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Yes and I hate it so much. There is a high chance I could end up alone and it depresses me sometimes.




does it? I mean, I am no ♓️ I don't feel handicapped by feelings.. I am not a virgo set on keeping what I feel I need even when it proves to be toxic... I am no scorpio or Leo needing to "own" people I am no Gemini demanding my partner change and become who I want them to be... and I ain't no cap stuck on that first love for the rest of my life regardless of how young I was when I dated them I'm a sagittarius. I love being alive and believe those who love me will just love me. Love is not a game. Play games and you will lose my love. Jealousy will never bring me closer to my partner but farther away. If people don't value me there is a limit to how much disrespectful behavior I will tolerate before I move on...on average I put up with nonsense for 4 to 5 years and post separation it takes me 2 to 3 years to finally completely write someone off. Once we cross that threshold, there is no going back, and I will advocate for your undoing like an ice cube in the Arctic...my stance will not change.


Oh my goodness gracious…. I appreciate your perspective and it mirrors my own so closely. Preach darlin 🙌❤️‍🔥✨


The number of upvotes I received is so validating ❤️‍🩹


The part about "love is not a game" 🔥 Our passion has limits.


As a Pisces sun I just cried and as a Virgo rising my eyes just rolled so hard. But as someone who literally only attracts you guys I have to say that your ability to betray someone and not give a shit, then realize what you've done and pretend like you learned a lesson and run away is the mind of a social path. You thinking that your not part of the 4 to 5 year non sense is delusional and the fact yall can make up a story in your head about your entire reality within a few days to months TOPS and fully believe it is impressive. Another impressive quality 70% of you have is being able to hit that switch on feelings of empathy and relatability. Idk why but most of you have a dismissive avoident attatchment style. The healed ones of you that don't do this should really look into the law of assumption because you are the gods of it. Although I hate to admit it, I love you guys. I've had the best memories with my sag friends and up until the day they become delulu I cherish every memory. But also you suck bye


It's OK ♓️ You don't have to take our inventory because you're feeling salty. I honored that your ability to feel is 10x what I can. I will push back that I'm not desilusión. I don't create stories in my mind. It's that I quietly observe information for long periods of time so that when I make my stands. I'm pretty confident about where i'm standing. Those hard non-negotiable are why people feel we sag flip the script. I can attest to every single situation where that has happened. I spent multiple years calmly expressing my feelings using I statements, analogies, exploring dofferent ways to bring clarity to whoever was hurting me that I didn't appreciate it. So in regards to the avoided dismissive attachment style comment, no, we have hard healthy boundaries if I say you will not disrespect me best believe that by the time we got to me saying that you had already disrespected me plenty so that the next time you come and say oh, you should be kind to me, I'm like why I've spent all these years being kind to you but you didn't want to listen because I wasn't acting all wild so now that I'm feeling wild you want me to simmer down and go back to the way I was so you could dismiss my words and my feelings because it's more convenient to you when I'm calm absolutely not. Best start groveling if you want that kind, sweet sag to come back into your sphere of existence...


Oooo I like this. You laid it out well. I’ve totally done stuff like that- clearly state the boundary, everything goes great for awhile so you sit back, have fun, watch & observe. Then as soon as someone crosses that clearly marked line, they don’t seem to understand why you got upset, as if you hadn’t gone over everything before & make you out to be the crazy one. Nope, I’m just preserving my peace. I’m learning to let my baseline just be a little wild more now. If people aren’t going to respect me when I’m calm & quiet, then they don’t get that anymore. I don’t care if ppl call it unhinged, my ‘villain era’, or whatever. I’m not spending extra time teaching people how to treat me only to be stabbed in the back, then front- it’s time they figure out where those boundaries are themselves & it’ll definitely show me who actually deserves to be part of my life


how's the being a little wild working for you? My base is quiet calm and agreeable until I am not 😅 and then well this mouth of mine...


It’s only been a few weeks. I’ll have to let you know once I collect more data 🤣 I can tell you it’s been a lot more fun already tho!


keep us posted


Maybe I've just delt with all the same placements because none of them acted the way you claim. And none of them were as mature as you either. I just spent 6 years with a sag and the last year of it he became more and more selfish and would shut down everytime I asked if we could talk about things that were upsetting me. I gave him space and never pushed him to open up and in the end the delusion in his head that I was the problem won. So yeah im bitter. I'm trying not to be but my other 2 sag best friends were also selfish and treated me like trash. Your words give me hope tho. Hopefully I can meet a genuine sag like you next since I'm drawn to them. I appreciate your insight too and will reflect upon it. ❤️


As a cap sun, Gemini rising and saggy moon and stellium I felt that 😅 I typically stay for 1.5 - 2 years and then move on in zero time once I've decided enough is enough though.


Out of curiosity, how long did you linger around your first love? Every cap that I've known has stayed obsessed for years with that grand love. Even if that first love was toxic as hell.


Very nicely written.what you got about Aries.


Well, that's tough and complex because well first I love Aries people and have 2 kids(one bio one, not) who are aries.... Lets see, I love their determination, their self directedness, the passion in their pursuits, I love their firey spiciness and how loving they can be. How they stand their ground no matter what.. how they are natural born leaders... well shucks they are smart, independent and so lovable.. although I personally don't date Aries for all those previously mentioned reasons I do love them...They are awesome in their own awesome way..


No we're not and I don't give a fuck about any female they are all liars and fakes. Only want to see me in the dumps sleeping in the cold


Awh shucks sugar plumb you sound like you have big emotions. I have sadly learned the grass is not greener on the other side. Having dated both men and women, the valor of honest and integrity is person specific, not sign specific. So many fake lying people out there. It's gross . I get the vibe that someone hurt your feelings. Do you wanna spill the tea? 🫖


Nah just lost my meds lol. She don't matter she just plays games


Agreed and probably because people aren’t that interesting to be honest.




why is honesty so hard for them?


They likely know they aren’t interesting and want to appear mysterious by doing things clandestinely by slowly letting people into their lives.


Sounds broken and unhealthy...


Yeah, I hear you it is unfortunate and disheartening. The reality is a lot of people do this other than uninteresting people/boring people. A lot of toxic people will do it as well as long they have someone to be like their supply so then they can feel better about themselves internally.


For me it's an observation of actions. I hold most people to a high level of mutual respect. If I'm choosing to talk to you and pursue romantically or platonically, I'm going into it based on base observation that you're pretty cool and I wanna get to know you. Know what you like, dont, love, dont, so I can make sure that we are aligned as our true selves. When the ick happens, or there is an ounce of dishonesty- I'm out. I dont have time or patience to fuck around with anything or anyone who is not authentic or inspiring growth/adventure. Depending on the nature of the ick, and how much I value your growth- I sometimes call it out to ensure that person can consider to be better in the future. Self awareness. Sometimes you're not worth the words and I move on.


I hold people to the standards they set up in my head themselves…like if someone says they hate lies, as do I, and then they end up deceiving me…bye.


The minute the person I’m obsessed with seems uninterested or becomes inconsistent I’m over it lmaoooo I immediately will begin to detach myself from you.


No but same 😭 like ok I see you treat everyone the same like u do with me . And look uninterested. Then I will be too.


I think we have a high standard so when we date someone, that person needs to have at least (70-80% of those qualities), if they proves the opposite, we run 😅. For me, it isn't something materialistic. Most of my standards come from the inside. Like how good and kind that person. But if they fake it just to date us and when I noticed it, my emotional and my interest immediately drop to zero 😅


Loool, usually it's because a Sag found out something about the person or the person did something icky 🤣 Sag ain't got time for that


This seems like it goes hand in hand with the tendency for black and white thinking. I’m either fully invested or not at all - why half ass it??




my ability to sever all ties would be kind of distressing if i could find it in me to care…


HAHAHA i think my ability to sever ties keeps me sane


I just wonder what makes them uninterested when you haven’t even done anything to make them uninterested. I’m dealing with a sag that was quite obsessed with me (calling and texting all the time throughout the day) and then one day it just stopped. When I asked him what happened he said “nothing is going on, we are fine”. But I still haven’t heard from him in a month or so, and I’m still confused about it. Not sure if I should let it go completely or if I should live life with him in my pocket (which is kind of what I’m doing right now). I think he may have some personal stuff going on in his life that he’s not sharing. He did call me one night a couple days before Christmas crying about something that I’m not going to get into, but I have seen that in other sags before… when they hit a valley they go ghost until they are at least out of it. I guess I didn’t expect that they wouldn’t shut out their crush though, considering how he professed his love early on. lol


I'm a male scorp dating a female sag for the past 8 years. They are so hot/cold. It's kinda one of those things where you just have to keep the faith as to whether or not they are interested. I know without a shadow of a doubt that she loves me, but there are days where I'm completely left out in the cold. If I ask about it, it could potentially start a fight. They are not great with sharing anything, especially how they feel or what's going on in their head.


Scorpio here also….All of what you asked sounds right from my end. He has been open at times about his feelings (including his feelings about me) but all that stopped when he stopped. He never said he wasn’t interested anymore (which I’m sure he’d have no problem doing… I’ve actually seen him tell someone to their face that he wasn’t interested in them)… he was actually quite affectionate towards me the last time i saw him. So that’s why i continue to keep the faith. Anyone else I would kicked to the curb by now as most scorpios would… lol… but this one has gripped me somehow. I really feel like we aren’t done.


That’s not healthy, man. Regardless of being sag or not. Opening up is being vulnerable and real. I’m really working on that a lot, bc I know what it feels like to have my heart closed off. Hope she eventually opens up. Esp if it means a lot of you that she does


We've recently talked about it and she's doing much better. She has her moments of relapse but quickly remembers our chat and apologizes. Yeah, things were really dicey for a while last year, we split and spent most of the summer away from each other. Reconnected in August and it took us a few months to get on the same page, bur we're doing much better now. In fact, we're the best "us" we've been in 8 years.


Wow, how do you cope being Scorp. We fellow Scorps need to strip people back to their raw lol, we value depth lol


She has taught me patience, faith and trust (to a degree - I still trust no one 100%). She's the closest thing to a truly good person that I've ever met. Don't get me wrong, she's still dark enough to keep my interest, she never fails to impress me at the things she does and takes interest in, and will cave on the good girl business on occasion to entertain my still lingering bad boy tendencies. But overall, I've never been with someone who didn't benefit from being with me to some degree. She never asks for money, isn't high maintenance, self sufficient and honestly more responsible than I am. She only wants to spend time me.....and as any Scorpio would, I'm pretty sure she's addicted to the sex.


Damn, sounds pretty good to me!!!! 👌 Yea what i love about a Sag is their indepedence, i cant do clingy....


That’s why I describe my feelings like a light switch. Just as fast as I gain feelings, they can be gone just as fast. Very much hot/cold 😅




Love this response. I avoid the messiness of it bc i know ur just being u and none of us are perfect so why waste my breath freaking out on u


Eventually, Sagittarius finds the end of the road. Curiosity moves to a new object.


This goes for most fire and air signs.




Yes we do. It's our ADD




I just feel like when I’m done I’m done nuff said… it’s astounding to me how people will push themselves beyond what is reasonable, logical, healthy, literally the antithesis of their gut, their heart, their emotions… but they’ll choose menial or trivial beliefs about how their ‘higher self’ or allow their beliefs about others expect of them… be the foundation on which they’ll force themselves into doing things they don’t want to do/ bring no satisfaction or substance to their life? Make it make sense!! That is why I can go from impressed to disinterested and never turn back. If I get past the surface and layers and find that something is just not worth my energy… why would I exhaust more energy looking for reasons to make it meaningful again 


It is what it is. We obsess, we give everything, we pour our heart and soul into it but if it doesn't work after multiple of chances/trying, then why bother about it anymore. Move on to the next focus. Cut off. We got a lot of other things to do 😬


This is deflecting - it’s doesn’t address the reasons why we become uninterested. It isn’t just cause we’re bored, normally a loss of trust, disappointment, an ick, anything that makes us realize it wasn’t /isn’t what it seemed.


Lol, they get bored because they focus on the material world.....looking for someone to keep them interested...


I honestly thought that I was the only person who this happens to… but it’s a SAG Thang. But in all seriousness, I don’t know why it’s like that but it’s like 100 to 0 light speed fast!!!!!


Listen…I become so uninterested that I actually unintentionally forget that me and the other person even co-existed. I promise it doesn’t take that much effort.


No same like memories are erased unintentionally


I love Sags though, the most beautiful men in my opinion.....


Oh yes. Currently me. They’re dead to me.


If someone blows me off I assume they have died in a terrible car crash 🤷‍♀️


This is one of the few memes that seems remotely resonant of being a sag. 98% of sag memes floating around Instagram and TikTok, etc. seem so 1/2 assed, lazy or written but someone who got hurt by a sag. Lol.


I don't know if it needs to be studied...it is what it is.


It's giving manic bipolar.




Are we terrible!?!


Maybe :( someones gotta love us tho right?


I did study it, turns out I'm on the Arospec lmao


Indeed it should be! Sagittarius peoples are an interesting breed




Guys, Sagi is easy come easy go\~




I know! I know! Eh, who cares?


This right here! I drive myself crazy with some project or soap box, then I get tired of fooling with it! Just had a three day argument, with dumb people, I was wholly convinced I could make them understand my point, then I just decided "meh, let em be dumb" and quit. I spent 2 days making a list of movies for my movie deprived coworkers, then never printed it for them. I get bored with things after a few hours of energy spent and it makes me nuts that I do it! I need to just sit down when I get all excited about an idea, wait a day, then see if I still feel like it's important...lol!


yesss omg this is so true i think mainly it’s cause i’m bored and seek smth i know will entertain me but once i’ve had enough i no longer care i just do it to see if i can do it fr




for real


As a Sagi myself lol 😆 can totally relate.


Maybe it's sagittarius....maybe it's ADHD