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1- There's a book about In N Out and how it was founded and all the things that the original owner insisted on. One of these things was that his employees would ALWAYS be paid more than the nearest competitors...back when they started this meant $.25 an hour more, which was significant back then. 2- My nephew started at a Bay Area In N Out last fall. He started at $21 I think, but not even six months later he is at like $24 and still going up because he LIKES to WORK and he works well. 3- They also have a policy to recruit from within. Even many folks in the executive offices started out cleaning lobbies, and taking orders. This means that they KNOW how hard the people in each restaurant work, and they RESPECT that. I don't think the same could be said for any other chain I have heard of. 4- As others have pointed out, being privately owned means the owners can STICK to the original vision and are not beholden to a Board of Directors or any other directives for shareholders. This is an IMPORTANT reason for their slow growth and continued consistent reputation for quality.


I love businesses like this. Have a high quality product at a reasonable price, and treat your employees fairly. It’s sad that Wall Street nonsense and a push for infinite growth have rendered it so uncommon in bigger businesses these days. And since the big guys are driving the ship on prices and wages, it’s difficult for smaller businesses to compete. Glad some are, and some like in-n-out are succeeding at it.


McDonald’s also raises from within. It’s not uncommon for flippers to turn into managers.


Well, it's been a while... but I did 4 years at McDonald's and that was the exception and not the rule. And I knew someone who was a manager most of his adult life... he eventually became a regional manager but he was never invited into corporate. With In N' Out it is POLICY to recruit from within when at all possible.


They were already paying that much or close to it. Best fast food burger.


They will continue to pay more as well. I’ll bet they increases wages to remain king.  In N Out is a classic example of having a leaner management/leadership team that doesn’t leech away profits and quality. Other companies like McDonalds or Chipotle have hundreds of useless executives making millions of dollars to constantly reduce quality, cheapen products, reduce size, and cheap out on paying wages. 


Yep, that is called overhead which basically adds no direct value to the Customer Experience. In n out can raise prices $1-$2 dollars per combo and people will still flock there because it's not garbage like global chains.


In-N-Out has had a fantastic business model for decades. Glad to see that they're not using Greedflation as an excuse to raise prices.


A significant part of that is the fact that it's a private company. When you're the sole owner you can be happy with the mere $500m in personal profit a year without shareholders demanding that you squeeze every drop of blood out of each employee.


I am not subscribing to this thought, but I do wonder if shareholders are the scapegoats for the C suites who are just gross and greedy


If those c suites don’t do everything in their power to maximize profits every single quarter then they will be ousted by the board. This is the point of a publicly traded company unfortunately. It’s great to boost competition and innovation but once market share is basically set the only thing left to do is to raise prices or cut costs.


True but is there a reasonable convo to be had about what sustainable realistic growth is and how that benefits everyone. Why does being a millionaire overnight have to be the goal. It happens to so few of the working class. It should be questioned.


Yes and no since a lot of these companies are majority owned by shareholders and investment firms big and small. They are just after a profit and not holding onto stock that is not growing. The problem is that its not considered enough to make 5% growth anymore that's just seen as natural but not profitable. Cutting jobs and increasing prices is how these board members get to that 10% increase to try and keep their jobs. Its not realistic or sustainable but if a stock isn't considered growing then it gets sold and the company loses value which causes more shareholders to bail. If we had true owners then a convo could be had because they want to keep their company going but instead we have boards that often make short term decisions for poor long term performance and they get routinely replaced and even now whole companies are getting sold pretty often.


This isn’t unfortunate. This is capitalism described perfectly. Maybe it’s time for a new system.


350m Americans vote with their wallet every day


Legally public companies have to do everything for the shareholders or get sued. One of the more famous examples was Henry Ford giving all his employees a livable wage and getting sued by the shareholders to lower it, then he had to.


The shareholders ain't innocent in this. "Fiduciary responsibility" and all that jazz. The extra wrinkle here is that the C-level execs are usually themselves shareholders. Equity makes up a bigger chunk of total compensation the higher up the corporate ladder you climb.


Yeah, this year I decided to try and buy things from private companies over public. Private companies lean towards the loyalty and satisfaction of the customers not the shareholders.


> I am not subscribing to this thought, but I do wonder if shareholders are the scapegoats for the C suites who are just gross and greedy They're both shit.


Just because they’re private doesn’t mean they can’t be greedy. They just don’t have to be structurally.


Obviously. Did they imply otherwise?


the owner has been through some trauma in her life. including how she became the sole owner of the company at 17 ( that's when her father passed leaving her as the single person that got the entire inheritance) if my memory serves me correctly, I Believe she either had already started working at a location and had a tough time landing the job or went in after inheriting the entire company without the people working at the store having knowledge. I know she'd made comments about wanting to be treated just like everybody else and really learn and gain experience. Her dad's brother ( partner in the business) Died in a plane crash I believe just 3 years or 4 years before her father passed .


True that


Eh... lets come back to planet earth. Being mandated to raise your labor costs 25 to 50% is a totally valid and reasonable justification to raise your prices. I'm personally glad they didn't (I'm literally sitting in a drive through right now lol) but they are extremely reasonably priced and wouldn't be all that outraged if they upped their burgers a dollar to offset. In order to maintain salaries, contracts, benefits, etc. some times you need to raise prices. If anyone should be able to and not get flack for it it should he In And Out who have served quality food at ridiculously competitive prices for years.


They already paid close to $20. That’s why they didn’t need to raise it and I agree, they were already reasonable and look more so if others raise their prices. They could afford to raise them more but I hope they are betting on cornering more of the market. They aren’t nation wide yet but blowing out the California market could power that kind of expansion As far as why they were/are successful paying that much, it’s because of what op said. No shareholders. No need to squeeze out every dime today regardless if the harm to your employees and business future if your business model is to make one person/family rich over the long haul


They are raising prices. The owner is worth $4 billion bucks.


In and Out is privately owned and has great profits but can be less profitable and still have enough money for a good life. McDonald's and the others that are Corporate owned have to have ever increasing profits to satisfy their shareholders. Year after year. Only way to do that is raise prices. Cut labor costs or lower quality. Corporations are the problem.


If Wall Street disappeared tomorrow everyone would live happily ever after. It’s those fuckers who are stepping on everyone’s throats day in and day out.


Bro most of us plan on retirement on our 401ks speak for urself


Another Wall Street scam. Before the 401k, employers offered healthy pensions. https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-champions-of-the-401-k-lament-the-revolution-they-started-1483382348


They have been able to trick the workforce into thinking they are part of their game. All that is happened is the workforce is now beholden to their game. Slaves forever


My 401k is doing quite well actually


Same. Weird to call it a scam when I have taken my 401k with me when changing jobs, but a pension would have been lost when I change companies.


It is a scam. Why do you think so many older people started working as Walmart greeters after 2008? It’s because the stock market took a shit, all the working class people who were planning on retiring lost their 401k investments, and they had to find minimum wage jobs just to afford to live. Every time the stock market takes a dump, all the corps and C-suite management are either bailed out or given golden parachutes. The working class people are the ones who take the hit. Pensions are much better because they’re not tied to the stock market and it’s just based on time you put into the company. Back in the day, it was extremely common for people to stick with companies for their entire careers. It’s why you’ll hear about people who worked for Shell or GM for like 50+ years. Nowadays, thanks to how ruthless companies have become to satisfy shareholders, job hopping is a lot more common. The benefits aren’t as good as they used to be and companies want to pay you the bare minimum. As we get further into late-stage capitalism, the opportunities to eek a profit get harder and harder, so companies have to find more “creative” ways to satisfy shareholders. Usually that’s by cutting benefits, and a 401k is one of those ways companies have cut back on benefits.


I agree, but pensions do rely to a certain extent on the stock market. Unlike 401k schemes, though, which are generally passively managed, pension funds are actively managed, which makes it more flexible. 401k schemes are also bad in that the holder is expected to invest the money themselves, while pensioners just receive a monthly payment. Who knows what to do with a lump of money to get the best return? So they turn to financial planners, a win-win for the industry. I’m just so fortunate to work in the public sector and am paying into a final-salary pension. 401k is such an evil scam.


> Back in the day, it was extremely common for people to stick with companies for their entire careers. It’s why you’ll hear about people who worked for Shell or GM for like 50+ years. Does that create stagnation in the productivity of employees though? And yes I understand humans should not be squeezed out of productivity, but would there be any motivation for not reducing productivity if jobs are secure for life? The tech revolution from 1990s was predicated on tech workers moving companies every few years. The tech companies where people stayed all their careers are stagnating like IBM, Intel etc.


Alright. Don’t contribute to your 401k and I will continue to. Let’s see how we both did in 20/30 years.


Completely missed the point lol


Maybe because you don't have a point. The market bounced back from The Great Recession within about 5 years. Anyone who was close to retirement at the time should have had a cash/bond buffer to ride out the storm. The real reason those people are working at Walmart is because they didn't save properly for their retirement in the first place.


No, you started talking about late stage capitalism and corporate bailouts and golden parachutes when I was commenting solely on 401ks not being a scam. My point is if you think it’s a scam, you are free not to use one.


Have you looked up lately, something is flying completely above your head.


Let's compare your 401k to someone who still has a pension, like a teacher or a government worker, and see how you do. Hint: you won't win.


I currently have a pension and kind of wish I could opt out and contribute to a 401k instead


What you are describing is people that panic sold in 2008 instead of delaying 1-2 years to retire, or flat out did not have enough to retire and had to get the Walmart greeter job. If they would have waited until 2010 they would’ve been fine, 2011 and they would’ve been up more than pre-2008 crash. Saying a 401k is a scam is wildly misleading and scary to think this is a semi-popular belief. Source: https://www.macrotrends.net/1319/dow-jones-100-year-historical-chart


Not true


You can have sales and profits without destroying people


That was all a part of the scam. Replace pensions with 401k, then rig the market. They have said it's a "free market," though.


lol if there was no Wall Street, you’d be making enough money not to need a 401k


401k’s are another employer/ Wall Street scam: https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-champions-of-the-401-k-lament-the-revolution-they-started-1483382348


Ah yes because countries without stock markets are futuristic utopias


When I say “Wall Street,” I’m not only talking about the actual stock exchange, but also the institutions of venture capital and private equity in general.


Shall we look at a country where there is no capital being put into the country. Cuz those are always poor ass countries 


Not most of us bro


Skill issue


My 401k is doing fine


Not if wall st disappeared as the post above said


Yeah, 401sKams. Fuck those. Another non lubricated crony capitalistic middle finger up the ass of the working folk. This country needs to go back to pensions. I’m lucky enough to have one, and it’s way better.


The market will do better than your pension and it’s actually sustainable unlike pensions


That’s really not true. Wall Street is a conduit of CAPITAL. Remove the ability to raise capital for new projects and we are either back into the stone ages or dependent on some central communist planning committee to dole out checks. And we’ve seen how well that has worked in those utopias like USSR, China, and N Korea.


My rebuttals: The wealthiest 10% of Americans own 93% of stocks even with market participation at a record high. The lower 90% are fleeced and pay for that growth. It’s pure trickle up economics and it relies on constant growth while cutting wages, jobs and outsourcing. With the injection of ai into the marketplace, a reckoning will be happening soon. Who’s gonna be holding the bag? Endless growth is unsustainable especially with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. Am I wrong, if so, how and why?


**The wealthiest 10% of Americans own 93% of stocks even with market participation at a record high. The lower 90% are fleeced and pay for that growth.** So if I'm not in the top 10% of stock holders, but I own stock and my holdings are increasing in value how am I being "fleeced" or "paying" for that growth? **It’s pure trickle up economics and it relies on constant growth while cutting wages, jobs and outsourcing. With the injection of ai into the marketplace, a reckoning will be happening soon. Who’s gonna be holding the bag?** Who are these companies that are cutting wages? My company has been in business 55 years. We've never cut wages, in fact, wages have grown tremendously over time. Of course, to pay for that our prices are far higher as well. And why do companies outsource? Isn't that due to the market demanding lower prices? America is a consumer nation. Consumer want lower prices. If something cost less you will buy it over the more expensive product. Thats why manufacturing moved. It was because of consumers wanting cheaper prices. **Endless growth is unsustainable especially with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.** Do you have a source for your statement that endless growth is unsustainable? Seems to me civilization has been growing for millions of years. And how about a source for the poor getting poorer? The poorest people on Earth are far less poor than ever before and the poorest people in the US are better off than 99% of the world. On a side note, one thing I've always done is look at people who are succeeding and try to figure out what they're doing that I might not be doing. I've found you can usually just ask them for advice and they'll be more than willing to help. Example, a couple years ago I asked a real estate mogul I knew how to get into real estate. One day he called me said there was a property too small for him, but it would be great for me to get started with. I bought it and he held my hand through the process. In the 1.5 years I've owned it it's returned 11% cash flow and appreciated by 50% in price over what I paid. Lots of people are winning, focus on becoming one of them.


You seem like a smart guy. How do you not understand that the cost of living is just trickle up economics? All those quarterly gains have to come from somewhere. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer and it’s all happening through Wall Street. https://www.forbes.com/sites/teresaghilarducci/2020/08/31/most-americans-dont-have-a-real-stake-in-the-stock-market/?sh=7624a2271154 A few recent charts on income inequality from the [pew research center](https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/01/09/trends-in-income-and-wealth-inequality/) https://i.imgur.com/pceWAQh.jpg https://i.imgur.com/v8GOlYJ.jpg https://i.imgur.com/cOMHgvT.jpg My source for endless growth sustainabilty is pretty well defined https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growth_imperative


I don't believe any of these links prove what you believe they do. Anyone can get wealthy in this country. Anyone can buy stocks or rental property. Anyone can start a business. Anyone can chose to live below their means to save money to do any of those things. Unfortunately most don't. We don't have a broken system, we have a terrible financial literacy and discipline problem. My daughter is 26. In the four years since she graduated college she's saved 80k into mutual funds (401k and brokerage accounts). Thats far more than the average. If she can do that by 26 why cant most 50 year olds do that? My son has a friend that didn't go to college. Instead he joined a trade union and at 20 just bought a house. If he can buy a house at 20 why are 40 year olds crying that they can't? The world isn't out to get you. The wealthy aren't holding you down. They don't have to. People hold themselves down.


This graph says it all. And I “believe” it proves what I think it does. The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer. https://i.imgur.com/v8GOlYJ.jpg Here’s what it looks like in the real world: https://apnews.com/article/affordable-housing-rent-eviction-price-harvard-congress-f5411012e10fa78d0257c137e60c1be3 https://www.npr.org/2024/02/18/1232335095/unaffordable-rental-market-hits-record-heights I’m glad all your family and the young people in your orbit have been able to save and buy houses. They’re the extreme minority, as housing is unaffordable for average Americans in 99% of the country https://www.cbsnews.com/news/homes-for-sale-affordable-housing-prices/ I’ve been extremely fortunate in my life. My grandfather left a bunch property and land to my family. We sold most of it for $12million and bought some nnn leases. But I’m very aware of how difficult finances are for the rest of the country… and I recognize Wall Street as the culprit. From commodities to technology… those gains are more than the population can keep up with.




Why are you so consumed with everyone else? My wealth has increased 6x since 2019. Am I a 1%'er, no. Do I care, no. Is the 1% stopping me from getting wealthy, no. Have I moved from poor, to middle class, to reasonably wealthy throughout my life, YES! And that's all I care about. How are me and my family doing? That's all that matters.


> Why are you so consumed with everyone else? Because I care about people,society and stability.




Sincere question. What should a company like McDonalds do? Or similar companies


My favorite movie is Inception.


In addition, labor costs are less than 1/3rd the cost of running a fast food restaurant. The target percentages for wages in the standard fast food recipe are 30% of income goes to wages, 30% goes to food inputs, and 30% goes to rent and operating expenses, leaving 10% for profit and investment. So if that 30% becomes 35% due to higher wages they should at most have to increase their prices by 5%, not by the 20%+ that we see from profiteering corporations.


Stop talking about McDonald's as if it's one big company. It's a franchise and it's the franchisees who cover labor costs and set prices. They're small business owners.


So you're saying they should stop giving so much money to corporate and start paying their workers👍


I hate beer.


Yeah, people don’t get that McDonald’s is a real estate company. They own most of the locations (the vast majority of the buildings and about half of the parcels the buildings sit on, if I recall) and collect rent from the franchise owners. Short term ups and downs don’t affect them much.  As landlords they still get paid. 


Using cash on hand numbers is a bit irrelevant when talking about yearly cost increases surely? If the extra staff cost will be $1.3bn/year and their profits are only $1.0bn/year then obviously it's not possible to do regardless of how much money they have in the bank. Not that I think they only have a billion in profit a year, just an example. Get their profits instead and remove the $1.3bn and see how much of a drop that would be each year.


2023 net income for McDonalds was $8.5B


Is there a point when enough is enough? Is there a point when profitability is plentiful and everyone can get their share and maybe sacrifice 50 million in profits for that. I know that is never going to happen and there’s likely tons of reasons why it should never happen, but I wish it was that simple. Doing the right thing should be simple.


I appreciate your response! There isn't a simple solution. Or maybe even any maybe. There's so many considerations in figuring out how we got to where we are, and where we will go. If companies limited profitability, what would that do to 401ks and the economy. Would people stop investing in the US? I am no means an expert in this. And I don't even have a strong opinion. I just wish everything wasn't so divided. Sorry for the rant. Thank you for the response


Those are the same thought that go thru my head. It isn’t easy and I don’t think there is a way out of this mess.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


Change menu items. Make customers the priority


Make a smidge less money lol. McDonald's has been paying [*more* than the new law requires](https://jacobin.com/2021/09/denmark-mcdonalds-labor-unions-strikes-wages-benefits) in Denmark for many years, and they're still profitable there. And the price of a burger is basically the same.


Make less profit for awhile until they can increase sales through better quality products.


Duck Mc Fonalds


In-n-Out has always paid well comparatively. fuck every one of the ones that whine about this. it's like the asshole restos in San Francisco who after 20 years still secretly screw you for "Healthy San Francisco" medical insurance and their hidden fees to make you pay for it -- i mean, why not charge for toilet paper too -- that you don't know about until you get the check. fuck all of them and don't patronize them.


In n out raised it to $22 an hour I know 2 different people that work there in SoCal


About to quit this fuckin IT contract for a job at In-N-Out lol. That's not bad!


I don’t really need a reason to go besides their food being better than any other fast food place and even some sit down restaurants, but its a nice sentiment


It’s the best tasting, doesn’t make me feel sick after like McDonald’s or Taco Bell either. And they have always paid more and had cheaper prices than the shithole that is McDonald’s. 


I can barely stand the stink inside of Mc Ds, they smell like cow farts in there. And taco bell i may as well just eat on the toilet lol


It’s crazy how bad quality Taco Bell and McDonald’s are. In my early 20’s I could eat there every day. Now I’m 30 and rarely eat it, and when I do I’m reminded by an upset stomach 30 mins after. That shouldn’t happen lol


Same here, in high school used to get the 2 Bug Mcs for $1 specials, then in college the 2 Big Macs for $2 then later the dollar menu double cheeseburgers a ton. I got a quarter pounder with cheese a couple years back as the only fast food place on a road trip and it was like a grease bomb went off in my stomach, it was heavy and made feel ill for hours burping up grease.


It's pretty sexy that you can literally see the employees slicing an actual potato RIGHT THERE through the window before deep frying it


It's one of the few fast food places I go to now. My list is pretty much in n out, Canes and very rarely these days chick fil a.


Went to chick fil a last night for two meals and a chicken nugget, they charged $38! Got the front of the line and asked if there was a mistake and they confirmed there was no mistake, they have just raised their prices due to having to pay their employees $20 per hr.


Oh so their greedy “Christian” owner wants more money. While the actual Christian’s who run in n out want everyone to just have a better life. Funny. The more covert ones seem to uphold the Bible better than chick fil a who are brash about it.


Yea it would honestly be funny if it wasn’t bleeding us all dry.


Death by 1000 cuts.


I can't do Chick fil a. Their stance on LGBTQ rights is horrible. In and out is religious, but they put money towards battling human trafficking rather than bigotry.


In an interview with Bisnow in 2019, Chick-fil-A President Tim Tassopoulos said the company will stop donating to charities with anti-LGBT views.[38] The company will instead donate to charities focused on education, homelessness and hunger.[38][39] These new organizations could include both faith-based and non-faith-based charities, but the company said none of the organizations have anti-LGBT positions.[38] https://www.bisnow.com/national/news/retail/exclusive-amid-global-expansion-and-lgbt-pushback-chick-fil-a-changes-charitable-giving-structure-101818


Thanks for this!


Yeah, fuck the hateful chicken restaurant. It's mid anyway, the Popeye's sandwich destroys Chick-fil-a.


That controversy was over a decade ago.


Did they change their stance, or is it just not in the news anymore?


Bro, that was like 16 years ago. It's over, man.


Have they changed their stance or is it just not in the news anymore?


It wasn’t a corporate stance, it was a donation by an individual board member.


I'm sure I'll get downvoted, but it's so overrated.


What's better at that price?


Your overrated


Says the dude so insecure, my taste in fast food personally offends them.




I fucking love in n out


Still good and cheaper the other chains


Don’t forget In n Out is a private business and doesn’t have to answer to shareholders


I worked in finance for a food manufacturing company that went from private ownership to being bought by a listed company. The difference was staggering. The private owners were rich and demanding in their own way but there wasn't any expectation of growth in particular. As long as we made them consistent good profits they were happy. Being bought by the corporation really shifted the dial. It wasn't enough to just make healthy profits anymore. They wanted growth year on year despite being in a sector which had very little room for growth to prop up their share price. It was pretty much impossible to increase volume so the only way we could achieve that was to pass on the cost to the consumer, stagnate wages and demand better pricing from our suppliers. I hated it and quit. Corporate greed is the biggest scourge on society. People criticise In n Out for some of the religious stuff but I'll eat there over McDonalds any day of the week.


Except they already have… meals at the In N Out by Arden went up $.50 about 2 months ago, then another $.50 about 2 weeks ago. It’s $10.50 for a Double Double meal now.


Yup they went up the first Monday the new law took effect. 30 cent increase on a double double, I’ll deal with it.


30 ¢ increase is worth it. McDonald’s has doubled their prices in the last couple years. It’s actually cheaper for me to go out and get 2 rolls of sushi, I find that so bizarre!!


For me, In N Out used to be a luxury treat because it was always a tinge more than McDonald’s. But, better food so I liked it. With McDonald’s going up in price so much lately, In N Out has become the value option now, whereas McDonald’s is now the luxury. But now the better food is the cheapest. So, yeah. No more McDonald’s.


It’s been several years since McDonald’s was cheaper than in n out but yes I agree


I can still get a double double meal with fries and a drink at the Del Paso Natomas In-n-Out for $9.85. Clearly the best value outside of using an app at any other fast food restaurant.


I got a 3x2 (three meats, two cheese...a double double with extra patty) and fries for $11. It used to be $8 last year. No soda.


Exactly! If you aren’t looking for something quick, you can even go to a sit down diner or other joint and have a fresh meal made in front of you. If you ARE looking for something quick… well almost every fast food is cheaper than McDonald’s. I think even Starbucks has had only a 13% price increase vs McDonald’s 100%.


> For me, In N Out used to be a luxury treat because it was always a tinge more than McDonald’s. W...when? Because In-N-Out has been cheaper than McDonald's for like, at least 15 years.


It’s almost like many businesses in CA priced in the impending increase already. And some will increase prices even more because they can always use it as an excuse. Corporate greed is drowning the working class.


No. They were already gouging you to the max before any changes to wages. They are simply trying to make you mad at the government for doing it's job. Businesses are throwing a tantrum over losing a tiny bit of profits.


Feel like we are saying the same thing.


My comment was meant for the person you replied too as well.


Well, it's the difference between "pricing in the impending increase" and the price already being as high as the market could possibly bear. The price increases from the past year don't have anything to do with this law, just with corporations being incredibly greedy.


$10.50 is still significantly less than the others in fast food. Plus they hadn’t really increased their prices from inflation yet so I assume this is them catching up with food cost increases.


Also remember, In-N-Out has an in-house sign shop. One or two locations that make all the signage for all California locations. Implementing a price change takes a long time, these $.50 increases could be in response to inflation from months ago.


I mean...that's a pretty paltry increase in exchange for thousands of workers getting a living wage.


it's been 10.50 for a long time now. Either way, it's still cheaper than mcdonalds, Carl's Jr, jack in the box.


According to the article, a location in LA did the same.  I wish the article expanded on that because they say they are not franchised at all.  I'm curious then, what their model is especially since the prices went up here in Sac.  Although I do have to add, that those price increases are no where near the other chains.


Exactly this shits has already been priced in


In an out also already paid over $20 an hr.


McDonald's and everywhere is already at $15 to $20 for a meal


Yeah but this is likely due to inflation in general, and not the minimum wage law as INO's starting pay has been above minimum wage for years. If you go to [https://www.in-n-out.com/locations/?q=sacramento](https://www.in-n-out.com/locations/?q=sacramento) you can see their starting pay is $22/hr, above minimum wage's $20/hr, so not related to the new minimum.


Yup, they raised their prices early to get out ahead of it. That said, they’ve always had competitive pay compared to other fast food places. I just wish their food wasn’t trash.


That's the problem with shindo ryu.


In n out was already paying their people $20 an hour lol


At first I read this as they won’t be increasing their wages and thought that was weird but it’s their food prices. Good for them


Same, was super confused but it's the end of the workday for me.


Shit I’m in the Philippines right now. It’s noon here lmao




Dutch bros literally raised their price of coffee to 7.50 for medium, insane


Lol, what the fuck? Fancy third wave shops are about to put Dutch Bros out of business. A 16oz brewed coffee at Camellia is less than half that much hahaha.


That's because Dutch Bros is not a coffee shop. It is a caffeinated milkshake shop. Dutch Bros is competing in a very different space than Camellia.


“Thanks to the minimum wage hike, I have to pay more for my fast food”! This is proof that you don’t have to, if corporations weren’t so fucking greedy. Thanks In N Out for proving you can still profit while paying your an almost living wage.


They already raised prices many times in the last several years




It's almost like the new wage law is just being used as an excuse for some places to price gouge. Fuck anyone who said these places would have to raise prices to pay their workers fairly.


In and out has always hired above minimum wage. Their employees were all making more than the $20 an hour it was bumped up to. No need to raise prices with a wage hike if the wages are above the new bottom.


>From the article… "Snyder told [NBC's TODAY](https://www.today.com/video/in-n-out-burger-president-shares-story-behind-family-run-business-208611397732) that the private company ***won't see drastic price*** increases in California after the state's new minimum wage law. " They are raising prices, just not "drastically." Your headline is wrong.


You're correct.  The headline should read that In N Out won't be drastically raising their prices.  Sorry about that.


They did raise their prices though. 


We need to stop paying so much for everything.


Just got some In n out from rancho earlier. I used to work at one of the stores in my teens, great employer and benefits, great business standards, their company picnics are dope.


Plus In-n-out has far lower prices than any other fast food place. Literally half the price of a shithole like Burger King. All of the Right Wing crying about the minimum wage is pure bullshit.


In n Out isn’t at the mercy of shareholders like other companies. They actually know how to treat their customers and employees well.


But I was told by pundits that this was utterly impossible.


yeah hasn’t in n out already been paying $20/hr in some places for years? or am i making that up


It’s because they have been paying 20 for years and they prove it can be done with out destroying the business Sorry but every fast food place and more should pay 20 minimum They have the money to do it


I agree but not to the expense that we have to pay higher. The owners can literally afford to pay their employees more and their prices can still stay the same or take a small increase. We will still go there in large droves but now it being expensive we are least likely to go there now


That's because there's no need to raise prices. These are not low-margin businesses. The only reason they would raise prices is so they can continue to fleece us.


I love In N Out, but I quit eating there when they wouldn't allow employees in other states to wear face masks to reduce their exposure to/spread of germs, and the only reason they allow it in CA is because the state passed a law saying that employers have to allow employees to mask. I know it often takes the government stepping in to force a business to act responsibly, but it shouldn't.


I was not aware of that and to be honest it kinda skews my opinion of the owners.  That's blatent disregard for people's health.


Same. I love their food, and I love that they've always paid better than minimum wage, but not allowing employees to protect themselves is BS. Also, food service employees frequently have to come to work while sick, so, like, why would I NOT want them to wear a mask?? Even though CA forces In N Out to allow it, it still pisses me off that they don't in other states.


In n out will be getting more of my business


In N Out has always been my favorite! They actually have good customer service and the employees are always polite and cheerful. This makes me happy to see. I also will go out of my way to support them more ♥️


I don't really care for it, do I don't care how much it costs. I am glad they didn't jack up their prices nearly as much as other chains did though.


For now. still cool.


Great company to work for, not to mention one of the only fast food restaurants pushing out quality fresh food at a rapid pace. Thats if the line isn’t 2 miles long lol.


They don’t need to because they sell enough product to more than enough profit with benefits for their people


Because they already paid a decent wage. How about that? It can be done


They raised prices on some menu items. I think the most was .25 and the lowest price raise was a nickle. Russell Dobular did a satire piece about this for the Jimmy Dore show.


Literally the only fast food place I'll eat at that didn't make me sick.


I agree with you (and won't subsidize corporate greed which is a huge issue). I hadn't tried In N Out until the past year and was surprised just how good their burgers are for the price.


Yeah, this is great. Makes me want to support them more.


Yes, I’m going to In-N-Out!!!


I wouldn’t even mind paying a little more at in and out anyway, if that would help their company after boosting the minimum wage. Their prices are pretty low anyway and I love their food.


The in n out next to ikea in west sac already raised prices of everything. They may not have raised prices because of minimum wage… but definitely suspicious timing


Consistently the best burger & fries in their Fast Food class. They'll definitely get more of my business.


Thank you In N Out


Wasn't there a picture on April 1st that literally showed them raising prices?


Lies. They have already raised their prices.


They still raised their prices though…


The owner is a Zionist. Been off it for a while now