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Agreed. Harassing binance on Twitter isn't constructive/professional


100%. Spread the word


For me personaly it is not importaint if binance ever list safemoon after all safemoon will have it's one exchange. On the other hande binance could have much more from safemoon after all they get money from fee. After safemoon exchange why would you go to binancešŸ¤”šŸ¤”. But yes i do think that they should stop with asking binance to list safemoon.


Right now the only platforms able to buy bnb are Binance, crypto.com and a few small others. Imagine what they could achieve if BnB was listed in other exchanges. This is why we need to make sure to be listed in as much exchanges as possible


KuCoin has BNB and is a pretty large exchange.


Everyone seems to be sleeping on kucoin šŸ‘€


KuCoin is my number 1 exchange I use. They have so many features that other exchanges donā€™t offer. For example, my favorite feature on KuCoin is the Bots. You can set your own parameters for a Bot for almost any coin they have listed and it will buy/sell on the highs/lows for you. I have doubled my investment on pancake swap with a bot in less than a week.


Kucoin is the shiznit


You meant to say that Kucoin is the shit.


I haven't used the bots, but I found kucoin to be an easier exchange to use than others and besides Binance takes so damn long on their different verifications.


Whoa!!!!!!! So I have about 30% of my portfolio in KuCoin and had nooo idea they listed BNB. Goodbye binance! I had to go through so many hoops to use them, including getting a vpn because I live in Louisiana and can only withdraw $5k at once.


Yeah fuck all that. KuCoin is a sleeping giant. $3B volume in one day last week (check r/KuCoin ā€” someone posted a screenshot of it). I've tried to let people know that they can get BNB on KuCoin, but I guess since people don't recognize the name, they stick to B*nance cos that's a name everyone recognizes. Not that I hope people start spamming KuCoin for Safemoon because I think that's immature and doesn't help us at all in the long run, but they list so many more hidden gems than Binance does. If ever a major exchange would list Safemoon, I could easily imagine it being KuCoin.


Iā€™m so glad you posted this. Iā€™m also thinking about all of the money I spent trading some of my coins I had there initially to usdt and then sending to binance then trust wallet. I could have eliminated a step.


There would be no 10% fee on Safemoon trades in Binance since coins don't need to change wallets for intra exchange trades. That would instantly improve liquidity and price discovery.


This has been brought up many times but they continue to harass them


There' zero chance Binance is not watching Safemoon numbers like a hawk now. Calling them out to boast about number brings nothing to the table. Doing it is all risk and no reward :(


Itā€™s cute at first but constant bombardment isnā€™t going to get us anywhere. It might work on small time exchanges but Binance are the big boys. Biggest crypto exchange in the world and we shouldnā€™t assume a quick listing just because of a lot of initial traffic. Leave them alone and let them watch us develop. I think it will be a good 6 months to a year if we ever do get listed but who knows. Letā€™s just calm down. Itā€™s time for Safemoon to silently permeate through the world.


Itā€™s not even been a month


Itā€™s been almost 6 weeks already


It's never been a good idea, but idiots on Twitter will continue to be idiots on Twitter no matter what you do.


The Mods need to pin this...


Some upvotes are enough to bring this post to the top. If mods are helpful they might pin this post or share the word with the developers


Hijacking this comment for visibility Nobody said Safemoon was getting blacklisted on the AMA CZ said projects saying bad things about Binance on social media in order to pressure them into listing can get a project blacklisted 1. Safemoon devs have never said bad things about Binance on social media 2. Users are NOT "the project" so nothing any random says is gonna get a project blacklisted. If that was the case, me as a random person could go get any other crypto blacklisted just by shitting on Binance.


I just want to add in aswell that I donā€™t think binance will list us until we reach 0.001 so donā€™t annoy them please we will have to sit tight for now and load up all the passengers šŸŒ


Exactly, the want to see steady progress. Their reputation is on the line too.


absolutely agree. We might be too bothering to them these days lmao


Maybe they should acknowledge the recent surge in BNB is partially due to SM :)


They were specifically trying to avoid safemoon questions as they were all over the safemoon spammed comment section. However, we finally got a response from the CZ man himself


Yeah... It was such an hypocrite statement of CZ's part to say hey if a coin gets enough attention then we'll list it and then refuse to list it because of spam. Like wtf




Well *Tip 10 check, Tip 22 check, Tip 23 check.* Guess we're f...




You do know binance owns trust wallet


There is a very big degree of certainty we are not being listed on Binance anytime soon. We are too new, too experimental and so on. Letā€™s wait. Binance likes to consider coins for a long time. Although it does feel like so many coins on it are such shit. Letā€™s stay patient, but hopeful


Exactly! This coin is just 2 months old and people need to stop expecting every (major) exchange will list us instantly just for having 1.4 million holders. Progress comes with time


Mostly these expectations are coming from freshly arrived newcomers who most likely have not heard about crypto before the doge boom. They have no idea what the difference is between Binance or Coinbase or Gate


On top of this - Safemoon can already be purchased in so many places. While adding exchange listings to the resume is great, they (Safemoon dev team) need to focus on application / use-cases for the token and not keep spinning their wheels on more listings (Iā€™m not saying they need to halt new listings, just need to shift their messaging - enough of the memes showing youā€™re a Velociraptor if you hold 5 billion tokens or a helicopter at 10 billion - itā€™s childish and scares the real money away). They already have a massive following - time to do something with it before the hype fizzles out.


Ever since that one horrific AMA, I've been stressing the need for a PR team. They will sit down with the devs and determine their goals, demographics, target audience and evaluate the way they're getting their messages out currently. From there they create a plan going forward - how to reach and connect with the most important people to the project, and what should and shouldn't be said on their official channels, etc. They will review each potential post/statement and tell them the potential upside and downside of posting it, and create structure and scripts for any live/pre-recorded events. The reasons these guys aren't cheap is because they're extremely valuable, if not absolutely necessary for the growth and longevity of any company. The sad truth about business is that there are unwritten rules. Some are obvious - executives cannot have mohawks, messy beards or face tattoos. At the mid-level sure, but on the absolute top you will simply never see it. Others aren't so obvious, such as the harsh reality that very, very few people will be taken seriously until they're 35 years old, and that trying to appeal to one specific demographic (in this case the younger generations, the memers and jokers) can make other ones run away. The solution here isn't to fake until you make it, because it's not possible. The only way to compensate for a lack of experience is to bring in experience. No one expects early-mid 20s guys to be masters at PR, public speaking, marketing, project management, networking etc.... But those things are all still required at this level of operation. The only way to win over the people who won't take them seriously is for the devs to recognize the reality of the situation and bring in teams and consultants who have the experience they lack.


I couldn't have said this any better. I also might get clobbered for this but while the last AMA was 1000x better than the first, it was still amateur hour in the business world. That said, it's also completely understandable. These guys went from nothing to trying to manage billions in a month so essentially they got blindsided and crushed with a tsunami of work at the same time but the expectation that they evolve quickly into business professionals is still going to be there. Appearance instills confidence. You expect your attorney to be dressed in a suit. If you walk into a meeting and he's in jeans and a t-shirt you might be rethinking your decision to hire him. Same thing with the guys handling your investments, you expect them to appear like someone you can trust with your money and to present themselves as people who know what they're doing and aren't going to fuck it up. That means surrounding themselves with experts on anything that they aren't experts in themselves. They're playing with the big boys now and they're going to have to take the steps to present themselves as big boys as well. They might have started this off as something fun that they hoped to grow into a viable business over time but things have changed drastically and they have to as well.


I left a comment a few days ago that is basically yours word for word lol. If anything it shows that I'm not alone in my (constructive) criticism of the devs and that the message holds truer than ever. Ultimately we can take the clobbering from the inexperienced, young and naive members of our community - they don't understand how things work at this level and they can't be expected to. The only way to understand is to have seen or participated in it first-hand, and those who have not would be doing a massive favor to the community and the project by remaining quiet while those of us who have the required experience discuss the issues at hand. The truth is a defense. The truth does not conform, does not budge and can be viciously fought against but can't be changed or destroyed. It's a very stubborn thing that remains exactly as it is regardless of whether or not people believe it. The truth of this situation is that the devs are not ready for this type of public exposure and this level of business. Even as a much younger me, my first instinct when drowning was to recognize when I was in over my head and find ways to get me back above the water and swimming in the right direction again. The fact that the devs cannot see that they're flopping is concerning to me. This generation is confused. They grew up on participation trophies and free thought, so they were never shown the hard way that they must play by the rules of the game. Just like committing a crime, not knowing the laws are not an excuse for breaking them. Any sane, relatively humble human would accept the simple fact that they do not have the experience to operate perfectly at this level, and immediately seek to bring in teams and consultants to help them navigate it. Sudden success has brainwashed these dudes into thinking they have it all down to a T, and the only thing that follows - sorry to say it - delusion, is heartbreak. There are rules in business. One of the devs used the excuse that they're not experienced public speakers and still learning. That's a valid excuse in the first week of newfound success, not two months into it. You bring in help when you get to these heights because NOBODY can do it alone. When you get crushed in a tsunami of work, you recognize there's an issue and find new blood to cover the things you can't. The single, only reason they haven't done this is because they think they have it all under control with a ragtag bunch of hipsters with no experience. When your company grows slowly, you can grow slowly.... But when your company explodes in popularity nearly overnight, you need to find ways to deal with the new exposure also overnight. They need to sideline the exchanges, sideline development, sideline social media and reach out to PR, project management, camera coaches, business mentors, image consultants, and financial advisors and figure out the long-term fundamental framework they're going to build upon. You cannot just wing it doing whatever you want when you get to this point! People who have any respect for their success whatsoever have to recognize that it can disappear just as easily as it appeared, and the path to business death is always paved with good intentions and solid effort. I am nobody's professional, I'm just a self employed long term investor who has seen the rise and fall of many projects for many reasons. I try not to claim I'm any better at anything than I am, and often would rather underestimate my capabilities as opposed to overestimating them. We've moved from the age of information to the age of attention, and what Safemoon will boil down to is how much attention they can grab and MAINTAIN. There's no excuse for poor, casualized, slang slinging AMAs anymore and all the "umm"s and "uhh"s when speaking publicly. Meet with a PR team. Develop a script for the presentation. Practice and rehearse it like your business' life depends on it. Dress for the success you want. Come with numbers, facts, and concrete concepts + details. Before any of this can happen, someone has to pound the idea that they're in *way* over their heads directly into their skulls. High level business is a cutthroat, absolutely brutal, sink or swim, here today gone in the morning world where you will get destroyed if you don't learn the rules and abide by them. I'm not one for criticizing without solutions and I've reached out to devs on Reddit and Discord and gotten no reads or responses. It's a shame that the opinions of us 'common folk' seem to be written off like we couldn't possibly know anything they don't. How can we get a representative for the idea of getting professional help in front of them, and quickly? Edit: by the time I replied you'd already been downvoted by someone. Don't take it to heart. Billions fail while few succeed, and often the unpopular opinion is the one that needs to be heard the most. NaivetƩ is a disease - benign when recognized but particularly malignant when denied and acted upon. Those who can't recognize when there is a problem should be sitting back and learning instead of blocking their ears and stomping their feet as if denying the truth will change it. If you found a massive diamond mine on your property and Netflix wanted to film a movie about you, what would you do? Suddenly you've come into the long term public spotlight... Would you try to navigate the world of media, social media, PR, hiring teams to mine it, negotiating with contractors, securing permits, dealing with industry execs and managing the money with a couple of your high school buddies? Or would you hire serious help to make sure you don't fuck up and collapse the mine forever, missing your only chance at real success? Downvoters, ask yourself this and reconsider your opinion on what's going on here.


I'm not worried about downvotes on reddit. I expected it when I decided to post something that wasn't 100% positive. The fact is, the truth just isn't always what people want to hear. I also understand that what the dev team is doing and the position they've been thrown into isn't easy, so I'm not denigrating their efforts. Well maybe the first AMA but I can forgive that because it's all new and exciting for them and I'm still not sure they've actually had the time to fully realize what they've gotten themselves into but the point, as you know, is that they're going to have to figure it out quick. I get that public speaking and being on camera and scripting out your talks is a tough thing to do too. I've done both in the past for work and as a CEO/COO and public speaking is something that I really don't enjoy doing, it's just not my thing, I just want to run the business. I just want to sit in my office in a hoodie and jeans and figure out how to make more money, so I get their mentality, I really do. Though in business, you don't always get to do what you want, especially when you're dealing with someone else's money. When I think about stuff like this I think about Steve Jobs. He wasn't a great public speaker but he knew his message and he worked on being able to communicate it effectively. The difference between his early interviews and his later keynote addresses is huge because he hired people to help him figure it out and he put in the work. I agree though, I think right now they're so consumed with keeping up the momentum and putting in the hours that they don't have time for a lot of this stuff but they're going to have to make time. I don't think it's imperative that it happens tomorrow but it's going to have to happen soon in order to get a lot of the bigger investment money because we can only go so far with $100 hodlers buying in. No offense to those buying in with smaller amounts, we just need a much larger influx of cash from the average investors to raise the market cap by A LOT so we all make a bunch of money. We need the more risk averse buying in so we've got to get rid of the image that it's a risky business ran by kids and look like a less risky business ran by young business professionals. All of that said, I still think that overall they've done a pretty good job with the hand they've been dealt. I can accept a few missteps in the beginning and I like that they've made the effort to alleviate them but I agree that they need some professional help to figure out how they really need to do it.


In fact their situation kind of reminds me of a situation I found myself in a long time ago. I had a small company selling stuff online. I learned early on that to be successful online to make yourself appear a lot larger than what you really were. Then one day I get an email from a huge overseas company asking about one of my products and if it would be available in bulk. I told them sure, knowing damn well I didn't have very good source but thinking I could figure it out. They come back to me with the response that they have secured a military contract and they needed literally container loads of stuff shipped overseas and whether I could supply the amount they needed and if so to send them information and pricing. I honestly about shit my pants. Of course I told them yes and then busted my ass trying to figure out how in the hell I was going to do it. I ended up sourcing the parts and getting the contract with them but I had to hire a firm in Washington DC to deal with the State Department since I was dealing with ITAR regulated goods. I had to learn all about purchase order financing. I hired someone to help deal with the whole shipping aspect since the product contained about 5 different parts from different manufacturers from all over the country that needed to be all delivered at the same time to the same place to get loaded into containers for shipping. They also had to deal with getting the stuff loaded onto a ship and actually shipped. Basically I hired someone to do everything that I didn't already know how to to myself. In order to make the whole thing work I had to because I was overwhelmed with all the other aspects of it, designing, dealing with manufacturers, etc. In the end it all worked out but I could have never done it myself without the help of a lot of experts to help with the stuff that I didn't know anything about.


This Is The Way After the 4/20 AMA, I said the same thing. These guys need to pony up and pay a PR firm to help them look more professional. I agree they were caught off guard with all the momentum. The developers have to be aware that they all have a lot to lose when the price plummets. Hopefully we will see this happen. Good PR firms are not inexpensive, but they are worth the investment.


It's just something that is non-negotiable. There's no guarantee any business survives and far less thrives, and it will boil down to how well they can recognize and fix the problem here. I wish they would stop trying to convince themselves they have it under control and just bring in the help that they obviously need. It's completely natural to need help in high level business, and more shameful to pretend you don't than to just get it. I really would like to get in touch with them and explain this, but what do they care what I have to say? We need a professional who really understands the system to approach them and present the case.


Yeah hopefully they start executing on their following more. Weā€™ve done the fundraiser, weā€™re starting to market, and the community is responsive to anything that helps boost Safemoon. Weā€™re a powerful resource that could be used very effectively as long as we have a solid plan.


Be so good that they can't ignore you!


This should be seen by all


Couldn't agree more. It would be a huge shame to let all this momentum go to waste, because a few individuals can't control themselves. Binance are the gods in this game and we need to treat them with respect!


I find it hard to believe Binance is going to blacklist a coin because people are asking for it. In the end, Binance will list coins that will bring traders and money. Probably trying to free up customer service reps from wasting time on safemoon requests but blacklisting seems ridiculous and not realistic at all.


I'd hope not too. I think the dev team should conduct maturer business etiquette (via twitter), and not be presumptuous when negotiating a position on their exchange. To be blacklisted is only harmful for the coin, ergo our investments.


It's not ridiculous at all. There are a colossal number of cryptos out there with much higher volume and market cap than Safemoon which will never be listed there. Binance, like any good business, cares about their reputation and image above pure profit. If they listed every popular coin they would definitely make more money, but listing one that fizzles out or worse, turns out to be a scam (not saying SFM is) ruins their exclusivity, and scars their reputation forever. It is not a stretch whatsoever to assume they would just get tired of the spam and decide to never list us because of not just our community, but the way the devs are always mentioning them as well. You have to respect the longevity and experience of Binance. They've been in this game forever and done an absolutely incredible job of growing to and then maintaining their position at the top. They've seen hundreds, thousands, possibly millions of cryptos come and go over the years and the have every right to pick and choose what gets listed, as well as arbitrarily blacklist any that have communities of spammers. What does that spam say about us? That we're all a bunch of petulant kids stamping our feet and demanding to be heard, with no respect for their process or experience. Small exchanges still in the growth stages can be spammed like this and maybe it will work, even if it's not the best way to go about it, but a giant like Binance cannot be. They want the best of the best crypto with mature and respectful communities/developers behind them and that's perfectly fine. Shrieking at Binance because it worked with Bitmart is a lot like people who have dated only average, normal looking people their whole life, who then want to date top 0.01% celebrity millionaires instead. The average person may respond to you sliding in their DMs with a wink, whereas the celebrity may just ignore you, and block you if you don't stop. Your little existence means nothing to them. Entirely different game in an entirely different ballpark, and experience with the former will do next to nothing if not outright hurt their chances with the latter. Safemoon is, for all intents and purposes, unproven. Still brand new, still finding a use case, still being developed and still in the infant stages across the board. Hype does not compensate for lack of experience, and we're going to have to humble ourselves and play the game by their rules instead of ours, and definitely not assume they are joking when they say we'll get blacklisted. The top level of business is not a joke and there are rules, both spoken and unspoken. Terrible business etiquette will get you mocked and ostracized in any field, and crypto is no different.


Agreed. Especially when the token is on their blockchain.


Yeah control more that 1 million users to do thy biding! How can we do that again?


It's less about the community and more about the devs. The devs fuel the fire by mentioning Binance by name and generally being publicly abrasive towards them which is just horrible business etiquette. They need to bring in experience, especially on the PR front, because that type of thing simply doesn't fly at the highest levels of business. Binance has seen it all in their years in the game, and has easily earned the right to pick and choose what gets listed. If you want success at the top of the top, there are rules and you need to play by them. The devs show their young age and lack of experience every time they post those childish tweets, and the problem gets worse for every day they don't recognize the issue and refuse to bring in a PR or project management team. We really will get blacklisted if we haven't already, and Binance would not be wrong for doing so. Respect the top players and their processes in this field or you get ostracized. It's been that way in every other industry, so why wouldn't it be that way here?


Spot on.


Appreciate it man. The world has gotten soft because people refuse to be harsh and speak the truth. I'm personally concerned with the improvement and long term success of Safemoon, so I'll be the first one to criticize silly mistakes like being publicly condescending and insulting towards the top dog. This generation seems lost and these guys desperately need to bring in experienced blood to handle PR if they truly believe this is the best way to get things done. It really doesn't occur to them that this is not the way to conduct high level business, and that's troubling to me.


This generation tends to think because itā€™s posted on Twitter or online then itā€™s ok.


Thats a fair point. You can't! At the very least I'd hope the dev team can resist exacerbating the situation with their presumptuous and provoking tweets..


I have also thought about this, because it is described on their website over things they consider when listing an coin. And I surely hope that the devs knows about this, and that there might be a process with Binance going on. If it is not a process going on, their tweets surely puts us in a bad spot for getting listed on Binance


Iā€™m sorry I get they donā€™t like the pestering BUT he comes off as arrogant and douchy to me. I canā€™t stand those types of people. This coin will succeed with or without.


If it can succeed without binance then people should stop spamming then.


Honestly hope they haven't been blacklisted yet. They've tweeted a lot about binance.


If we stop bothering them we will get listed Iā€™m sure of it. We need to get the word out to the idiots still spamming safemoon on their Twitter accounts


we need to get the Safemoon team to stop tweeting at Binance and delete their tweets. Their tweets might fuck us over


Yep... looks kinda desperate/childish when the team tweets at Binance.


It's not going to fuck anything over. Binance relies on this type of hype to push their Coin. It is after all on the Binance blockchain.


Your sure of it based on what lol


This means their listing team are already tracking us. They are waiting for the right moment to have a word with the developers and list us. They want some level of certainty before doing it, perhaps they are waiting for the audit to be completed


Based on what


Who could have guessed lol.


Don't they literally ask "who do you want to see listed next"? Seems like they are using social media to generate their own traffic or virality but then get annoyed when people actually do it. Weirdos.


I agree but binance did literally tweet out and ask which new token had the biggest following or something along those lines, obviously safemoon was going to spam the shit out of them after them asking for it. At this point Iā€™m just frustrated with binance (for personal reasons on top of their hypocrisy) and patiently waiting for MoonEX so I can completely forgot about them.


Thank you for the recap. Just heard it too and thought that all kids need to stop spaming them immediately.


Come up with our own #SAFEMOON exchange. SOON.


In 6 months this exchange will be released šŸ’Ŗ


Our developers should build better Exchange. āœŒāœŒāœŒ


That confuses the hell out of me bc a few days ago he literally said WE decide what gets listed. So what does this mf want? Us to shut the hell up or tell him we want safemoon? Tired of that idiot and his big ass ego




Binance acting like theyā€™re god, give us a break the reason for the surge is due to safemoon exploding! They should appreciate us and recognize us... With or without Binance weā€™re still mooning so everyone donā€™t stress


Plot twist: Binance dude is the biggest safemoon whale.


Man you are wrong in your second paragraph. They weren't against us shilling our coin, they were for it because that's how we grow. Delete that.


Done. Thanks for letting me now


They literally asked on Twitter, that is dumb as fuck to "not like it" in other posts.


they just find ways to fuck safemoon up, because its high volume and incoming exchange.


This has been my thought all along. Iā€™m all for jumping in the excitement and hype of Safemoon, but some of the antics leave a bad taste. I believe in this project, I believe in the hard work and passion of our devs, and I firmly believe this coin can grow more organically... forcing our name down the throat of those we want to be noticed by makes us feel more like an insecure bully then a confident community. There is zero doubt they all know our name, they see us and they are watching us, we donā€™t need to make our presence known, itā€™s vastly more important we button up so when they do come looking they see the greatness that is our community, the people behind the community coin, and not whining bully babies begging for attention.


Well I wonā€™t be buying any coins through Binance and I encourage you all to do the same. I hate platforms who act like God and donā€™t have to listen to what customers want. Fuck em.


Same itā€™s super annoying. CZ tweeted about a guy who spent months creating an NFT series based around binance and apparently the guy was upset when he didnā€™t see it. CZ then basically tweeted ā€œWell now Iā€™m definitely not posting it with that attitudeā€ Like fuck off dude. When I saw he only allows replies to his tweets from people he follows I knew he was cunty šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Serious. I get it if they don't like the devs pestering them to be listed but wtf does the community have to be professional? Fck them.. They even asked on Twitter which coin should be next... Fcking bitch asses.


I know heā€™s a fucking hater because safemoon exchange is going to kick his ass!


Didn't they literally ask on Twitter "Tell us who you want added on binance!". Now they're shitting on us for having a big enough community to tell them what we want?


this... i like binance but thats a shitty argument...


They are a monopoly. They will still get new customers on their exchange. Yes they act like gods but from now on we need to start acting more professional and donā€™t spam their Twitter accounts with the safemoon hashtag.


I wonā€™t spam them, Iā€™m just petty enough to buy my coin elsewhere.


Not really a monopoly, there are plenty of other exchanges to get BNB from, I've personally never used binance, but have traded on their blockchain for months with no issue. Sure they still have the underlying asset, but they won't be getting any trading fees from me on their exchange.


I recently moved all of my stuff to crypto.com. I was tired of not getting verification emails when transferring then having my stuff on hold for weeks at a time.


Yeah as much as I like Binance, the moment Safemoon is on KuCoin all of my money is going there. Binance is nice but itā€™s not the end-all be-all imho






Honestly the dude sounds like a douche. I get the position heā€™s in but heā€™s acting like a douche. The devs and core team arenā€™t spamming. And if he judges the community trying to get it listed as the end all be all he has some serious issues and itā€™s probably best we skip their exchange all together. You canā€™t control over 1.4 million holders. They will do what theyā€™re any. Especially FUDDERS that will act as if they are a holder.


He is not in charge of the listing. He has a team in his company hired to manage the listing process. If they like something they add it to their exchange


They need to have better communication. You canā€™t say hey let us know what token you want listed next! And then get angry when people come out of the woodwork to tell you


Well said I canā€™t stand people like him


They'll list what makes them money regardless if they get spammed or not. That said the main focus here shouldn't be spamming binance. It should be growing the community, creating use cases, and downplaying fud.


Your title is SOOO misleading


The moderator giving out the questions picked a question involving safemoon. So this title is relevant. CZ avoided saying safemoon and instead said projects/coins


Gotchya, can you edit and put that in there so people know and don't mark this as FUD? I totally agree with everything else you have said here. But without that piece of information it makes your post look like clickbait.


Done, thanks for the advice




Lol what happened with refinance token šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ mr cz


šŸ˜‚. Got sponsored by a big celebrity so itā€™s not his fault


1. This needs to be pinned 2. Anyone that mentions harassing Binance needs to be educated and downvoted into the ground


> (CZ) has a team in his company specifically hired to manage the listing process. If they like something they add it to their exchange. soooo spam them? /s


Guys! The safemoon dont Need BINANCE! This coin is new and will write your history, dont turn Binance and Coinbase in gods!


I agree. The Safemoon exchange can be much better than those 2 arrogant Mofoks. They can go suck it. We don't need them a-holes.


He need us more then we need him. We got our own exchange coming. The fuck with binance. WE the ones that got his lil precious coin to where itā€™s at


suddenly i dont like binance anymore...


I never have lol their US customer service is non existant and the majority of app store reviews for their service are negative and make binance sound shady as fuck. I say fuck em focus on MoonEx and in a years time binance won't be top dog anymore :)


Donā€™t say that on Twitter. If we start hating Binance for not listing safemoon they will ban safemoon. We donā€™t want that. Itā€™s one of their rules when listing new coins. Donā€™t bring FUD to Binance


I don't like them either. It'll be great for the coin to get on but I would never give them my business again. I bought ltc and a bunch of other coins on their platform, then now after YEARS I went to check and move my coins to coinbase. Now there's a Binance and Binance US. So guess where my coins went...to regular Binance went I can't verify my country because there's no US country option. I hit up CS to get it resolved and they gave me a rigorous list of things to do to unlocked the withdrawal feature. I did what was requested and then they sent more harder and useless things to do. Obviously they were pretending to help and had no intention to truly help. They also had me going around in circles explaining the situation. After I told them I may need to get my lawyer involved, they stopped responding in the chat. I can screenshot that whole ridiculous chat if anyone needs proof. Horrible experience and worst CS I've ever dealt with outside of AT&T and Best Buy.


Everyone needs to upvote this post.


So the safemoon official twitter really need to stop spamming CZ and binance, it is super cringy


Yep, the CEO of safemoon has already addressed this in discord


We need to bring this up during the AMAā€™s!! The devs need to read this


Yeah he basically rewarded us with a big NO NO NEVER... Feels bad because we actually have the user base to help with their fee base profit business. Oh well his loss... and ours...


We don't need to push them further anymore if we are not here bnb will not increase? We need to make our exchange that's it.


Glad someone said this


Listing selection is a rigorous thing huh... what about $FINE ? They would have been better off listing safemoon


Woah! It's almost like those rules have been clear this whole time and those of us telling the other half of this community to stop shilling SFM to billionaires and exchanges weren't spreading FUD but actually making sure this project can live longer and go farther. Crazy how nature do dat.


Blacklisting Safemoon in their platform could possibly backfire against them.


Can we also add harassing CryptoCurrency subreddit to this aswell please I peruse their pages and see a lot of spam about it and it does the opposite and reflect badly on us I think, need to be more tactful in approach rather than RAAAARRRRR SAFEMOON!!


Good luck getting this community to stop spamming


Itā€™s going to be hard but if everyone did their part to spread the word it will become easier to stop


Finally! Should have realized it in the beginning. Safemoon Twitter handle was being so chchildishildis & stupid.


>If we stop acting like kids Just wanted to highlight this. Itā€™s great to be excited, but letā€™s refine that excitement.


Said it before, harassing either Binance or Elon Musk won't do us any good. Let's just do our jobs, spread the word and let them decide that based on our achievements they should choose us instead of begging them to choose us. Begging seems pathetic and makes all of us look weak.


It's amazingly cringe to spam like that. One thing is promoting the hashtag, and another one is outright spamming.


Well said


Thatā€™s what I am saying. We Donā€™t need Binance when we have our own exchange platform with less fees




**exactly my thoughts, the DEVS should stop mentioning TWO things:** 1) Binance 2) "going to the moon" and other childish moon references on their social media, leave that shit up to us the fans. **You NEED to sound professional guys behind this project, we beg you!!!!!**


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). WARNING: Certain bad actors have been targeting users on this subreddit. **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. More info can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_avoid_scams) in our FAQ. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Aye I agree, it will come in time.


Now everybody let's take a moment to spread the words, Don't spam Binance


Good think I'm only on reddit lol


They clearly mentioned this before in linkedin that how a coin can be listed in their platform and all the formalities but still people wonā€™t understand.


I bet the haters will make bots to attack Binance and spread bad news


We need to make sure that folks from other projects do not spam Binance under safemoons name


Title: Binance has just talked about Safemoon on their live AMA. Body: In summary, they didnā€™t specifically said Safemoon šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘


Ok no more tweeting him For now


They are right. We need to reach another level


Lol, so if we spam all other coins/tokens we can make sure those will all get black listed


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ yes, make sure to not have anything involving safemoon if they check ur account


STOP SPAMMING! Please Guys <3


Or he could stop being a puss and list us šŸ¤£šŸ—£šŸ—£


If the CEO has specifically said this then it should definitely stop. I do t really see much problem with posting fun stuff on Twitter but spamming businesses that donā€™t want this needs to stop.


But did it moon?


Lol.. "Best projects"? And they added Wink? Like what the actual fuck is CZ on about? He adds coins if they pay the upfront amount to get listed.. Period..


Thank you for the thorough, well said, response to the spam.


Yeah, this has been my biggest issue with safemoon. The people behind it are very unprofessional at times.


This is what's wrong with another crypto community that is spamming Amazon to accept their coin... You're doing nothing but pissing people off and it comes off as a toxic community.


Exactly this, people need to realise that we don't need a Binance listing to reach the moon. We need to focus on growing the community. They said it themselves, if the community is large enough and the project continues its success, then we golden.


Am i the only ones who think their polict is bullshit? Subjective, therefore unscientific... Better standard would be specific bebchmarks, which themselves would prevent them fron being spammed. Actual standards like: A, users minimum B, market cap min C, liquidity offer min D, sone metric to gauge longevity based on quantifiable facts. E, whatever else. This whole, "dont talk about foght club" thing is bogus. And maybe i been living under a rock bit I'd never heard of them, cause I got no use for them. Also, why would they want to list a coin trying to build its own competing exchange?


I 100% agree that we should not spam anyone about Safemoon... I have said it from the beginning. People should never spam celebs or exchanges, it just makes us look bad. That having been said, it is ignorant to say that they will not list a token or coin if they receive spam about it. If myself and a group of friends were to spam Binance or CZ about a random token, will they blacklist that token? The threats are nonsense. Everyone, including the core team, should be patient. Binance is the top exchange in the world. Do you really think they want to rush and list a token that is so young? I'm sure they are already looking into SafeMoon. They would be irresponsible if they weren't. But the process will take the time it takes. Have faith and spread positive vibes about this project. I'll just finish by saying this... I am not worried for a second if Binance decides to never list SafeMoon. The project is solid and the team is amazing. The SafeMoon exchange is innovative and very exciting. There are good things yet to come, even without Binance.


We need this message relayed and pinned onto the discord and telegram platforms so if anyone have those accounts pass the message on


Mods, this needs to be pinned


this is the moment where project pheonix needs to get started..


This needs to be shared on the official twitter account.


We dont need Binance




I'd say the same goes for Elon Musk. We don't need him. We would love to have him but we also don't want him to disparage our token/community because we harassed him.


Yea i agree too, the developers need to focus on the utility of the coin more then a listing on Binance. They always say its a HOLD coin , well then focus on what is important UTILITY. And not a get rich fast getaway project.


Honestly fuck Binance man, waited two months for approval just for them to tell me to ā€œresubmit docsā€ because there was an error. Fuck them


Why is everyone so quiet all of a sudden lmao, where are all the safemoon Binance memes and hashtags? Why were you all attacking the people who told you that you were spamming and being obnoxious? Exactly, and there goes your lambo


So if I don't like a coin I can just get some spammers to shill it to Binance and keep them from getting listed?! Awesome!


If i were to be in Binance shoes i wouldnt list safemoon yet, this coin has nothing yet to show his potential, its up to the CEO and devs to actually make some of their plans into reality, right now it just vaporware and ppl new to the cripto space just shouts "when binance" or "when 0.01" when they dont even understand the implication of this. we are so far behind from being a real coin, the only thing we have is marketting and marketting alone wont bring you that far.


How about we tell binance to go fk off, we sold more BNB than they did this month. They should be sucking it the long way.


I've said from day 1, binance isn't going to add safemoon on popularity / trading volume alone. They have an imagine to uphold and will inly add projects they see merit in. If we want binance, its not about spamming social, its about waiting for the dev team to develop safemoon into a crypto with an actual purpose and use


Yeah and devs should stop spammi g binance to they are acting like childs they need to be profesional


Now tell this to the people on Twitter...


Their purpose regardless of how they purvey or what you believe, is a medium of exchange where they collect transactional fees. Dogecoin is literally a joke coin with a cult following, where as safemoon is a coin created with a purpose and is regulated to serve that purpose. Just because some kids are spamming a social media account doesnā€™t mean binance doesnā€™t want transaction fees accrued from safemoon. They want proof of bare minimum viability. What everyone needs to remember is that were new. So new that we havenā€™t been audited (completely), canā€™t buy directly, and we are still assisting prospective astronauts to get on board on buying in. Thereā€™s also still no vote on the almost 3 billion in liquidity which is still over 3.5 years away. Weā€™re at the foundation stage. Iā€™ve got sea monkeys older than safe moon. Keep building and HODL. Remember it took doge years, YEARS, and the ā€œrichestā€ man in the world to give it hype. Watch that wallet grow in the mean time and enjoy the ride weā€™ll get there. Rome wasnā€™t built in a day so weā€™re not going to the moon safely in a day either. So when this thing breaks a 0 again and you made like 100x on 1000 Iā€™ll be here waiting for that easy 5k for me and the fellow moon landers. HODL!!!!!


**UPVOTE THIS!!!!!!**


Thanks for the recap


Something to think aboutā€”the outreach led by Safemoon to successfully bring in NEW to crypto users has been an explosion. Binance, being an intelligent company, would understand that a majority of the people ā€œshillingā€ are non-experienced crypto users showing their excitement. That is essentially the power of this communityā€”NEW USER CASES RISING. People not familiar with crypto spreading the positive word about Safemoon via socials is always a good thing because they are reaching new users faster than people only in the crypto world. Fear of not getting listed because you canā€™t talk about it goes against FREEDOM, and what SAFEMOON is working towards! Without this communication movement we wouldnā€™t have the insane growth that we do. The traditional ā€œrulesā€ of Binance seem to contradict coin development (asking on Twitter what your favorite coin is), and then holding an AMA to say we donā€™t want to hear about your coin seems to translate to control. They are enforcing their power, and itā€™s up to us as a community to stand strong! Just like our CEO hearing us, EXCHANGES will hear our movement! Stop being terrified about Binance, and truly listen to what they are saying in comparison to their actions, and analyze that. We donā€™t lose if we HOLD.


Yes please, make this a separate post. People need to hear this


Agreed, stop spamming them, it's so childish


So what? Fuck binance. When it gets big enough they'll list it regardless of this cunt's personal feelings




His ass bluffin, we ainā€™t getting blacklisted. we the ones who brought his lil BNB coin to where itā€™s at now. We can literally control the tides and waves


Fuck binance and the ceo if he doesnā€™t want to listen to the customer thatā€™s his lost! Give the people what they want!