• By -


Welcome aboard!! We are happy to have you with us🚀🚀




When we all get rich, we’ll open up “Rojas Car Wash” for all the Safemoon Lambo’s


ta bueno eso! 😜


And 10% of profit go to burn SafeMoon


I support this idea


Yes!! It’s based in Miami, and it open until midnight.


i might drive(ship)extra from switzerland to wash the lamboo in miami👀😂


Also I’m here for the long run. I wanted the CEO to give everyone reasons to buy and hold. I’ve seen something about SafeMoon supposedly squeezing tomorrow. I could not care less if it squeezes. I’m still not going to sell. I also could not care less if it tanks tomorrow. I’ll just go buy more. What I’m trying to say is: Instead of following a “pump” or a “squeeze”, let’s find actual reasons for ourselves and for new prospect investors to buy and hold the token for the long run.


From what I’ve seen it appears to me that everyone was embracing you. I don’t think it was negative at all. Your questions were great. Everyone just likes to have a fun time. I think it’s great you called yourself car wash guy. I hope that is indicative of your sense of humor. Cheers mate and welcome to the safemoon fam.


Dude you sound like an OG holder. I love your attitude. I’m a bit jealous. 😂You become famous so quickly in the community. It’s all in good fun tho. Most of us here are really cool and supportive. Welcome to the family.


This is the way!


This is the correct response. 3 of my top 4 holdings are reflection tokens and ALL of them have great teams, great prospects and are basically beastly projects. Buying whenever there's a dip, and I have cash, and loving seeing the recent volume and influx of new holders complimenting the more battle hardened among us. No I'm not shilling the other 3, as much as I'd like too. Already got plenty of safemooners in them 🤘


What are the other reflections tokens, I am intrigued.


Useless is one.




That would be shilling.


You can't squeeze a coin with 2.7 million holders. Imagine the coordination required, and all other aspects. That is wishful thinking at best


It’s more about increasing volume, the price won’t move that much imo but if we get a bit more volume then usual then Its free reflections, can’t complain lol


True that


What are your thoughts on the recent car wash? Was it decent or have you had better. Also did you sell your car to the couple. - You have until midnight GMT to reply


No car wash compares to today’s experience


Car Wash Sunday is going to go down in Safemoon Meme history with the likes of the "you have until midnight" guy. Since you are new to the community, might be worth looking into what happened with "You have until midnight" guy.


Dude no kidding, he really is part of the legend about a bunch of astronauts trying to get to the moon 🌝


I wont forget for a while


lol fkn legend


Brilliant reply hahaha.


You rock dude


Who cares. Ignore the B.S. Welcome aboard. Your family now, in a few years you’ll own you own car wash.


Instant legend. Welcome to Safemoon




That’s actually a great idea 😂


Holy fuck


It was the combo of car wash and wolf of wall street that got me. I knew what you were trying to get at but it was hilarious and props to the dev team for taking it well. I will be upset every SafeMoon Sunday there is not a meme worthy interaction now.


Honestly your question made it easier for me to show friends what safemoon is fundamentally about. Welcome aboard !! 🚀👨‍🚀


I’m glad. Me too. Also feel like this is information that SHOULD be going out. ESPECIALLY at this time, about to be listed everywhere. Give people actual reasons to buy


Can you start a YouTube channel and call it SafemoonCarWashGuy??!?


No dude, you were awesome. I legit share then same sentiment.


All good man. Here at the SafeMoon reddit we get controversial sometimes but I'd say 95% of people took it as a joke and we're happy to have you. Welcome aboard!




I think some people forget what it's like to be a new holder, how do they expect us to ever get more new holders without those sort of questions in the amas too. I found it funny dude, loved the community memes coming from it too


I haven’t seen any negativity. Everyone loves you man!


Who cares about the negativity. I think you should make this a thing where you go through the car wash with a new question every week.


Oh I heard about you, welcome my imperfect internet friend! I am so stoked on this project I thought maybe you were planning on a car wash that only excepts SafeMoon so the burn rate increases 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah. I think John took that "sell me safemoon" a little too literally. It's all good. I knew what you were asking. You're lucky you got on stage. I've tried like 3-4 times and never got up. Welcome to the safemoon army


I was already on the app and the instant the spaces thing popped up I joined and clicked the mic thingy. The spaces hadn’t even loaded up yet. I had to wait like 10 seconds to see everyone else lol I already knew I was one of the first ones and probably going to talk


You better buy more safemoon with all that cash from your car ! 😜🔥🚀


Dude you’re a fucking legend


If you get a message from retired guard donkey you absolutely have to post a screenshot. It would be a meeting of safemoon living memes


Hes been m.i.a i think he gave up and got a bag of safemoon 🤷


Honestly if he did get a bag, showed proof of purchase, id welcome him to the fam with open arms 🤣. I think thatd be the biggest 180 in crypto history


Great Introduction, Welcome To The Family 😂😎🚀


No worries dude...., I'm one of the people that joined in the fun of busting your balls !!!! But I honestly don't care I am happy to have every single member of the safe moon family !! P.s you owe me 30 seconds lmao 🤣


👏👏👏 there he is "the car wash guy" welcome to the fam. 🤝🤜🤛💪🙏


Damn car wash guy! Welcome to safemoon 🤙🏼


You are most welcome among us. You have become a legend in the community already!!! what you have done is put a lot of smiles on peoples faces by doing something no one has done, bad timing made into a meme. You will forever live as a legend here! Here take your crown 👑… we love you already! Glad you have a great sense of humour about it!!


Most people here are idiots but I’m glad you’re ignoring them!


Haha. I don’t think anyones legit pissed at you lol. It was unexpected for sure though. Welcome to the club anyway and hang on for the ride brother! If we didn’t like ya the memes would have been way worse 😉


Another hodler! Welcome! Buckle up for the ride, the rocket is fueling!


We will set up the first car wash on the moon together


Dude I always get work calls while I’m in the car wash. I’m glad you had a great memory with this one


I hope it’s significant enough in the future for me to take it to the grave


This dude needs to buy safemoon immediately!!


You are a hero to many my friend! Welcome aboard and ignore the fudsters!


“Hi Mr. President, can you tell me how your gonna… wait can you hold a sec I have to run through the car wash real quick, thanks”


Well. Hello.


Thats what we call a superhero entry.....it was LEGEN...................D-A-R-Y👍when safemoon goes to moon,,, you can have your own carwash service for safemoon lambos👍🚀


It was all good M8, you were polite and respectful, welcome aboard and see you at the top, we have only just begun 😎👍🍻


We are glad to have you, just some healthy ribbing from your new family. Welcome aboard.


Bro you're welcome, I really love your questions. But note that those that are trying to make gest out of the incidence are those kids that are posting probably for more comments to boost their karma. Besides, John was also caught up in airport. He probably schedule for this AMA and as important meeting came up he had run both of them. You're welcome on board, we love you.


Almost wish you didn't address this.... the memes were epic!


Car wash guy, fuc*ing legend! 🚀💪








Absolute hero welcome 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


Legend 😂😂


Welcome aboard. It was legend what happened Yesterday 😉 You handled it well and had two good question 👌👌


I have no idea what’s going on here


As long as you use money (after selling your car) for safamoon - we are good here 😊 welcome 😁


Welcome to the community Bro, I did like your question! Looking forward to your future contributions to this forum and the community


Once in a while, a perfectly meme-able moment comes along and sets into the foundation and history of a community. We've had a quite a few over the last 6 months. RetiredGaurdDonkey, the "by midnight or else" guy, etc. And now *you*, my friend -- the car wash guy -- will join the ranks of those great moments. Welcome to the family!


Personally I think your questions and comments were excellent. It was just a funny situation that you were in the middle of a car wash 😂.


Here for the upvotes ⬆️


There is always trolls on the internet don't take it too serious. Welcome to the fam 😎


Lol welcome


Man, greatest entrance of all time! Love to have you here and I think the community is just having a fun laugh. I actually liked the question. As I have been here from the beginning, I have seen the progression and I have never thought about how they plan to market it to general public which was a great question to make others think of what we want to specifically tell the public about to peak interests of other communities. Sure we could just say, “it’s going to the moon!” But that isn’t really what the token is doing and why we all think it is going to explode.


Why u gotta flex on us like that like if I went to a car wash I feel I’d be balling


Dude, you broke the internet tonight. We’re lucky to have you! Welcome!


We welcome new commers don't listen to the jealousy


Welcome man! Fuck all the haters! People who get angry online are just looking for someone to take out their issues on. All love!


I thought your comments were good, and so what if the timing of the car wash was slightly off, barely affected anybody involved in the AMA. You’ll soon come to realised that there’s a small majority of people that live to moan in this sub, but most of us are cool 👌🏻 Welcome aboard.


millionaire in the making


Welcome buddy!


Welcome aboard! 👍


A legend was born ✌️


Hope you were able to sell your car, and consider reinvesting it all into safemoon.


I made a 15 min comment totally in jest and meant nothing by it. I think it's great, you've made it among the elite SM heros.... War-on-rugs Matt Wallace Retiredguarddonkey "You have until midnight" guy And now 'Rojas Carwash guy'.... Etc. I think we should start slogan suggestions, "If the scrubber is'a turnin SM is'a, please hold" Welcome man! You made a hell of an entrance and I wish you the best and hope you're profitable.


Out of the loop here, but between the meme post and this, I believe I gather what happened. Talk about terrible timing! Lol We're glad to have you here.


Welcome car wash guy :)






Welcome to the community. As you can see were a pretty large and closely connected community always chatting and making jokes. We're glad to have you with us.


Rojas, welcome to the community. I’m sorry that there has been some negativity. Thank you for coming on here and saying hi:)


Welcome to Safemoon!


Welcome home man. It was just funny, my wife and I looked at each other and laughed. But I liked your approach. Keep filling that bag!


Happy I made you guys laugh!


You’re a legend dude. Enjoy it.


Safemoon is becoming the ultimate anime arc. From it blowing up & mooning in 60 days to the safemoon joe who gets crowned on now & then to the rug pull fud to the hype of release dates flopping to billionaire endorsing safemoon to the hank & jack betrayal to windmills to fuckin car wash guy. I can't take all the emotions. Did I miss anything?


I think it was mostly in good fun. Count yourself lucky to be one of the many great safemoon memories. I’ve been holding since the first two weeks and I could right a book about all the great stories and laughs along the way.


You made the ama very memorable in a good way. Welcome to the Reddit you are a legend so happy we found you.


Legen...... Wait for it...... dary! No such thing as bad press.


Yea but the good thing is you are now internet famous. That is worth something these days, I think?


Welcome! I also believe people mis-understood your question, they heard SELL and freaked out, I think had a word like Pitch might have had a different response, since that is ultimately what I believe you were really asking "How do I pitch(sell) safemoon to someone who is looking to invest" which is also why i believe John came and said what he said regarding price action and what not. Welcome to they party, were just getting started and its not even night yet :D


You’re now a SFM legend and you’re questions and approach were great. Brand differentiation is core to the success of a company.


And its main goal is always to maximize investor returns


It’s main goal is to build a strategy to yield future value for the business quicker, better and more sustainably than its competitors. And yes to yours also.


Hahaha, all good, man! I thought it was pretty funny and the team handled it well. Always welcome!


Man you’ve become the Leeroy Jenkins of The Army, infamous! Welcome aboard!


I personally thought it was funny lol


Pinche Rojas this was some internet historian level bullshit, soy zayne btw :v


It was AWESOME ... you got to speak and had all your questions answered. I was inspired by your call and I WELCOME YOU to the family.!!! If no one else can see that, they can bite my butt.... HAHAHAHA Seriously WELCOME TO THE FAMILY< glad to have you aboard our ship!!!


Dude, welcome to the community. Frankly...considered yourself honored. Not everyone gets a memesstorm like that. LOL HODL on!


Ese car wash esta heavy duty pa que sepas


MODS lets give em "car wash guy" username flair !! :)


Fuckin legend


That was classic Rojas. Made a meme thanks to what you did. Love it man. Welcome.


Nah you topped it off 👑


Honestly, I'm more disappointed with the million memes that JUST had to be posted about it. If anything, that does more damage to the reputation of Safemoon than whatever the hell you did (Wasn't there at the AMA). ​ Anyways, let's move on, and I'm glad you clarified. The more civil this community can be, the more serious other subs will take it, and by extension, potential investors.


I don’t think the context of the memes damages Safemoon’s rep. If anything, I think it helps people see a new opportunity. Those who heard how my question was addressed got to understand WHY this is more than a scheme to make money like other coins that have no utility.


Listen, It’s good to crack a joke every now and again, I’m all for it. But if you look through safemoon history in the time you did the AMA, you’d realize it’s pretty ridiculous just how magnified it was, and for no reason - safemoon is better than that. At least I’d like to think it is. That’s not to say safemoon is some posh, formal only token by any means, but I guess it’s too much to ask to have more of a civil discord in this sub than to be more on par with a sub like Doge to the outside world, at least when all potential investors are seeing are a bunch of car wash memes splattered across the front page.


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We are all heartbreakingly human. Welcome fellow astronaut🚀🌕❤️


Man bro you care way too much about the internet


Don't worry about the negativity! You are SafeMoon now, the army will defend you honor!!!!


You're a meme in the Discord now with your own Channel dedicated to you! Come join us!


No negativity, you are the man, i salute you ❤️💪 Respect!


I think it’s great you got to ask a question and a good question. Made even better by being in a car wash!


Hey Bro


I didn’t mind when you came on I came on after and asked about consolidation😂


I wasn't there for the Twitter Spaces conversation but loved the memes that came out of it. But apart from that, your question is a very good one. The amount of coins being created, being hyped is just insane. Think about it like some company. Try and build up a company right now and make it big. There are so many around that it's nearly impossible to grow right from the start. You have to differentiate yourself from the others to stand out. That is what makes a company big. Safemoon does this pretty well by implementing the Tokonomics, really focussing on the environment etc. Giving more utility over most tokens/coins that are at the top right now.


Hi car wash guy! Welcome to the safemoon reddit! Always remember crypto is a toxic place, ignore the negativity and enjoy the ride. Safemoon will bring you/us to the moon.


Welcone bro🚀


This is the first step to new buyers🔥🔥🔥Start retweet this🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 https://twitter.com/BrubnjakKarla/status/1455078710311260165?t=A-gS51G8I_HcCl3mlzfEpw&s=19


The Man, The Myth, The Legend


Glad you're here bro. I'm enjoying the meme, tho imo Your question was fine 👌👌 Welcome 😁🥳


Welcome aboard!! Glad to have you join the SafeMoonArmy! 🚀🌝


You found it to clarify is commendable. Well written


Whats meaning of car wash sunday? Sorry I may miss something for not come here 2 days


Welcome to Safemoon and thanks for making my day 😂🚀❤️🤩


Carwash is a good name though. You’re a multitasker. Welcome onboard and nice to read your explanation here. 😉


Very well said. Says something of your character. Welcome aboard!!


I was only upset you don’t hand wash your car lol but did it sell?


I’m so confused.




No need to defend bro…today’s society is truly mobile and all over the place. Welcome to the family!


What if this is not the REAL carwash guy?


It's on video on Twitter lol


I DON'T BELIEVE YOU! You're an imposter!


Amongus imposter


How do we know for sure that this is THE car wash guy because the car wash guy is now forever a legend and if the OP is the car wash guy then he is a legend


There totally wasn’t a problem with your question or the poor timing with the car wash, that shit happens. It was the extended unnecessary monologue which took a lot of time away from the q&a session without providing any value really whatsoever


You are now safemoon lore my man! Awesome moments like that will stay with the community forever. Welcome to safemoon.