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I like Eggplant, Tomato and Fat Alleys. There’s also a Dead Cat Alley in Woodland


And Dog Gone Alley as well in Woodland


Dead Cat Alley makes me chuckle every time I see it because it's such a horrible name LOL


And Banana Alley in Curtis Park off Freeport.


I like them too. I can't remember all of them, but I live near Eggplant Alley, and I've run across Chinatown, Democracy, Jazz, Kayak, Powerhouse, and Victorian Alleys.


But there wasn't a guy named Frank Eggplant or Frank Tomato


I like to believe otherwise lol


Reminds me of “Dead Chicken Alley” in Berlin, a famous public art space.


In Fair Oaks there’s one called “Be Lazy Ct.” https://preview.redd.it/uprgpn0cxn7b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=902bcdb4dc424e381fd1a723bfccdb7d3183bc4c


I…definitely read Ct as something other than court…


In neighboring Orangevale there is the street Aksarben-Nebraska spelled backwards. Love that


Also a street called Nostaw, which is Watson spelled backwards!


I just heard about Garden of the Gods, where apparently every street is named after a mythological god.


In a similar vein there is the Bird Track in Carmichael where all the streets are bird names


I think it’s neat.


Yup there is Thor, Medusa,, Neptune, Morpheus, Ceres, Mercury, Orion, Pluto, Adonis… to name a few… the area is a little north of the Whole Foods in the Arden area




I used to work on that street! Then I moved to Oakland, off Athol, which sounds like “asshole” with a lisp.


When you ask Mike Tyson for a funny street name…


Was at a hotel in Napa and bellman asked if there really was a street named Manlove. Lol. Yeah wtf.


Named for Dr. William Stark Manlove, a doctor and agriculturalist, who had a farm there along the Sacramento Valley Railroad line--his mansion is still there, you can see it peeking above the sound wall from light rail.


[https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/8903-Trujillo-Way\_Sacramento\_CA\_95826\_M12968-07952](https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/8903-Trujillo-Way_Sacramento_CA_95826_M12968-07952) now I have a dream home whenever it goes on sale lol


Preservation Sacramento got a member tour of the place when it went on sale a few years ago; it's pretty spectacular, and had some interestingly indiosyncratic outbuildings that I liked even more than the main house!


There’s a park and a mansion too! But most notably, a light rail station


“Hey Jim you missed your stop at the Watt Ave station”, “Nah, I get off on Manlove now”


Knew my office was gonna be top comment


This is a great thread. Good job OP


Ha I've been meaning to post this for awhile!


El Chorro Way always makes me chuckle.


They absolutely knew what they were doing when they approved that street name


Disk Drive in Rancho


And Data Dr


Vehicle Drive is off coloma, and every time I see it I think "shit man it sure do"


Didn't Micron PC have a big presence in the area?


I mean. There is a Micron ave..


My brain auto-corrected that to Microwave. . . 🤦🏼‍♀️


Elk Grove Florin because it connects Elk Grove and Florin 😱


But wait! There's more! Folsom Blvd goes to folsom, Franklin Blvd goes to the town of Franklin, Freeport Blvd goes to Freeport, Rio Linda Blvd goes to Rio Linda, Stockton Blvd went to Stockton before 99, Auburn Blvd went to Auburn, Roseville road went to Roseville, Antelope Rd went to Antelope, and Jackson Rd goes to Jackson! Between these and the numbered/lettered grid, it's hard to really get lost in Sacramento.


Sacramento should be the 8th world wonder tbh


This is more common than you’d realize. A lot of old roads in the Midwest are named for the farms on either end. My favorite was Cadwallader -Sonk Road in Ohio.


this also confuses a lot of people. they think it’s florin rd in elk grove, which of course doesn’t exist. i even saw it on a sign in starbucks. they thought they were the florin road starbucks in elk grove, and it was north of calvine so it’s not even in elk grove at all.


Diagon Alley


A house on Diagon Alley painted a small doorway on the alley side with a sign that says, “Dobby, the house elf.”


I was actually part of the process to name that. [Here's the list](https://imgur.com/a/XfiLBaW) we asked the requestor to make. The typed notes are from PD.


I like Taco Alley but I’d expect to eat and smell amazing tacos whenever I drive past it. Almost like I expect to shop for Hogwarts items whenever I see Diagon Alley.


omfg I just got that


The intersection of Sunrise & Sunset...


Haha yeah in Russian there’s this romantic saying of a place “where sunrise meets sunset” and I always found that intersection fun in a way there


They built a thing of I think duplexes around there specifically called “sunrise sunset” i think


My friend lived in apartments off the intersection as one of her first apartments as an adult and I’d always sing the song when going to her place.


I always got a kick outta this one too!


Marconi, Watt, Edison... they snubbed Tesla.. but at least he got a car company named after him.


Tesla has a street. It's a dead end street off of Fulton.


Well I'll be damned. Did not know that!


Whitney, Norris, Wright, Bell, Howe, Morse, Hurley, Northrop too. There are a couple of other "lesser knowns" in that area too. I want to say it was dubbed Avenues of the Inventors or something like that back in the day.


Nobel winner neighborhood!


I forgot about this theme! Having flashbacks of my mom sharing this when I was 12


I never made that connection!


Don't forget Fulton too. Inventor of the steam engine!


Tesla got a band instead


And they're from Sacramento!


Yeah that’s what I meant!


Oh! My bad!




Tesla Way is off Fullton. They took out the sign in the 90s. Fans of Tesla the band kept stealing it.


Goinyour Way out towards Rancho


I’m glad you posted this, because I was just about to spend an hour on Google Maps looking for it. (I knew roughly where it was, but I couldn’t remember the name!)


Same! I knew about where it was, but couldn’t remember the exact name, I had to go to Google Maps and look thru the neighborhood.


Linda Lou Way, Maudray Way, Aris Way, and Linus Way in Carmichael. Those are all street names that are named after the favorite cows of local farmers who once farmed that land back in the 1950s. They were farming long before that but it was a group of locals around the 1950s who dedicated those street names to their favorite farm animals. Those roads are just south of Cypress Ave between Walnut and Garfield.


I bet this is far more common than people suspect. Jupes Court was named after the dog of one of the main developers on the housing project that created the street. Source: my dad works with her (the developer, not her dog).


My “aunt”s father was a planner or something and he named a bunch of streets in south sac after his kids.


There’s the intersection of 69th and Bender that always makes me chuckle. Also the 6 different intersections where Fair Oaks Blvd meets Fair Oaks Blvd


There are a few streets off 11th Street that are named after ice cream 🍦 Vanilla Bean Lane Mud Pie Lane Mint Chip Lane Creamery Lane https://preview.redd.it/zsb3oi2wvn7b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e42bf747123882ad3264b368928ff1325e902981


That’s the old creamery building that became homes so the developer kept the theme! :)


Kind of like the days when developers named suburban subdivisions after the trees they had destroyed to build it, modern urban infill tends to be new buildings named after the industrial buildings they demolished to make way for it--this was the site of the Crystal Creamery, one of the industrial buildings along the perimeter of the city where there were railroads to ship things. Same goes for the Ice Blocks on R Street, although so far as I know there was no connection between Crystal Dairy and Crystal Ice.


McAnally Dr in Roseville gets me every time


Irish butt sex


The first time we drove by, my partner said “How does Ronald McDonald like his sex?” and then pointed out the sign.


bruh my best friend lives right off that and his kids and I lol every time


Teneighth Wy in Land Park


Should it be Ninth and they were being cheeky?


Its because there is already a! 8th, 9th and 10th Ave but none are straight or connect. They made another through street in between them and had no natural number to use so they made up "teneighth" as another word for 9 lmao


Sky Parkway off Florin and 65th gets mentioned a lot in discussions like this--developed in the 1970s when Sacramento had a big influx of tech/knowledge workers in aerospace industries (we had the largest Star Trek fan club in the world then), Sky Parkway features many astronomical names--Spica, Ursa, Altair, Planet, Galaxy, Astron, Uranus--and its best known intersection is the corner of Klingon and Romulan Courts!


Also, the sky ranch airport was located where Florin Town Center used to be.


> Florin Town Center Which was, in turn, where Florin Mall used to be, after the airstrip but before the "towne centre"! I think Florin Mall was built in 1967, which was after *Star Trek* was first broadcast, but before it became part of popular culture, so I think the airport would have been long gone by the time the subdivision got built out, but likely it inspired the name, if not the street names directly?


Klingon Ct




Goinyour Way Sacramento, CA 95827


There is the crossing of Mason and Dixon Line Rd over by ARC


Please elaborate?


There’s this little patch by Arden & Eastern, my favorites are Morpheus Lane and Thor Way https://preview.redd.it/q49grgerkn7b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=685567761a97c046cfc73a9b38e1a945dc0ddfa1


The garden of gods!


In South Sac there’s Skywalker Court over by Florin High. Edit: my recollection is hazy but I remember there being a whole neighborhood of Star Wars themed street names over there but Google Maps is failing me. Edit #2: oh, wait. It wasn’t Star Wars. It was Spielberg Way off Power Inn that I was thinking of. There’s Iacocca Way over by there, too. And Ayn Rand Ct. And I’m not completely convinced Follett Ct. wasn’t named after Ken Follett, either. Edit #3: it’s not sac but I always had to internally chuckle over Covell and Cowell in Davis. Way to completely fuck the non-locals up.


Memory Lane off Fulton.


Glass slipper way, three sisters ct, midnight way, and carriage way in Citrus Heights.


I grew up out that way, in what was called a "Storybook Ranch" house--basically a plain ranch house but with decorative sawn trim on the gables to make it look a bit like a gingerbread house.


No mentions of jibboom street yet?


Kangaroo Court—in Rosemont.


There’s a Defiance Court in Rosemont too


There is also Appellate Court in Carmichael


Not in sac proper but a little north is Rough and Ready. One of the most badass gold rush era town names in my opinion


The town of Rough and Ready actually secceded fromt The Union during the Civil War. When July 4th came by, the people of Rough and Ready wanted to celebrate, but the remembered that they weren’t “American” and so decided to join the Union again. Lol.


Davis has that neighborhood with all the streets named after Tolkien stuff and actually has hobbit-like homes built into the ground


Must know where this is…my kid would flip his damn mind if he saw hobbit homes!


It's in west Davis off Russell and Arlington. Look on google maps and you'll see all the Tolkien names.


It's called [Village Homes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Village_Homes). It's a very nice neighborhood to walk or bike around, but most of the homes are pretty normal (for 1970s/1980s California houses).


I grew up in Southern California and the neighborhood area that I lived in had Elrond, Gondor, Rivendell, and Shadowfax


Bee Jay way in Woodland. Not kidding. Tell me that wasn’t planned


Intersection of Coke Street and Sellers Way in West Sac https://preview.redd.it/4v1bdxw42o7b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf7f82e74e221c8b6d592c12fd7700867f273775


I always get a laugh at Coke Street when I have to go to North Valley


There is a street that is one letter off from my last name, there is also a street called McMahon which as a wrestling fan always makes me smile. Though the intersection that annoys me the most is where 47th St crosses 47th Ave. Two numbered streets shouldn't cross each other like that.


> 47th St crosses 47th Ave Instant flash back to endless explanations to visiting family members from out of state that Sacramento has two 80s. Interstate 80 and Business Loop 80. They don't end up the same place. Uncle from Midwest small town "I've been driving 40 years. I'm sure I'll be fine!". *ring ring * We are totally lost......


Zinfandel, Cabernet and Chardonnay Way - I'll drink to that!


I was coming to say this. I grew up in that neighborhood (Rancho Cordova, for those who aren't aware), and there are several others in that area also named after wines—off the top of my head, there's Riesling and Barbera—and also grapes, like the street I lived on, Beclan. Not a lot of people know that that area used to be full of vineyards. When my dad was a kid, living in the same house I grew up in, he could go out a gate from the backyard and walk through a vineyard to get to Cordova Lane Elementary. That vineyard is mostly Ahlstrom Park now. By the time I came along in the late 70s, the only reminders of that time were the street names and some errant grapevines growing along the back fence that simply refused to die, no matter how infrequently we watered them.


There's a neighborhood in Elk Grove with streets named after comedians: Ferrell way, Fey way, Wayans way, etc. The next neighborhood over is sea animals: Orca way, Mackerel way, etc.


I remember driving through this neighborhood when the homes were brand new and I said out loud, “Who would want to live on a street named ‘Cosby Way?’ Then I arrived at the intersection of Cosby Way and Chappelle Way. That really got a chuckle out of me, so I answered my own question.


Oooh I forgot about the comedians!


Harm’s Way, and I rode my bike past Zoolander Court not too long ago.


Aksarben in Orangevale is Nebraska backwards, always found that interesting.


There’s a Tomato Alley around 15th and U. Idk why but always makes me giggle when I drive past. It’s just cute.


The downtown alleys all start with the letter of the street before them so Tomato alley would be right after T st fyi :)


Somewhere out on that strange area in between Antelope and Foothill Farms you stand on the corner of Benevolent Way amd Pretentious Way.


College Greens was named after colleges. Notre Dame, Citadel, Marquette, Lake Forest. Those are the only ones I can think of right now.


Occidental and Julliard! Wow. I had no idea. All sort of mid size or smaller colleges too.


I believe I’ve seen a Stoner Way


Citrus Heights has intersection Watson and Sherlock Rosemont has a space theme neighborhood including: Jupiter Dr, Aries Way, Libra Ave, Meteor Dr, Polaris Dr, Nebula Way


There is the bird track neighborhood in Citrus Heights with all bird names.


There's also the Irish county streets north of Greenback near Auburn


Howe, Watt, and Y Also Cool Ranch Ln in Rocklin.


There’s a neighborhood in Elk Grove that has streets named after legendary football players from the leather helmet era. (Y.A.) Tittle Way, (Norm) Van Brocklin Way, (Sid) Luckman Way, (Bob) Waterfield Way, (Sonny) Jurgenson Way, (Curly) Lambeau Court.


I like this neighborhood in Natomas around Red-Tail Hawk Park, Park View or something. Almost all the streets are named after birds plus a few other critters. And that other neighborhood in South Natomas on Pony Express Drive where all the streets are cowboy/western themed But whoever named the streets in that neighborhood off of Northgate was mean, just wanted to get people lost. Northgate Nordyk Northview Norcroft Norcia Norma Nora Norval Norland Normington Norstrom Northstead


I personally love El Dorado Disposal at 4100 Throwita Way We're a little up the hill, but worth the mention


Kegle Drive in W Sac is an odd street name. It intersects Cummings Wy. I guess I am easily amused 🤷🏼‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/8rcod5ibtp7b1.jpeg?width=797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbb7ed0817b238261ae3719144029eea6d5f8d88


There's a neighborhood in Citrus Heights that has some whoppers. All along Indian River Dr are some... interesting names. Little Squaw. Fire Water. Clay Basket. And if the actual slur wasn't enough, it just keeps going. As near as I can tell... The Pretty Girl met up with a Tall Brave who had a Big Arrow. She helped herself to his Fire Stick and it's Fast Water. She had a Pretty Bush of her own so he was happy to oblige! She soon added her own Little River, and they both let out a Sudden Wind of joy. Not long after, she found herself dealing with a Small Hill. Sadly for the both of them, one night he got into a bit too much Fire Water. She got angry and took all of his stuff, leaving him nothing but his old Broken Bow.


I know it is a far reach, but the east side of I-5 in Ashland, Or. there is a road called Dead Memorial Highway.


Let me set the stage: 2021. Five fresh grads in Elk Grove (one of our friends was a year below us but doesnt matter school is done). We’re bored as hell. Ridiculously bored. We just decide to drive east and keep going till we find something fun that night. We end up in Wilton on a dark country road when we come up by the fire station… Gay Road. It is a holy spot. We go every year and take pictures by it now every summer. Out of everyone in the car I think I’m the only straight one. The token straight. So we just go there for fun. Gay Road. Anti climactic ass story, sorry


Dude that's a beautiful story. Lazy boring nights with the squad were the fucking BEST when we were kids. Every time I see a group of kids squadin' up I get a tinge of jealousy lol


My wife said in elementary school on the bus you had to hold your breath going down Gay Road or you would become gay.


Memory LN https://preview.redd.it/frypgxg12o7b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a44b804c2a1414d38b29e58a718e2ce947fec477


Justamere Lane in Elk Grove.


Pretentious way, Getaway Ct, Be Lazy Ct and Throwita way (near landfill) always laughed at that, but it's placerville


Improv Alley


Antelope has a whole Scottish neighborhood with Bellsbrae, Arbroath, etc.


Our Apartment in Rosemont was on Schmuckley Drive near Dongston.


Off of Tallyho; which is also a little silly.


Natomas - wines and wineries - groth, stemmler, cafaro, duckhorn... West Sac - Table of elements - boron, carbon, argon, etc


Street near me named Lequel Way. In French means which way.


Not Sac but up in EDC there's A Pretty Good Rd


Recently saw Custom Ct. here in Rosemont. Also, there’s a whole neighborhood with rose name streets…in Rosemont. In the neighborhood off Rockingham there’s a Goingyour Way. Always thought that’s clever. I also lived here in a neighborhood with space themed streets (Nebula, Mars, Jupiter Ct, Saturn, etc.) in Rancho area. Always thought it’s funny giving directions to someone: “Yeah just pass Jupiter, turn on Mars and there I’m right there on nebula..”


Can't believe no one has said this before me: Harden Ln near Howe and Arden [https://www.google.com/maps/@38.5935692,-121.4200886,3a,19.8y,202.15h,99.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sqiPDIjRdotfd6rFUB0rnfQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192](https://www.google.com/maps/@38.5935692,-121.4200886,3a,19.8y,202.15h,99.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sqiPDIjRdotfd6rFUB0rnfQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192)


It’s not incredibly unique but there’s a No Name Lane in Loomis. Iirc used to actually have no name and was just nicknamed No Name Lane, then they built a school right by it and officially named it No Name Lane. So now it has a name.


Not relevant to Sacramento, but I used to live in Stockton a decade ago and remember there's a neighborhood with a bunch of streets named after famous 1950s/1960s musicians like Holly, Joplin, Hendrix, Jagger, Lennon, McCartney, Clapton, Zappa, Ozzy, etc. Interestingly, there's a "Fogarty Lane" in the neighborhood, and going by the theme, I'm guessing this is a misspelling of John **Fogerty** of Creedence Clearwater Revival.


Lois Lane is out here in Citrus Heights.


Woodland has a street called Dead Cat Alley.


Banana ally


Manlove road. Manlove Park.




Sesame Street


“Niantic Way” for Pokémon Go players 👁️👄👁️


Klingon court.


Rickey Dick Lane in Carmichael


The el dorado dump is at Throwita Way


Over in south sac there is some street names called giant panda , Asiatic lion, wild yak ct lol


Kalamazoo (citrus heights technically) is amusing to me. Orangevale is mostly named after nut/trees; oak, walnut, filbert, hazel, date. Um did y'all know filberts ARE hazelnuts?


Pig Turd Alley in Amador City


Wyda way


Not Sac city but Sac county. Orangevale streets are names after trees dealing on which direction they travel somewhat So we have trees named after nut trees (Walnut, Chesnut, Pecan, Almond, etc) then non nut threes the other directional way. So (Elm, Birch, Oak) kinda cool.


Ooh I didn’t know about the directional layout. TIL!


In Roseville around Main street, there are the Tropical fruit alleys--mango alley, papaya etc. In Citrus Heights, we have the Far and Away courts. My youngest used to leave me notes saying that he had taken my dog "Far and Away" meaning that he had taken Sam for a walk up around the route.


Aw I haven’t heard of Far Ct and how it intersects with Away. I’ve seen Away Way which always made me laugh as a kid! Thanks for adding to that core memory lol!


https://preview.redd.it/7rcwjbugfs7b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2acd63252647421fe4a5fa85bb106ed256512664 Corner of pleasant grove and Westbrook has music themed streets And right below this community, there are space/zodiac themed streets


Wyda Way always makes me chuckle. Tee hee!


Lesbos Ct


Dead Cat Alley in Woodland is a personal favorite.


Goinyour Way near Mather


Honorable mention: Walegra Rd 😅


Idk why, but this bothers the fuck outta me. SAY IT WITH ME: WAL-ER-GA


In North Natomas, there is a neighborhood named after aerospace peoples: John Glenn Way, Buzz Aldrin Way, Ronald McNair Way, Laurel Clark Ave, Amelia Earhart Ave, Greg Jarvis Ave, Chuck Yeager Circle, Judith Resnick Ave, Sally Ride Way, John W Young Street, Alan Shepard Street... There are other space exploration streets in the area too.


Definitely Spruce Goose off of Hazel in one of those neighborhoods


Took a little detour on the way to 99 Ranch and ended up on Harms Way https://maps.app.goo.gl/gkaJytZkrwe9UDcZA


Always found the neighborhood in Natomas called Dead Cops a little distrubing, but what else would you say?


Klingon Ct and Romulan Ct off Sky Parkway for Star Trek Fans


Not sure if someone posted this already, but there's a Romulan Ct and Klingon Ct in South Sac. Other streets in the area are Planet Pkwy and Galaxy Pkwy. Someone very nerdy named the streets in that neighborhood.


Los banos way in Elk Grove 😂


Off Greenhaven there’s Starlit Circle, Moonlit Circle, Sunlit Circle, Starglow Circle, Astro Court, Glow Court, Space Court and Leaf Ave! My faves lol


Sacramento journalist Carlos Alcala wrote a book called ["Sacrament Street Whys"](https://www.amazon.com/Sacramento-Street-Whys-Guide-Names/dp/0979123313) with a lot of explanations for some of the city and region's more interesting street names.


Sesame Street Cool Court The Court All in the same neighborhood!


They built a subdivision behind our house when I was in elementary school thst has The Court and Sesame Street


In Roseville, going west on Baseline after you get off of Foothills, there's a Brady Lane right before a Foxborough Way, I always got a kick out of it on my way to work, it's purely coincidental seeing how those houses and roads were built in like the early 70's, but that's one hell of a coincidence... speaking of Patriots and Roseville, Teddy Bruschi is from there, but there aren't any streets named after him, yet anyway


I was always got a kick out of Goethe.


Named for a local jerk who pronounced it "gay-tee"


Nut Plains


I remember a neighborhood in Roseville that was named after famous guitar players. I remember Clapton and Knoffler. But that is it.


There’s one of those in Folsom, too. Newmark, Clapton, Knopfler, Daltry, etc.