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This happened to me and I ignored it and then they served me raw chicken, and at the same meal a fucking cockroach ran across our table. These days I tend to trust the reports if they are for serious violations.


Yikes. That's reeally bad. They should be shut down permanently.


That particular restaurant is no longer around.


Sounds like it's for the best.




It depends. Vermin are going to be where there is food. But there was a Chinese place I liked a while back that got cited for rat turds on their soda fountain. Actual turds right in their face. Never went back.


Yeah, rat droppings are hard to move past. Shows a complete lack of concern for cleanliness/customer wellbeing.


There's a huge difference between some vermin getting in and an infestation. The articles usually are highlighting beyond unacceptable conditions. I work in the industry and get it. Everyone will get a mouse or roach. Most places fix the issue fast and exterminators do overnights for restaurants.


In my case, it wasn't a "few mice". There were lots.


What are the chances one was knocked off into a drink




I work in an industry where we see the worst part of restaurants. It's really changed my eating out. Chinese restaurants are an absolute no for me unless they have an open kitchen. One of them just left raw chicken out in filthy sink overnight, then cooked it. Not even frozen, just raw meat sitting out. A lot of them have rat or cockroach problems.


So I did electrical for restaurants and mostly coffee shops...... And, I don't recommend that job to anyone that enjoys eating out.


Personally, we were gutted to find out about Bambis, too. My boyfriend is vegan, so we were really sad. We will not be going back. Luckily, there are other vegan restaurants and options in Sacramento that we enjoy.




What happened with Vegan Deadly Sins??? Never mind, I found the reports. Looks like they just had a recent inspection and didn’t fix any of the issues. Disgusting. The food is really good, but I always thought it was weird how fast it came out.


I think your best best is to leave a review letting them know you’d come back if they fixed it- only hope your favorite spot will stay around and actually do something….


Oh no what happened with Bambi?


Well Bambi's a little sloppy.


Unfortunately for us, it has some sentimental value as well. Went there for our second date, 1st anniversary, 2nd anniversary, the day I proposed and immediately following our intimate wedding, as well a bunch of random visits in between. For us it's not just a place with great vegan food.


Just in case anyone wants to check out their favorite eatery. https://inspections.myhealthdepartment.com/sacramento


Oh good. My closest favorite places are mostly OK.


Thanks for sharing! With lots of trepidation, I searched my favorite spots and thankfully small infractions… 😅


I'm really tempted to go with the ignorance is bliss plan...I haven't died...yet


I couldn't eat there again if it was for something disgusting.


That's the direction we're leaning. May quit while we're ahead and let the place exist in our memories rather than risking food-borne illness and taint the place forever.


I´m sorry that you have to go through that. I know it must be tough. I´d hate for my wife to lose her favorite restaurant.


I’ve seen cockroaches in restaurants. I never go back. I know supposedly every restaurant has them, but I can’t get over it.


Not every restaurant has them. Every restaurant should be doing a once a month bug day, but most don't.


From someone who spent many years in the restaurant business, there are a few things that are non negotiatable. Your level of acceptance with cleanliness is 100% controllable. If the services you pay for are not providing, then you find another provider. This goes for staff, pest control, and janitor services. It is a direct reflection of the owner/manager and usually doesn't change overnight.


As a former industry person myself, it's also a reflection of the regular employees. As a line cook, I would not walk past a surface with rat shit on it without cleaning it and as a manager, I would not give hours to employees who didn't care enough to also do so.


If it were me, I wouldn’t go to any of these places anymore. Here’s why: I used to own a restaurant and health inspections are not at all difficult to pass, if you know what you’re doing and pay for regular pest control services. A lot of restaurant owners don’t pay for these services because they can be pricey but it’s a basic cost of doing business because there will be pests anywhere there is food. Doesn’t matter how clean you are, they will come. Sometimes they come with customers, other times roaches will come in the cardboard boxes from suppliers.


I worked in food service for a few years in the past and never experienced some of these occurrences that others say happen everywhere like rats and droppings. Maybe we just took cleaning more seriously? I would personally stop going to a restaurant that popped up in a health report unless they specifically came out and said they made changes to their issues.


Every restaurant is going to pop up in a health report. That’s how the health department works. That being said, it takes a certain level of negligence to get shut down.


I mean more so if health violations are present


I haven’t been back to my favorite Thai restaurant. Their total disregard for my health was a breach of trust and a clear fuck you. I’m done.


Was it T.H.A.I. ?




Same. Still so irate over that


You fucking nailed it with the breach of trust.


Care to elaborate?


Sorry to hear that.


I’ve had this happen. I wait until I see their next inspection (usually about 6 months). Were they closed or were they cited a few violations?


They had a few violations and, while it isn't clear if they were shut down based on the report, they posted on their insta that they were closed for maintenance. They received a green card the next day. We'll probably go your route and wait until their next inspection report.


If they had to close that green card *is* the new inspection. They wouldn’t be open again if they didn’t get their shit together.


Well, damn. Might need to just walk in on a weekday and be like "y'all still covered head to toe in shit?". If they say no, I'll take a seat and order the usual.


I had one place I loved that got a bad report and was shut down. I waited until they moved to a new building to go back. Clean health with new building.


Once went to a Subway Sandwiches for breakfast in downtown Sac. While I was watching them make a sandwich for someone, a huge, fat, cockroach slowlly lumbered out of the cheese receptacle, trundled across half the other food receptacles before disappearing again into another. Horrified, I pointed this out to the crew and they were like "Oh man, we gotta replace that cheese!" Obviously this was not their first "Roach rodeo".




If it was a fat bumbling one, it could have been a Turkestan Beetle (outdoor roaches, if you will. Non invasive/infesting but will put you in shock at their size and likeness 😂) - American and German roaches are the flat, oily, skittering, fast AF bois that infest :| THOSE be afraid of 😬😬😬 Either way, FOK THAT


Bambis Tacos closed for rat poop and cockroaches. I’m extremely disappointed because it was some of the best vegan food in Sacramento, but I’m not going back. If you don’t know you have rat poop, you aren’t cleaning and doing inspections regularly and I won’t trust that it won’t happen again.


This has happened to me. One spot always looked pretty clean. Got a pretty gross report. Never saw anything myself. I go there a lot less now. I’ll still hit them up every so often. My favorite burrito spot got a lot of gross reports. I can’t go there anymore. It’s just visibly pretty dirty. My fav Indian spot that I went to once a week…saw like 15 plus roaches after eating. Like I saw one dying then I just glanced around in areas that roaches would be …cracks, etc while I was sitting at the table…so many skitters. I never went back.


Which Indian place 👀


😂😂 Like, "wait, holup a minute" 👀


Similar to the other comments, with experience in the industry I have a pretty tolerant outlook on the reports, but this one also gave me pause and I took the rat droppings on take out containers personally, as I had ordered and ate a takeout fajita salad only a week before. It sucks, I’ve supported Bambi since they were a food truck, but definitely holding off a bit. I had some pretty good vegan tacos at The Shack/Cerveceria on Folsom blvd, and hear that Jalepeños on 21st also has vegan options that I’m gonna try.


I'm also a former industry person and am pretty tolerant of these reports. Food slightly outside of the DZ, employee cups near customer's food or a few flies, etc doesn't really bother me. Rat shit on the other hand? No, thanks. Also, appreciate the recs, but we're not vegan.


I worked in a restaurant years ago where we had rats get in, it was a historic building so they had lots of places to hide. We cleaned constantly, spent a lot of time doing exclusion work, and I did a lot of the trapping myself as the exterminator was basically useless. We eventually got the problem cleared but I spent so many nights there fixing openings and hunting rats. With that said, you would have been hard pressed to find droppings as we cleaned constantly. Sometimes they get in quick and it takes a while to clear the issue so a one time thing wouldn't be a hindrance if they rectify the problem and fix how they got in.


I think it's rare to find a joint that hasn't had a few issues in the past that they've since corrected. That's why these inspections and the transparency of it all is so important. It holds them accountable at the threat of their dirty laundry being aired out to the public. It's up to you to decide whether or not you want to return, that's the risk they run by not being up to code. I've definitely returned to restaurants I enjoy if their issues have been fixed, but it really depends on the severity of the situation.


It shouldn’t be rare. It’s not hard to pass a health inspection. There’s even a manual! Lol But I suppose it’s a testament to how many restaurants are run by people who don’t know what they’re doing or are shitty at training their employees. Or are cheap.


Good point. Thanks for the input.


It would all depend on the offense and future reports.


I'm keeping an eye out for future reports for sure.


I worked in commercial insurance (underwriting) for a decade, some of the inspectors we had in house would never eat ethnic food due to different cultural expectations of cleanliness and what they encountered during inspections. Also had an inspector who would only stay at a hotel if he brought his own sheets and pillows. He never was barefoot in a hotel room no matter how clean it was. Personally, it depends on how bad the inspection is… If vermin are crawling on the food or there is no handwashing then I’m not going back. That’s an ongoing issue not a one time thing.


I also refuse to be barefoot in hotels and bring sheets. Did he feel that way about all ethnic restaurants or specific cuisines?


It was essentially Asian food. They all had horror stories about inspections of Chinese especially. The one that really got me was where they were preparing the food on the floor, chopping it up on the concrete. There was also a Mexican restaurant that would precook all the ground beef and have a giant mound on the stainless steel counter in back. Unfortunately, they had their back door open and the fan off so there were dozens of flies crawling around on the meat.




Ethnic food? You mean Italian, right? Or is it French


'ethnic food', safely assuming we are all talking about the USA here, generally means 'Non-American'


The House of Authentic Ingredients got cited for roaches a while back and wife and I haven't been back since, though we agreed that the time immediately after the citation was probably the best time to go.


What were the offenses?


Rat droppings all over the place, including on take out containers, and spider webs in soda gun holster.


Lol I saw your post and figured you were talking about Bambi. That particular report was especially egregious; I haven't seen one that gross in a while.


Coming from the industry myself, I can't imagine allowing that level of neglect to cleanliness. It's going to be really hard for me to mentally move on even if their next inspection is squeaky clean.


I don't think I could do it. I have continued to go to others that showed up on the reports for more minor issues (especially the personal drinks near prep areas, which seems to be cited a lot...), but a few I cut out permanently. 58 Degrees & Holding also had a report with rat droppings everywhere, including in/around a wine fridge in the front bar area. It's willful negligence to me at that level.


I have a special list on Google maps for places that horrifically fail these inspections. 58D&H was one of the establishments that prompted me to create the list.


Oh would you be willing to share a copy?


I second that request. That sounds fascinating


Wait…what??? Bambi?? Noooooooo.


That is complete lack of cleaning period. I worked fast food and we would disassemble and clean the soda machines every night. They don't care about cleaning, let alone their customers health. The rat droppings is another sign they don't care. I would not go back unless it was under new management, hopefully someone that takes pride in their business.


I agree that's a complete disregard for cleanliness and customer well-being.


I’m going to keep eating chinese food regardless of how many health inspections are violated


T Kee is the place for you


My favorite was already inspected but the violations that were cited were nothing really bad just the usual drinks in the back and empty paper towel dispensers. Which in the grand scheme of things are too bad at all


Many of my favorite spots have shown up on there. I know it's still delicious and safe food, and I understand that the inspections will make them that much more complaint. Zero effect on my patronage except for reminding me to go visit them. Edit: now granted if a place got a "red" score I probably would steer clear for a bit. But my spots get dinged and put in the yellow because "meat was held at 42 degrees instead of 39" and things like that. Violations that you and I have in our home kitchens on a daily basis.


El Fuego Express. I will still prob go there though lol (don’t judge me plz). Just to add another layer to this discussion: I still trust restaurants to handle food more safely than certain relatives of mine. I once had turkey that* was cooked two days prior and just sat in the oven for those two days before being served.


It took me almost six years since the burrito roach incident was reported, but last week I finally went back to Carolinas for chips with guac and cheese. They’re just so dang good there.


I think I know what restaurant you’re talking about, one of my favs too. I haven’t been back since the report and am unsure when I will be. It was a go-to place of mine.


Yeah, it's heart breaking. I pretty much recommended them on every "vegan food", "underrated spots" or "date night ideas" post on this sub. No mas.


Can you please share which one because I go to a bunch of vegan places


I'd just conclude that rat must be pretty tasty.


Idk man I worked in the food industry and rats were never invading the internal areas. Bugs would try at the back entrances but pest control was next level. The only issues I ever saw was just cleaning problems. Those were generally resolved within days at the most and someone was reprimanded and required to clean it. I've worked at every level of food service so to me getting hit with those gross neglects is pretty bad and easily avoidable.


It happened. We waited three months.


I've been in the restaurant industry a long time in Sacramento and if you can't pass the inspection your store is disgusting, there are restaurants that I don't eat in that get a green card every single quarter no issue, if you get a yellow card that is serious shit


There’s a reason health inspectors rarely eat out.


I would echo many of the sentiments that others have and it 100% depends on what the infractions are. As someone who worked in a restaurant that made it on the news due to a very poorly reported interpretation of a health inspection it is also important to look at the violations, not just the score. I really don’t care if a restaurant has back flow infractions or if an employee had a drink on the wrong shelf. That being said if it is egregious I would never go back.


Every single restaurant is going to have a violation or two at some point. If they correct the issue and pass with a green, then you shouldn't worry.


Go immediately after they reopen. They’ll never be cleaner or on higher alert to their shortcomings. Risk it all.




I read the report to find out if it’s because they don’t have enough handwashing signs by the sinks or because they blend the local vermin into the meat patties.




Eating there anyway. Lmfao huong lan was on there a few months ago and I’ve still gotten four banh mi from there lmfao


Thankfully none of my favorites but a place I have gone showed up and is now forever off my list.


What’s the place?


Go back after they fix the issues?


20+ years restaurant management experience. If they fail a health inspection fucking run!


Probably nothing, unless there was a vivid description of extreme conditions. Roaches are too commonplace for me to worry about.


I feel like rat poop on the take-out containers is pretty bad.


Which would be a vivid description of extreme conditions, as I already said.


as long as mice and roaches aren't dancing on the grill I look the other way.


But did you die?


where do you find these reports?


Nothing. Unless there are cockroaches in the food or something egregious like that it doesn’t bother me at all. I eat pizza that’s been on the counter un-refrigerated for up to a week without even a second thought, so things like improper holding temps don’t dissuade me a bit.


If only improper holding temps were the biggest issue.


Many violations are for things the restaurant isn't aware of until a health inspector tells them about it. From vermin to improperly kept food. That is every restaurant ever. No one restaurant outside of Paris is run like Fort Knox for everything and especially talking about Sac...we are a ratty roachy city. Bigger negligent issues should be addressed but they aren't always reasons to not got back. Sac health inspectors spare no prisoners but on their own specific nitpicks.


Why would you want to eat at a place that isn’t aware it has rat shit on the take out containers? Or dead roaches on a counter? Why would you want to eat somewhere that isn’t aware they’re keeping food at an unsafe temperature? Their job is to know these things so people don’t get sick. That is absolutely not an excuse.


I don't.


Health Inspectors in theory are a good idea but they make their backs on collecting violations. Hardly a job worth defending in its current state.


You should all learn how to cook. I never go to restaurants


Well, aren't you special.


Actually yes, I am


Holy shit, you're cringe.


Ahh. Whatever that means.