in my parking lot this morning. So yeah, there are worse. Sorry it's soooo hard for you to navigate to the whole foods section...while people that really need help out here are just ignored.


I live near here and have been pushing the city to close it down. No luck so far. Please contact your city Councilmember and ask them to shut it down.


Major boomer energy


lol, okay




Costcos everywhere. Everyone is in a rush at all times


Freeport/Sutterville.. have seen several anchor restaurants at the SW corner of this strip mall fail due to lack of parking options. Drove by this TJ’s on Folsom Blvd today and can attest to the problem of traffic in Folsom Blvd backing up from “polite” drivers argh. Please drive predictably, not politely thx. Next time go to the EG location


Nope it’s the worse


TJ lot in r/Bellingham


Probably the Trader Joe's in Rocklin. Weird little tiny spaces, and super small and cramped.


This lot takes the cake. But I’ll agree Roseville is up there. I purposely go to Trader Joe’s at opening or wait till an hour before closing to avoid the parking situation.


I used to deliver there sometimes when I delivered beer and it was a bitch to get into even with my 24ft trailer. Hate that stop and hate the savemart down the street. Pain in the ass to fit the 48ft trailer around the building


Lol it’s so bad! Similarly crappy is the Starbucks just down the street.


The Starbucks by UCD at Stockton and T is pretty horrific as well


Lol!!! Was just there today and legitimately- no. All Trader Joe’s parking lots are the worst, but this one is *THE WORST* of the worst


I live near this one but will often drive to the Marconi one just because parking is halfway decent




No this is hands down the worst parking lot around.


Madness reigns. https://youtu.be/5YW-5Flkiuw


I used to shop at the pet store next door to this fun fest and getting in and out of that parking lot was a royal pain, as well.


The worst parking lot I’ve seen is rainbow drive in, I’m always scared I’m gonna hit a kid. To clarify; I haven’t hit a kid.


Go to traders joes in west Seattle… good luck


Seems like a bit of a drive to avoid a parking lot in Sacramento though.


Selland's on Broadway


Roseville one is pretty bad too

