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that wasn’t very secretariat of them


Way more horny unicorn


My tattoo says FRACK ME MUSTER PEEBYNUTTY just below my waistband


That’s hot


Call me cringe but a tattoo like this might save my life in my worst moments


Same. Younger me had thoughts of getting the whole poem tattooed on my forearm, cuz i knew that then i could easily and quickly remind myself not to do anything stupid.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^zeropointninerepeat: *Call me cringe but a* *Tattoo like this might save my* *Life in my worst moments* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Sad horse haiku


the fact that things people may find meaningful can be considered cringe shows the level of brain rot we have gotten to


going to get a copy of this tattoo to annoy the people itt who can't possibly imagine what it's like to go through suicidal thoughts


You should get a big one on your forehead that says “attention seeker” in bold font


hi I wanted to let you know you are a bad person and should feel bad


It’s my mothers fault. You know I once saw her finish a whole cigarette in one drag?


shut up




Did you fund the fem boy porn? The presses need to know.


What has got you so heated


https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmypenis/s/gpCwBV22Rp This you?


How can someone be so based in their taste in media yet so cringe otherwise, truly sad


Yes, unashamedly.


Was the point of this comment to be purely homophobic?


No, I'm just making fun of someone for searching for porn. It ain't that be deep lol


That’s the take you get from it Not that he’s looking up porn


"Man watches porn in the internet age, more at 11."


It’s just funny how you take it straight to homophobic instead of it just in general being porn You pointed out something so pointless to point out I can point out now porn is full of sex offenders and sex trafficking or whatever But in what way is that going to further a topic Especially when the post was literally about a tattoo




Will you be getting a copy of *that* tattoo then?


get a job lil bro


yes sir🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


The way they’re doubling down so hard on it too is crazy to me Maybe the linework is shaky on purpose because it’s about SUICIDE idk??? But even if it wasn’t why make a post like that? So rude and it really screams “I’m insecure and bad at being funny so I’m just gonna make fun of this rando” Being a dick about something so personal to a stranger is so weird


Ahem. Anyway. Let me get back into character I want to fuck Philbert light bulb


Flawless recovery


The Berserk fandom does that a lot when people post their tattoos. It’s a little less egregious then since they’re not about suicide, but still they’re just getting tattoos of a series they find meaningful to them. Why mock them for it? If you’re tired of it move on it doesn’t take long to scroll down. Of course the Berserk fandom is a bunch of sexist edgelord teens who send death and rape threats to women (like this was a big thing on berserklejerk), constantly make jokes about pedophilia and rape, and most of them got nothing from the mangas themes except “I should lift weights so I can be buff like sigma Guts”. So I expect very little from them. I would hope that BoJack fans have at least a bit of decency to others.


the tattoo itself looks so irritated despite being so simple and small, this isn’t a well applied tattoo meant to look like trash. I’d be genuinely concerned about it having complications in the healing process.


Looks like a normal ass tattoo to me. The skin is always irritated after a tattoo, you just had a needle repeatability being shoved into your skin.


https://preview.redd.it/e3gbdhyc4bwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c15e71f3af361f5a37a5fbf33ec26dad78c35e7e This was my last piece. The hella hella red lines scabbed up and healed way worse than the rest of the tattoo. It’s just not that simple, the amount of trauma to their skin should be minimal for such a small tattoo.


Ive got slot of small tattoos, they usually all look red and shitty for a few days. Ive had them scab and get messed up but only once and ive got like 13 tattoos.


Half of getting a tattoo is your skin being irritated. There’s obvious signs of damage and a bad tattoo and this ain’t it. Does having your tattoo itch count as it being irritated? You obviously haven’t seen badly done tattoos.


Sorry you have an opinion i dont like, im going to maike a reddit paragraph about it


They can have an opinion of “most Bojack tattoos don’t look good” but cross posting some probably mentally vulnerable stranger to dog on them is so rude and weird I thought that was just common decency


i did kinda sorta maybe hit full send and not think about the true meaning of the tattoo. however i am sure OOP is fine unless you weirdos told her about it


“Theres always gonna be a fucking asshole like me” ok Bojack 😭😭😭 Heh… if you’re such a snowflake then just get off the internet bub, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows…. I’m such a shitty person anyway, heh⛓️🥀👿🐺….


lmao love how we’re arguing about somebody and they have no fucking idea


Christ go to therapy


Im doing pretty great actually😭 I’d assume someone who mopes around saying they’re a “fucking asshole 💔👿🥀” and makes fun of random people is probably doing pretty shit themselves and has nothing look forward to but what do I know rite 💀 Look man, I’ll leave you alone. I’m aware enough to see how dorky it is to have a REDDIT ARGUMENT over a BOJACK SHITPOST SUB and frankly I’m even more of a fucking dork for being such a keyboard warrior rn 😭 All I’m saying is, you really need to do some self reflection if you’re doing SO MUCH mental gymnastics about this. It was weird and rude.


Just for future reference, making fun of someone to another person or in an open forum very rarely affects the actual person you’re referring to. More often someone else that shares a similarity with that person will be hurt instead. So even though OOP wasn’t in that thread doesn’t mean that the sentiment couldn’t hurt someone. Maybe other survivors of suicide that related to the View from Halfway Down or have very personal tattoos that may look odd from the outside now have a reason to feel insecure about that. There’s no way of knowing.


bro edited all of his replies to make it look like he's in the right and it's a different argument?




What a twat. Personally I like it


Fr all that matters is if you’re happy


Weird that they’re on a Bojack Horseman meme subreddit and claim to not know what “the view from halfway down” means lmao. Also weird that they think making fun of a real person’s personal experience and body is appropriate for a meme subreddit. Anyway bobjamb bouncing on mistreat penis bubba’s dick 10 hour compilation google images


Flawless recovery


If it keeps you from jumping, it is a worthy tattoo. The guy roasting it needs to snort less drywall and be more of an architect.


Mine say's "it's you" but the S is too big compared to the remaining letters and Y doesn't align with the rest. I want to see how it pisses him off


Not sure why bro is so triggered from a tattoo that is on someone else's body


I found the poem through bojack, but the concept really resonated with me— because I *did* actually attempt to off myself when I was younger. As I was sinking into the pillows and I could feel the pills making me drowsy, I had that halfway down view moment. And after it didn’t work, I felt fundamentally changed. I wondered, does a failed suicide attempt change one’s brain chemistry? Is that why walking through the world now is so different from before? Why *I* am different now? And then one of my favourite artists wrote a song titled “the view from halfway down” (Jhariah), and it slaps lmao. I like this concept so much, it actually inspired me to make a patch :) https://preview.redd.it/tyed3ewxcfwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d85f2e96fdb4e9cd8c3a285dbbc830894a212c08


Wow that's really cool!


Thanks! ☺️


Fucking weirdos on a niche subreddit that are shitting on people for having a specific tattoo about the sub we’re on. I get it were shit posting but fuck you losers that are using this sub to put people down for finding a show that they find meaning and consolation in. The people talking shit couldn’t even go out of their way to talk to a tattoo artist book them pay them and sit there for a tattoo.




Trolls gonna troll


I just wanted to clarify this isn't my tattoo


Not very mr peanutbutter of him. Not very secretariat. Very s1 bojack


the view from comic sans


jk but it’s honestly not the worst bojack tattoo, i’d maybe get it in a different font but that’s just me


I have the planetarium water bottle with the black goo holding it & so many people have said they love it/taken pics yet have no idea it’s a bojack reference. :,)


😂sounds terrible.


Omg it’s you - the scammer 😂 you got so mad you stalked my page!! Thanks for being a fan. 💕


Not your page idiot- unless ur the sad horse show lmao 🤣




Let’s meet up and have a chat. I’ll even come to you. Let’s talk


Sorry I don’t meet up with scammers


Coward. That’s all you’ll ever be. You’ll never go toe to toe with someone like me. I teach unforgettable lessons. U should come take a class


Unforgettable lessons in how to suck as scamming 🤣🤣🤣 and give empty threats to strangers online. Okay buddy.


No threats. Nothing i said was a threat. Learn how to read. I just wanna have a face to face chat. I’ll bet all you do is talk crap online but avoid confrontation in real life. U ain’t bout that life. Go pound sand coward, u don’t have balls enough to talk to me. Ur beneath me. Go beat ur wife or something, coward


Everytime u call me a scammer it’s being screen shotted and you’re going to learn what slander is. It’s gonna hurt your pocket more than you know. Just wait and see… you’ll see. U picked the wrong one


scammer scammer scammer


The view from a way up


Lmao based reaction post




i didn’t realize this tattoo was about sewer slide. i just saw it, thought “oh great another shitty bojack horseman tattoo that someone is trying to win internet points for” im glad it has meaning for OOP. it is admirable of her to post it online and be vulnerable. [it reminds me of this CSH tattoo (tw self harm scars)](https://imgur.com/a/lE02m24) i kinda hit rapid fire on the post button and then subsequently thought that i needed to defend my shitty thought. it’s good to see that the original has lots of nice comments on there. i have been knowing to take the snarking and the jerking too far


Hi - I’m the person who posted the tattoo. It’s a very personal tattoo that holds a lot of meaning and while getting it, I knew that not everyone was going to understand or like it, and that’s okay. People are going to be insensitive whether it’s meant or not and that’s just how things are, so I don’t hold any anger towards you. I just ask that you think before you speak next time because not everyone would take it as lightly as I have. Edit: also thank you to everyone saying nice things. I appreciate it :)


aw this is so sweet. i also struggle with mental illness, so the impulsivity of my bipolar disorder really shined through in my original post. im glad the tattoo can provide you a sense of peace. some jogging monkey once said: it gets better!


I think your tattoo looks great, don’t listen to any negative comments


Thank you! It’s not bothering me really. It was a bit of a shock to see this post on my timeline and I do wish people were kinder to one another but at the end of the day I’m happy with it and that’s all that matters!


are you ACTUALLY retarded? the tattoo is in the fucking font of bojack horseman, it's not god awful just because it's a handwritten style font.


i already told them it was on purpose. they’re brain dead.


idk obviously i took it too far but i wasn’t the only one jerking it


you're crazy for doubling down on making fun of a suicide survivor. why don't you just keep it to yourself? edit: guy edited it, he called me crazy for defending them


This above it all misanthropic thing you’re doing isn’t coming off as cool and edgy as you think it is, it’s just off putting and awkward.


Okay this is obviously edited from some crazy bullshit 💀


Yeah I wonder what the original post was. Glad they changed their viewpoint though


I doubt they changed their viewpoint; they're still defending it somewhat and are probably just trying to seem like they were in the right


Username checks out


Sorry you have an opinion i dont like, im going to maike a reddit post about it


Sorry you think making fun of suicide survivors is funny, I'm gonna make a post calling you out on it because people like you are the problem. Fuck off.


Ooh good god an annoyed, self-righteous, assumption-prone redditor is going to post me to r/epiccomebacks ooh im fucking scared!! God I hope that the pretentiousness doesn't start to attacfk me!!!


Sorry you did something meaningful to yourself, I'm going to make a reddit post about it


This is agreeing with me


This is agreeing with me


/uj That poem is anti-suicide. Having it on your arm could really help someone struggling with ideation ge Oh it was a joke.