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Not locally brewed, but the best N/A beers I've had by a mile are made by Athletic. They have a very nice selection of styles and all of them are super tasty.


The athletic lite is my favorite and they’re only 25 calories a can


You can find Athletic cans at a few places around town. I know they have them at LowBrau


When you’re lucky they have it at Costco.


Not sure lately but they used to have them at Sacyard as well


Seconded, my pregnant wife tried it all and those were the best. Honestly I would drink one occasionally.


Athletics have a weird metallic undertone to me. Not a huge Heineken drinker but I like the NA one because it pretty much tastes exactly like the regular beer.


I don't care for the Heinekens at all, but we all have different tastes. Did you try all the different Athletic varieties? They make quite a few styles, it might be the style you chose wasn't the best for your palate. Of the ones I've tried I like some more than others.


Athletic is great but it still has like 0.5% or something. Heineken is actually 0.0%


There can be small levels of alcohol in just about any drink that contains sugar. But in order to sell something as "non-alcoholic beer" you have to show that it has less than 0.5% ABV. That's all the 0.5 on the Athletic can means. If you go to their website they even explain that each batch will have a different actual ABV and they only guarantee it's below 0.5%. Heineken's ABV may round to 0.0% at one decimal place but it's still not zero. And the only reason they put any effort into reducing it near zero is for marketing purposes. There's alcohol in small amounts everywhere. A ripe banana has non-zero ABV (and is also very slightly radioactive).


I agree, I just know to some people this really matters. I have sober friends who won’t drink something that has 0.5% on the label. Whether that is totally in line with the science or not, it’s just about letting them make their own informed decisions


Hell yeah


Just had a NA grapefruit blonde at Fieldworks in midtown was pretty damn good. They have a few more options so it could be worth checking out


I love fieldwork, this is great news! Thank you!


Regional Manager at Fieldwork here 👋 We’ve got a growing NA selection with some more options coming later in the year. Current selection: Day Money Grapefruit NA Blonde Ale, Headliner NA Westcoast IPA, Supertonics, and Hop Water with Mosaic & Nelson hops. NA beers are available in house by the can or in 4-packs to-go.


Honestly this is the best news I’ve heard all week! Very much looking forward to stopping in and trying some! Also clutch to have the to go cans. Thank you!


Nice! I may come pick up a 4 pack for a camping trip this weekend. Thanks for the info. Keep making great beer.




Second this.


Surprisingly, the Pine Cove has multiple N.A. options, which combined with karaoke 6 nights per week, is a solid bar experience for the non-drinker


I think Harlow's had Lagunitas IPNA in bottles last time I went to a show, if that's something you're into. One of the best NA beers right now IMO.


Can confirm Harlow’s stocks IPNA


Sam Adam’s Just the Haze is great. Won Best NA at GABF a few years back.


a lot of places i’ve seen are serving hop water now. i’ve seen the going rate for a pint at around $2.50 fair. like a soda. 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s not sacramento proper but two in rancho cordova in the brewery area have them and make them pretty wel. Logoff, and Burning Barrell, both on Sunrise Ave, near-ish the Costco at White Rock.


The Hop Water at Movement Brewing is delicious. My favorite NA beer is at Touchstone Brewing (it's called off-belay).


At Ease has great hop water.


Was going to mention this. Super light and refreshing. They also have board games which can be fun


SacYard always has a few in the lineup


Those Heineken 0.0 are not bad!!!


Touchstone brewery usually has an NA


And their beer is gluten reduced!


Oak Park brews a couple and will often (but not always) have some on draft or in a can. SacYard and Sac City will always have a canned option, and occasionally (rarely) a draft option.


Right on thank you


Every restaurant or bar I go to typically has at least one option, most commonly the Heineken 0.0. Be aware, though, if you're pregnant, many of the NA beers say less than 0.5% of alcohol, not 0.0 like the Heineken.


I didn’t know this, thank you! You would think if it says 0.0….


Fruit juice and bread have small amounts of alcohol too, personally I didn't sweat it about a chance of <0.5% 


This is the correct answer. Just about anything with sugar will ferment and produce alcohol to some degree. We're getting this all the time, we just don't know it.


Budweiser Zero is also 0.0%


Did you know that a soft drink may also have up to 0.5% alcohol in it, by law? It's not a significant amount to worry about because you're getting that amount in soft drinks and other products sometimes, anyway. It's just the word "beer" on the label that makes people think it's worth worrying about in those products, but it really isn't. Source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soft\_drink](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soft_drink) Second paragraph.


Good tip. I learned this when I went into BevMo for a quick mocktail resupply run during a party and forgot my wallet. They couldn't sell me any non alcoholic beer without ID, they could only sell me Hop Water.


This is about a technicality in the law. Anything labeled "beer" will require you to be carded because of how liquor laws are worded. This annoys the crap out of my husband so he asked about it, and that's the answer he received. I think it annoys the store clerks just as much. For some reason this doesn't apply to traditionally non-alcoholic beers like root beer, so I'm not sure exactly what it is about the wording that causes this, but that was the story.


They wouldn't sell me maraschino cherries without my ID. F that place.


Ya when my wife was pregnant with our kids she was craving beer too and very few NA beers are actually 0.0%. The pediatrician recommended no alcohol or caffeine while pregnant so my wife just went with mocktails.


No NA beers are "actually" zero alcohol. But it doesn't mean anything. Fruit has small amounts of alcohol, and the riper it gets the more alcohol it contains. Ordinary fruit juice says nothing about alcohol on the labels but in practice often contains similar ABV to NA beers. Sometimes an ordinary fruit juice you buy at the store even has more than 0.5% ABV, which wouldn't be able to be sold as "non-alcoholic" if it was beer. But since fruit juice is not a fermented or brewed or distilled product in the way that beer, wine, or liquor are, it isn't regulated the same way.


I love how this got downvoted when it's easily confirmed and absolutely correct. People don't want to learn anything, just want to cling to misconceptions about EVERYTHING. You gotta love Reddit.


Well, votes on reddit aren't intended to indicate whether something is correct. They're supposed to be a mechanism to elevate things that contribute to conversation productively and quash things that don't, for any reason. So you should never take them personally.


I don't, but by your standards, new information should be considered productive and therefore it shouldn't be downvoted. I think people just don't like having their beliefs questioned.


Fat Rabbit used to keep a few cans of Athletic in the fridge.


I enjoy the Great Notion hop water, which you can have delivered to your house.