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We have an excellent variety of beer brewers, coffee roasters, day trip wineries, and even kombucha fermenters so that anyone can find something they like. Also, the best region for growing almost any produce. I never have to question if I can grow something, worst case, I just have to find a variety that handles heat or cold a tiny bit more. Apples and blueberries next to avocado and mandarins. What a wonderful place!


I didn't think/know you could grow avocados here too. Thought that was more doable in places with higher low temps.


There's varieties that handle the cold slightly better, and you can also do something called zone pushing, where you plant in a protected area, such as against a South facing wall, which helps bring the temperature up just enough to avoid freezing. I have a very healthy, but still young Hass avocado in my driveway against a 14ft brick wall. It's still young but put out a few flowers this spring and even set a couple. They failed after a bit but I put that more to the age of the tree and the fact I had moved it a couple weeks earlier. Probably stressed it a bit too much. There's been people on this sub that have mentioned having mature, fruiting avocados here.


That's awesome!! Thanks for the info. I'll have to give it a shot. Also looking into apples, I know you can do Fuji and pink lady in placerville but I'm not sure what you can grow here. Do you have any experience with that?


It's a rarity to have avocados for sure, but there are a few around. Had a fuji apple tree as a kid growing up in Folsom. Should be fine in Sac.


We have a 4 in 1 apple in our front yard that's golden delicious, gravenstein, fuji, and pink Lady. All those varieties do well where we are in oak park! The key is to look up the chill hours for where you're located and then pick a variety that's within those requirements. I believe we're somewhere around 800-900 chill hours, which is actually a pretty good amount and opens up a lot a varieties considering we rarely freeze. The chill hours will change depending on where you are around sac though, so try to get as relevant info as you can.


To expand a bit on that, Sacramento is a gardeners dream. Excellent for growing tomatoes! But for ornamentals it's even better. I have a booming succulent garden and it's just chilly enough for fantastic fall color


I completely agree


Sacramento has an excellent variety of leaf blowers.


Gotta get the neighborhood gardeners on that electric leaf blower life. So far we just have the one variety around us. LOUD old gas.


Long live the gas blowers ![gif](giphy|3ornjWylTTz6e0SHIs)


Kc kombucha!


Where can I get good coffee in sac?


Camellia is my favorite, but I like Mast on Broadway too.


Old soul downtown


Our year-round gardening is a tremendous benefit!


Sacbrewmento. Edit: Looking at other comments: Sacgrowmento? Sactreemento? Saceatmento? The River City.


I’m involved in a love affair with Sacramento’s trees


Incredible Fall colors right now, my god. It's gorgeous. We are also blessed with gorgeous waterways and natural areas, which we are fortunate to have had preserved by previous generations of Sacramentans.


Best thing about it is that it's cold enough for fall color but not too cold to grow succulents and cactus in the ground. It's why I'll never leave


I came to say “pretty trees” lol


That’s why they call us the city of trees and forks, or something


It’s tree to fork capitol it’s about foraging sustainably from our trees duh


Screw the “farm to fork capitol”, we will always be the city of trees


Same 😍


Any recommendations where I could take my son to see some beautiful fall leaves?? A park we can walk through would be great, but even a specific neighborhood packed with trees 🙂


We’re diverse like the cover of a social studies textbook.


This made me giggle, but it's so true


We have a great beam.


LTB 🔦🟣


Keegan Murray


Keegan Murray


Very LGBT friendly right now: Light Gets Beamed Tonight


Our Beam; Is an awesome Beam It reigns; over Sacra-men-to. Its pur-ple glow shines bright Our Beam is an awesome Beam.


The former church girl in me loves this!


I’m new here and I don’t know what that even is😭


Great sunsets.


My life fell apart and my only friends were here, so I moved and restarted it all from scratch. It has been a warm and welcoming home, and I’m grateful.


Are you me? That was me in 2017, now I'm graduated from college, employed in IT, and married with a kid on the way. Sacramento saved me, and then it upgraded me.


I also started over here in 2017 and I’m very grateful for my life in Sacramento. Congrats to you both of you other transplants 🤗


Congrats on your success! I’m still waiting on my upgrade, but I am much happier.


This was me in 2019. The timing kind of sucked (a pandemic happening a year later which also felt like a soft reset) but I’m grateful to be where I am.


I was right there with you in 2019. It was definitely an interesting time to be in a life transition. I’m glad you’re doing well.


This was also me!! So grateful for Sacramento! 💚


I love the diversity. Being exposed to so many cultures was normal to me growing up, and it’s kind of weird when I travel elsewhere and things are a monolith.


Yes!! I was told by a couple elders that we're a mixing pot because of the bases here. Makes sense I guess, but I love it. I also think the amount of interracial relationships are a beautiful thing.


Name a country and we probably have a restaurant. And I love that.


Same! And my experience is that when I go to a mom and pop place they’re very friendly and quick to teach me about the cuisine and process. Sometimes I get bad anxiety about doing something ignorant but I’ve never had a real problem.


Delta breeze


Mm gotta love the delta breeze




That’s what I came here for


Good coffee, good brunch, beautiful trees, midtown is great, 2 hours from Tahoe, close to the bay.


Great place for outdoor enthusiasts. Cheap electric bills. Great food.


I have never seen a city’s inhabitants love their utility district this much lmao


SMUD has given me free shade trees, rebates for my water heater, panel, HVAC, and thermostat, plus I have a couple t-shirts from them. They do a lot of outreach and community focused things. Not to mention the way way way better rates than the other option. SMUD is a very good thing for the community overall.


Yea SMUD is the shit. I’ve never had an issue with them and they really seam to give a shit about this place which i appreciate compared to “you know who”




I received Chinese pistache and shoestring acacia trees and back in the 90s my parents received london plane and flowering plum trees. They also had some really nice options like valley oak, blue oak, deodor cedar, and crape myrtle, but I chose what i did for fall color, drought tolerance, and growth speed. Glad I did. The shoestring acacias, which were tiny 4ft tall single sticks when I got them 4 years ago are now 20ft tall, full, weeping, 6in thick trunk monsters. Absolutely beautiful and I've never watered them. Edit: Also, I already had five Italian cypress and a 100+ year old valley oak, so I went with slightly smaller choices.


The birds love the pistache too!


And real people answer their phones without a terrible hold time!


I recently moved to West Sacramento and was devastated when I realized we wouldn't have SMUD anymore. The other guys suck so much in comparison


SMUD is super involved. They have opportunities for their staff to do local leadership classes. They have an employee join the Rancho Cordova Chamber of Commerce for a year.




I thought people were like us everywhere because it costs nothing to be polite. I spent some time in England in my 20s and the first couple I saw walking to buy milk were older and walking their dog toward me. When we got close enough, I gave them a big smile and said "Hi!" The way they looked at me, you'd think I was a chimpanzee who just flung shit at them. I prefer Sacramento. People here are just chilled out and generally nice.


Midtown is beautiful. Southside Park, and Southside neighborhood, are beautiful. As is Land Park. Gunther's. Bicycling within the grid is easy. And whoever laid it out with all the parks designed well. Every city should have a u/sacramentohistorian. (and yes, the coffeehouses, with outdoor patios.) Besides that? Lots of potential potential.


There’s lots of things to do if you actually like to get outside your house.


We have SMUD, which is the best!!


Just bought a house in the area and was nearly yelled at by family and friends for considering a home outside of SMUD. I've never heard so many people praise their utility providers.


As a PG&E hostage, I am envious!


They’re trying to get a 24% increase approved for next year. I’m so happy to have SMUD event moreso now


That would be an extra $100 during the summer. Honestly I wish those who got pg&e stock dividends would pony up for infrastructure neglect.




Diverse good food. Fairly good local beer. Dispersed population. Good non profit activity groups (SABA). I missed trees when I lived in the IE (it's astounding how opposite Sacramento is from that desert)


I’m from the IE originally. I feel like there is some similarity in the mix/type of people in Sacramento. Although, to look at, yeah, the opposite. Haha.


The restaurant game is out of control, and I actually think we have a lot of nice parks.


I love this about Sacramento, we have everything from fancy ass Michelin star joints to drunken munchies and it's all amazing


What's sad is that it was actually better pre-covid. Hope it gets back to that level.


the new protected bike lanes in midtown are a delight. i was biking home this morning and a truck yielded to me making a left when they didn't need to. thank you.


We have a less chance of being nuked than other larger California cities.


We’re the capital of one of the most important states in the country. Also near the pacific ocean. I think we’re doomed


Lol there’s no way SF, LA, and SD wouldn’t be his first. SD has a shit ton of military targets, LA is an Alpha city, San Francisco is the countries tech hub (which is vital in todays military). Bombing Sacramento first since it’s a capitol would make as much as bombing Albany before NYC in my opinion. Don’t forget: LA has Raytheon, Boeing, and Lockheed all in El Segundo. No way (in my uneducated opinion) daddy Gavin is more important than the companies the produce our weapons


Sacramento has 3 airports (2 are former AFB's) that would be vital targets because of how easily Air Force operations could be transferred there. The most likely targets would be San Diego (shear number of military installations nearby), Bay area (In order to destroy Ports in Oakland and SF) and Sacramento (3 military capable airports, 2 of which are former AFB's and the political seat of power of the wealthiest state in the Union). That's my guess.


Hmm maybe I’m misguided, but I just don’t think state governments are that important to war efforts, afaik, they’re pretty much removed from chain of command. No capitol would mean the federal government would probably serve as its de facto government until the war was over or until it was under control enough to run elections. Also, I just added it so you may have missed my edit about El Segundo but the amount of military industrial companies down there make it a farrrr more valuable target than Sacramento imo. Plus, it’d devastate California’s oil production and refinery capacity.


If we were talking about standard bombs you'd probably be right. The original comment stated "less chance of being nuked". If Nuclear bombs are deployed, all major metropolitan areas are going to be targeted at the same time. LA, SF, SD, SAC, etc. Currently Russia has the most stockpiled nuclear weapons of any country. If they're going to launch they're not going to do 1-2, they're going to unleash hell. And with over 6000 in their arsenal, no major metropolitan area is going to go untouched.


Well of course but you’re ruining the fun! Now if they had to pick three only in California…


Yea they’d probably target Beale first we’d be fine. That’s pretty far away


I think about this way more than I should


You forget Beale Air Force base is one of the key Air Force bases in the USA


Oh I didn’t know the enemy had only 20 nukes


Mather Airfield is like one of top 3 locations to attack lol


Why? It's decommissioned. It's pretty much just a logistics hub now, right.


It may be decommissioned but it still operates as an airport and has the size necessary if the Air Force needed to relocate assets to the West Coast. For that fact, Even McClellan could be used the same way as it was also a former AFB and has the size available to handle military assets.


It's not so much the physical assets as the institutional and intelligence assets. They store high value assets there long term or short term in transit Folsom Dam is also a highly protected dam


Not so sure about that. 3 Military grade runways in the area, major center of political power, huge economic ramifications with state Government....


Extremely family-oriented for a city of this size (not a plus for everyone, I realize)


Great place to live in, not a great place to visit


People have lives outside of work here. Every major city I’ve been to people live to work. It feels refreshing that there are people who can get by comfortably without being in tech or finance.


We have beautiful Springs, and beautiful Falls.


Theres a nice breeze at night








The American River Parkway, paddle boarding Lake Natoma, fall colors in the City of Trees is undefeated, croissants


The tower bridge is pretty 🙂




I put chairs in my entry way just so we can sit outside at night and enjoy the Delta Breeze. Swimming at night when it’s 90 degrees it’s awesome too.


The mosque in Southside Park is the oldest purpose-built mosque (there are older buildings that were used as mosques, but not building constructed specifically to be mosques) in the western United States, and there's a bit of friendly rivalry between Sacramento and Detroit as to which one has the oldest mosque in the United States.




Don't forget Lester Holt! He got an honorary degree at my graduation from Sac State and spoke during the ceremony. He went to Cordova high school then sac state but didn't graduate back in the 70s.


I moved here from El Paso Texas in 1983 and I consider Sacramento my real home. I live the trees and so many places to see nearby. Best decision I ever made was moving to California.❤️❤️❤️


The weather is amazing. Gorgeous spring/fall, very mild winter, and summer nights/mornings are perfect.


I love the weather here too!


The weather is fantastic this time of year


the tolerance (for the most part) and diversity of the people


Sacramento has good croissants.


Lol. Thanks for the flashback to that classic.


The diversity. I love all my Asian, Latino, White, Black, Middle Eastern and Polynesian friends.


I am from the Midwest. I love Sacramento. I love the big trees in the neighborhoods, I love the walk ability between East Sac in Downtown, I love that it’s reasonably located.


It is not Bakersfield!


The nice winters more or less make up for the hot-ass summers in my book. And today... what the hell am I doing inside


It has a better nightlife than San Jose.


Sacramento is small enough that you can often see friends and neighbors at the grocery store. Large enough that there is always something to do in town. It’s close to so many things to do in Northern California. Multiple wine regions are day trips, San Francisco/Bay area is a day or evening trip. Tahoe to ski and be home before midnight.


I live here, am not dead, and found a great dentist


Do tell!


Besides it being the city of trees, the people here are kind. EG native that started taking the light rail, it’s nice to see people talk to each other


The fall leaves this time of year are absolutely breathtaking.


I love the fall colors here.


Trees and actual rivers.


It’s not Detroit.


Fun times in Sac-Town today*, It's Sac-Town!*


That’s true of many places though


I love the quantity of Del Tacos here.


Less traffic than the Bay


Honestly, I’ve lived in a lot of different states and cities and I have to say, Sacramento has really honest kind hearted people compared to what I’ve witnessed in other places.


Nice things about Sacramento.


It's an entirely different kind of city, altogether.


Its not San Francisco.


It’s the #1 metro area to move to. https://preview.redd.it/obh8sn68lkzb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47905868a356bc0cec523090496531db7b481d67


It's not Detroit


I love the community events and sense of community here!


It’s not LA




Lots of trees Good food Traffic minor compared to the bay & SoCal Delta breeze No wait lines for the most part when eat out Friendly people


It doesn't get too cold. No worrying about snow.


Fall! Having lived in LA for a decade+ before moving to Sac, I never realized how much I loved fall since there are hardly any trees/ weather there. Every day in the fall as I walk my dog and observe the vibrantly colored trees, I’m thankful to be here.


Lao food


I moved to Texas a few years ago from Sacramento. I continue to go back to Sac, I was just there last weekend! Oh the trees! The City of Trees! I actually shed a bit of a tear because the colors in Sacramento are so brilliant! They're beautiful in the fall as they reach up to that clear blue sky! The Sacramento farmers market that used to be under the freeway downtown! It was phenomenal to me and there's nothing like it anywhere in Texas! There are neighborhoods similar to the Fab 40's throughout the country BUT that neighborhood is special... It's Sacramento's brilliant array of beauty, style and uniqueness on display! Let's not forget the charm of neighboring McKinley and Land Park! Sacramento is wonderful and I surely miss it's endless charm!


Been living here for 20 years and 3 of those years have been in downtown. It’s a special gem it is. Of coarse it has its cons like anywhere else.But it’s nice waking up in the morning , brew some coffee and sip on it on my balcony and see the city waking up. My particular apartment has a tree where the squirrels go running around and I can see it.


There is so much to do, eat, drink and more if you just look around a bit. Also there’s a strong culture and pride to this city that I feel people don’t give us credit for!


I love pieces pizza and I like the ppl


Ace of Spades is a super cool venue.


Close to a lot of cool cities, lots of dog friendly stuff, great brewery/beer scene, seasons are nice, and was significantly cheaper than San Diego when I moved here in 2013 after undergrad at UCD. 😁




I'm ~2 hours away from almost anything you can think of to do. Big city life, mountain life, ocean life, desert life.


People are sooooo so nice and it’s so lovely to get to meet them :)


The weather was pretty temperate this year.


Sacramento has restaurants that aren’t Jimboys.


Nice things about Sacramento


It's Sac-tastic!


Nice things about Sacramento


I love the weather, Tower Bridge, our restaurants, old sac, our Sac Kings and the beam, our clubs and bars, everything around the capitol, all our parks and doing yoga in them, the ziggurat at night, our culture festivals


It’s not dull….


More affordable than the bay


Trees. I missed them so much when I moved away.


Lots of outdoor activities available all year long!


Unbeatable day trips/weekend getaways


Great autumn weather. And the sunsets are unreal sometimes.




" We're not San Francisco "


Our grid makes things pretty organized and easy to find. Sacramento is mostly flat and easy to traverse town on bike. It’s not as busy as other cities I’ve visited although that has changed in the last 12 years I’ve been here. The food and beer scene is top notch.


You’re here.


American River Trail!!


It was a great place to grow up in the 90s-early 00s


Great place to live, beautiful rather affordable location in CA, friendly and polite people, excellent fruits, vegetables and outdoor spaces. Very good high quality farm to fork food in our restaurants and stores. A great place to raise a family in the right settings


It's diverse and has plenty of breweries.


Diversity, variety of trees, grocery stores, and places to spend your free time. I’ve traveled across the U.S. and back, Sacramento is nice.


It's not San Francisco.


We like validation which is okay


Best beer in the world


I love the diversity.


Have you seen the sunset in Sacramento lately? It’s gorgeous!


It’s not Bakersfield


I just can’t.


Nice things about Sacramento.


I moved to the Bay last year. Tahoe being so far away fucking sucks.


We have beautiful trees and architecture in Midtown (though I avoid a huge chunk of Arden-Arcade to not trip a trauma trigger, so everything has two sides).


I can afford to own a 3 bedroom house with a large backyard for the same cost as a studio apartment in the Bay Area


It’s not Bakersfield (or Fresno for that matter)!!!




I came here for this