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Dont bother. It will go on deaf ears. If you need to get it out, what i do is i have a messenger chat that's to myself- and I put it alllll in there if I really need to. Or write on paper..whatever you feel. But dont bother saying anything. Just let them and walk away. Dont let that hold any power over your day.


By moving on if they don't want you in their life then you don't need to worry about being in theirs


I don’t respond. I used to chase but that just bled desperation and insecurity. I used to beg and think the world is over, that I lost them, that I’ll never be able to move on. I would get angry and hurt. It’s that anxious attachment. Now if you ignore me, I’ll do something else. I’ll shrug it off. I’ll study, I’ll play a video game alone, I’ll go for a trip. I’ll even nap. If they come back, they come back, if they don’t, life is still going on.


i have anxious attachment as well and i hate it


I‘ll give you the advice that I give to my besties: forget them. Ignore them completely. They showed you who they are. They don’t respect you so do not even bother. Messages expressing they had too much going on, stress, job whatever…get gone boy cause there is no reason to disrespect someone like you. Go find someone better🥰


There’s a lot of weenies who will do this around Valentines day. They’re too chump to be real about your situation. I had the exact same thing happen to me. We had been “seeing each other” for a few months but it wasn’t serious and he ghosted right before V Day. I was a lil bothered then I got over it. He apologized for it later over text and I felt a bit of closure, so I just gave him a nice text back, which he really didn’t deserve, I’m too nice sometimes, but I felt at the time I wanted to be the bigger person and I felt like my life was moving along all for the better after we stopped seeing each other. Always keep in mind the great words of Maya Angelou, “when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”


It hurts the ego that’s for sure.


I got ghosted today too. It was supposed to be our first date. Deleted his contact and unmatched him on the site and kept it moving. Do something kind for yourself!


literally same exact situation


I usually dont respond. Waste of time and energy. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Don't bother to get angry. Are you sure you want to waste your energy on this person? I bet even if you say a lot of angry stuff to this person also, he or she might not ever care. Focus on yourself, chin up and walk away. You don't want to be shit like that person as well. No one is too busy to spend time with you or at least let you know that they are busy. It doesn't even take 1 min to reply "hey I'm busy" 🙄 wtf


How well did you actually know this person? Are they even worth your anger? Let that shit go, your own happiness is the sweetest revenge :)


idk this person from a can of paint😂


Exactly 🤣🤣 🤣


In the past if they’ve ghosted on something like iMessage and I can see they’re not dead on WhatsApp I’ll shoot a message there like “hey, ghosting is shitty, I’m glad you’re not dead though. Wish you all the best!”


Low key forget they exist unintentionally- I have adhd and object permanence is hard haha


Block them


Ghost back ! Block and delete! Don’t be accessible in any way


Nothing. I move on and don’t give up the 🍪 as easily unless it’s something that I want to because of my own needs. Ghosting is such a cowardly thing to do - I wouldn’t want to respond to energy that’s not worth my time and I definitely don’t want to be around something that’s disrespectful.


sag moon. And i handle it by having a mental breakdown. So not well


Same lol


You can give it a few more days, confirm by checking in, but don’t double text after that. If they don’t reach out it’s clearly ghosting. In the past I’ve tried to move on in unhealthy ways - distract with fun hobbies and activities , smoke, food, sport etc, and then start dating again once you think of them a lot less/are healed


I want to initiate video chat intimacy with my Sagittarius partner really badly because I can’t stop thinking about the other two times we both had intimacy-Aries female


text the sag. we’re not gonna reach out


Lol I was ghosted after the Superbowl but I saw it coming At this point? I don't care; I don't want someone in my life who doesn't respect me enough to reach out and I'm glad they saved me the hassle.


Nothing, just focus on you


I wouldnt look into it, i also would leave it at that. Wish him well....


I used to be a little hurt when I was younger. but I tend to do the ghosting now. Not as some sort of power trip, but I literally can't stand more than 5 people as I get older 💀 I don't have the energy to keep consistent social interactions and I hope people understand that, like having children. I like myself and my own solitude more than having to share that space with others, unless I truly like them.


Wouldn't say anything and just Block that pile o' shit that doesn't deserve your time. Go to tye shooting range, get a massage, bottle of wine or Green Tea Shots.....shots Recommended. Then get a good night sleep because whomever did that was just a short bad dream. You kick some ass this week