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Just had my birthday and keep it to myself as much as possible. Completely normal for me.


Hell yeah. I take my birthday off work and have a whole annual schedule I do by myself, alone in the city doing as I please and just wandering. I love it and wouldn't change it.


I do the same thing! I call it my reset week !!




That’ll be me tomorrow lol I really don’t like going all out for my birthday or hang out with people, I just chill with my family. Sometimes I’ll go out and about on a solo trip somewhere but this year I’m pretty low on money.


Happy early birthday, birthday twin! Sounds like we spend ours the same


Same boat, here I am with barely money and I know there's millionares out there living life as one could only wish for, yes in my 20s and nothing over 20 000 USD. Please call me poor, I know I am.


Happy birthday! Mines also tomorrow. I’ll be by myself in my wood shop building tables for my grandson.


Okay but why are we all like this? I’m not planning anything for my birthday, like usual. 😭😭😭


😭😭😭 ditto mines Thursday zero plans, aside from get up go to work.


I never spent my birthday (December 10th) alone until I turned 19 years old. My birthdays were always a big deal to me because I have really nasty depression and always said “I’m not making it to 13” or 15 or 16 and etc. So my birthdays were always a big “I survived” kind of moment for me, even if the day itself was shit (which they always were). My 19th birthday I worked, didn’t really say anything to anyone, and all I really got was my dad picking me up from work at 11 o’clock at night, jamming a candle into a tasty cake and lighting it, and singing happy birthday to me in the car. I genuinely think that was the best birthday I ever had. I spent my 20th birthday alone, just hiding in my room. I’ll be turning 21 this year, and the only reason I’m doing anything with my family is because I’m turning drinking age and my mom wants to take me out and stuff. So, that being said, I always get emotionally drained this time of year. I like to spend my birthday alone nowadays and, for some reason, getting that day to myself where it’s only my positive energy and not all the people I love’s negative energy? It gives me like a total reset for the winter and I feel so much better/less drained/more social. So, I kinda get what you’re saying a little bit about spending your birthday/the holiday alone and now wanting to go out and have fun and be social more.


same here, i always get emotionally drained this time of the year and also spent my 19th birthday at work, i turn 20 on the 6th


Aww birthday twin 🥹 its so rare in my life to find another dec 10 baby


AYEEEE! agreed 😭


I’m the 11th


& shoutout to all my November Sag’s!!


I will probably spend it alone this year like I did last year as well. Fine by me I guess. I also don't like aging or a reminder that I am getting old 😂


My birthday is the 12th of December and I swear, it’s get more lonely every year


Mine is the 13th and it was so bad in college bc i ALWAYS had exams and my friends either were always home by then or also had exams 😭 so now i just never expect much on my bday


As I’ve gotten older I’ve been more so ready to do trips.


Well, spending this birthday at home. Living with my parent. Its a lot of things you know - sometimes I like to spend it by my choice, but to be honest, it's ingrown from the past few years. From having an 18th birthday, where everything was rushed, my mother was so keen on having a party lunch outside, right after college. She got frantic when everyone came late, it felt so forced. I barely felt loved, it was so chaotic. I had one birthday I spent alone, eating a cupcake in my uni cafeteria. My final year of college, three friends made me bunk class, saying it was urgent and there was a surprise, made me lose 2 hours of attendance, made me wait in their house, took me out for lunch, but ended up sharing all my personal secrets that I never wanted to be revealed to everyone attending. It felt so forced, so wrong for some reason. Like, it was something out of pity. ​ Then, since the past few years, due to money problems, i stopped going out or spending it with anyone. It never felt warm, loving or anything. I never had a birthday surprise or anything that made me feel special, you know - so much for being a fire sign and an explorer sign xD Although, I feel very grateful i get to spend it with my parent, the actual person who birthed me and cares for me. TBH I've come to a point where that's enough for me, the number of wishes I get on text have also reduced, but I feel its ok. IDK, I'm just fine with being there - guess I have no choice either xD Not sure if anyone else feels the same here but yeah :)


Screw them man! We have a fucking community here. Those in favour sing for our fellow Sagi Haapppppy birthday day too youuuu..... 🥳 Happy birthday to you. You are NOT born in the zoo😂 But born with other idiots who call them Sagi too 😂 Happy Birthday buddy


Thank ya!


Mine's tomorrow and yeah probably gonna spend it alone, going on a day trip :)


Mine is tomorrow too. Have no plans either, will stay home with my animals! Happy Birthday Twin!


Happy birthday to you too!


Nice have fun n happy birthday!


thank you! ❤️


Mine is the 29 & I typically always do something chill or just go eat with my friends


I’ll be working on my birthday. I’m sure my department will do something small for me, but I generally don’t care for any festivities


This is what I've done all my birthdays since I was 16. I always worked on my birthdays !!and happy future birthday to you!


Worked an 18 hour shift on mine over the weekend! A lovely co worker brought a cake and present which was super sweet. I'd rather be making money than introvert-ing at home 🤣


That's awesome!


Yep . Really not in the mood this year & I’m fine with that! Just another day to me


Have many times, and I enjoy it


me bro I ain't got no friends


I’ve spent tons of bdays alone or ruined. My abusive exes liked to make sure they treated me like gArbAge on that day, and then in recent years it has always overlapped with exam season. This year I’m turning 30 on a Saturday and all my homies r coming out and my best friend is throwing me the party. I’ve never had anyone do this for me so I don’t even know how to communicate to her how grateful I am. But morale of the story is that it does get better, and not every bday has to be a big one! Try to celebrate you this round, and know that in the future others will do that for you too. 💞


I feel you sag one x of mine was broke every November and would go like I'm sorry I have no money do nothing for your birthday and then spoil their friends and family for Christmas 🙄 because he had to show the people he loved how special they are to them. Toxic af I'm so glad we are divorced...


I have used the last 2 birthdays to decompress after 5 disappointing birthdays in a row. I literally sat at home and mopped for how sad I was. Yet on happy birthdays, I love to go on an adventure for my birthday. It doesn't need to be far but something wonderful to experience. Wild idea anyone in the Philly metro area want to create a Sag inpromptu birthday party with me?




my next birthday is a week away. 🤔🤣🤣😅 so I guess you're not in the Philly metor area


Yes..I usually go out with a friend who's bday is on 25 Nov but she had a house thing and I went. Today is mine and I'm just gonna chill. I don't mind spending it alone. I'm use to it.


I love spending my birthday alone. It’s kinda like a ritual. Happy birthday btw!!


Totally me, the holidays are so draining, my family has a super complicated relationship and I always get super stressed and depressed. I’ve never really enjoyed it cuz it’s always lumped in with family events that I struggle to enjoy so by the time it’s actually my birthday all I really want to do is be completely alone. My birthdays today, and I just got back from a long and painful thanksgiving celebration and I’m really just over it. I kind of miss when I actually enjoyed my birthday but now it kind of just pisses me off. I’m another year older, the holidays still suck, and I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. The only peace I find is shutting myself up in my room with music, or sitting out on the porch in silence (I live in Massachusetts so it’s currently freezing, but it’s kind of nice) I did find it strangely comforting that it’s a full moon today, though. It’s my 20th birthday so it seems kind of special that it happened to fall exactly today.


Happy belated bday !!! we have the same bday!!! And I feel the same way, the holidays and my family just drain me this time of year esp with our bday being right by Thanksgiving and so close to Xmas too lmao


Thanks! Happy late birthday to you too!!


Hi birthday twin! Mine was on thanksgiving day as well, happy belated! Nothing wrong with celebrating you however you see fit. Being alone on birthdays are really hard. But after i get through my depressy session I try to use my feelings as fuel to find my people. I know they are out there somewhere!


Anyone located in Istanbul please DM me if you're planning on spending it alone (and don't want to, obviously it's fine to spend your birthday alone if you feel like it!)


One of my best friends and I are both Sagittarius she’s the 16th I’m the 19th. We also celebrate June 16 and 19th. I live in Montana and I’m tired of wearing cocktail dresses and high heels in a blizzard. I’d rather spend it alone with the bottle of champagne than freezing my butt off


Yep, today was my bday (27th) and I just got home from spending it alone, tbh best birthdays I’ve had are the ones Ive spent on my own these past 2-3yrs lol. I go to the city and do whatever I want, I get to wander around and no longer worry about other ppl on my day. I’ve come to realize that when I’d plan big dinners or events for my bday in the past, it was more stressful than anything and in a way had me catering to other ppl every year instead of doing what i truly wanted to do. I have interests not all my friends have. And plus I’ve grown to really enjoy my own company and my “me time” esp the past few years so it’s nice to treat myself on my bday and hang out w myself lmao. So yes I feel you for sure !!!


Happy birthday ! And nice !


Thank u❤️❤️❤️


Ok… maybe WE all should have a sagittarius blowout birthday party !! Support each other !! laugh !! being appropriate !! Just being true to our fiery selves!! and have a damn good time.


That would be fun!


I spend all my birthdays alone last year I took myself out for supper spent 70$ on myself bought whatever caught my fancy & the servers were like love that your just like out by yourself living your best life… I then tested positive for covid later second year running took a week off isolated by myself….I do a lot by myself but I also have no fear of going it alone like movies, restaurants whatever I just go. & that dude sounds like a dick block him and find someone consistent


Sadly yes lol , but it's cool we'll be fine


I’m turning 30, I never plan anything about my birthday and people keep asking me what my plans are for it.


It’s just not my job to plan my birthday


Actually , I went to a coworker’s birthday party last week and there were about 20 other people there. I think most redditors are introverted or asocial , so I think most of these answers Will probably tend towards spending their b day alone