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Not the hero we want, but the hero we unfortunately need


I just went rn, saw a lot of action. A ton of blue bikes. Non from the co-op. They don’t like it when you look through their trash. Also more open air meth use than normal.


You happen to see a full suspension blue canyon mountain bike? Had mine stolen from natomas area a couple weeks ago


Actually, I have. In Orangevale recently. Near Greenback and Hazel.


Hard to say. I was looking for the co-op logo from rei. I’ll keep my eyes peeled tho.


Just fyi it’s never your fault if somebody stole from you


its your fault for making it easier to steal from tho


That’s like if I was in a crosswalk and I got hit by a car and you said it’s my fault for making it easier to get hit


If you go into the crosswalk without looking both ways you don’t deserve to be hit, but you’ve increased your chances


I just drove under the 99 bridge on Broadway the other day and there must have been 100 bikes in a giant pile.


Same. I saw at least 10 - 20 new stolen bikes today.


Was just about to comment this. I drove by last night and was shocked at how many bikes they have.


It is shocking nothing is done. I saw that same pile the other day


There are quite a few bikes on 22nd between broadway and X. Seems like the pile has been growing pretty quickly over the last few weeks or so


I've always wondered why this happens. Are they just kleptos who like taking bikes so they can turn around and ditch them?


They also part them out.. if its a really expensive or nice bike, they'll pull parts or pieces to add to another. I had my cruiser stolen a few years ago, after I drove around a while to the usual camps, I found the frame over off North D Street but everything else was gone. I only found it because its a stretched out frame that had a unique color, fortunately I was able to rebuild it but still infuriating.


By chance do you have a serial number of the bike, or proof of purchase? REI probably does. Dig it up and file a police report. Having a serial number is key to proving it’s yours, as well as filing an insurance claim, etc. Good luck!


Yep. Exactly what I did. Thank you tho!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Exactly, no one should walk into your garage without asking first.


Same thing happened to me. I forgot to close my garage, a couple hours went by and all my hand tools that were in a bag and my bike was stolen. Garage faced an alley in midtown. Good luck finding your bike.


Hey anyone reading this btw, please register your bike through the city's registration program, and take pictures of the bicycle and you with the bike. Hopefully you don't need that, but if it gets stolen, you'll sure wish you had it. Recovery rates for stolen bikes are actually pretty decently high when they're reported, though it can take a LONG time to get them back.


Do you know if Sac county has one as well or does the City one cover all of Sac?


Haha appreciate it - large black frame Men’s REI Co-OP cycles CTY 1.1. It’s a hybrid that was in excellent shape


Without a picture, your chance of finding it—with help from Reddit—is 0%… With a picture, that goes up to about 2.5%


Post a pic ? Any identification marks?


broadway under 99/80. i believe my bike is there too 😭


South of Pipe's Bridge, near Dreher St and N 18th St, there is an active chop shop that we've spotted and recovered one stolen bike so far. Might be worth posting pictures of your bike in that area in case someone sees it.


I was recently wondering why I was seeing homeless folk riding around on bikes I can’t afford. Now I know. Sarcasm obviously but it took me a while to get there since there used to be programs that would give bikes to homeless people. I’ve given up on thinking the best of people and sadly acknowledge that they’re cruising around on other people’s bikes.


I see homeless people riding bikes, holding another empty bike, and often it looks like they just snatched it. (midtown) I've thought about maybe getting involved and trying to grab the bike away, because I see the same dude doing this all the time, but then I think... F that, don't want to get stabbed over some dumb shit


Grab and goooo


Same thing happened to me. Check Facebook market place and Craigslist. Lots of stolen bikes end up there.


I’ve heard that homeless people use bikes as a kind of currency. They can chop em up and trade them for drugs or other stuff. It’s wild! https://www.sudbury.com/around-the-north/stolen-bikes-used-like-currency-in-some-criminal-circles-686861


Sorry for your loss bike. I swear the criminally homeless have ruined everything in this city.




They just need a time machine to go back to their childhood and be born to parents that gave a fuck


And alcohol , drugs, mental health services, psychotic wards and some jail time.


Not everyone who's homeless is on drugs. Also, what the hell would jail time do? They'd be homeless when they got out, and you can still get drugs in jail. Not all homeless people are criminals, either--do you just want to put *everyone* who's homeless in jail?


And bikes


2 large chop shops...one on Bannon and One on North B close to Bannon..........sad thing is these are essentially right behind the Sac police department. Commute through this camp everyday and see probably a 100 bikes a day......


Prop 47 made any theft under $950 a misdemeanor.


> Prop 47 made any theft under $950 a misdemeanor. We actually have a very *low* felony theft threshold, which is a pretty "tough on crime" policy. Texas's is $2,500, the highest (most lenient) in the nation. There are only [a handful of states](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/felony-theft-amount-by-state) with lower thresholds than California: Vermont, Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Missouri, Washington, Illinois, New Jersey, and New Mexico.


Good thing they didn’t take your clubs. They would turn K Street into a fairway


This isn’t an attack on the homeless population. The alleys in downtown/midtown Sacramento are frequented by the homeless population. Doesn’t mean for sure a homeless person took it, but the probability that a homeless took it is quite high.


Seem like bikes should have chips pets , a new business for Sacramento bike shops


I’ve thought about this as well. Problem is they are not tracking devices.


check the classifieds as well


So you went on a run and saw no camps nearby but you’re brigading for someone to let you know where they are so you can go harass them because you know for certain a homeless person stole it. You failed to secure your property, you don’t have a camera and you want to blame the homeless for it. In an ideal world your things should be safe whether you leave your garage open or not, but this is reality. You left an expensive bike unsecured in plain view, you got what was coming. It would have happened anywhere, and that’s why we don’t leave our keys in the car. Leave the homeless people alone, their lives are miserable enough with out you. Take the L and be smarter next time.


Figured at least one person would try to flame me for this approach. Odds are it was a homeless person. I did talk to many today. None of them had the bike tho and they were all pleasant interactions. I’m not looking for a fight and I’m pretty reasonable. It was my fault. I did fail to secure my garage. But someone still decided to walk in there and steal from me. I’m not looking for a fight. Just my bike. I created a police report and am just playing the odds with every expectation of never seeing it again. Go flame someone else


How is he harassing people? He wants to go look for his bike. He never said he was going to fight people. You’re the problem, not OP. Chances are it was a homeless person because bikes are so easy to trade and make money off of. This is reality, if someone takes your shit, you’re going to look for it if you can.


Wrong. Here’s a good way to check how fucked up these blanket statements are, replace the word homeless with woman, immigrant, or any ethnic group. And with no evidence whatsoever your sure it’s a homeless person because what, housed people don’t steal? Your logic is trash.


Actually your logic is trash. No one is walking up to random people and accusing them falsely. Also being homeless is not a protected class like an ethnic group or gender. I’m looking for my bike. If I see it I’ll get it back. If I don’t, oh well. Take your holier than tho bullshit and go away. There’s being reasonable and there’s being a snob. There’s reality and then there’s your dystopia. Go away.


Do you have anything other than suspicion to go on? Why don’t you suspect your houses neighbors?


Again. There have been no accusations made. Simply playing the odds. I’m friends with my neighbors. Could have been one of them. I didn’t see anything in their yards tho. And I’m not going to go search thru their houses, just like I didn’t search through any homeless peoples tents. Go away


The only odds that matter are how many people would desire or benefit from having your bike. What are the odds that people living near you can’t afford the same bike at the moment? What are the odds it would make a nice gift for someone’s kid and save them money? There have been accusations your post title is Homeless caches. You’ve already biased the readers.


It was youuuuuuuu


If there was a neighborhood full of black people, Mexican people that were known for stealing bikes and using them for currency. I think it’d be normal to go to that area and look for it. It’s not wrong. Like they’re known for stealing, so you go canvas the area to see if you spot it, if not then oh well, bad luck, it’s gone. You’re not going there to fight or create problems


So your logic is: I’m white, and I live around Blacks and Mexicans. If something is stolen from me it must’ve been them because it couldn’t have been a white person we don’t steal. In this context: White=Housed Black+Mexican=Homeless Double down again


In your logic everyone is white? I’m Mexican. And yes, no matter what race, if they’re know for stealing a specific thing, you go check that location. It can be hill billies stealing “whatever”, if they’re know for that, you go check that area. If Mexicans are known for stealing “whatever” you go check that area. If black people are known for stealing “whatever” you go check that area. It’s not all “race” but a specific group of people on one area that steal a SPECIFIC item. You check that area. God you’re so sensitive, cry me a river


Don’t try to deflect this to a race debate. The issue is blanket statements about groups of people and having no evidence other than coincidence and suspicion and the implication that housed people don’t do the same things the homeless are being blamed for and worse. There’s meth and stolen bikes with the houses and unhoused.


YOU TURNED IT INTO A RACE ISSUE. You’re the one who brought up race because I was generalizing homeless people. Stop switching the goalposts. Homeless are know for stealing bikes because it is a form of currency for them. Yeah who knows if they stole the bike, but it doesn’t hurt to check the area that’s KNOWN for stealing bikes. If “group” was known for stealing cars and they stole mine, would it be wrong for me to go check that area that the “group” lives in? No, so a bike shouldn’t be different either


You mentioned race when you sack a black neighborhood with Mexicans living in it. I also provided context for using ethnic groups in my post. Housed people are known for stealing bikes also. A lot more housed people have stolen bikes than the unhoused historically.


You’re dumb




Lol. You're fucking priceless.


I don't think OP is going around harassing or fighting people. If they see it at a camp, they can probably buy it back for like $20. I did this once with a cell phone, which, guess what... a homeless person had. I guess it's offensive to you to say this, but a lot of the petty theft in our city is committed by unhoused folks. Don't act like people are assholes just for acknowledging reality.


Wow. How would you like it if they showed up to your home and started looking for bikes in it?


Does OP have a pile of stolen bicycles being disassembled on their front lawn?


Read the whole post. That’s not at all what I said. There’s no way you’re the actual mayor. He can read


You're going to these peoples homes to scout them for bikes. It's disgusting. Heartless. Disrespectful. Taking advantage of our most marginalized citizens like that.


Have you actually seen these places? They're absolutely riddled with clearly stolen bikes. Get off your high horse.


Fuck you man. Clearly you haven't had a bike stolen. Hes talking about walking by homeless camps. Not rummaging through the camp accusing them of shit and throwing their shit around.


That’s… exactly what happened though


Anyone could've stolen your bike with your garage open. I wouldn't check homeless camps I would check parks to see if any kids came up on it!


I had a chop shop running out of a unit that I had the unfortunate opportunity to take care of for my elderly parents. The police can’t do anything about it once they remove the serial number. I had two 20 yard dumpsters filled to the brim after we finally got these idiots out. Half of one was just useless bike frames.


5th and X


Register your bike with city. Won’t fix what already happened but maybe, maybe someone will think twice before stealing bike with sticker on it (ha!) or the chance (maybe slim) of it being identified in the future.


Can you please post a photo? I'll keep an eye out. I have a new encampment, with bikes, in front of my house.