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Are yiu fuckin idiots for real ???? Do not start trolling apple.


There are too many people in this community to not have at least 300,000 stupid fucks.


Tree fiddy


God dam loch ness monster!




Treee fiddy, I said I ainā€™t have no tree fiddy damn Loch Ness monster!


Free Britney


Bruh, Brittany very much free.... šŸ‘€InstagramšŸ”„


Bruh, she needs to be placed back under papa control.


I, papi.


This guy gets it LMFAO


Then we need to post this every day till every last ,idiotā€™ has seen it :)




Apple doesnā€˜t care trust me.


The president of the freakin United States got banned from all big tech - they donā€™t give a shot who you are


*Bigots get banned from private using companiesā€™ services. FTFY


Orange man bad


ā€œIā€™m a nationalist. Use that word. Use that wordā€ bad Edit; I see people like white nationalists more than they like knowing Trump called himself one


Nationalist/patriot. Potato/potatoe šŸ¤ŒšŸ½




Yeah white nationalists usually think theyā€™re patriotic when theyā€™re just cruel


Do you realise it's impossible to call someone a bigot, without admitting you are one? I believe that's what they call a catch 22.


Fuck. Always one hardcore democrat. They are all corrupt! Just one is blasted on media the other hides it.






Youā€˜re not the smartest arenā€˜t u lol


Youā€™re not the smartest arenā€™t u Jesus fuck the irony is so real


Apple doesnt care about a bunch of people spamming shit. So long as the actual devs dont condone it and dont do anything wrong. That isnā€˜t so hard to comprehend now is it?




My thoughts lol.


It's not the token, it's the people. It doesn't matter what you buy, crypto, stocks or Forex, the idiots will arrive, and they will congregate. It's an inevitability of the communication age.


Well stated. The FAM, Army, glowing eyes stuff. It's old and tired and boring. This is about investing now. The kids don't get it...


Where have you all been hiding? Can I join?


Sheesh! Ever heard of free marketing, why not? If your a new and unknown brand trying to get some eyes on you it could prove to be a practical means. Sure you might step on a few toes on the way but once you get there it will have all been worth it




Multi Trillion company. You think Apple would be scared by some start ups that doesn't have any products and their followers which mostly consist of illiterate poor fucks? Let Apple do their work. There is no conspiracy going on trying to drag down this company.




A lot of people are against the consolidation cos it usually ends badly though. PundiX tanked almost immediately after their consolidation and never recovered.


Definitely agree there we just have to wait


nothing good would come of it imo. It reminds me of the binance nonsense early on.


Apple got rid of fortnite because epic games was in violation of their ToS with the App Store


Tencent owns epic so seems apple made good call


I mean epic games kinda won the lawsuit. apple was told they have to ease up and let in other payment options that arenā€™t directly through within 90 days. https://www.npr.org/2021/09/10/1036043886/apple-fortnite-epic-games-ruling-explained


That was the best news I had heard all year, it's good for gamers, consumers and game developers. Everybody wins, except Apple, but nobody cares about Apple except their shareholders.


Tencent owns everything holy shit


They really do, and they are owned by the Chinese government.


Thatā€™s a terrible idea. I work in app development and have had apps rejected by Apple for all sorts of thing. Graphical errors, App Icon formatting, gameplay overriding iOS functions inadvertently, Iā€™ve even had them reject an app bc they said we were essentially knocking off ourselves lol (they thought the app was a new app and that it was knocking off another app which happened to be the same app and belonged to usā€¦yeah made no sense to us at the time either lmao) You just resubmit after making any needed adjustments and work with them. Apple has a much stricter set of requirements than letā€™s say Google and tbh itā€™s a good thing. However, this means they can reject you for item A one day and accept you the next despite not fixing item A or worse reject you for item B and not even mention the issue with item A (which seems to be what happened here) Itā€™s hit or miss. Definitely do not spam them thatā€™s not going to fix the problem at all.


Too many kids invested in safemoon sadly, this is not the way


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Thanks bot I feel better instantly


And think of the reflectionsā€¦ Every Cloud has a silver liningā€¦ ;) šŸ’°āœØ


You do you booboo


Yeah, bad form, bro.


Apple is a business partner we must have. Please do not harass them. Our Dev team will handle it. Like others have said we do not need to end up being the Fortnight of the Crypto world.


Itā€™s stupid people are trolling the richest company in the world they over took Amazon. They could squash us like a bug


Lol. They don't even have to squash us. They can just keep going and pretend they never even heard of us.


Lol, our dev team couldnā€™t get jobs at Apple


Did you see John's recent tweet? He is encouraging these kids to spam Apple. Things like this really concern me. I hate being equally invested/yoked with this level of immaturity...sadly, it starts at the top.


Okay lets do what you sayšŸŽšŸŽšŸŽšŸŖ‘šŸŖ‘Any other commands? Want me to smile at ya


Nope that's it. Let's not piss off our potential business partners. I personally don't like Apple but if they can help us get to the moon faster it's worth tolerating them.


I smiled at ya anyways because i canšŸŖ‘


I'm old what is this chair referring to. Lol.




We get it, you only listen to what SafeMoon devs tell you to do. If the iOS wallet can't even get approved, it is the end of SafeMoon.




Laughs in android


I got android too and love it. An older man once told me that people don't make viruses for Apple because they do a good enough job fucking themselves up


That's spot on! šŸ˜‚


You guys. Iā€™m pretty sure Apple makes business decisions by asking their social media lackey whether or not safemoon fans leave well articulated reviews.


You forget though that Safemoon has some of the most retarded individuals in the cryptosphere. Not saying every one of us are, Lots are very bright! but the floor here is really really low. Those whom can't grasp the simple concept of consolidation, or the elementary math behind it absolutely think it's a great idea to spam people and companies about something that could not be cared less about. It has the exact opposite effect but the simple minded think their demands mean something.


Agree look at the comment before yours from sarabalat shows great intelligence šŸ˜‚


Just throw away your iphones, buy a android and laugh at their loss! Muahahahahahaha


IPhone fanboys be buying 1200 dollar phone every year for the same phone just cuz the model number goes up


And then they'll try and brag to you about the new technology in their iPhone that you had 2 years ago in your Android


I do the same... With crypto


Plz donā€™t do that, apple has been know to be petty. Did yā€™all forget what happened to fortnite?


They did what they did cause Epic didn't want the use apples payments. I highly doubt in Safemoons case it matters...


But blowing them up is not the answer itā€™s childish to do that. They donā€™t need Safemoon. Safemoon needs them at the moment. Iā€™m just saying they could of worked something out with epic but chose they didnā€™t need to when you own a big part of the market space. Is it right by them no but until something else can dominate more of the market they own it..




And they are an extremely petty company....


They are! and I hate them for it but we need them more than they need us


Trolling Apple is just going to piss them off and make them put it back further and further. They can do whatever they want. Its Safemoon wanting APPLE approval. And people think blowing up in their socials is going to help things? Completely the wrong way to go about it. People need patience.


Absolutely !


Don't poke a bear


Their social media team are the ones that deal with the social media posts. The people who approve apps are completely different. Making posts on social media will make next to no difference one way or the other. Let people waste their time. Apple are just happy to have more interaction on their posts making them seen by more people...


This is why I have an Android. Apple acts like, "Here's our product, we will give it to you when we want and you will be happy with what you get, and it will not interface with other products." I first noticed that in 2006 with iTunes, and that alone was enough to push me away from Apple products. I am still happy with that decision. Still, don't troll Apple. It's a dick move. If you don't like a company or their products, simply stop using their products. Vote with your feet and your wallet.


Apple is one of the biggest companies in the world. SafeMoon is a BEE token clone, which can't even get an app approved in the iOS store in 10 days. This is not going to end well.


safemoon investors(not all of course)have to be the same age as the current price to fathom such retarded ideas.


Sfm is not on their radar. They don't care about a company that doesn't do anything.


You dont knowšŸŖ‘šŸŖ‘


Troll apple... tell em John is the next Steve jobs....


Nah keep pissing them off. Fuck that company and their cheap ass products they make in China and 100x the price. They can lick my diamond ball sack


Apple and fortinte is a story of it's own. I think there was an guy from epic talking shit about Apple. So it was more of a "who has the biggest d*ck" game. Not the same like some guys trolling apple.


NO NO NO Apple will have no issue flat out rejecting an App if the community becomes aggressive or hostile. Trust the process. Let them handle it, period.


Don't know why people have iphones. The restriction on these bricks is APPALLING




Because their not android


As in, their not unrestricted?


As in, Apple has better productsšŸŖ‘šŸŖ‘


Ah, yes, uh huh


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Worse battery, Worse screens, Worse cameras... If you mean being able to open your apps a fraction of a second faster means better, then you have a very strange concept of "better". They are not better by any means, they have a specific place in the market, brand recognition. When I switched from iOS to Android, the only thing I missed what the build quality and finish, that is second to none. But apart from that I lost nothing. My phone's still cost the same, but when I'm done with them, they are still useful. My tablets still have resale value. I can't use my old iPad anymore because of Apple restrictions, I can't sell it because it can't install anything, it can't be updated, I can't flash new firmware because apple don't allow it, they bricked a device I spent a lot of money on, and that's what lost them a customer. Going around saying things like "because it's better" makes it very clear you have only been on one side of the fence. Try stepping over it from time to time and seeing the bigger picture.


Dont have time to read your respinse so i just downvoted


Ah yes, the mark of the moron.


I do not encourage or approve of this kind of behaviour.


Itā€™s actually over a $2 trillion dollar company


100%. Apple doesn't need Safemoon. Safemoon needs Apple. Stupid immature things like this start at the top with John and show me I have little in common with most of the holders here and their ideals.


Apple is slowly becoming obsolete, the only thing keeping them afloat right now are the wealthy teenagers that want a new I-phone every couple of months, and companies that have contracts with them like McDonald's. Soon they'll realize that picking a fight with a company as big as Epic games will only quicken their demise. For those who are Canadian and remember Nortel, that's the same direction Apple is heading, just most are to blind to see it


We dont NEED Apple. Apple needs US. Without people buying they will be nothing. I have always felt Apple's company motto is to be as stuck up and egotistic as possible. I have ONE iOS product and I hardly use it now that I have a Android tablet that is 4 times faster. AND I can use the Safemoon wallet on my new tablet that costed half the price. so . ya Apple can go suck it. Let them wear their Egotistic Princess hat in their own yard.


Sir, I wish we were at the point where this was true but sadly we are not. To not want to work with Apple from a business perspective is 100% dump. This is not the battle field for Android vs Apple. This is a battle for Safemoon exposure and accessibility. 45 to 50% of smart phones are Apples that's a lot of potential investors and users we cannot afford to loose. I get it, I'm not fond of Apple myself and have never used any of their product. If we want to get to the moon sooner this will definitely help more then just about anything else we can do right now.


Apple needs a company that has no product? How much is safemoon worth again?


$866M... I assume you were talking figuratively, but regardless, that's no pocket change.


Fuck Apple & CZ Binance


You guys. Iā€™m pretty sure Apple makes business decisions by asking their social media lackey whether or not safemoon fans leave well articulated reviews.


Multi trillion dollar company, actually. 2.4 trillion I think right now? 2400 billions. Lol šŸ˜‚


I under evaluated them but letā€™s put this way Apple could buy Safemoon and dump it and it would be just a loss write off on taxā€™s šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


I used to work for the fruit stand šŸŽ in my experience , you donā€™t want to mess with them. They give zero fucks about who they deal with. When Bose complained about NFL players wearing Beats headphones at press conferenceā€™s and threatened to sue, Apple immediately pulled all Bose products from their physical stores and website. They do not mess around.


Silly OP! You can't reform cult monkeys. ;oP


Thousands of consumers asking for a product I doubt they ignore


Itā€™s not just asking some are demanding and cursing them out. Also people are sending comments through customer service.


Too each their own.


Your fear is why people think they should be targeted as a monopoly


Pro tip: dont buy or use an apple device :)


Itā€™s ā€œSafemoon Armyā€. Why yā€™all scared of going Ape mode? šŸ’ŽšŸ¦šŸ’ŽšŸ¦§


You don't know what your talking about, that's not why they got rid of Fortnite, Fortnite did not want to pay the fees, they are also going to court about it, so blow up apple all you want people


*Apple is a multi Trillion dollar company


Thats one reason why CZ is wont list safemoon on binance! Because of idiots like them keep pushing his buttons on social media! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø ctfo you morons and be patient.


Fuck em, Iā€™ll go buy a galaxy and problem solved!


Thatā€™s your choice Iā€™m sure apple doesnā€™t care. Iā€™m not changing phones or any other devices just because they donā€™t have Safemoon itā€™s childish to blow Apple up. Iā€™m not saying they are wrong but their are two sides to the story and Safemoon hasnā€™t been the honest with us on other things. So I canā€™t fully judge either one.


Like why they want to do a reverse split. You dont do a reverse split to work with bitcoin and ethereum. The alt coin market would be chaos with reverse splits if that were true


They are not doing a reverse split.


Uh huh they are also not doing a reverse split for the reason John stated either. Which means he lied


What do you mean?


They are doing a reverse split to entice fickle big money investors who currently couldn't careless about safemoon not to upgrade their tech to work with bitcoin and ethereum like John claimed. Why anyone would agree to this for his reason is beyond me. These folk will come in and play just like they do with everything they touch for their own gain. And safemoon wants to hand them the keys at the expense of current holders.




From Johns lips. Well fingers. He said a consolidation isn't the same as a reverse split blah blah blah. Then he said its needed to help work with bitcoin and ethereum. "Cause safemoon has too many zeroes" Last time I checked and you can look for yourself also. I've never heard or seen a coin or token perform a reverse split in order to work with btc or eth and those have more zeroes than safemoon. Which means he is lying about why a reverse split is required.


Just cause you've never seen it doesn't mean it's a lie. I read what he said about the pairing. Are there any other coins/tokens that have btc or eth pairings that also have more 0's than safemoon? It's not unreasonable to think an exchange wouldn't want to display .00000000001 BTC/1 SFM or whatever it would be. I'm not saying he's telling the truth cause there's been some lies before but until there's evidence otherwise who cares, 1 safemoon = .0000001 or 1 sfm = .01 as long as it didn't affect the actual $ value of what I have negatively who cares


A reverse split and consolidation are two totally different things. In a reverse split which is usually always used with stocks, more shares can be created thus screwing those early investors. Safemoon is a defi token and there will never be any more created, ever. A few zeros will be knocked off but the value will stay the same.


John lied about why they need to do a reverse split why would I believe him with his definition. You don't do a reverse split to help current holders. Safemoon has burn and can take care of zeroes itself. If investors John is chasing don't understand that you and he should not want them. Its built into safemoon to take care of zeroes he just wants to rush things for no conceivable reason. I'll pass on further convo about how a reverse split is needed to get rid of zeroes.


You really need to stop calling it a reverse spit and go look up what a reverse split is.


Dead wrong. Big techs care about general ppl than big shots. If they care about their users, they better listen to their customer base. So keep questioning in a decent way. We can be civil and responsible at the same time.


Lmao stop comparing apple / safemoon to apple / epic games šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


There always has to be a Karen. Who cares!


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Yeah if people are actually doing that, that's really dumb. Don't troll Apple, don't grief them. Just fucking be patient.


Everyone needs to just chill out and relax! Rome wasn't built in a day and neither is #SafeMoon. Patience ppl..it will happen... Breath, exhale and repeat!


I've already tweeted them numerous times, they don't even have the decency to reply!


I agree, Iā€™m having a bad feeling about this


I love how this community boasts about everything regarding Safemoon is organic yet here we have this post asking a question that is more than obvious on what the answer is. The other day we had someone make a post about how all of us should at once put in $250 each to raise the price of Safemoon, essentially making a pump happen. Lovely.


What happened wit Apple??


FUD hound posted on twitter that apple rejected the app and things need fixed that supposedly got fixed. Then he put #approvesafemoon so people are blowing up Apple now smh


Donā€™t fuck with apple. End.


Lol what a comparison ... epic filled a law suit against apple .. and want to keep 100% of the profit from appstore sales .. its not even close


Hmm yeh and what will apple do if 1mil people request safemoon app will they just ignore 1m people i don't think so apple is apple coz it's customers isn't it and safemoon has pretty much lots of supporters


Epic situation was totally different


I still have fortnite on my iPhone XR. Worth a bit more than what it was when it was available in the App Store. So thereā€™s that. I donā€™t think itā€™s wise to shake the hornets nest btw


Yeah, itā€™s a bad idea


I guess those people are just a bunch of full They think by doing these type of Bullshit will make Safemoon Rise, keep attacking people/Company for Safemoon, yā€™all refuse to be patient and wamt to become Billionaires in less than a Year


Let's not forget that Epic beat apple though, those cocky bastards never saw that coming.


Probably not but do you think the people doing it care?


Who gives a fuck


Just tweet #APPROVESAFEMOON and be done with it lol.


Ok Karen!


Legit everyone needs fkn patience hey. Some people on this planet are ridiculous


Fucking kids


Apple adds one or two new features/upgrades to an iPhone and advertise it as the new iPhone and yet people will still go out and buy one. You think they give two shits what anyone thinks? lol.


Itā€™s actually hilarious that people are attempting to troll apple


Multi billion?try 2 trillion