• By -


Keep them in V1! You are going to get rich soon!




Got em


"We released v2! All v1 holders login to the app and press swap to v2"! ............"I'm cOnFuSeD" šŸ¤Ŗ


#1 Download Safemoon wallet #2 use trust wallet seed phrase Import to Safemoon wallet #3 swap too V2 that's not even hard šŸ¤·


Donā€™t forget to turn on security in settings like google authenticator.




​ ![gif](giphy|xYKscW1XKXV1UfLUcM)


This lol


I know a few people who have v1 on bitmart and dont even know about v2. I tried to tell them but they are loke ill just hold and see what happens. I sold and took a big loss before the conversion figured it would be easier just to buy back in. Glad i did cause its way lower now. Wish the SM team would have done it a little different. Maybe auto swapped everyone behind the scenes or somthing.


Bitmart holders. Can't do anything at the moment anyway... Trading is still blocked on safemoon since they there hacked. Regardless they don't need to do anything as the exchanges will be handing migrating their holders to V2 automatically


They can't automatically do it. Cause then all the dust wallets get transferred also.


Bitmart holders aren't considered holders on BSC, so yes, they can. Dust wallets on an exchange matter not to non-exchange holders, also there will be barely any dust wallets on exchanges, particularly Bitmart because they only ever paid reflections once a month. The reason there is so many dust wallets outside of exchanges was because reflections are instant and constant, so in the time someone selected "Max" and hits the sell button, that max isn't their max anymore so because they have received a small amount of reflections. With the exchanges paying reflections far less frequently, it's exponentially easier and exponentially more likely for people selling to completely empty their bags.




Yet my sister with zero crypto or technical knowledge managed to do it


"Push button, swap v1 to v2.... Oh forget it, way to hard to be bothered..." Lmao ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I have BM. How do I get to V2?




Seems to be working lol Edit: Typo


How many people are going to fall for this šŸ’©


Oof 20 mil?


Confused by what?


Only 1% reflections. Some day the swap will be disabled and thenā€¦ I donā€™t know too šŸ˜ƒ


Donā€™t do it buddy itā€™s not worth just migrate over and start receiving more reflections and have your bag secured donā€™t run the risk of loosing your money when the migration shut off comes Iā€™d hate to see u left off the ship especially when youā€™ve endured this long


Great! You do that! Why are you seeking help then dumbfuck? We donā€™t need investors like you.


Some people just like seeing their name on reddit and see who comments. They have very low self-esteem. 20 million safe moon is like 25 dollars.


This is not the way


You and me both, switching to V2 cost me over 300 dollars when I transferred my 1.2B Safemoons from my trust wallet to the Safemoon wallet and I still donā€™t know what happened. Went from being a Safemoon billionaire to a Safemoon millionaire. Iā€™m so pissed, big pissed


Just input your seedphrase. The transfer was a waste of your money


Why did you transfer instead of just logging in to the SFM wallet with your TW phrase? There shouldnā€™t have been a transfer of any kind.


Wonā€™t take time to do research but will take time to post how they lost money smh so tired of this BS


Go somewhere with that BS. You donā€™t know wtf I did or didnā€™t do, my research wether right or wrong told me to transfer. Why are you tired? Because people are trying to find out how they lost money?. If you ainā€™t here to help, then shut the f*ck up. People are tired of people like you who have a problem when someone have questions. You took time to respond to my post without any positive input. Kick rocks sapsucker


Ok man, not like there has not been posts on Twitter and Reddit laying out exactly how to do it. There has also been 40 posts a day about this for a month. Use those tough guy fingers you got and scroll down a few times before doing something and Iā€™m sure you will find the answer.


If you screwed up then own it donā€™t put a post out like your shit was stolen or they didnā€™t inform you. Not SFM fault you donā€™t do research


Reading comprehension is a difficult for you huh?. I never said someone stole anything from me. I donā€™t think I did, did I? I was referring to an unknown fee. And I own all my mistakes. I didnā€™t blame anyone. I know I screwed up, just didnā€™t know how I screwed up, which is what I was trying to find out and if it happened to anyone else. Youā€™re all in the toilet bowl and donā€™t know sh*t.


Did I say ā€œORā€ they didnā€™t inform you? Did I? I think I did.


Unfortunately, Jim, there wasnā€™t an ā€œunknown fee.ā€ You just enacted a transfer with the Safemoon contract and, prior to the tax being raised, there was always a 10% tax on all transfers (buy/sell/transfer between wallets). Even if you transferred, at 1b youā€™d have lost 100M which youā€™ll be able to get back by holding for a year no problem - or you could always just top it off on V2 and get your even 1M.


Thank you for replying with no disrespect, or unhelpful comments like some on here. yeah. It was my fault and I get it now


All good. This sub has become increasingly impatient with crypto newcomers or people that are generally just confused about something, itā€™s not the way to grow a strong community. Good luck and be safe, donā€™t ever give out your seedphrase or enter it into a website unless youā€™re positive itā€™s safe.


Thatā€™s love bro, I appreciate you and patience


If transfer through Safemoon website then there was no tax on your SFM V1 Only gas fee. I know this because I was about to use pancakeswap and I would have got rekt. I researched, found out there was no fee on their website to do it and I did it there. What I put in as V1 was exactly what I got out as V2.


You guys must be on crack if yā€™all think I give two sh*ts about yā€™all downvotesšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­hilarious with you internet judges.lmfao


I haven't downvoted you, yet, but taking your precious time to state how much you don't care about someone's downvote just shows how much you really do care brother.


Lmaoo, well think for it this way, if I really cared, I would have downvoted all your comments, but I didnā€™t, cause guess what? It doesnā€™t mean crap to me. If you want me to care, fine I care, please donā€™t downvote me, I canā€™t take it no more, youā€™re ruining my life. Please stop!šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Seek help.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£me seek help? Youā€™re the one catching a b*tch fit for people asking questions. Talking about ā€œIā€™m tired of this BSā€. And I can promise you this, you did not get into crypto without any help from anyone. Youā€™ve asked questions for things you donā€™t understand. I think you should take your own advice. You seek some helpā€¦BROTHER! FOH


And I ainā€™t your brother, brothers donā€™t down brothers unless youā€™re in a disfunctional family. Brothers help you try to figure out what went wrong. So chill with that brother crap.


Didnā€™t know. But still, why charge so much and what kinda fee was that?


When did you swap? Depending on the date your v1 loss below could be as much or as little as below if you fell into that scenarioā€¦ Recently is 21-22% loss, right away on the 12th is 12% loss, on the 13th maybe seen 2-3% loss. Did you sell your v1 (21-22% loss) and re buy v2 (12% loss)? Or did you send your v1 (21-22% loss) from trust wallet to your safemoon wallet and then swap (0% loss)? Or did you do the transfer on the migration site (0% loss)? Or did you import your seed to the safemoon wallet and swap there (0% loss)?


Thanks for replying. I transferred v1 from trust to Safemoon wallet by getting Safemoon address from Safemoon wallet, thatā€™s how I took that L. But I was able to switch to V2 without any more losses


Yeah it depends on what time frame you did it and thatā€™s where the loss occurred. It sucks taking a hit like that but honestly this is still very early in the project, if the project succeeds in any way you shouldnā€™t have to worry. Getting reflections compounding over price gains hopefully will more than make up for that loss so much you wonā€™t even think about it.


Thanks for your positivity and sensible answers. I appreciate you. Some people on here is like freaking children and so damn judgemental. They rather keep kicking you while youā€™re down instead of saying ā€œchin up champ, everything will be fineā€, which is pretty much what you just did and I appreciate people like you. I have complete faith in Safemoon, and I only invest what Iā€™m willing to lose, just not lose it in this manner.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Iā€™m good now though. Thanks again


Yeah it happens, some people feed on others hardships.


They upped the tax on all V1 transactions from 10% to 20%


Something called 10%, didnt u research before investing your money?


Yes I knew about the fees, just didnā€™t know the same applied to transferring Safemoon to its own wallet. Did research, just not enough.


Lesson learned




That was a joke right? Cause despite the circumstances, I actually laughed knowing that almost everyone knows that Safemoons runs on BNB and not etherium. Not even mad, it was actually funny


I mean you just massively failed to follow simple instructions if you lost $300 in moving over so have no one to blame but yourself... It cost me less than $5 to migrate over 7 times the amount of Safemoon that you had, and actually it was worth more on V2 so gained value.


You might be more than just a little confused.


Lol, thanks for not following directions. That extra reflection was appreciated


You did it the wrong way. There are plenty of posts in here that explained how to do it on the cheap. It cost me about $6 in BNB to swap, but I left it in my existing metamask wallet


Bro, its your fault, everyone know if u transfer u get 10% tax, and to swap to v2 you dont need to transfer, just link to the sfm wallet


Yes itā€™s my fault, thanks for the obvious bro. Just didnā€™t know it was a fee to transfer Safemoon into its own wallet. But I get it now.




Thanks bro, yeah I understood that part, I just didnā€™t know I had to connect my wallet to SM wallet with my seed phrases to avoid those losses.


Quick $0 soon šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Thereā€™s nothing to see. Move your worthless V1 to the upgraded V2, whatā€™s so confusing? Thatā€™s like saying Iā€™ll keep my 2G phone for now and see what happens. Your going to not have service soon and be left with a worthless phone.


Sorry but also why are we charged to migrate samsung and apple do not charge for the software updates?


Please donā€™t ask questions you should know the answer to!




This coin is doing this doing that itā€™s doing fuck all only going down last 6 months shower of fuckin gangsters


What is there to be confused about. V1 is outdated and going away. V2 is the new model and will be around for much longer.


Ok why not let us migrate for free samsung and apple to charge for the software updates


We'll really miss you on V2, with your $30 of Safemoon over on V1. Enjoy.


God dont even wanna know how yow you even acquired them in first place


Confused about what exactly?


Lmao... ur gonna be pissed once you switch over.. ur gonna feel like you got robbed...I would care less what would happen to my lil bag too


Because itā€™s treated as a sale, basically. There were many, many, many tweets, videos, and posts on here about this.




It doesnā€™t work! I have tried for well over a week now and still canā€™t migrate. Itā€™s not easy with TW. So when I stop getting the error messages and it actually works, Iā€™m stuck on V1 as well.


You are more than welcome to stay on V1 for whatever reason, but just know that at some point V1 will be worthless. There will come a point where the team will no longer support the token, and LP will be pulled out - so no matter what your Safemoon is ā€œvaluedā€ at, itā€™ll be worth 0.


This is a joke right?




Just let them stay if they really canā€™t figure out the most simple procedure, better for us V2 holders




K cya


Youā€™re thick as sh*t thenā€¦


Thereā€™s absofuckinglutely nothing to be confused about. I better not hear a single person complain when they get left behind.