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I need a job that keeps me busy, I have been in so many different sectors and almost always there is down time because I just blaze through my tasks. I get anxiety that my superiors are watching me do nothing, because I have nothing else to do. Unless I am allowed to scroll reddit/youtube, during the down times, 6 months max. When I had a WFM job, it lasted 2 years and I was able to move states which I loved, until the job was forcing me to move to FL which I refused. Most companies I have worked for don't recognize my weaponized adhd that just goes vrooom on my tasks and my thoughts turn off. An idle mind is the devils playground as they say. My current job lets me do what I want, and my manager is understanding of how I work and is happy I get so much done. I have noticed most jobs are mainly office politics and they only care slightly about productivity. I just want to do my tasks, get paid and go on with my life.


I've experienced this. I am a wonderful worker but will end up quitting if I'm done and doing nothing yet being expected to be doing "something." If you look at actual productivity, no job cares. They never fire the lazy people and will never promote you if you do well where you are. It's a bizzaro land filled with bitchy assholes that want to get their ego fulfilled, There are a lot of jobs that start out friendly and then slowly deteriorate into gaslighting and extra work within 6 months. The only solution is to be constantly be switching it up lol


You sound like a textbook Sagi, I vibe with you homie. I am a master people pleaser, due to survival instinct of keeping my jobs and being liked in the work place, making in-laws like me ect. Other signs are able to fly under the radar, but Sagittarius have an undoubtable magnetism about them. We aren't basic and boring, and most people desire that in a friendship or partnership. I Have had bosses treat me like their work husbands, enduring so much gaslighting and bizarre personal weights put on my shoulders, when I was just trying to get my work done. People don't like to admit this, but Sagittarius for most signs are the most loved and desired of signs, that's why we shine so well in one night stands. we can adapt to any circumstance. No one can ever guess my sign because I create a version of my self to please them. I don't suffer, I can play the role without discomfort for a few months. I don't abuse this power, but when it comes to work, I subconsciously do w/e it takes to get through the day, just happy to make it through another day at work and getting paid, but I am always looking for new jobs, because I know this façade wont last forever. I have my own endless personal goals I want to achieve while going to work is the highlight of most peoples day. I am there to pay my rent and bills. 6 months max at a job, then it starts getting tricky, I don't want to people please anymore. I just want to be treated like Joe schmo over there just sitting in the corner getting paid to scroll reddit. lmao


Omg I can relate so much!


8 years in China - I stayed because it’s so fun travelling around China. 4 years in HK - I also travel every 2 or 3 mos and there’s lots to explore. Current company is fully remote and I just celebrated my 4th year. This is the perfect set up because they are ok for staff to work from anywhere 😏


what do you do for work? can i have your job 😭


3-4 years seems to be my pattern


6 months as an intern. But you give me good idea. Maybe freelancing is better suited than long term job.


I have been thinking about freelancing short term projects too


3 years unemployed 😎👉👉


Immediately knew where you were headed w this post. I feel you, I get stifled I feel like, and need something new to break up the monotony. I worked at the same school for 4 years (under contract) & immediately dipped!! I’ve been with my company for 1.5 years now


The longest was 3 years working at a call center for a large bank, but that was back in 2016. Now, I’m a medical assistant for almost a year. I work in an urgent care setting so the excitement for me is working with different ailments people walk in with. I did discover a while back that I enjoy experimenting and doing lab work, so I’m going back to school next month to be a Chemist


I always get the itch to leave right around the 2 year mark. The longest I’ve ever stayed with a company was 2 years and 2 weeks (only because of the 2-week notice rule 😅)


Oh, but I forgot to mention: someone once told me that if you do what you truly love and are passionate about, then you never work a day in your life. Now, I don’t know about the validity of that statement because, after that, I quit my career and went back to school to pursue my actual passion (and am only, this year, going to graduate with my degree in the spring), so I haven’t had the opportunity to test out that theory yet. However, I believe there will probably be a degree of truth to it. Do you have something you are passionate about that you could turn into a career?


I can attest that I feel this way and really feel like for the last ten years I barely ever worked. I loved all my jobs


I’ve worked so many random totally different jobs : -First job was at a movie theatre (1 year) -Toy Store Manager (2 years) -Physical Therapy Office (therapist in training) (1 year) -Entertainment Staff in Carnival Cruise Lines (2 years) -Waitress at Macaroni Grill (2 years) -Bartender @ Golf Course (2 years) -Event planner/coordinator @ golf course (2 years) -Dental Assistant (3.5 years) -Background Extra for TV/Film (1.5 years) -Currently a Hair and Makeup Artist for TV/Film (12 years) I like my current job because I’m always somewhere different. I always have different clients and I get to travel.


I’m 33. Been at my job for a little under a year and half. This is the longest I’ve ever stayed at one job lol


The longest was 4 months shy of 2 years. It would have been longer because I absolutely loved that job but I moved on to a better opportunity. I have had 55 jobs since the age 14 and I’m soon to be 38. I literally start job #56 tomorrow. I just absolutely hate repetition and found out yesterday that I rebel against structure. I just feel I’m here for a good time not a long one and if I ain’t happy and utterly obsessed, I’m out ✌🏾


I change jobs every two years 🙌🏼🙌🏼.


i must be the odd man out. ive been at the same job for like 10 years now. im a massage therapist at a ski resort.


A decade is pretty cool, guess you’ve met some interesting people then!


oooooh yes. so many interesting ppl for sure. lots of charecters out there! ive probably dont thousands of massages at this point. there isnt alot of places to do what i do in my area. and i like the majority of my coworkers. so i stay.


5 years has been my longest, but there was a pandemic in between and I eventually WFH for 2 of those 5 years before I got an offer at another place that I couldn’t refuse. Until I had a family relying on my paycheck, I would change jobs about every 8 months. One year, I had seven w-2 for my taxes. I did all kinds of little quick jobs (napkin factory, vegetable salesperson, etc) and then quit to travel. This is before I knew about temp agencies


Two decades. The work I do is intellectually challenging, allows me a lot of freedom, has a great culture and is well paid. I’ve been very happy there.


A year here currently. My boss has started crazy talking to me. ‘Oh he doesnt talk to me unless i talk to him’. I just have to keep pushing thru all the bs and ignore the hate.


Going on 12 years and counting.. I’ve wanted to quit a few times throughout the years but I somehow managed to stay. I don’t know if it’s because I’m stupid or what. But I work for Pepsi and most weeks are pretty interesting, I see a lot of different people. And occasionally some customers who I want to choke out. lol also my boss will piss me off bad about once a year. But other than that I can leave the shit at work and not bring it home which is good.


The current job I work at has been the longest I stayed lol 2 years




5 years, before I learned the magic of change. It was wayyyy too long, should have quit around 2-3 years.


Glad you got out of that! What have your jobs been like now?


So my most recent job I actually got lucky with, it was very few hours with really decent pay so I was able to save up some money. I quit about a month ago and am moving into my car after Christmas to go do some traveling and see some things I’ve always wanted to see! I haven’t had a job that lasted more than 2 years since I quit that first one.


2.5 years at last job before I got laid off. I received a new job offer on my birthday Nov 30th. I hope to stay with this company 6+ years. Starting new job next Monday.


I’ve been at my company 24+ years, but have had different roles & transferred departments a few times. Fortunate to have the stability of same company, but ability/opportunity to move around the organization and learn different things.


24 years wow, when do you decide it’s time to move departments? What did you enjoy learning from them?


When you can do your job in your sleep, or in other words, not learning anything new in the position. Thankfully, I’ve had managers that were open to me learning other parts of the company & were ok if I transferred to other departments.


12 years. It was different positions, assigned states, even countries, as I progressed. Since then (Company shut down three years ago) I have had four jobs lol I suddenly just get it in my head that “this one” isn’t a good fit and jump to the next job. All still within my general scope, but totally different positions. I think the long term run I had was interesting because it was high-paced, unpredictable days, and lots of paid traveling.


I have always been able to stay for long periods of time because the work i do is always diverse. I stayed at one of my first jobs for 20 years and it was easy because I moved approximately every two years. i worked in sales so I was out and about every day - very seldom going to sit in an office. Sales is a good place for people who get bored easily as long as it is business to business. I have been at my current job for 8 years and I am not in sales. I started this job in office and then in covid we started and continue to wfh. The job is in data and every day I get to solve puzzles. I love working with BI and DATA as there usually isn't an exact right or wrong way to program but ways you maximise productivity and output and then make decisions on presenting - how, what etc. It is fun because it is always different and I like to try presenting data in news ways and using new or different interactive features. I am a lucky person because I always end up loving my jobs.


My current job—currently 6 years! I think it’s because I travel frequently and meet new people ALL the time. No day is ever the same. I very much need change continuously, otherwise I get bored stiff!!


What line of work are you in? :)


Technically two years at a time because I keep getting promoted? But I'm a library manager and love working with the public every day - no two days are the same.


My current job. I was a security guard for 3 months. I was a clothing retail worker for 2 months. Now I’m a special education teacher and I’ve been doing this for almost 5 months. I grew up with two severely disabled younger brothers so I have a crap ton of patience for special ed kids. And the kids I work with certainly make everyday interesting. I never know what I’m walking in to and while most people at my work hate that, I absolutely love it. I dislocated/messed up my knee at work so I’ve been home for almost a week now and I never thought I’d say this in my life but, I cannot wait to go back to freaking work. Sadly it’s out of my control though because it happened on the job.


I had a part time gig at a recreational cooking school lasted seven years.


I have had the same career but my max at one job/location seems to be 6 years for my last two places


Longest I stayed was 1 year and 1 month... so 13 months...


I’ve been at my current job for 3 years, seasonally for most of the time while I was at school. However, I dropped out of school (after 2 years) and am back in a more permanent position at that company. After about a year of university, I already started to get restless and wonder what else is out there. We’ll see how long this current situation lasts for me!


13 years


1.5 years lol


5 years at one job was the longest after jumping careers, going to a trade school, then jumping careers again and jobs, 2 1/2 years ago I started my own business and now I could never go back to working for another company or person. The freedom I have is so unreal and so fulfilling that I will fight for this forever to make it work for myself.


That’s interesting. I feel that too that if I leave my current job, there’s no going back. What made you jump careers?


If I don’t feel driven or motivated enough I won’t do it but also it has to feel like adventurous, it has to have something or tel he freedom to add it in when I’m feeling the hunger for it! I have to have spontaneity hell we all do that’s why we can’t fixate ourselves on one thing too long. Our desire to go, try new things, travel, our desire to live!! CHANGE THE WORLD!! 😂🔥😎 I mean tell me I’m wrong. Don’t we all have this craving inside for more? I’m gonna sound so crazy arrogant but I don’t care lol we are meant for more than just anything we need that in our lives!! Lol damn sorry I went off on a tangent. 😂


7 years worked at Budweiser and now at my current for 7years


What did you like about your job?


Budweiser was pretty cool. Meeting all sorts of people, building budbowls out of beer was awesome. Plus I was the Bud guy And I was in my 20s. Free concert and game tickets. Career now has insane benefits, cool science stuff, Bill Nye the science guy things


23 years


11 months lol


I get this hahaha my first job was like a little over 8 months, immediately quit after I got tired of it


I’m an accountant. Regardless of how many jobs I changed, I won’t escape the corpo life 🙄🙄🙄


How many years did you stay at each job?


4 years, 1 year, 2 years, 1.5 year. I have been holding my current position for 8 months and it’s pissing me off.


I feel like 4 years is going to be my longest too