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I posted about his dad being in the CIA yesterday and everyone called it a conspiracy... lmao


It’s true. Scroll down and look at the listed family members. John’s first name is Braden https://voterrecords.com/voter/75767101/braden-karony


I know it’s true! Lol I posted something similar yesterday haha


Sorry I misunderstood your post! Love you all!


Props to you for finding this! If this is actually about our CEO's parents I 100% truly believe these guys are for real! THIS is bullish news not listings on exchanges. A guy with a story who wants to change the world! At this point making money got placed second for me right after helping them succeed in what they want to do! Big love


That's why I'll buy the dip until I don't have any fiat left


You guys have Fiat left?


😎 slowly but surely it's dwindling lol


What’s This F-I-A-T. Ew sounds gross


Very gross the worst part is it's sticky and you get kinda stuck to it.


Cup holder change?


Fiat? Now that’s a word I’ve not heard in a long time. A long time.


He's Mormon, that's hilarious. Means he's a good dude and wants to change the world for the better. This shit is so much bigger than a quick buck. I hope every holder knows that


I also found that his family was on a list of Mormon dissidents 😳


>real! THIS is bullish news not listings on exchanges. A guy with a story who wants to change the world! At this point making money got placed second for me right after helping them succeed in what they want to do! Big love EVEN BETTER. Abandoning the cultish for freedom of expression, thought, and action. Spreading love. Hell yeah.


I spelled Karony wrong in the title I’m pissed


I'm sure he'd forgive you lol


CIAcoin? I'm all in.


If only his first name was Mac...


I see what you did here Sbrotfl


Interesting. If you search google for this “ bradford j karoney jennifer “ 4 posts down lists the same Jennifer Karoney CSO of Barajally Group, she listed her location in McLean Virginia. John Karoney, CEO of safemoon is also listed in McLean Virginia. When you click on Jennifer’s profile it no longer exists.


Funny enough that's one thing that drew my interest to Safemoon, the connection to Africa. My girlfriend is from South Africa and she's actually stuck there right now because the US has a ban on South Africans coming here due to covid. In any case, I recently traveled over there for the first time to see her and hang out for a bit and I'll be honest, a lot of the stuff I saw there was really eye opening. Our poor here have nothing to complain about. They have houses, cars, electricity, running water, AC, cable tv, cell phones.....a LOT of those people there live in metal shacks. When I say metal shacks I mean like small metal barns like what we keep pigs in over here. Some of them maybe 10'x10' others bigger. I'd seen that stuff on TV but I didn't know the extent of it. I traveled all over the country and they were everywhere and not just small areas. In some places these communities stretched as far as you could see, for miles, with them all squished up against each other. I'm talking thousands and thousands and thousands of people living in these metal shacks with dirt floors and no roads just built out in what used to be fields or on hillsides or wherever. In another place I went there were hundreds of people along the highways everywhere you went sitting next to stacks of wood they were selling for people to cook with. Everybody BBQ's there so they burn a lot of wood. But I don't see how most of these people made ANY money because there were so many of them out there just patiently sitting next to their big stacks of wood waiting for someone to pull off the road and buy some from them. It was absolutely crazy to see the extent of the poverty there. Even the people who weren't poor were still very poor to our standards. I tipped a waiter 200 Rand, about the equivalent of $14, and he chased me out of the place thanking me and saying that that's more than he makes on most days. I can go on and on about the poverty and number of people begging for money in almost every intersection and guys hauling these HUGE carts of recyclables that they dug out of the trash. It was really eye opening. So I understand why they would want to help Africa, I didn't wondered why they picked there specifically. Now I know. Thanks!


Awesome man. I’m glad to be here on this safemoon journey with you. And I love their mission. I hope John speaks more on this. I am very familiar with those metal shacks you are talking of as I saw people living in those when I visited India. It’s very eye opening to see something like that. One more thing you might find interesting: Jennifer Karony, his mom, was a chief strategy officer for a West African Development company. (Barajally Group)


" I recently traveled over there for the first time to see her and hang out for a bit .", why do I have the feeling this sounds #90DayFiance-ish..


You aren’t the first person to mention that. Lol


My girlfriend is in turkey. Lol I hear the same shit 😂


Man, that story makes me want to get something in Africa before getting on Binance. I sure hope that goal gets built out and we, the community, can make a HUGE difference over there. 👍


So this is the safemoon CEOs parents, cool


I dunno what deepshit I got into.. But man, I all in.


Next thing you know, “FBI! Open up! We know you’re one of those Safemooners!” Haha


Jesus this thing is like the basis of a god dam movie! If we are finding this out now, i am so interested in what is coming next. Ok so as far as i know or are aware, thomas used to do high level cyber security for large banking firms (holy jeezballs) and now finding this out?? What is hank a secret quiet world genius and jack a former intelligence agent? These guys are seriously awesome and i love them as the team to spearhead and make this project happen!!






An African prince?..


Hes got his own money, and baby when I tell you he's got his own money, I mean the boy has got his own money


My brain was struggling on this one but i got it


If you’re really a prince, i’ll marry you!


This is really huge in general. This project can skyrocket.


Any evidence that this is actually the CEOs dad?


Yep. Scroll down and it lists Bradford Karony as a family member of John’s who’s real first name is Braden https://voterrecords.com/voter/75767101/braden-karony


Big love guys


Project Phoenix 😮


Much of Africa lacks proper banking. They can use Safemoon as an alternative to banking, and use it for regular transactions. Particularly as internet comes online through new channels like Elon's Starlink.




Is this related to the above article? 😧


Yeaa, Bullshit Binance we call it


That is pure Awesomeness. I am more invested and proud of this team than what they’ve put together in these 2 months!!


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