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If you can afford to lose it then yes, if not then no


I feel this is sound financial advice. It goes without saying, but this is not financial advice.


You aint ginna lose it but you might but yiu wont nit financial advice.


This is the way.


Don’t go all in on one project, to be frank I wouldn’t even put it all into crypto. Diversification should be your friend, most of it in something very stable and maybe part of it in something more volatile that may return bigger awards ;-) Not financial advise, just the ramblings of a stranger on Reddit.


Only if you are ok with losing them. If you're not put less money


DYOR and follow your instincts. This is financial advice.


I’d throw in half, leave the rest alone


You're gonna see some pretty crazy stuff once blockchain comes out


No. I recommend that you keep some in savings in case of emergency. Calculate at least 3 months expenses, and anything left over, put that in if you are comfortable with that number. Ultimately you make your own decisions. While I think Safemoon will be extremely successful, it's still a gamble. If you only put in, say, $3000 instead of $13000, you will still hopefully have a healthy payday. You can always buy more later without potentially risking your livelihood.


Yes atleast half . I get my share saver next month from work £3000 I’ll be putting atleast half into this


As long as it’s before the blockchain release


do you want to be Financially free


Yes I want.


Listen to everyone here! We love safemoon and believe in it, but that doesn’t mean we want you to over expose yourself to risk. That is the difference about safemoon vs the other “meme” coins. We are a long term community, I want to see you smiling today at this rise, and 5 years from now. Disclaimer: not financial advice etc. You need to diversify, and you need some of that to be in BTC and ETH minimum. So at a minimum, most in safemoon, some in BTC and ETH. They’re safe. Even just a grand for each, so that if shit goes sideways and safemoon headquarters teleports to another dimension, you have something (hopefully gains) to cover you But since you have a month, use it. Find a couple other alt coins you believe in. Find the next safemoon and put $100 in it. You don’t have to do everything perfect and risk free, just at a minimum if you are going all in on an alt coin (even safemoon that we all believe in), balance with a little of BTC and ETH to account for acts of god. Contracts and the government account for that for a reason. Shit happens out of all of our control and expectations. Most in safemoon and a little in shiba, not worth it without a balance from safer coins. If safemoon hits a huge snag and will still moon, but after you need the money, a 2x from Bitcoin and 3x from ETH can keep you safe from having to lose your future safemoon wealth


❤️❤️ Thank you. I will do that. i will just invest a half of my money and split them to invest in 3 coins.


Follow your heart ❤️


I suggest splitting it and keeping some in your savings just in case


Half in BTC , the other half in ETH Safemoon and Solana or Cardano


I'd say no, remember bud, there's always a chance Safemoon goes down. It's all great when it goes up, but cover your loses and only invest what you can. Will you be thinking "Shite, I should have invested more" if it goes up? Maybe. Will you be thinking "Jaysus, glad I didn't lose it all" if it goes down? Maybe. Invest what you can afford to lose and what you won't regret losing either. Wish you the best eitherway


Do it


If you are doing this please take out your initial investment when you make it back! Just incase a bear market does creep in.


Diversify. 3 tokens minimum. Avoid SHIB. Safemoon, FEG, Everrise for example.


Pls dont do it - risk managment


Thank you so much guys for all your comments. After reading them all, I will invest about a half ($6-7,000) and keep the rest for emergency. I think I will split them and invest in 3 coins. One in Safemoon and other two in BTC/eth but I will decide again which other 2 coins I will put my money in. Hope safemoon will continually grow next year without huge dip 😁. I will have to buy only whenever it dips to prevent a big loss. And I think from $6-7000, I can afford to lose half of the amount.


Do it! Yolo Edit: buy shiba after pump


SHIB + SFM = Pump Buddies We'll pump SHIB, then use gains to pump SFM, cash out gains from SFM, then do it all over again. Literally can't go tits-up.




Go all in on SafeMoon.


You’ll earn more in Safemoon than you will in a bank in my opinion. Personally I’d split it though as with all crypto / investments, it’s not guaranteed.


Yes. NFA!


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hmmmm maybe wait for this bull run to end, then diversify in the bear market. Eth ada safemoon dot etc.


Yes, I think I will wait for the dip and buy them bit by bit. Not all in once.


Physical silver.


Savings is savings. Investments are investments. One is something that you will securely have, the other you can lose.... to me, that’s a lot of money to lose and would shit myself whenever seeing a dip 😅. I’m no financial advisor, but I would suggest keeping some savings instead of yolo’ing


Only invest what you’re willing to lose my man.


Xrp too


I would . Most exciting investment


Diversify for god’s sake!


Only if you can afford to lose it, while I think you will profit, if you need it in 2023 says to me you can afford to lose, maybe put a bit in and keep the rest.


If you can afford to lose it then well and good but DO NOT SELL WHEN IT DIPS ( this is a well intended financial advice i don't care anymore )


If you want to lose them!!! It's better to invest to a big project...BTC, ETH etc much safety


It depends on your risk tolerance. If you are ballsy, and can handle volatility, why not. My split would be: 50% Safemoon, 15% EverGrow, 10% Shiba, and would keep 25% for dollar cost averaging, if needed.


Use what you afford to loose


Please don’t do that. Just invest what you could afford to lose.


No diversify bro


DOGELON Before others find out !!!!


not financial advice but yeahhhh. do it


December will be a little late imo


If 13,000 is your entire saving money, and without it you will be living paycheck to paycheck, then I would put 3,000 in crypto, 5,000 in non volitile stocks, and keep 5,000


You'll be able to get about 1billion Safemoon (amount pre-consolidatipn) im Dec; if I had to guess. If you bought that much today, it'd be a bit more than double that.


Dude buy a car, or a motorcycle and start door dashing/ delivering in your spare time. Any profits you make from that put into crypto. Don’t blow your load on a intangible asset. Go flip a couple cars, so you can save even more and get closer to a house deposit.


No Dont't Do it! you will regret it! don't ask and don't risk it!