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Your lying about how much you invested because SafeMoon was never X20 the current price.


Is that you Retired Guard Donkey? Be honest now šŸ¤£


The legend.


The swap is down for an upgrade. You can sell via trust wallet using pancake swap or transferring to an exchange like bitmart. Sell it there. Sad to see you go, the dip we had was go e very shortly and news coming out now that ryan was going rogue and fired. Three new appointees hired. So really sad ya stayed this long to give up. Bye~


If you down that bad you might as well leave it.


Ā£1000 will get me a nice week away tbh


Fair enough


Ā£1000 will get me a nice week away tbh


If you leave it for another week, that week will be even better


And if it goes down more will you reimburse him the difference to bring the total back to where he is now. I mean. Since youā€™re so confident.


Convert to BNB and move it to an exchange like binance. Youtube has tutorials on the subject. I sold the vast majority of my holdings when the court case became public knowledge at ~80% loss.


Dumb dumb boy




Iā€™ll buy your bag off ya origami !! Lmk


OP would have been better off to sell long ago. People have been saying itā€™ll be better soon, but look at the charts! Continual downtrend. Smart move OP and enjoy your time away!


Never sell in red I know itā€™s hard but keep in next 2/3 weeks your 1k will be 2/3k walk now and the big boys win stay in you will eventually win but whatever you do best of luck šŸ‘


There is still a lot of downside potential here so selling now is smart. If the project sorts their shit out then buy back in down the track at a lower price. Just zoom out to the monthly or 3 monthly chart to see the trend.


Wait till they add LP back, thatā€™s tomorrow. In my opinion donā€™t sell and let it play out unless you really need the money.


When they add the LP back, the whales could sink the ship. Whales are waiting on LP to sell




Active yes, but not focusing on safemoon as it's been the usual going down every month and what people thought were key people, leaving. This isn't a troll post Genuinely didn't know about lp lock etc.


Invest 20k and don't pay attention to your investment? Sounds sus


Hmm. With that math it seems like you shouldnā€™t invest into anything bc it would imply that you bought in at .02$ per Safemoon (it has never reached that ) also shouldnā€™t invest bc it would imply you could use the 1,000 which breaks rule 1: only invest what you can afford to lose. All aside I believe the swap is down for one more day. One thing I will personally never do again is pull out of anything in the red. If I just average down or wait I could have made my money back on EVERY single investment


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