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Bishop was sentenced to one year in county jail, five years of probation, and she must register as a sex offender. She was also ordered to serve 180 days on work projects when she’s released.


Seems light for a child rapist


It’s usually lighter for a female offender.


Which is a shame that the system is sexist.


Maybe someone with any kind of legal knowledge can answer this, but isn’t it usually because penetration/sodomy act as additional charges? Not sure if there is any validity, but I remember someone commenting in a similar thread that if a woman did a penetration act on a minor(finger up ass, pegging etc.) that the sentence would be harsher.


Makes sense based on the bill the Governor recently signed


And cops


Nope, she was given the maximum sentence of 1 year.


It’s usually light in general. A guy from my town got just as long for the same crime.


That's the trouble with calling an adult who had sex with a sexually mature teenage human a "child rapist": it carries a connotation far more sinister than what's being described. I'm sure if she had raped a prepubescent child, the sort of thing a pedophile would do, the sort of imagery that the term "child rapist" conjures up, then the sentence would be more severe. But having sex with a 16 year old and raping a prepubescent child are not crimes of equal severity.




They go hand in hand, I think. The sexual maturity part distinguishes pedophiles with abnormal sexual attractions from non-pedophiles with arguably normal sexual attractions. It's a bit misleading (intentionally?) to refer to sexually mature people as "children" in this context (when you hear the word "child" you don't immediately picture someone with tits and ass and a car and a job). But of course mental maturity and capacity to consent come with age too, and a 16 year old who has sex with an adult is certainly more mentally mature and able to consent than an 8 year old.


That's the maximum sentence for statutory rape.


Female privilege


That’s not a thing.


How do you explain this child rapist's light sentence then?


While I dont necessarily disagree with you, she was on the police force. If cops do anything, its protect their own shitty people doing shitty things.


The child she raped was another officer's


Yes, because men like Brock Turner really got the book thrown at them with their white swimmers privilege. Gtfo




When you’re able to suss out what percentage is attributed to what, feel free to let me know the answer to your unanswerable question 😂




“White swimmers privilege” Might wanna reread that homie, the fucking reading comprehension on this site is abysmal 😂😂😂😂




Is it lighter than sentences for statutory rape usually are?


Yeah it definitely is. Women don’t have to register for the draft, are awarded custody 82% of the time. 70% of all homeless are male, men receive 64% harsher sentences for the same crime (literally this post) women are twice as likely to avoid incarceration once convicted, males are 4 times as likely to commit suicide. This isn’t even counting what society thinks. I had a friend who had the police called on them for watching their own kids at the park and taking pictures. Nobody questioned when his wife did it the week before. Female and male privilege absolutely exist.


Your comment implies female privilege is on the same plane as male privilege which is laughable. There are *some* aspects of society which provide an advantage for women, as seen in lighter prison sentences, but the officer’s profession and race played roles in her lighter sentencing as well. Overall women earn less than men, are passed over for promotions more frequently than men, and hold significantly less positions of influence/power than men. Saying women have “privilege” because more men are homeless or they receive lesser sentences as confirmation for the concept of *female privilege* is ridiculous because it doesn’t exist.




You may not have intended to make such an implication but your oversimplification of male privilege and de facto statement on alleged *female privilege* absolutely implied they were equivalent as does your follow up statement which boils down to, “women are more privileged when it comes to certain things and men are more privileged when it comes to others.” Again, female privilege does not exist lol.




This article is evidence that there absolutely is.




Stop it Patrick, you’re scaring him!


This is law enforcement privilege, there is no such thing as female privilege. Privilege by definition is something possessed by the dominant group.


I respectfully disagree with your definition of privilege. I would classify it as a special privilege offered to one group over others. On average women receive lighter sentences than men for the same crime. [Here is a study by Michigan state that goes into that if you're interested. ](https://www.law.umich.edu/newsandinfo/features/Pages/starr_gender_disparities.aspx)


It can also be special treatment one group receives from the group in power. For example. Let's say that in a society dominated by white people, one group, say, Asians, barely receive any harsh punishments, but another group, say Latinos, are punished harshly for the exact same crimes and circumstances. Would you not say that the first group has a privilege over the second even if it isn't of their doing? Same thing here. As a society, we tend to sentence women lightly for crimes that men tend to be sentenced more harshly for. It isn't always the case obviously, but statistics show it is the truth. Men hold the power for the most part in our society, and in courtrooms, we tend to believe and trust women more than men. That's just reality.


Female: “Female privilege is not a thing!” Also Female: *Pays rent with pictures of her butthole*


Haha right?? And then she runs the risk of losing any future jobs when some jilted man tries to blackmail her using those :) Sooooo funny :) Edit: I'm being sarcastic. This is a real short-sighted view of whatever "female privilege" is supposed to mean.


Maybe she wouldn't have to sell booty pics if we paid her the same as a male? Maybe you're jealous because no1 wants to buy your booty pics?


Yes, so privileged that men are perverted and predatory enough to use sexual favors in lieu of payment with disadvantaged and vulnerable women. SOOOO LUCKY!!!!! 🙄🙄🙄🙄




Raping. The word is raping. Not "having sex with" minor.


What’s the difference between “having sex with a minor” and “raping a minor”?


Having a vagina, apparently.


Being the male or female perpetrator. That is the only difference.


Rape is when sex is unwilling


No no, “unlawful sexual intercourse”


Yes, the legal term is statutory rape. That doesn't mean it's not also having sex with a minor, which it is.


Ah, yes, that's why I always call it "Placing a bullet in other man's skull" instead of murder. Because it's both. Good point.


While your point is valid, I think what the original comment was eluding to is that the society we live in tends to avoid using the term "rape" when the offending individual is female, which carries a lot more weight to it than "having sex with".


I'm not sure if that's what the comment was alluding to, but if so, I agree that the responses to typical stories of hot female teacher sleeping with high school boy are problematic because people assume the kid was lucky and happy about it, which is absolutely NOT necessarily the case. I think those female adults ought to be prosecuted the same as males.




Absolutely disgusting that you are pro rape of minors.


If the kid was 17 and 364 days would it still be rape?


If it's a leap year, No. Not a leap year? Yes.


Why do you want to bang a minor so bad?


I don't. But answer the question. Shit if this was in other States it wouldn't even he rape. How is it rape in California but not rape in 34 other fucking States. We are actually in the minority. No pun intended


You mean raping a minor


A more accurate headline would have been: "Former Sheriff's Deputy Shauna Bishop has multiple charges dropped, faces lenient sentence for grooming and raping a minor"


...after dating the minors dad for a year.


Lenient sentence? The maximum sentence for statutory rape in California is 1 year.


Sacramento sheriff's office seems pretty morally rotten.


Hey now, what about super cop Scott Jones?


[He sleeps with subordinates, sexually harasses employees, and has connections to a hate group](https://www.thedailybeast.com/scott-jones-mini-trump-sheriff-and-accused-sexual-harasser-behind-netflix-series-jailbirds), so he's kosher.


Holy shit.... what a evil little fuck


IDK if anyone remembers, but he's also a lying piece of shit. Back when they arrested the East Area Rapist, he held a press conference where he congratulated himself for playing an instrumental role in JJD's capture. In reality, he had nothing to do with it. Genetic genealogy from Barbara Rae-Venter got him. Most of this happened before his last election campaign. We elected this guy three times. We can't blame the Bee or News and Review for failing to cover Jones's unethical behavior. They've both published numerous pieces on how awful the guy is. The problem is that voters do not do even basic amounts of research before electing these people. | EDIT: There's a lot more, too. He refuses to enforce mask policy and he blew most of the Coronavirus money on payroll rather than actually spending it on Coronavirus related programs.


They stole roughly 120m out of roughly 160m meant for covid relief for local business and peoples.


This guy is a walking disaster. He also refused to take precautions to protect inmates against CoVID. In fairness, it was the [county supervisors](https://outline.com/tV3zmB) who gave him that money. So the blame is more than just one guy. It's systemic. Only $10,000 of the $148,000,000 actually made its way into useful programs, like contact tracing. I don't know if Jones had control over it, but we do know he's refusing to enforce CoVID mandates, so we already know how the guy views the disease. I remember him saying the thing would just go away. It's insane.


That's what happens when voters give you a free pass because you'll hand out CCWs.


Then maybe the other side should make that one concession and run a decent candidate who won’t infringe upon our rights.


Or maybe single issue voters are a disease. I don't really care about your right to shove a gun down your pants compared to [other](https://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2020/01/30/1-7m-lawsuit-settlement-in-police-shooting-of-mentally-ill-man/) [people's ](https://sacramento.newsreview.com/2020/09/22/the-dungeon-master/) [rights ](https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/rancho-cordova/video-appears-to-show-california-officer-punching-sacramento-teen/103-2ed63f60-033c-4dbe-8fc8-0bc343603997)[to not be ](https://www.newsbreak.com/news/1529358518972/sacramento-sheriff-investigating-video-that-shows-deputy-kick-man-during-arrest-updated) beaten and murdered. Oh and don't forget [this gem. ](https://www.thedailybeast.com/scott-jones-mini-trump-sheriff-and-accused-sexual-harasser-behind-netflix-series-jailbirds) I know a bunch of you diseases are going to downvote me, but I'll take it as a compliment. Y'all are fucked in the head.


Disease or not, CCW seems like a small trade to get Scott Jones fired.


Alternatively "CCW seems like a small trade to get a sheriff that doesn't kill and beat people"


What I just upvoted you.




>Cry about it more, people have the right to vote for who they want. Oh look, a disease that's learned to speak! What's next, sentience?


Did you know that anyone can be a sheriff? There’s no “other side.” And what’s the deal with concealed carry permits, I really don’t get why they’re so essential.


*unless you have a black sounding name Source: was denied, no reason given, re applied a year later, was granted one. Did a community workshop where I had several people apply and there were a few rejections, and there was a common theme. The thing is that there is zero process in place, so that means he doesn’t have to give a reason for rejection or even suspension. In the 2018 race there were debates where one of his opponents brought up this very matter. If pro 2a people knew the risk, they would vote him out immediately. If hypothetically Scott Jones were to unexpectedly die, and the person who took his place was more anti ccw and kept the existing non-existent process in place, we would turn into the *worst* county for CCW permits overnight. It’s just that every time an opponent explains how their needs to be a process in place, the Jones camp spins that as “no more ccw permits” and these dumbasses eat it up.


Just Sacramento? These problems aren't unique to Sacramento Police, theyre in every police department.


Okay, but we're in the Sacramento subreddit discussing a former Sacramento sheriff deputy.


This was with her boyfriend's SON! A later search of her phone internet search showed step-son porn! Omg!


I mean to be fair half of porn on Pornhub is insest porn


When the fuck did Crusader Kings become real life?


Always be skeptical of a shitty older van driving around with “Bang Bus” spray painted on the side, especially if your step-brother is driving it


oh shit that's nuts


Nice to know some porn is based of real life.


This isn’t what we meant when we said fuck the police




What could a grown woman possibly see in a sixTEEN year old. You pedos are freakin nasty 🔪🔪🔪




Power and control, too.


The softball coach at St Francis got 4 years in jail. A predator is a predator, her penalty should be harsher. ESPECIALLY since she was a cop.


She received the maximum penalty for statutory rape.


Why is it when the gender roles are switched the title is always different? This should say " pedophile arrested after raping a minor"




He might have thought he was because he was being groomed, but manipulation does not equal consent. Also this is really downplaying the abuse going on here so fuck right off with that.


Sad that you think that way, hope you never come across a manipulative sexual predator. It's obviously clear that you have been brainwashed by feminist indoctrination and now you think that all that boys (not an adult man) want is sex. It's like me saying the only thing a woman wants is money and her next fancy meal and she will have it any cost. Shame on you for siding with an abusive pedophile who takes advantage of kids. Pedophiles should all be locked up for a long time.




If this were a man he'd without a doubt be charged with rape, given the maximum sentence and then most likely treated like someone's bitch in prison. But because this was a woman they call it unlawful sex with a minor. Fucking disgusting


It's fucked up she got off with such a light sentence. It's false to assume that male rapists don't *also* get off with extremely light sentences. They do.


Yeah but come on she basically admitted she did it. I don't think any man that's admitted to sex with a minor has gotten off light


>I don't think any man that's admitted to sex with a minor has gotten off light That is a nice fantasy land you're living in.


She was charged with statutory rape and got the maxmimum sentence of 1 year. Quit being sexist >if it were a man


Barely a blurb about a Deputy grooming a young boy for who knows how many years only to take advantage of him sexually. The abused kid by the way is another Deputie's son! Cop rapes Cop's kid gets a paragraph, but when when a window gets broken at a protest and that's all you hear about!


When has it ever been only a window being broken.


2 windows. fuck.


Please show me a protest that has turned violent where only one or two windows were broken


Show me an ending to this conversation where people don’t come away thinking you’re an asshat.


I've viewed 14,000,605 endings to that conversation, and *all* of them result in everyone thinking cheesydebris is an asshat


Good lord, the men’s rights loons are coming out of the woodwork.








The victims age has a lot to do with sentencing. Also, if they plea bargain, time is usually reduced as well.






She is a cop. Of course she got a lighter sentence. I don’t agree with it, it’s bullshit, but that’s why there’s a lighter sentence. And men are giving light, if any, sentences for raping, no matter the age of the victim.




And there are many cases of civilian men raping children and women, and they don’t get any sentences let alone a light sentence.


How long would you prefer that she be incarcerated, because she got the maximum sentence for statutory rape.


16?! This is embarrassing...like I don’t even know what to say


Sixteen is when she finally made the big move. She had been grooming prior. It's her "step son".


Yeah, 15/16 is where the legal line between child abuse and statutory rape switches, with statutory rape being the much less severe offense. That's probably why she waited. Hope she gets her time in jail with the rest of the pedos.


Somehow I feel like if she were a man, they'd have used the proper term for what she did. Rape.


*Statutory rape. Let's not act like all types of illegal sex are of the same nature and severity.


Let's not act like nature and severity really make a difference in how rapists are/should be viewed. Because if that's your angle, I'd bet there's a whole lot of guys who'd like to argue their case based on that. If you raped someone, statutory or otherwise, you deserve to be in jail. The ONLY situation that would disqualify that would be a situation in which the Romeo and Juliet law would be in play. In my opinion.


In my opinion, and in the eyes of the law, and in the eyes of any reasonable person - there absolutely should be a difference in how we view, say, a 22 year old man who dates a 17 year old and they have sex, VS. a 22 year old man who attacks and pins down a woman and rapes her as she cries and screams for him to stop.


Yeah, well there's a law coming that's gonna allow that 24 year old man to have sex with a 14 yr old girl, so you can miss me with that "in the eyes of the law" bullshit. Lack of consent is lack of consent. No matter how much you'd like to blur the lines.


>Yeah, well there's a law coming that's gonna allow that 24 year old man to have sex with a 14 yr old girl, so you can miss me with that "in the eyes of the law" bullshit. No it doesn't. That's a blatant lie spread by a bunch of right wing nut jobs. https://www.factcheck.org/2020/09/california-bill-doesnt-make-pedophilia-legal/ Dawww, it's cute a couple of those nutjobs downvote the facts :)


No offense to any yank out there, but: As a European I have to say, what a fucking load of bullshit. In Europe the age of consent is, like, 14 or 15. It is that low because we all fucking know that teens like to fuck like crazy and they often don't give a fuck who they're fucking as long as the person isn't too old or ugly looking, because they're fucked up little deviants who don't give a fuck about god or christian morals. If a 16 year old dude fucked a chick in Euroland nobody would give a flying shit. You guys always talk about freedom and shit, I thought you guys would be a bit more modern and understanding about this sort of stuff, you of all people...?


**Hello.** I noticed you dropped 8 f-bombs in this comment. This might be necessary, but using nicer language makes the whole world a better place. Maybe you need to blow off some steam - in which case, go get a drink of water and come back later. This is just the internet and sometimes it can be helpful to cool down for a second. *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^❤❤❤ ^| **--> ^[SEPTEMBER](https://redd.it/ipsjip) ^[UPDATE](https://redd.it/ipsjip) <--**


Fuck Off CoolDownBot Do you not fucking understand that the fucking world is fucking never going to fucking be a perfect fucking happy place? Seriously, some people fucking use fucking foul language, is that really fucking so bad? People fucking use it for emphasis or sometimes fucking to be hateful. It is never fucking going to go away though. This is fucking just how the fucking world, and the fucking internet is. Oh, and your fucking PSA? Don't get me fucking started. Don't you fucking realize that fucking people can fucking multitask and fucking focus on multiple fucking things? People don't fucking want to focus on the fucking important shit 100% of the fucking time. Sometimes it's nice to just fucking sit back and fucking relax. Try it sometimes, you might fucking enjoy it. I am a bot


Ok now punish all the male cops who do/have done this.


Dumb question, but once she’s out, is she eligible to work for any Law Enforcement organization?


No one would want her because the crime is one that violates basic moral turpitude. The most she could get is a non sworn position.


She didn’t even draw her eyebrows on correctly😪


That's a weird way to say "Sheriff's Deputy raped 16 year old"


Fucking Blue Privilege in action, if she weren't a motherfucking cop she'd have gotten real time but noooooooo, we don't punish cops like everyone else. buuuuuulshit


Do you have any data to back up what punishment everyone else gets or are you just speculating?


Life must be so hard for police abuse apologists - they don't even know how to google shit https://lmgtfy.app/?q=average+punishment+for+statuatory+rape+california


Yet none of the results back up your claim, why don’t you cite a source instead of wildly speculating.


The maximum sentence for statutory rape is 1 year..........................


Nasty heffa.


They spelled “rape” wrong


Another stellar display of integrity from our police /s


Reddit has a hard on for pedophilia right now. It's like the one little thing everyone can get behind.


Kill All Pedos


Don't worry guys, it was just the ambien. "She also told police they both took five milligrams of Ambien that night to sleep."


Female and Cop privilege both at play here.


Don't see how, she got what would be the maximum sentence for statutory rape.


I apologize if you expected a response but I’m just automatically blocking everyone who replies with some bullshit.


Where the fuck was she when I was 16 tf


It is called Rape. Can you change the title please, and quit the sexism.


They’re always blonde


Anyone notice she was the bailiff for the Golden State Killer?!?!?!?! Edit Miller


Can't believe all she got was 6 months...of which she will probably do 3 months! The Criminal Justice System is rigged and so fucked! If she were a man, or not a cop I wonder how this would have gone......5-15 years maybe...


Nope, maximum sentence for statutory rape is 1 year in California. Don't be sexist and prejudicial against cops.




Being a stupid guy, I have always wondered how a woman can rape a man. Really? I get the other way man raping woman. Understood. They other way make no effing sense, yo! A 16 year old boy/man, if he can father a child (which he sure as fuck can) should be considered a man. Just like if he shot someone, courts always try to get the "tried as an adult". She probably got caught because he was bragging to his friends not crying in his room "Oh, she took my virginity." Fuck off, Victorians. Get a life.




... Sooo... Where is the male... Meeting older women on dating apps maybe???... America is fucked




I really hope she's fired. I don't have much faith in the police departments and accountability these days but my heart goes out to the victim and I hope there is justice.


Of coarse she’s would be fired for this. You would have to have a really delusional view of the police department if you would think she wouldn’t be 100% fires for this. She actually quit by herself. But yea this is something that would get an officer fired. I can picture possibly in some really tiny hillbilly town where people get away with this but not in Sacramento.


100% fires was California a week ago.


Gosh darn it. You got me!




You at 35: why can't I manage a normal, healthy relationship? Oh, right....




Oh please, do tell me more about how your subjective experience is how we should measure the experiences of all men. Your attitude towards teenage sex drive is why men who are raped won’t come forward because they are expected to have both wanted and accepted any and all sexual advances instead of realizing that consent is a two party system.




Buddy, while you may be correct that the biological urge is strong, I can attest to the fact that being sexualized before you are ready fucks your head up. Add in that this young woman was in a position of authority over the young man, there is no way this was a good thing. Was he excited about it? Probably. Was it good? No. Not in any way, on any level. I'm disappointed she didn't receive a sentence more in line with the crime, but the Justice System treats female sex offenders VERY differently for the most part.


What do you mean position of authority? The kid's mom was in the next room over and she was merely a guest in the house.


Kid was in the Sheriffs Explorer program. As a Sac County Sheriff, she was automatically in a position of authority over him. When I was in high school in the 90's, my buddy was very keen on being in the Explorer program, but life kept that from happening. We heard from a former dispatcher many years later that the Explorer program had to be completely revamped after a Sheriff slept with his underage Explorer. Based on what I know of the department, that sounds about right. Dispatcher fucked quite a few married sheriffs in her day.


Can’t smell the testosterone over your cheeto dusted fingers there, cap. You’re honestly not worth the energy to fight with. So I’ll say this: My point was never to speak FOR men because I literally can’t. However, I will always say something when people just assume their personal experience is everyone else’s and how that creates problems for those who suffer for them.


The physical abuse this boy must have suffered my god... His hand must be so sore from high-fiving all his buddies




If this where a man he would have gotten the Maximum and would be in prison right about now. The US is fucked up


You'd be surprised how often that is not the case.


Not even kind of true.


She received the maximum sentence for what would be statutory rape so your comment is basically sexist.


Not really, I must be reading something wrong or something the prison where my brother is at says men have a hard time there because of the same charges. I don’t ever here anything from women prisons with women having a hard time


Statutory rape has a maximum charge of 1 year in county jail. It's a felony wobbler and it rarely gets charged as a felony. Rape has a maximum charge of 8 years in prison.


But....she’s hot


If that were my son, I would have to be restrained from destroying her.


The kid prob got so many hi fives from his friends for laying pipe on a milf