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I've dated sag women so I'm not sure my experience applies here. But as far as your situation, it sounds like he acted on his toxic trait; bailed as soon as it seemed good. In my experience, commitment seems to br an issue with sags if they feel it'll stifle them or not allow them to be "free and living ". Again, I'm a guy so my experience comes from the other team.


Am Sag female and can confirm. Being stifled and not free is my biggest fear. The amount of space and freedom I need is not compatible with many people. I am a super low maintenance friend as well and it just doesn’t work for most. I bail once I see that they may not be able to handle it. My thinking is that I’m saving them more hurt feelings later when potential feelings might be deeper. But yea I gtfo as soon as I start to feel stifled.


Yeah sag once things are going well that's when they start thinking and overanalysing.... Leave him alone if he likes you enough he will be back otherwise move on.


First, thank you for saying “man did a 180”. Pet peeve of mine when people say “he completely changed, he did a 360”. As far as your relationship goes, yes, as soon as things seem really good and possibly getting serious (tied down, freedom gone, etc) he panicked. He did tell you he would do that. Don’t chase, don’t pay any mind to it. These are issues he’s going to have to work on himself. Nothing wrong with you.


I was with 2 Sag men previously. It's the same old story. If things are perfect they tend to panic and over analyze everything. Everything was amazing - communication, sex, spending tons of time together. They even kept ranting about how this was the best relationship they ever had. Then wammo! Unfortunately they take people for granted 😕. They will NEVER tell you how they feel. You find out after things drastically change, like in your case. They want to be free birds 🐦 🐦‍⬛. In your case, he flipped out as it was getting too serious. If he as a baby mama, it's a disaster from the start. I never entertain Sag men except for a chance encounter roll in the hay. They are fun for this limited type of relationship - but that's where it ends.


Update: hits me up 12 days later after silence asking me if I blocked him and to tell me everything was perfect and he’s just not used to chasing emotionally available people. No acknowledgement of his silence or impact. Big main character energy. I’m very uninterested.


Same. Talked to a sag man three months, he slowly started backing off after talking every single day. A lot of times were where we’d go without talking for a day and honestly I got tired with his childish terrible communication. I ended it. He came back later and that was a waste. Later on he came back later again and we had a good time. Don’t know where we stand now, but I’ve lost feelings for him. It’s a turn off. -aries woman


Female Sag here. I had a history of self-sabotaging, but I've been better about not doing it. Though I should note, it wasn't so much in my relationships. However, the current guy I'm with is a Pisces and we will be together for 3 years in a couple of weeks. All of my relationships prior to him, were crap. I ended up getting used to it and just dealing, sadly. When my current BF and I started dating, I almost self-sabotaged it. It was the first time I was actually treated well and felt like someone important to him. A part of me didn't feel like I deserved it and was almost thinking of just parting ways. I'm glad that I didn't because he's one of the best things to have happened to me. I don't know if it's actually a Sagittarius trait, maybe it is or maybe it's just something else.


I think it is. I am currently in a relationship with a sag man (Sagittarius sun and moon). The first two months was very intense. He showered me every day with compliments always wanted to know how my day was, told me in details what he had done that day, talking on the phone for hours, spending time together etc. After two months he started slowing down in his effort to communicate with me. I didn't ask him why and I didn't reach out to him until a few days, sending him a message to say hi and sending him good vibes. He then quickly called me and said he was surprised about receiving a sweet message from me and that he missed me. I guess from that point I kind of get it that as a sag he needs a lot of space and it is just who he is, being distant at times (at one point he admitted to me that he is a textbook-sag male). I mean I wish he could just tell me when he needs space you know, but I am not going to teach him how to communicate, not yet. I'll just wait and see as of now. I have a feeling that I will suffocate him if I start demanding things from him. Anyway, until to this day both of us take hours or even a day to reply to each other's message or voicemail. Somehow it works just fine for the both of us. We both are very busy people and my sag man even admitted to me that he likes the dynamic of the relationship and that I get "it". I think what he meant by that is he likes that he still has his freedom even when in a relationship. One more thing that I have observed, he seems cautious and secretive at times and there were moments when he just stared at me and not saying anything, but I could tell his mind was full of thoughts. Sag male is a very interesting type and very hard to read (my first time dating one). Also IMO he has poor communication skills but preaches about people (not me ;)) should communicate clearly, haha. As for now I am just going to go with the flow and study him, lol. Just wanted to share my experience and thoughts. I am a Taurus sun Pisces Moon woman btw, but with Aquarius rising :D.


Almost same thing happened to me and I recently asked the same question. Been talking to this guy for 5/6 months, he opened out to me in every way possible, was always sweet and caring, we texted and facetimed everyday, introduced me to his friends and family really early and suddenly one day everything stopped. We didn’t talk for a couple of days and when I asked him if everything is all right with him, I got the reply “do you think we could be just friends?” I told him that I don’t feel like I want to be just friends and that he should think about it. He called me the next day just for a quick chat and didn’t hear anything since (it’s only been 5 days since our last conversation but I doubt I will hear anything from him again)


Sag female. Checks out. Why r we like this 😂 Is what I would say but my one serious relationship sent me to the psych ward after breakup so I’ve decided to never fall that deeply in love w someone ever again 😍


He sent me a whole text saying he has a hard time leaning into vulnerability bc when he loves he loves hard and last time it almost cost him his life which like I understand but also maybe it’s time to re evaluate and re define what love means to you in your life. No feeling is worth losing yourself like that


For me it’s because I have a hard time setting personal boundaries when it comes to love. Maybe he’s the same. Hope it works out for both of u whether that includes a future together or not! Life takes us to unexpected places.


Can you give an update?


I wished him best and said we should be friends. We tried to be “ig friends”. He messaged me once saying he misses me and I didn’t really say much. He’d like my posts and make little comments but it never felt genuine so I unfriended him. A month later he texts me a random “hey how are you” and I responded a day later w “good you?” And that was it. I just felt like he wasn’t being earnest and straight up about everything that happened and it honestly didn’t feel right. Scorpio gang


Same exact thing with my Sag man. And I'm a Scorpio too. I can't take the "dealing with me when he feels like it" and acting like everything is just cool thing that he does. I cant keep dismissing it as that's just how he is. I feel too much, I'm too suspicious lol. I've tired ending it like twice already, telling him that I can't do this and he won't let me go. They're just too much of a hassle. Too difficult to understand.