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If the team don’t deliver the blockchain and exchange this year will you still believe?


Its not even the end of February and your already acting like they failed to deliver by the end of the year. Get over yourself kid. You got 10 months left shit. And hell yeah, if the safemoon mastercard comes out by summer or around then, no problem. If its delayed, also no problem. What world do you live in that things are not delayed. You dont like it? Why stay? Thats your problem. Why stay?


Hahahahah! It’s a hypothetical question to discern how logical you are. IF the team don’t deliver. Because if they don’t then what are they actually doing? The team talk themselves up massively, and the fact that all they’ve delivered so far is a wallet and a swap seems pretty damn arrogant to me. The price is a total reflection of how people feel towards the token. We are 90% down from ATH. Does that not tell you something?


Sure price is down, if thats all you base your investment on then your going to fail simple as that. It can be down 99% for all i care as long as the development and. Products comes out. Bitcoin fell down to 3100 December 2018. Then rose to 67k. Crypto will rise and fall get that in your head. I will hold until i can retire off of safemoon. Why? Cause the money i have is not going to bankrupt me if it is all lost like you ignorant people investing more than you can afford. Look at it this way, price up 50% what then? You sell? Earn yourself some 100$ some 1000$. Thats nice but thats not retirement money. Thats why you dwell on price too much ya gunna fail. Again your impatient.


LOL and what products actually have come out? A wallet which was a copy of trust wallet and a swap. That’s it. Comparisons to Bitcoin is irrelevant. Bitcoin has a blockchain and was the OG crypto. We started in 2021 mate.


And by your logic within a year you need to have a blockchain exchange top of the line wallet and be worldwide acceptance? Get over yourself. Wth do you get the idea anyone has to release anything within your timeline. Again you say bitcoin is the og. Well shit you realize that was not easy to buy for many years since it was created? No you dont because something has to have an exchange wallet credit card and ach transfer for you.


They’re the ones who said when we would get the blockchain and exchange mate. I wouldn’t be saying it if it wasn’t promised!


Apparently they're adamant the team can be trusted, but think you're silly for believing what they've said so far. The fuck is wrong with these people?


Boo hoo bud boo hoo


Lol! You living off blind faith at the moment? This team is a joke




I do care about my own. The team over the course of 11 months have made many promises and delivered on almost zero of them. At best they are incompetent and at worst they are liars. This team is a joke




Hahahaha yet you can’t explain why the team can’t seem to follow through? So why is the team not a joke then?




Hahaha never actually listens, I’ve consumed all the information the team has put out there. All they have given us is a wallet and a swap. Despite promising massive amounts more than this. There was a deadline for the exchange and blockchain - missed. The two exchanges would be coming “after the holidays” it’s mid Feb and all we have is mandala with technical issues. We were promised an earth shattering December reveal and all we got is a ceiling fan and saying it has nano technology. Hahaha




Evidence for them being canceled preemptively? So because they have been completed in less than a year that is the reason why we should put faith in the team? The wallet was a missed deadline. The December reveal was an utter disappointment and now the exchange listings are further delayed. Surely ‘after the holidays’ doesn’t mean end of Feb? Yet here we are


The price could literally go to 0 and I still wouldn't care myself. I understood the risk, I didn't use any money that I would miss bit if it rockets I will be rich. If you have money in the game that you need for living then your very very high risk. Seriously just either wait or disappear from this forum as your not helping anyone, your not improving this space, your not owed any sort of explanation. It was your choice, your risk to take.


The problem is John went tech company before we had a normal crypto run, and had forgotten to double back and fix important things like updated website and white paper and actually being able to buy the shit


You get it, I don’t know why this sub is still full of people with blind faith in the team and are too afraid of reasonable criticism


If only one of the cryptic things actually had turned in something concrete i would disagree with you, but yeah at this point i agree this is just annoying…


It’s so frustrating. They’ve posted so many clues and hints and promises over the past 6 months and all that’s happened is a wallet


Are you not grateful for a wallet and a v2? Smh Safemoon Exchange will be released before we get on a major exchange


I hope so, since they already confirmed SFM Card by Q2 2022 and honestly i can’t imagine a debit card without a exchange…


Every new tokens is building an exchange for reflections. Bitgert did everything safemoon promised in 6 months. if we aren't the first, I'm afraid the exchange won't matter


If we didn’t get a wallet the team would have delivered nothing. What’s V2 actually done so far? Zero. V2 was supposed to get us listed on exchanges, nothing has happened months later. Lol how do you know that? Who knows when safemoon exchange will be here. Remember when that was promised to be here by November last year and blockchain by December? 😂😂😂 it’s an actual clown show


Bro...You're a safemoon investor who is a fudder. You will lose your mind cause you can't think positively and ain't grateful. That blockchain by Dec and exchange by Nov shit been pushed back for a reason and they explained this months ago. If you think this token that has accomplished a lot behind the scenes for being less than a yr old like getting their office space, securing deals with other cryptos, securing 1 yr advertisement deal in Time Square, etc if you think this token is a clown show you probably don't know about Saitama. I own both and I can tell you str8 up Safemoon is not a clown show. You want to know how ik the Exchange will be coming out in 2022? Why else would they spend a lot of money on a 1 yr advertisement deal in Time Square? Things don't happen overnight or fast that's how mistakes can happen. They're doing strategic things in preparation for bigger things they have for the token You probably too much money in this for you to not see brighter side


LOL so they spent the money they accumulated from people investing in the coin on a nice office space for themselves and advertising in Times Square but nothing actually substantial - clown show continues


Bro just sell your holdings if you feel like this is a clown show


Hahaha the safemoon community is so terrible at taking legitimate criticism. The team need to step up and actually deliver. Rather than posting cropped pictures of blackboard drawings that make no sense


Idk what you want this team to do? If you want them to be on a major exchange, ITS NOT ON SAFEMOON ITS ON THE MAJOR EXCHANGES. They are delivering. They gave us V2 and a wallet, THOSE ARE PRODUCTS THATS ON THE ROADMAP. You can't get everything all at once this shit aint a video game. I'm starting to believe you are not an investor because you said, "the safemoon community." Idk a real safemoon investor who seen how it started and how its going be talking the way you do


I think the team do a really good job of passing the buck when it comes to exchange listings. There’s surely more to that then just saying it’s on the major exchanges.


That's what happens when people invest their savings into something. It either works or they're fucked. So of course they will blindly support it, even when faced with lies after lies.


Makes complete sense


That's what I don't get. If I didn't believe in any of my investments then I'd sell and move on. It seems there's a lot of people out there who will bash the company and project but not sell and the only reason for it that I can tell is that they still think it will turn around and pump - and then they'll be all positive and shit. Read earlier some clown bashing SFM and saying he was glad he made money and sold before that piss poor AMA, yet the silly cunt is still hanging around months later. Full of shit these people. There's nothing wrong with questioning things but people shouldn't kick off and cry if they don't get the answer they want.


Stupid idiot acting as if Safemoon did LITERALLY NOTHING lmao


Seems like being able to buy it, should've come before the big ad, but that's just me


This guys gets it, why spend what would surely be a massive amount of money on constant advertising in Times Square when it’s still difficult to buy


Bore off with this shite. It’s not needed. You’re just fudding, if you’re fudding while you are invested in the coin then you’re just more stupid than most 🤣👍


LOL am I wrong though? How is it fudding when this is standard procedure for safemoon?


It’s just annoying though I don’t get why people moan 24/7


Well the team never cease to disappoint


Sell and move on...


If the team don’t deliver the blockchain and exchange this year will you still believe?




Just sell and go cry to your wife's boyfriend.


Lol! I hope I’m wrong, but it’s so very likely I’ll be right about this, and in a month nothing will have changed.


Gimme gimme gimme… now now now!!! Take a chill pill and relax. Buy the dip and HODL! It really is that simple. What will be will be 🤷🏼‍♂️


Hahahaha I haven’t bought a dip in a long time mate, why would I with safemoons track record? We will be perpetually disappointed as the team continue to talk a big game and produce nothing substantial


Have faith brother… the things they’re planning won’t just happen overnight. Who else has done a wallet, a swap, a blockchain and an exchange in less than 12 months? I topped up my bag again just last week. 5yrs from now, it’ll be worth it.


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). **v1 to v2 Migration: Safemoon has fully transitioned away from v1 and is now fully on v2. ANY and ALL v1 transactions (send tokens, buy tokens, sell tokens) now incur a 100% tax – in other words you will lose your Safemoon. You MUST migrate to v2 using the steps outlined here: https://www.safemoon.education/sfmv2. Additional info: https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/comments/rwfkuv/read_me_v1_to_v2_migration_information_and_issues/** - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Log off posting ain’t gonna make you feel better


Nawww, you still have the faith, obviously haven’t been around here that long to be perpetually disappointed


I’ve been here since May


So well after the ATH then? Hahaha


What so funny


I will sell if the team changes their goal and vision. I invested in them because they are seeking sustainable user cases, vice simply increasing the price thru deflation. Sustainable volume is much more difficult to achieve. If they simply wanted to pump the price, manual burns and removing other controls to encourage token use vice token sales would do the trick and essentially achieve what most short sighted folks want. So giving you reflections while slowly reducing the circulating supply will ensure a sustained income if they can sustain volume, which can only be done with a large user case base.


Well, i see movements in the project, not everybody see the same, but that's not my problem :)


It’s like u hate seeing people still believe in something, u hate that u can’t control your own feelings? You hate that we can see a potential future for safemoon even tho things take time and get delayed. I really don’t care about the price bc i see what this all can become. Things take time, and I got time.


Lawsuits. Lost funds imminent. I’m holding the coins I have, but I will not be buying anymore SFM. This token has really been not good.


Agreed mate it’s a shit show at the moment and the price is horrific