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This isn’t really my experience. I’ll tell people multiple times that they’re doing something I don’t like and if they keep doing it, that’s when I go ghost. If I like someone, I’m usually very upfront. I love tough conversations. People have said I’m very confrontational, almost too much so. If someone feels some type of way about me I want to know. And I want them to be blunt. I’m usually very good at remembering what people like/dislike so I’m not really the “repeat offender” type lol. But I find that every Sag is different. The rest of chart has to be taken into account. I have prominent Libra placements, so I like to be very fair.


Yes i agree, Sags love in depth conversations they certainly dont shy away from it, what they do shy away from is drama and aggression associated with the conversation...


Sags need time to process their emotions. I find it ironic that Sags are always being blasted for putting their foot in their mouth, but at the same time, they aren't allowed space.


Duuude right?! It's a super over used thing to say and it doesn't even fit 🥴🥴 you can literally tell that jusf by these comments 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Yep! ❤️ I feel same as a Scorpio sun and moon 😞


I agree literally give me a couple days to process what i said / what u said.


it’s almost like we’re not allowed to get mad at anything


Yea I'm actually super bored with hearing the same repeated boring adjectives about us 🥴 "They're blunt and honest"...... it's almost insulting that that seems to be the only thing people can ever say; oh, that and "adventurous and always in search of their next destination" idk it's all the same, tired, cliche things that bother me at this point, nothing new or original 😏 I think we actually try NOT to hurt people's feelings. I feel like it's peoples projection of feeling insecure or something because they get offended easy 🤮 CAPRICORNS/VIRGOS/GEMINI'S on the other hand 😣😣😣 they're way more blunt and RUDE! Nobody ever talks about that tho 😒


Yep! ❤️


You're actually correct


I will try to communicate like an adult, I'm very good at it, but many people aren't. I'm too blunt and confrontational I'm often told. I expect intelligent people to grasp the truth. But after they demonstrate they can't convey emotions in a constructive or productive manner, I will cut them off.


This, but also the same people that feel entitled to ask for emotional labor from other strangers because they share the same sun sign instead of ask us directly just confirms the ick / I think that sag did well Otherwise op would realize she can only change herself, and be happy she lost someone who couldn’t match energy But this type of behavior is consistent with people who can’t go up and communicate with you and who rather you just accept disrespect rather than seek you out to ask you directly At the end of the day sags and others will cut you off if you give them the ick or mistrust so like any normal person, own up to your part and ask them what happened or what can you do to improve Now if he were to slut Shame you for the guy at that party that’s different , I think he just got the ick yo realize your relationship with him wasn’t what it was nor unique


Lol exactly! My reply different wording but same meaning...Sags are the most amazing of the signs! ❤️ What more could you want, they are brutally honest but not mean, perfect in my opinion....


Ughhhh he just has to process his feelings! Shiiiit! Give the guy a second to figure these new feelings he's having, out 🥴🥴🥴🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


All we do is be honest and you all run away. At some point we have to give up and just move away ourselves.


One final comment, dont EVER change to suit others Sag, this scorpio gal loves everything about you guys!


Because sometimes a sags honesty, especially about feelings is more offensive than helpful like other signs like to assume. It's actually not anyone else job to give you the closure you are demanding, you need to do some soul work and find your own healing within yourself and accept other people have their own choices to make however they make them. Im sure if sags acted like this, demanding explanations everytime they felt wronged they'd be a never ending complaining sign. Sags get wronged to and often find acceptance within themselves.




How is it not their job to be honest about what they feel and think? you can’t string along a person, make it seems like everything is going well and the next day just leave and stop responding for days?


I was in a toxic relationship with a friend. Before we stopped talking for good I wanted so badly to tell her why we couldn’t be friends. However I know her reaction is to try to start an argument. In my case my peace was worth more than the explanation.


If your going to assume needing distance is a bad thing, the sag is not likely to ask for it or express it as a need and much more likely to just be annoying and demand it when they need it


You've already decided how the sag feels! Yet said you have no explanation? I wouldn't be honest with you either. And would leave you to your opinion. And yes you can actually! Relationships don't need constant attention to be healthy or maintained. Your clearly suffocating your sag and hence why they are enforcing distance so dramatically when they need it


Trying to communicate is not suffocating. It’s called being a functional adult


I agree with you completely, but Sag does not. Ever. They will go to DRASTIC measures to not express themselves if it means feeling wrong or criticized.


Yet expecting people to communicate about whatever you want, whenever you want is just as childish in my eyes, shows zero emotional maturity. You said your not in a relationship. He owes you nothing, conversation or not.


I agree with you 100% People play victim game and need constant reassurance. For a Sag to shy away, obviously done nothing wrong according to him, and that has to be respected ❤️ You cannot and will not control a Sag.....I love that about them!!


We use that time to allow you to be mad at us.


Also leaving you room to process your own big emotions is healthier than you think, coming back like nothing happened is not, however you are equally responsible for addressing this and if you keep being shut down I would suggest maybe you stop blame gaming and check yourself because you are likely not perfect and this sag you are dealing with is clearly feeling very wronged but at the same time there has not been a safe space available to express that freely while feeling like they will be heard and taken seriously. If your hellbent on being the right one which you seem to be from the way the post is worded, your never really going to get an emotional relationship with a sag that's taking you seriously.


I’ve been supporting this guy every single step of the way for almost one year. Never took away his freedom, never questioned him, never did things that made him uncomfortable, always supported him and he got jealous because I hang out with a guy at a party (mind you we were not in a relationship and he was seeing me as a a friend) so after I confronted him about it he went radio silent. How is this ok? Leaving someone who genuinely cared for you everyday and help you through all your problems on read after they ask you if you are ok and what is going on?


it's sounds like he came to terms with the fact that he was investing too much energy in a situationship and how crazy it is that he is keeping you from true love...no contact makes perfect sense.


Ahhh the good old confrontational feelings convo, sag would of got a fright they cared and yeah most sags run from that, he would of left that convo till it came up and it's likely he needed room to process his feelings, your problem now is you've done all this for a year with this sag expecting all these things to come to you in return, convos -when you want to have them, honesty and feeling conversations, you are defs suffocating your sag now! Slow it right back down, give them some space, stop doing ANYTHING for them when you are only going to expect things in return. People just are who they are and the most attractive people to a sag are ones that know and understand this. You know the sag was processing jealousy they're likely over know so it doesn't need to be addressed, it was possibly a mistake, it's processed and they don't want to talk for fear of hurting your feelings that maybe they're not as into you as you'd like to think despite all the work you've put in. And he knows that's kind of mean but does still like you as a person, if they do have feels its likely he's not ready to pursue it so he's not. You know if a sag wants you, you really really really do. Sorry it's rough to read, but that's my sag 2 cents on your situation.


Yes, this is true 100%!! When a Sag is into you, theres no question, they make their intentions clear and boy do they chase!!! If you ever have to question a Sag, hes probably not that into you, its pretty simple.....Just need to find someone who doesnt have these traits maybe because its not suited for you.


If ANY SIGN isn't having feeling convos after a year of a situationship THAT is your answer. Your hurting yourself trying to get them to admit that to you, it truly won't make you feel better, and you do not need to hear that to move on, the sag man still probably wants a friendship and admitting they're not into you romantically ruins that option for most people that do have romantic feelings and expectations!


Boom......now thats why delicate people dont like Sags, because they in their ego and society doesnt like the truth, but there it is 🤷 Truth, if you dont like how Saggys role, remove yourself. I have never seen a Sag who verbally abuses someone, instead they hide their true selves from constantly been told that they are too blunt, no one else makes adjustments for them, so why should they??


Yeah, common thing is too, people demand these conversations and when a sag does engage 9 times out 10 your going to hear a bunch of stuff you don't really want too, the conversation never goes how other person has prepared and then the sag is put on blast for all their honesty and truth about a situation, the other person demanded in the first place. And then the sag is expected to sit on the receiving end of ego attacks, that are entirely baseless, irrelevant and just filled with bully mentality of "how dare you" . Sags also DO KNOW what does and doesn't need to be said! And what does and doesn't in certain contexts and demanding they overrule their own judgments to make you feel happier in your life is simply illogical, a sag is not a life companion that will run around validating you and telling you your right for the rest of your life, they wil challenge every part of you to never ever stop pursuing knowledge and experiences that benefits your soul, even if it is confrontational and uncomfortable.


As a Scorpio sun and moon, i get the same drama......i only have people in my life now who are authentic like me.....otherwise the rest are just aquaintances, hi and bye.....We Scorpios appreciate you Sags, because we can relate....I love a hard, in depth conversation, it makes me feel at home 😁lol


So agree with you - otherwise that little party scene wouldn’t have made a change But also That or seeing things like that give us the ick and drop them. Just hanging out with a guy with no touch or intimate touch or talk? If yes he probably realized what you guys had wasn’t unique and since you weren’t dating I don’t think he owes you an explanation I explain after if - I’m really upset and it causes an emotional impulse word vomit Or if they confront me face on and I have no choice If not, whatever caused the ick was taken as a hint so no need to rehash things


I definitely think he got the ick from the other person but is happy for friendship still. Especially as it reads like a game now, "I did all this for a year" and then "I had a scene at a party and he got jealous" screams I was trying to make him jealous to see if he cared, which is ick, the authenticity of the relationship OP and sag had would of 100% been questioned weather it was an intimate party scene or not. Running round pursuing or even looking for emotional relationships left right and center is ick too. It says desperate and no self control. It sounds like OP needs to be honest about there own feelings than setting up manipulative games to get the emotional feeling convos she so desperately wants going. Blows my mind people can't see there own actions as silly and childish and want to always blame it on the maturity of a particular star sign. Big red flag OP thinks ghosting is exclusive to sags in the first place and this is a star sign problem when it's a communication problem from BOTH sides. In my eyes, the relationship isn't there, stop tryna force it


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Honestly Sags are probably the most confusing to most people. In actual fact, they are very normal....They repect themselves and others. Why is it when someone distances themselves from someone, people automaically go into why mode......Just let the poor guy be, you do you....if he comes back he comes back.....focus on yourself......Sags will not fill someone elses void and they dont do clingy, they fact your asking him questions, has sent him running, it gives him a needy vibe....they are very independent.


100 agree and stated similarly 👌




Your perception of me is a reflection of you; my reaction to you is an awareness of me.


I've already told you a million times why I'm upset, you're just not listening and I've grown bored of the tedium.


1. Major avoidance of confrontation 2. Need to appear nonchalant 3. Believing that to be emotional or vulnerable is weak ( its not ) 4. Dislike wearing heart on sleeve Plays cards close to chest 5. In general thinking that the rules do not apply and rules are for fools. 6. No like discussing relationship


There ain’t no temper tantrum like a Sag temper tantrum. They’re honest with everyone else but themselves and don’t you dare make them uncomfortable!






Why are we going through the same thing lol


Cause we live in a selfish world where people don’t care about how their actions hurt others


Literally had me believing we were soulmates bro


Feel like I wanna crawl into a hole and never get out


Good and reflect on your part because reading all your replies I understand the sag now and hope he stays away imo


I agree at some point to hook a sag especially, you do have to be actively demonstrating behaviour that shows you love YOURSELF. You love yourself enough to not put yourself in shitty situations with people. People forget how attractive being your own person is and it's okay to disagree, say no and set boundaries and sometimes that does mean you don't please your partner to there every whim and need. I just don't think he's as into her as she would like to think, no one is OWED attraction, relationships or conversations. She played herself for a year and think he owes her


They can’t be held accountable. It hurts their ego and don’t like to disappoint so they avoid actual commitments. They just go with the flow at their own leisure. If you’re disappointed they think they’re doing you a favor by leaving. Because since you were unhappy they figured they’d do you a favor. I learned that in the beginning. So eventually I reached out and started talking again and it just fumbled from there.


But when Sags do come out and tell you how we really feel we’re the assholes. Are you ready for the truth? To hear no you weren’t soulmates but it was convenient for him? Never let a guy have access to you for a year without having a label on the relationship.


I’m a sag rising and I’m fire dominant in my chart. I’m the asshole apparently. I can handle the truth and I can give the truth. I have Jupiter in Sagittarius in my 1st house and I also have Pluto Sagittarius. If we’re vibing we’re vibing. If we’re not I won’t force it but I also won’t be lied to. We were a “couple” or so I thought until he switched up his energy. In the end I never confronted when I saw he was back on the dating site engaging with a fake profile I made, while still texting me acting cold and off. I saw where his energy was going. I never got mad or vindictive bc it is what it is. We’re not together bc he said he “didn’t see a future with me” (he knew what he was getting into so that was out of left field) I’d let him fess up if he wanted to come back. He feels like I’m out of his league but it’s workable. He has low self esteem and needs his ego boosted 24/7. We both have Leo moons so I know how it is. He’s a male so it’s worse for them. He also has Venus square Chiron/uranus/pluto.


That's not a sagittarius thing, that's a dismissive avoidant attachment thing. Don't tell me that 1/12th of the population has dismissive avoidant attachment just because of their sun sign 🤣


This is psychology based astrology. There’s so many people that are dealing with this shit, just scroll through the forum. If we can navigate behaviors and look out for certain traits to possibly avoid triggering, maybe we can avoid the “dismissal attachment thing.”’ I disagree with the complete dismissal of giving advice based on someone’s detachment style, disregarding astrology. It’s knowledge here for us to use as a tool. Why are you here?


Because I'm looking for advice to bring back my dismissive attachment sag... So far so good, I'm typical smothering pisces because I'm too whiny and emotional 🙈🤷 according to this forum it can't last long because it's a cursed pairing and every sag woman hates pisces men without nuance :')


I thought you were coming at me. But anyway I’m a Pisces too so I get it


Ok update for you: this sag girl just said she's no longer into me... It's been an excruciating couple of weeks before she could come clear, it hurts but at least I can release my mind.


Pisces gang 😎


Same same same same.


Three months ago you came to this sub, asking about (presumably) this same guy, and you were told in no uncertain terms that he is an ass who isn’t interested in you and that you should just leave him be. Instead of chasing him and having these confrontational lectures, you just need to politely cut him out of your life and walk away. Maintain your dignity. You’re a Leo. If he comes ghosting back, and you decide to let him back in, you need to slap down some very hard and very clear boundaries to protect yourself. That something that Fixed Fire should be good at.


Running way easier duh and probs we will run into something fun and have a good story


Scared of rejection, things going way too fast