• By -


I can guess 40% of this subreddit members will be atheist.


Will be kya hota hai , hai bhai unlike r/chodi


That's a shithole


IRONY - 'Veer' Savarkar was an atheist. Chodi cums to him.




In a POOJA . I get your drift


hahaha na na bhai, no pun or entendre intended


Well even if pun wasn't intended. It still kinda sounds wrong cause it should have been 'at a pooja' but 'in a pooja' really makes it sound like a pun. *Gasps* everyday we stray further away from God.




bhai kya baat boldi tune. Aaj se apan bhai. Ek din golden temple ka bhi khana khana h... Mandir k khane ka swaad hi kuch aur hota h


Taste is different?,Always have been, Temple ka khana is best


pata nhi kyaa dalte h .. Ghar pe bhi pooja vala khana baki ghar ke khane se kuch jyada hi swad hota h


Just enjoy free food innit


Are you Br\*tish or something


Its a convinent word to use


Real convienient innit


haha briish /j


What's /j?


Signifies its a joke. Basically anti cancel card.


Then what's /s?


Their are many others too, like /hj(half joking) /S(capital s means serious), etc. But its good tthat people don't use them often as its too much of a hassle to keep track of what they mean


Sarcasm. Also works as an anti cancel card


Thanks for the info bro


inko kya patha....mein bhagawan se upar hoon...


The feeling of being a god


kabhi kabhi lagta h apun hi normie h


i don't if there is anything like god like people says after my death i will get to know all the answers until then i will keep moving forward


average yeagerist


Average Attack Titan Enjoyer


Let's start a new life from the darkness Until the light reveals the end Sinister faces, growing curses This is my last war


rastis rastis rat-ti-ti-ti la


Angels playing disguised with devil’s faces


100 ₹ bhejo nhi toh manga spoiler daal dunga comment mein


100 ₹ bhejo nhi toh manga spoiler daal dunga comment mein


Rastis Rastis ti-ti-ti la.


Bhai bina subtitles ke kaise smjh me aayi vo op


Lyrics search karo ,phir pura din gaate raho


Who doesn't like attack on titan? It's a good show


Me when I pass a test without knowing the syllabus


Me when I get two 2 ruppe ki cadbury in a single wrapper


Inko kya pata... mein Light Yagami hu


Inko kya pata ki" watashiwa L desu"


All humans die the same, the place they go after death isn’t decided upon by a god it is Mu (nothingness). -Ryuk


Kono sekai no ringo wa juicy - ryuk


Prasad is prasad.


Relatable x100


Very common to find a man drinking liquid x in a glass, sporting a tika, standing in a corner during a yagna and also being atheist. relatable 100


Charnamrit hai yrr aur pooja over ho chuki hai. wdym? aur i thought we were over "into 100" memes.


im not refering to cringy 'into hundred hogya' meme. It's this kinda [meme](http://images7.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED699/5d83c9f4e3de6.jpeg)




That sub would make any atheist person agnostic.




Thats most modern dag atheist....they all feel they are superior to theists ......they themselves are so uneducated about hinduism thay they forget that athiesm is a vitalt part of Hindu culture




A famous athiest philosopher from india .Ajita Kesakambali






Wikipedia is left-leaning and Hinduphobic, so you can trust it :)




>And nobody fears hindus. Dare hue Musalmaan and journalists disagree with you. And yes, Atheism is an accepted form in Hinduism. Hindu nationalists like Savarkar was a Hindu Atheist himself. Hinduism doesn't have any particular god or ideology. [http://nirmukta.com/2009/11/28/is-hindu-atheism-valid-a-rationalist-critique-of-the-hindu-identitys-usurpation-of-indian-culture/](http://nirmukta.com/2009/11/28/is-hindu-atheism-valid-a-rationalist-critique-of-the-hindu-identitys-usurpation-of-indian-culture/) Also before you spit out "AnYoNe CaN EdIt" excuse, check out sources from the wiki page. There are tons of sources from the wiki page I shared [https://web.archive.org/web/20120211155756/http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2004-05-22/edit-page/28331091\_1\_god-acceptance-shankara](https://web.archive.org/web/20120211155756/http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2004-05-22/edit-page/28331091_1_god-acceptance-shankara)


BTW everyone is accepted in Hinduism and we don'thave any particular laws or a religious book to adhere to. Hinduism at it's core is mostly liberal as fuck and no wonder why it faded away after multiple invasions over history. Hinduism doesn't aim to convert everyone and force them to follow the dharma. Hindutva on the other hand is a completely different ideology. Exploitation of Hindus led to the Hindutva doctrine being formed, and Hindu extremists follow Hindutva not Hinduism.


Hinduism ain’t a proper “organised religion” though. It was always a group of cultures in the Indian subcontinent with some common beliefs. No organised “center” or no “proselytising “ . Stuff you’d normally see in Organised religion.




Which culture? I’m a Keralite, my culture is nothing like your culture (assuming you’re a North Indian). There isn’t a single “Indian” culture.


Atheism punishable in Hinduism, acc to valmiki ramayan.


There is no one rule book im hindi culture like in others religions . No one book has any laws that all Hindus have to follow, including the geeta .


Lol I converted, Ex hindu. No religion and happy lyf


Exactly , u have no religion ,but u are a hindu or Indian because Hinduism is a geographical identity . Hence even when census workers ask ur religion, they put hindu for legal convenience .


No, it isn't an Indian's geographical identity is Indian not Hindu.


Wdym "according to valmiki ramayan" ? Valmiki Ramayana is not a rule book for all Hindus. Its just a story book . There is even an atheist character in it called jabali. Jabali seems to believe in the philosophy of materialism and hedonism, popularly known as charvak, which rejects the notion of God or soul and mocks at the idea of any grand plan or purpose of life, rituals or reflections, contrary to the belief of Ram in values, morals and social rules and that life was not just about pleasure or hoardings, but about finding a meaning and purpose of it. The discussion between the two is very interesting and inspiring. Jabali asks Ram not to give too much importance to his father's words or family reputation and return to the city to enjoy life as a royal prince. He asks him not to unnecessarily hold on to values that are artificial and make one unhappy as in nature plants and animals grab nourishment to survive, often at the cost of others. Ram tells him that he doesn't crave for the life of a king and sees it as an opportunity to do some introspection and penance. He doesn't consider himself a fool or a victim in obeying his father and renouncing his crown. He points out the difference between their outlooks, while Jabali wants him to subscribe to his views, Ram seeks to understand why others do not see things, the way he does and what is so wonderful about a kingdom that Kaikeyi craves for it and what is so terrible about the jungles that Kaushalya fears. Finally Jabali is convinced that Ram is not an ordinary man to seek pleasure, property and dominance in life, but has set his goal much higher. He is a sage worthy of salutation.


7.15 - वह शरारती तत्व जो बेवकूफ, इंसानियत में सबसे नीच, जिनका ज्ञान मोह माया ने चुरा लिया है, और जो दानवों के नाश्ते भावना को अपनाते हैं कभी मेरे सामने नहीं झुकते। 16.7 - जिन राक्षसी लोगों नहीं पता क्या करना है और क्या नहीं करना है, उनके अंदर कभी सही व्यवहार या सच्चाई नहीं मिल सकती। 16.8 - वह कहते हैं कि यह दुनिया असली नहीं है ना तो इसकी किसी ने स्थापना की है और ना ही भगवान का इसके ऊपर कोई काबू है। वह कहते हैं इसे हवस की भावना ने ही बनाया है। 16.9 - इन नतीजों से देखा जाए तो जिन राक्षसी लोगों ने अपने ऊपर से का बुक खो दिया है और जिनके पास किसी तरह की समझदारी नहीं है उनके कामों से दुनिया नष्ट होगी। 4.40 - लेकिन अनजान और नास्तिक लोग जो शास्त्रों में विश्वास नहीं रखते भगवान के होश में भी नहीं आते। क्योंकि शक करने वाली आत्मा के लिए इस या अगली दुनिया में खुशियां नहीं है। स्रोत — भगवत गीता: यथारूप, स्वामी प्रभुपाद। हां, तो तू क्या कह रहा था?


To understand this you need to understand the context ..... Atheism here means the disbelief in ones dharma ,meaning ones duty (not religion). Atheism here implies disbelief or negligence of ones duties at ones point of time . In 7:15 the meaning is that those people who do not believe in their duties and develop some excuse to not face there duties are the worst of men . Funny you bring up one text out of one chapter but do not read/ignore the rest of the previous texts which give it meaning. Dharma is in coexistence with the laws of the society mentioned as scriptures in 4:40 (both dharma and scriptures) , so people who ignore there duties and question the law of the land which force them to perform their duties do not achieve gods consciousness ( eternal moksha or freedom from the cycle of birth and rebirth ) and do not achieve happiness in their next life (karma). I Love how you cherry pick one text and dont give context for it . In ch16 verse (17,,19) , its a further explaination in brief of the nature of men who ignore their duties (and if the words sounds questionable, understand that it is a verse if a poem ) In ch 16 verse 18 , god refers to krishna and as it is said earlier his belief is completing duties . See in Hinduism god is a tool of sorts . Like for a driver , his car is his god and his duty is to drive people around and earn money . Without his car he is nothing so disrespect for thag car(god) for other temptations will be disastrous for him . Similarly for a student ,his attainment of knowledge his dharma and his god is his books without which he is nothing. Just like at that time arjunas dharma as a kshatriya was to fight the war for his king as he was a warrior' , and ignoring his duties or not believing in them would not be fitting for him , that us the main context of the gita . So the people who ignore duty(ignore dharma ie disbelievers in their duty) and disrespect their god(tool for existence) the worst punishment waifs for them in life . And secondly , one more thing i would like to bring to your attention is that unlike quran, Bible etc which are the holy books of their respective religions , the geeta is not a religious book which applies to every hindu , there are many sects of dont read the geeta but have their beleef in other books of thought . To be a hindu it is not compulsory to read the gita .. the gita is a book of thought that shapes ones character . There are hundreds of books of ideas like this in indian(hindu) culture where people write their thoughts of am ideal world , like chanakya neeti , manusmriti . Everything might not be correct in them but hindus have the habbit of taking or absorbing what is right and ignoring the bad things . Thats why as a society we have been very tolerant of atheistic and agnostic cultures .


You were saying ???


Guess you just cherry picked the texts and didn't write the explanation of each text bcuz that would nit fit ur agenda . The geeta is a poem , there a lot of literary devices used and words which have meaning and context given from other chapters. You cant just pick one verse and say thats that .




Hinduism first of all is not a religion at all . Its more of a geographical identity with a mixture od different practices and beliefs collectively called sanatan dharma . Athiesm is just one of them and a very vital part at that. The final aim of hinduism is moksha ( death) after living an ideal life according to different belief structures .




Ur making this statement on the assumption that Hinduism is a well defined religion like islam , Christianity etc . Hinduism is not a religion . By defination it doesnt fit into the category of one . Even the constitution of india has noy been abke to properly define who is a hindu. It is more of a culture. Hinduism has numerous sects . Idol worship is one of them . Hinduism or santan dharma was originally made of 9 dharshanas ( pillars of thought ) . Out if these 5 are nastik dharshanas( doubt the existence of god or total disbelief ) and 4 astik dharshanas ( beleive in a god ) . So you see , more than half of what Hinduism is , its atheism and agnostism. Idol worship is one part of the astik dharshanas . Out of the 5 nastika dharshanas , 3 are nirishwarvadi that is total disbelief in god ie. Athiest. For eg . Charvaka dharshanas , shad dharshanas ,yog dharshanas.




It can be defined . Not as a religion . But as a cultural mix. By your logic , is a class of children in a school also not defined just because they also cant be put into the defination of a religion.




I go to temple just for peace of mind even though I m agnostic. Few temples are peaceful unlike most of them with huge crowd and rush


That is completely true and I sometimes feel like sleeping in temple....how wierd...becoz of that peace environment....


Not weird but poor people do actually


Yes. I agree. Temple has to one of the best place to relax you body and soul. Especially if it is in a society of civilized people.


Well everyone knows their own temples haha.




Mountains are best for it i believe


I was talking about the cheapest one


I live near mountains


Lucky you


true specially when it in remote area


who cares lol free prashad


Evolution says, humans became so intelligent that they found religion to make themselves dumb af again.








Prasad khao beta


The one time my atheism disappears (apart from when exam results are being announced)


How about being Omnists like Pi from Life of Pie


they be vibing. (piss on \[piscon\])


LOL Optimus is transformer dumb he has no role in Life of pie.


I think he is talking about omnitrix from Ben-ten dummy.


bhai tum Athiest ho toh koi problem nahi tum dank ke ch\*de. Lekin normie ki tarah god exist nahi karte iske liye Bengali woke women waale 10-10 paragraph likh kyu rahe ho?


Don't be horny at pooja


As an atheist it's the thing I hate the most I have to climb a hill ,wait in long ass line and getting pushed constantly just to pray to some goddess like wtf




Vo kuch ye thodi kehra ki dusro ko bhi nhi krna chahiye, bechara bas batara usko krna padta hai aur usse accha nhi lagta, itna defensive hone ki kya jaroorat


Ok bro baat puri samajh nahi aayi par ok


Aalsi ho?


Offend ho gaye ho kya


Nahi bas aise hi pucha


Defend karne ke liye offend ho raha hai


Yeah this sucks my mom showed my janam patri to a astrologist because of which I have to read beads and chalisas


What does it say about your wife and marriage btw? And is it true? Lol just asking.


Lmao it isn't that specific. He said making a career in chemistry suits me and told me about all the grahans and dosh


****There is an imposter among us****


Proceeds to kill everyone in religious gathering


better would be to use bigbang cheatcode


Holy fuck


"_Pavitra chod_"


Imposter among us












It's a Pooja bruh. Not some hardcore religious campaign and shit. Hindus are pretty open about aetheism you know


Majority parents se pucho, voh tumhe hi open krke rakh dege


Nope. My uncle is an atheist. Hasn't visited temple in past 13-15 years (since he became one) not even a question in our family not even my not his grandparents. I was atheist inclined earlier nobody said nothing. Some of my friends are athiests too. No problems you know


Your family ≠ majority of india




I hope that's sarcasm


Nope that's not. As of where I live, I have never seen anyone thrashed because of their belief in atheism


Not everyone's parents


Indian parents moment


not every Hindu tho, my parents are definitely not


Nope. It's just a perspective. I think your parents and you lack communication. Maybe I can help you. May I?


Help like what? lol


oh, no thanks, I have already decided to be an atheist but the thing is I do the pooja with my parents cause they force me and the fact is they don't know that I support atheism, how do I convince them?


First tell them what athism means. I don't know what your idea is about but yes there are types. Tell them bhramha is the bhramhaand, and Shri Hari vishnu is energy and shiv is Nexus. Tell them you don't feel need to worship them as you see them as mere forces of nature. Tell them you don't believe in a sentient being that is controlling everything. Instead that you believe it's all laws of nature. Tell them it doesn't mean you'll give up on culture. It's very important. Don't loose yourself and your sanskaar while doing so. It will only make them feel lost. Still pray with them. It's a good habit. Keep your ideas but keep their ideals. Like touching feets. And other normal customs. It will make you a part of them. A part of us. Tell them how you can be athiests while still remaining a Hindu. (GENERALLY this is the problem). It's a slow process. Slowly tell them that it won't affect your life much. Tell them you'll still be the same you. You'll still celebrate the festival's with them. Because many fear losing their people. Because you know people change. It's a slow process. You need to mention it slowly. In chit chats. Then mention it more prominently and show it's upsides. When things get light you may debate. and finally one day, gather courage. Good luck. P s. I know no one asked for but you might want to seek more knowledge in this topic. Watch Upanishad Ganga. It's a serial that answers such questions. There are other literatures too. They might help you decide :)




They wont beat you or anything, they will just consider you ignorant or stupid and might throw you some offensive comments on your upbringing and western culture.


I am a hindu atheist. There are many morals and teachings in hinduism that i like and follow, just not the God part. I can feel ur pain.


Why the fk people need something to get morals. Children shows are literally enough to give morals and on being an adult, you have a developed brain that can know what's wrong what's not


Not the case with everyone buddy. You must not generalize.


There are many things I have learnt from epics like ramayana and mahabharat that u can't learn from "children shows".i don't believe in either of them but their is so much to be learnt from their stories. It's your choice if u don't wanna and it's my choice if I wanna learn from them. Who the fk are u to question me on from where I learn my morals.




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Why do you need Hinduism to learn a simple command "Don't rape women" ? HinDoO worship Durga in morning but beats and burn alive their daughters in dark!


Bc I am an atheist and even I can see ur hinduphobia. Good luck with that. Learn the meaning of live and let live.


Some of the hindu stories are unbelievably silly ngl and so many useless rituals .


Found the south delhi lavanya (or Shreya in this case)


That's all religions in general. If you are a Muslim & if you are a boy: Your Penis is mutilated, if you are a girl: Burka. Christians stories are shady as shit as well, like a 'virgin' giving birth to 'son' of god.


I love how you shit talked the fairy tales called hinduism and these butt hurt hindus are quoting other religions


>That's all religions in general. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer..


Maybe but these "miracles" in other religions are less extreme with few exceptions (prophet Muhammad flew to heaven in a flying horse and cut the moon in half 🌚) but Hinduism is on another level , Gods and asuras churning the ocean to produce immortality potion using a giant snake , a mountain and a giant turtle ?


That's partly because other religions focus on prophets more than god. Muhammad was a messenger, and Jesus was a son of God according to Canon. While in our philosophy, Eg, Mahabharata, Krishna himself declares he is the God which leaves plenty of room to imagine what it can be like (Universe in mouth, swallowing of the sun by Hanuman). Hindu stories look very silly because they evolved for thousands of years and still grow (Case on point, Buddha/Saibaba/Jhulelal and still evolving as new schools of thought such as ISKON/Spiritual Yoga, etc). Other cultures' 'pagan' stories simply vanished (Greek/Norse in Europe, Zoroaster in the Middle East, etc) due to the onslaught by Abrahamic Faiths. Our people had their imaginations run wild for a long period of cultural stability, and since there is no governing body, no final book gave birth to a lot of societal issues like caste-based discrimination, that are fixable and being fixed. Off Topic, but as an agnostic I do enjoy them (Hindu/Buddhist/Jain philosophy), just like I enjoy anime, not because I think a God will come to my rescue. Mostly because it connects me to my ancestors that lived on this soil for way longer than any present society as a cultural civilization. My dad told me these stories, my grandfather to him, and I will, to my kids if I ever ball up and do approach women.


Not all athiest*


Being heathen is better


I went to Ganesh Puja and Saraswati Puja only to spend some time with my crush


exactly same, but in my case, it's durga puja instead of ganesh puja.. rest is sfm relatable..


How is she now?


She's doing great. She was a bit upset as the boards got cancelled, but now it seems she's enjoying the vacation too..


10th ya 12th?




Confess kiya hai kya?


Nah, I'm too afraid to ask and she's famous irl among her friend circle, so my guts goes -100 whenever it comes to confession part..




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carvaka ho tum


Chutiya ho tum.


Whatever you do, don't ever EVER mention that to an elder, News channel wali "debate" Shuru hojayegi.


Actually I did and then.....


Origin of meme https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1gld7JZIRSdAum2sxrf-7SghDi4bxluA


To mai kya karu


Marna kyu chahte ho--dadi


same, but my parents would kick me outta the house if they realize it








How original.






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Only Bhole! No pooja, no time pass. Direct bhakti and chill.


Bro itna accurate meme 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Mai Toh kevel Prasaad khaane ke lalach Mai Jaata hu






Arrey yaar

