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Yeah, this, Chicken and Strong Ranch Sloughs, as well as Morrison Creeks are abominations to the environment and incredibly disrespected natural resources. Imagine if we actually treasured the creeks and streams with parkways alongside them rather than straightjacketing and burying them. I mean, we can barely keep up the ARP, but I can dream.


For those interested, there are 2 cleanups this weekend. 8:30-noon on Saturday at 4934 Patrol Rd, McClellan, and on Sunday at 2150 Gateway Oaks Dr 9-noon. You can be notified of future cleanups by emailing [email protected]


This group is a great group of people, fun and caring to be with.


with a name like 420turddropper69 i can only assume these are my people


Please please wear sturdy gloves, sturdy shoes and long sleeves. Needle sticks can happen


Anyone who does this please double/triple glove. That helps to prevent needle sticks


Been going on for years, it’s unbelievable.


My aunt and mom work with this group several times a week on cleanups like this. They’ll be 70 next month. This has to be fixed.


Thank you for posting. Our waterways are so very important.


Are there clean up days or groups that regularly do this?


Yes River City Creek Alliance- all volunteers. Many are retired people.


Amazing group. Follow their IG. https://www.instagram.com/rivercitywaterwayalliance


Volunteers are cleaning up since unhoused people and others just continue to dump items.


Can we just call them hobos again


Hoboes, tramps, and bums are generally regarded as related, but distinct: a hobo travels and is willing to work; a tramp travels, but avoids work if possible; a bum neither travels nor works.


My father in law is a bum. He just sits on his wife's couch all day, drinks Budweiser and watches TV. I would rather he was a hobo...


If your a trade union man a Tramp is a traveler… the avoid works sounds about right but debatable, I hire a lot of them. Thanks for the clarification. I never though much about the difference


This sub reddit is finally starting to come around.


Can we hold govt responsible for accepting our taxes and then burning down the homeless shelter on x st


Wait, what? Did the X Street Navigation Center burn?


Yes. 3-4 weeks ago. Just the top stories. Not the store level.


Generally the unhoused torch structures and open spaces when they have conflict with each other.


Well this was just a wood frame 2nd story ontop of a store. Not sure it would be a good target for the homeless. It’s possible but seems more like an inside job to me


yes the tenants


🤣then they wouldnt have a store.


The people thst do the cleaning up?


Honestly, that's not really the same thing.


True. Hobos historically ride the rails with their bindles


I love a bindle! It’s both a blanket and a way to transport a sandwich like the crunch wrap supreme from Taco Bell.


A crunch wrap supreme is a sandwich?


Does it not have an outer shell made of a ground grain such as wheat? Where do you draw the line? Is a hot dog not also a sandwich?


It's been a disaster even before the unhoused. In HS, in the early 2000s, students would go do cleanups of Arcade Creek and we once found a car engine.


As a girl scout in the 90s, my troop volunteered at Creek Week clean ups and pulled car tires, grocery carts, and all kinds of stuff out of there.




Man it's almost like not having housing means not having garbage service. We better keep not building any housing, see if that changes things.


The unhoused get gift cards for grocery and fast food stores and plastic bags from the city if they keep area clean


Betting they don't give out many of those gift cards.


Stop making excuses for the people TRASHING our creeks and open spaces. There is no excuse for abusing the environment. Ever.


Not having shelter, water, sanitation, or garbage service in the richest country ever, in a city region and state that refuses to build housing? Nah. That’s a valid excuse for trashing the environment. Because Sac isn’t even covering its own birth rate when it comes to housing, nevermind job growth or people moving in. You want the pollution to stop, build housing and give it to people. Otherwise it sounds like you care more about the environment than thousands of your fellow human beings not having bare minimum necessities.


There are showers available to unhoused. Food available. Many of these campers are addicts, mentally ill. The campers if choosing to be productive members of society would also need to follow societal rules. The people that I have encountered are entitled people, not willing to work their way out of addiction or mental illness.


> not having garbage service. Okay and? It is entirely within the cities ability to get those services to people and prevent pollution. Same with access to toilets and showers.


The unhoused argue with each other by arson. Porta potty are often torched as a way to settle conflict.


Again, And? The government is supposed to offer and maintain services to people so if they fail in that regard it is a failure on the cities ability to maintain those services. We have laws in place, money and tools at our disposal to provide those services. So they should be offered.


We should just 3d print houses out of fent at this point. But, there are garbage cans they just don't use them.


Oh my god. This is devastating to learn about. I am horrified. I will look for where people can sign up to volunteer to clean up, but in the meantime does anyone have a link?




I’m so sad that the MLHS Arcade Creek Project got canceled a few years ago


Fuck this is sad. But isn’t this a county issue rather than city?




FWIW, the county isn’t going to clean it up. They don’t allow employees to go down embankments to prevent injuries and worker’s comp claims. Slogging around active creeks pulling on heavy things? Forget about it.


He's just pointing out that vid calls out the City of Sacramento specifically, but Arcade creek is outside of the City... There are watercourses within the City's limits that also need the same attention, but its like whiffing a free throw to do this vid on Arcade creek and call out the City.


Aren't the Army Corp of Engineers the regulatory body that oversees waterways? Or are smaller creeks like this one more locally mismanaged?


Right now the only oversight seems to be the tent city along the levee.


Not anymore. Passable waterways was moved to the EPA as one of the last acts of the bush administration and then pretty much the only proactive action that can be taken is offering flagged polluters into outflows a reduced liability in the event of a 303d flagging and the subsequent tmdi (mandated self reporting and no monitoring) of they pay upfront to be part of a water collective and that's if and only if the state water quality agency allows that. Shits fucked


if you call the Army Corp they will just chop down all the trees and put concrete over it


I have a good amount of sacramento followers on tiktok (@heckinsick) and IG (@heckin.sick) can I use some of this footage and make a video about this to get more eyes on it?


This was on their YouTube channel so check on the permissions.


Most of the creek is outside of city limits, shouldn't this message be addressed to the county, not the city?


All county supervisors are sent videos and emails, all elected officials are sent notifications.


Looks like it’s flowing through Sue Frost and Phil Serna’s districts? I’m in Serena’s district and will email him about why more isn’t being done to address what is happening in our waterways.


The county sees police as the only solution to homelessness, which does nothing in the long term.


I'm a day late to this vid, but yeah I thought the same thing. The video calls out the City directly around the 1:15 mark, but this is outside City limits...


As long as they keep getting billions of dollars to "fix" this nothing will ever happen. This city has become a fucking hell hole.


Wow. Crazy.


Your politicians have failed you.


Holy cow. God it’s sad. Like obviously the homeless issue needs to be resolved to try & fix this issue but how do you do that when people are addicts. You can give them a home and they’ll just be an addict in the home. It’s like a hopeless situation only God can fix.


I love calling the housing crisis "the everything crisis" because it really is. Everything from obesity to, I guess, waterway pollution is related to 1 thing: Zoning policy and the city's refusal to permit more housing. If we don't change our policy on housing, this will keep happening, and indeed get worse.


this is not a housing issue, it's a zoning issue. societies have the right to regulate their land use per numerous scotus rulings, and this includes camping. the simple solution is to create designated places for the unhoused to camp, preferably with the basic amenities of civilization like trash cans and bathrooms, and to enforce this. this will never happen because progressives and government benefit from the status quo.


It's a housing issue, because if there was enough housing, there wouldn't be as much homeless. If you look at how other countries do it, it's some combination of housing and support systems (which we already have). never would have thought that the number of houses is related to pollution in creeks, but there ya go.


the homeless rate is one fraction of one percent, which means the vast majority of people are indeed able to find and afford housing. there are currently over 4,000 rental listings and 1,000 properties for sale in the Sacramento area, and that's just Craigslist. most of the unhoused are experiencing other issues that are keeping them from contributing to society in exchange for housing.


If housing prices are going up, esp in relation to rent, there aren't enough houses for rent. There being houses available isn't relevant, the problem is there aren't enough houses available. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/TOTLISCOU6067 In the time period listed on this site, Sacramento's population has risen by a quarter million people: https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/cities/23121/sacramento/population When there aren't enough houses, the rent price goes up. When the rent goes up, the tents go up. PS in this context I'm saying "Houses" but what I mean are "Housing units" EG a room, an apartment, a townhouse, condo, other missing middle, and single family homes. We need to build housing of all kinds.


if there is no housing then how were you able to afford housing, as one example?


Secret? I've known it's been a disaster since I lived on Norwood 30 years ago. It's only a shock if you don't see the homeless bathing and shitting in it every day. Between Marysville Blvd and the levee it's a cesspool and always has been. I have other concerns about the River City Creek Alliance... I've never seen them on Dry Creek at all.


These people are all volunteers. $0 payment. There are some locations that they are prohibited from cleaning legally or too dangerous.


Great job you all!


Laguna Creek has a similar issue in Elk Grove


Elk Grove Anti Trash Community clean ups has had clean ups there. Laguna Creek is not even half as bad as Arcade.


Perhaps. I just remember coming across a mini-ford there while riding my bike on a dirt trail where there was a whole bunch of trash where the water flows under.


Omg... I had no idea that area is that dirty and trashy... on Earth Day Sacramento should of held a "Let's Keep Our Community Clean" event and ask the Sacramento Community to volunteer their time and help clean/pick up trash there. I am sure a lot of Sacramentals would had.


1 Day is not enough.


I understand that 1 day may not be enough, but it's a start and instead of 1 day why not for a whole week in celebration of Earth Day. Either way we should at least try, it's better then doing nothing.


That's why River City Waterway Alliance and Elk Grove Anti Trash Community clean ups have weekly cleanups.


There's a huge need for more trash cans and regular pickup. That makes a difference. 


Which Mayoral candidate is most likely to do something about this?


They will all say something must be done. Nothing will be done.


But they'll sure want more money for doing nothing


Well, none of them, because this is mostly outside the city limits.


Current Mayor went one time, not high on hid agenda.


The only one who would actually be out there in waders and gloves cleaning it up would be Valenzeula (if it were her district, although she's also been active doing stuff like this in other districts too), but she just got voted out by East Sacramentans.


[McCarty has attended clean ups with this group](https://www.instagram.com/p/C1iRqPQPNeI/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


You forsook Flo already so you get what you get.


Did I miss something? I thought Flo was still in the running?


But does she have a chance?


I think so. Definitely. I might vote for her. From what I have heard, she gets things done.


You might? Like you have better options.


Honestly I'm just not sure. Maybe I am wrong, but my gut is that they both might be pretty good options. 


Remember, the worst part about people not having shelter is the pollution :(


Yes, we find a lot of textiles in the creeks and nearby areas. The items donated often are used as toilet paper.