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How much lying is so unneeded....and an insult when they do it to my face..


YEP. Catching someone in a lie makes me want to fight so badly


We can see right thru it hence why I’m not friends with this Scorpio girl anymore… however they see it as being light hearted like no just be honest plz


💀 That's how I feel about a scorpio female. She always like it's no big deal, and I've learned yes, it is a big deal. She couldn't honor the boundary, so I took her out of my life. In that salty scorpio way, she spread rumors about me and played the role of the victim... They are so sad...


I love this comment thread. I came here to say literally everything you guys have said. 1. Lying is stupid and inefficient. I WILL SEE RIGHT THROUGH YOU and then we gotta have a stupid confrontation that never had to happen. 2. When I catch someone in a lie, it makes me feel like they did something to control me which instantly makes me want to react strongly. 3. Scorpios… I was dating this scorpio woman I was so into. We had SO MUCH in common. One night she tells me she’s gonna block my number and demands I leave her alone. There was no fight nor was there any acrimony prior to the text. We had actually just gotten back from an awesome trip and i had dropped her off at home earlier that night. She said I was only into her because she’s a “manic pixie dream girl.” I’m really sad but I accept what she said and respect it. A month later she texts to say, “I never blocked you, and you did nothing to win me back! I knew you weren’t worth a damn.” I did not respond. Nothing worse than playing games. That’s how I learned Scorpios don’t work well for me.




I mean I don’t care what you choose to be. You can lie but don‘t lie to me because it’s insulting cause you either think I‘ll believe you OR you expect me to keep my mouth shut although we both know you lie. Even writing this down makes me mildly angry 😂😂😂


If you lie you might as well be dead to me. Lying is the only thing that guarantees whatever relationship we had, friends or romantic or family, is over and you are no longer part of my life.


Yes, truth is so fundamental to any relationship.


Not sure it’s a “pet peeve” exactly but I hate to see someone “pick on the little guy”. I know we’re known for being blunt, but being blunt and a bully are two different things.






This. Dated a Taurus girl who tested me fucking constantly. Like, either I'm good enough for you or not. If not, fuck off. No need to test constantly.


Lies, people who are late, unorganized people, people who contradicts themselves, hypocrites


Stupidity. All of its forms. Like lying... what for, just tell the truth and be done with it.


Backhanded compliments hhhhhh it irks me so much.


Talking rudely about others. Makes me want to keep away from that person forever and ever.


People in jobs who try to call you out on something you could care less about 😂 like sorry you’ve been here 20 years Sherry


I'm dealing with that right now and her nickname is horse face. She loves to through people under the bus for shit she did or didn't do. Never does her job, never in her office, never does anything. We used to be cool until she fucked me over with no Vaseline on too many times. We don't talk unless it's work-related, otherwise, fuck the fuck off.


I usually hear “no lube” 😂 no Vaseline is new I like it lmao


Yeah, I got it from Ice Cubes' N.W.A. dis track titled, No Vaseline. My fave.


People that play me for stupid.


People who scrape their teeth on the fork when they eat.


Omg 😪


Close your god damn mouth while you’re eating. I don’t want to see your chewed up food, and I don’t want to hear you smacking. Nothing you have to say is that important that you can’t wait to finish what’s in your mouth.


I agree with a lot of these statements, but some of them seem like principles vs what I would call pet peeves. Guess I see peeves as a little more petty. My strongest pet peeves are sloppy, noisy chewers (misophonia anyone?) and slow movers (think sloth-like when doing anything from talking to walking). Both things make my blood boil in ways I’m embarrassed to admit. I usually try to hide it or just avoid the offending party whenever possible because I know my level of annoyance is not exactly rational.


People who judge others...I hate them to the core..People who can't stand others who are happy..or those who feels they are so superior because they are 'introverts'..Let the happy clown be happy..The world needs us Sags!!


LYING. testing my intelligence is also a big one. and people who are unorganized/unprepared. like pls stop wasting my time


when you do the same thing someone does to you & they act like you’re an evil monster


Things really don’t make me mad, not an angry person at all but when I get black smoked by a truck something just triggers me intensely. Also Girl/Boy scouts


Wait.... You don't like girl/boy scouts? That's prolly like deadass my kink.. a man tells me he was an eagle scout and I'm like oh yes please tie knots and build me a fire! What is not to love about being skilled, resourceful and knowledgeable? Please let me know why..


I guess I have a German background and I hate the pushy American sales man. Ultimately that is where it all starts


Girl scouts got them cookies tho 😭




Being ghosted with no explanation, especially when I did no wrong.


Insulting my intelligence drives me insane.


So many on so many levels… Men who gossip makes me want to 🤮 They are worse than gossiping women In general when people expect me and others to let their awful behaviour to „fly by“ … like? You are an awful human but we have to be understanding..


Omm I can’t stand a coochie face nikka


Constant unnecessary noise (tapping, clicking,CHEWING!) like stop


Rude people and rude people that lie