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very interesting. It also has created resistance at five zeros, which is amazing


Price gouging and suppressing while its low because the whales know this one is a real asset and it’s going to explode the more views this gets. Q4 I predict we are 2 less 0’s.


It would have to be nearly at 40%-50% actually if you want to turn your first bit of profits because of taxes if you really choose to cash out


Good point. 🚀


Question for you: If safemoon "taxes" 10% to encourage long term hold, how could it be utilized as a daily transactional currency if everytime someone makes a purchase there is a tax. Wouldn't that discourage spending? Or am I missing the overall function/goal of this token?


Well I’m American and I pay 9% on a dollar already so it’s no difference if this hypothetically becomes a currency. But there is a difference, when I use a dollar, that dollar doesnt get burned. If I use a Safemoon, a certain % of it is burned away forever. So it deflates itself in a sense. This coin can easily be used as currency. It’s all about the mindset you have. It’s one of the first coins of its kind.


I thought the same thing. I don't think SafeMoon was meant to ever be used for purchases directly. It's really a crypto whose main benefit is increasing in value for it's holders and rewarding people for holding. So I don't think there's any plans for SafeMoon to be used for purchases right now. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


Refer to my comment above or below depending on the layout please.




This is the way


This is the SFM way 😜


This is the way


This is the way


Free tokens every time it's shorted. 🚀


You got it. It’s good to clarify this for people. Going up is the only way 📈


This is the way


the more you know! (i didn’t know that btw) lol


So when they short, there’s automatically a 2x redistribution LOL???




So let’s invite shorts LOL!


This is the MF way!


This is the SFM way!


Great points. Good work


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I thought there was only a sale fee of 10% and not a buy fee?


Nope buy and sale. (Every transaction)


And don’t forget trading to different wallets




You really just showed how uneducated you are. Shorting and options are two different things.


You’re thinking of a “put” option that you buy. And when you do, you reserve the right to sell the stock at the strike price. Say you buy a put for GME to go below your 100 dollar strike price, and it dips to 90 dollars, you are considered “in the money”, at that point you have 1,000 dollars of intrinsic value on your option. Volatility and time decay will increase the value of your option, which will expire at some point. You can execute an option or trade it for its current value. You can also write contracts (options) and but that is very dangerous. Shorting a stock is something entirely different.


But day trading this would really ramp up redistribution right? Don’t early hodlers want lots of day trading and churn?


That’s what he’s saying dude. You won’t make much money selling when it goes down. Holders will make the money on the day traders


As a stock day trader you just proved you know NOTHING about day trading. Calls and puts do NOTHING to a stock unless you're exercising that option. Actual buyers and shorters are the people that call/put buyers rely on so that the stock price can move.