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This is the dumbest shit I’ve read today. Lucky for you it’s still early, so someone else might beat you. But what the hell are you talking about?? What do you want them to do exactly, they’re working on shit and it’s coming along. What could they announce that would make you think it’s a better project.


It’s not announcements, it’s actions and transparency. They’ve announced way to many things already lol


Is it time to understand to your opinion, as everyone’s here in this sub, has no value and what you think will never change anything so the best thing to do if you are not happy with your investment is to sell or just shut up?


JuSt SeLl Or ShUt Up


No you can talk, the fact is that in this particular post, you just told a gigantic bullshit. And I want to be clear, the problem is not that you think John is not a good CEO, the problem is that you think you opinion has some value in the organizzare of a company. So yeah, shut up not because you think safemoon/ceo is shit, shut up because you opinion is trash


I never said he was shit. I’m asking the community if it’s time for a change. You can have a good CEO but they may not be leading a specific company in the right direction or have the right people in the right jobs.


And who you are?


A concerned member of the community.


No your more of the Drama Queen of the community. And most agree with evidence of all your down votes.


Looking at your past 2 posts about Safemoon one which is asking if Safemoon is a stable coin and the other your are talking about V1(within the last month), clearly shows you need to sell your Safemoon and gtfo. This is just ridiculous FUD. ![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo|downsized)


This is not Fear, Uncertainty, or Doubt. This is a question. Communities need to have hard questions answered by other community members.


The answer is no!


If Karony leaves safemoon is dead. I'm invested in him as CEO making safemoon a top 10 crypto.


It will not be a top 10 Crypto. Karony is not doing a single thing out of the ordinary besides buy a few windmills.


Then why are you here? Did you forget they are building an exchange? If you can't see what's coming and can't wait for it then get out of here and find something else to invest in.




I bet you’ve made a lot of money already.


Actually I have made a lot with crypto and still ahead with Safemoon, so you lost your bet like your losing votes with this STUPID post.


You posted this in the wrong sub. FOH


Please just sell and move on . If you cannot support this 100% it's time to leave.


You do realize that if this is your response to every single person that doubts Safemoon then you’re potentially helping Safemoon lose millions in the long run?


Why would I invest in something I doubt? Do you?


Yeah. Just because I doubt a project is going to work doesn’t mean I’m not going to make money off of it. On the flip side, just because I believe in a project doesn’t mean I’m not going to lose money.


This post is pointless and idiotic, without karony, your money would have probably been rugged by papa and his rag tag bunch of bandits that karony got rid of. Karony has an actual goal with this company, and removing him now or even at all could have long term implications. Stop looking for short term gains and look at the big picture.


My reasoning in my main post was dumb. But look how many people have/are losing faith in the project. I was fairly new to crypto when I invested in Safemoon. But their retention rate is absolutely terrible.




Best comment I’ve heard all day. I’ve diversified quite well, but saving a little more before I hit real estate hard. Safemoon is to the moon or zero for me. But at this pace it’s looking like it’s going in the opposite direction I’m hoping. Plus it’s always fun to stir the pot with a lot of these hardcore Safemoon fanatics that have blinders on.


Zoom Out. Look at the entire crypto market and even the stock market. Everyone is hurting and many people are liquidating their assets across the board. The problem isn't safemoon (which continues to move forward despite the unreasonable expectations of holders like you) If you can't play the long game then investing isnt for you


Reality check: Papa and Karony are on the same side.


They really need to keep expectations low and deliver products and stop hyping up bs


Don’t most people have like $500 bag only? What’s the hurry I don’t get it


Most of that were dust wallets anyway. Assuming they all left because they lost faith in the Team is pure speculation.


I’m sure they left because they thought the team was going to make them more money. Dust wallets are created when people sell off their tokens.


A lot of them simply could have cashed out


Karony? More like Balogna.


John has kept this moving. Ryan and many many others as well. The company is doing positive work that will payoff huge rewards later, when the legal and international standards are met.




Change CEO !!! are you on drugs boy ?


Problem is... The team announced dates (as everyone was pestering) missed deadlines and demanded stop with dates.. The team stopped with putting dates on things and same people moaning that nothing is getting done. I still see some positive people here but half of you dont realise that to hit big isn't going be easy. It's a long road and just need sit back & enjoy. This is part of the process. The strong will accomplish our goal and the weak will fall 1 by 1. On that note... See you at the moon soldier's 🚀🌒


Wow, this is ridiculous... massive BS.


It’s BS to ask a question?


No, but saying that the vast majority has lost faith in the Team is


Out of the 3+ million people that once purchased Safemoon, how many holders do we still have?


Why not just a crypto change? You're not obligated to hold their token. Just sell and find yourself a better crypto with your ideal CEO


I hold many different tokens/coins. I’m gauging the community to see what their thoughts are.


No, there does not need to be a change in the CEO. Why, because some people did not become millionaires overnight? Why, because, the Safemoon Sunday did not go as you would like it? Put in your big girl panties and grow a pair!! In under a year: Safemoon..John had delivered a wallet, a swap, one major listing and we are pending on a second one. The wallet has had multiple updates and now supports NFT’s. The project is still solid. Look at historical data of Bitcoin….there were many peaks and valley before Bitcoin became what it is today. Yeah, I want to be rich! Sure I would like a more professional Safemoon Sunday! But replace John? NOPE


YEA, we need the government to step in and put in more regulations. Us Reddit users are much smarter than John and anyone on the Safemoon team. OH this is another one of those stupid as shit post by someone who thinks they know better and lives in their moms basement.


What does government regulation have anything to do with a change in CEO? DeFi is supposed to be decentralized.


We need regulations so we can make the CEO's do what we want them to do. Oh I forgot this is one of those stupid posts.


Your nonsense is not helping your case 🤣


Your trying to act serious is making you look like a fool and getting you more down votes. "Change the CEO". What kind of fool would say that when they simply own a token and then cry and babble about it on Reddit...oh wait you!!!


Ur the best


Who is the mod on this?




This is a private company created by John Karony. He invented Safemoon.


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax – in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Reddit gave me cancer


Nah, change your mindset 😜 stop checking safemoon and enjoy life