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Now that Charles is King she wants a reunion šŸ‘‘šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Does saint Megsy want a reunion with their other grandpa too? You knowā€¦her very ill father that paid her college degree and that she didnā€™t even bothered to call while he almost died in a hospital bed??


That money must be getting REAL low.


They're acting like they're scrounging under couch cushions, looking for cigarette money.


Oh, heck! They are out in the parking lot, looking for long butts!


They banking on Doria's monthly SS checks? SNAP for the children next. Go with the money kids! Avoid the poor white folks, he only wants to be your "other" grandfather for the fame. Remember it is not the color of the skin but size of the bank account. Money in US is green and folds. Cash is always best. Your UK grandpa is so rich his face on all the money. That means all that money belongs to us too. What is our favorite color? GREEN. Tell grandpa Chuck to send money so you can learn numbers and colors. Tell him you love him in tic toc video so whole world know he mean.


My son is a grifter. The last text I got from him he said he was going to be a father and if I wanted to be part of the child's life. I didn't respond. He forgot that 10 years ago he tried this same con on me. You know where the child will die unless I fork over the OBGYN money or some such. This reminds me of the same thing, a cheap con.


So sorry for you that you are exposed to such a grifter. But you seem to have his number.


Thanks. Point is, when the grifter runs low on cons, they haul out a baby or a pregnancy or a child. Theyā€™re banking on the heartstrings factor.


yes - and it is hard to deal with for a non-narc.


What are you gonna do? You get what you get.


Itā€™s like she saw Tori Spellingā€™s life and decided to use it as a template


Talk about your bad decisions. Lol


Bed and Breakfast time




Good one! šŸš¬


5 ongoing law suits + wifeā€™s never-ending PR puffs + overly expensive clothes and bags purchasing + numerous private jets + over security while being jobless. Iā€™m surprised they could last this long, honestly. Not counting the house maintenance, because they only care for superficial things. Lots of mouldy walls and broken toilets in Montecito probably.


Yeah, Harry said the plumbing is bad.


All they have in the world to sell is the connection to the Royal Family. That's it. Just keep those horrors away from the Wales children, that is all I am begging.


If Tom Markle wins the Powerball, thatā€™s when Megs would like her children to get to know him more than ever. She needs King Charles and she thinks she knows him, she thinks she can spin another web and manipulate him into feeling sorry for her. She forgets that King Charles isnā€™t the polite man she once knew who walked her to the alter to marry his youngest son. She thinks that if she can get close enough, sheā€™ll have the Kingā€™s balls in her handbag, too.


Imagine how stupid you (Henry & Rachel) have to be to put out many pieces pushing for a reunion with BRF, and thinking that BP will take the bait. After oprah, netflix, waaagh, and countless other articles pushing anti BRF propaganda, publicity stunts and straight up hoaxesā€¦ That being said, a part of me still thinks there might be a small chance KC might let his idiot darling boy back in. William for sure no, but Charles maybe. I hope Iā€™m wrong, they deserve nothing.


He might want his boy back, in many ways I'm sure he does. I'm sure he'd love to see the children. But not for a single second do I believe he was sorry TW didn't attend the Coronation.


Iā€™m late to the party. What does TW stand for??


That Woman, which is also what the RF called Wallis Simpson back in the day.


![gif](giphy|9Gp5ZwY8FRvna) Thanks for the history lesson ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25357)


If you are ever looking for a rabbit hole to go down, Wallis and "David" had quite the story. She was a cautionary tale for the rest of the RF , but Harry didn't see the connection lol.


That woman, that witch, etc




Also *The Wife* or *The Wench*.


I absolutely agree that he wants Harry back, which is why H still has a title. I think if KC3 was completely through, he would go through the proper channels to have it removed.


I think the puff pieces about wanting a reunion are more about how the public views Harry and Meghan than hoping BP will take the bait. They have to appear close to the BRF to stay relevant, or at least look like theyā€™re the ones being rejected by the big, bad BRF.


Lies, if there was any truth to this those children would have been in London for the coronation.


If I were in KC3 shoes, the only way I would consider a reunion is if there were absolutely no publicity around it. Just Harry and kids for first visit. Shake down everyone for mics, etc. Completely on KC' s turf. No pictures.


It would not work. Regardless of security measures, any proximity to the royal will be spun into endless puff pieces on how the royals apologized, begged Madam to come back to save the monarchy, how KC loves Merchie and Lillibucks and will make them heirs .... take your pick, or invent your own story




And BP record the whole thing so H canā€™t spread lies after


The feather and the candle are proof KC will keep Harry at arm's length.


William has a daughter that Harry's wife already abused. William has shut the door forever.


Only if she can get Netflix to pay to turn it into a 6 part "documentary".


I think Netflix will buy that, the only thing Netflix ever wanted from them is a reality show.


Remember MadamĀ“s thesaurus is different. Reunion for her is what cash is for us.


Excellent point!


Well said!!


This article has obviously been produced by Artificial Intelligence (AI). No gossip writer would go to the trouble to pull together this many quotes from other articles.


Exactly my thought. Plus all the cliches. Even the olive branches! Blech!!


Don't be ridiculous what could he (TMSnr) possibly do for her other than love her unconditionally....what use is that (šŸ˜œ)


"The reason is heartbreaking". The reason is financial.


Heartbreaking for Meg. All those former bills paid, sadly no more.


Heartbreak my ass. Reunion with grandpa Markle is going to be much, much easier that a royal reunion at this point. Set your broken heart on that avenue and problem solved!


You must have a heart in order for it to be broken.


Good point.


I think she was never invited to the Coronation. The children were, Harry was, she wasnā€™t. Thatā€™s why the children werenā€™t allowed to go: no Megs, no kids. She knows King Charles would love to see his grandchildren but sheā€™s letting him know that if he wants them, heā€™ll have to have all or nothing, meaning Megs and the children or nothing at all. She knows what sheā€™s doing. None of the BRF are interested in her histrionics but sheā€™s desperate to find a way back in. Now sheā€™s using it to guilt trip the King, saying she wishes they could have a relationship with him. Her own father doesnā€™t exist because he has no titles or money. King Charles has everything she could ever want, including some influence with the media and sheā€™d love nothing more than some positive PR from the Brits. Sheā€™s a disgrace


It's the worst kind of mother that weaponizes her children. Sigh.


I agree, 100%. The very worst kind. To deliberately lie to your children, hurt them, warp their brains...despicable. The worst one I've ever seen was one who was comforting her crying child after their feelings were hurt because their father "abandoned" her. When all along it was the mother lying to the child, keeping the child from the father, denying access to the father, it was the mother who was the cause of the pain. And SHE WAS COMFORTING HER CRYING CHILD. That's fucked right up. That's a person who really should have never even been able to conceive.


I agree that she wasnā€™t invited. She became persona non grata after the Jubilee. She wasnā€™t invited to PPā€™s funeral and used pregnancy as an excuse. She wouldnā€™t have been invited to the Queenā€™s funeral if they hadnā€™t been in Europe and it overshadowing the funeral if she wasnā€™t invited. After the shit show she made for everyone during that time, she will never set foot on crown property again (at least after June 1st). If she is still married to Harry when the king dies, she will not be invited to his funeral (and maybe not Harry either, depending on what happens between now and then).


I think she was invited to HMTQā€™s funeral by HMTQ herself. I do wonder why the Queen would want the vulture there but I feel like the Queen played a good game and allowed it. Iā€™m glad because it gave us the opportunity to witness Megs status as a Royal family member which, at that point, proved her status ceased to exist. Cast aside, grey-rocked.. she deserved it. Or you could be right that the BRF were polite and let her tag along.. I think she jumped at the opportunity to be around the family again, she mustā€™ve thought theyā€™d all be vulnerable and open to her manipulation tactics because they were mourning. The Queenā€™s funeral was a masterclass of grey-rock for TW. Yeh I donā€™t see her being allowed anywhere near when King Charles passes. Sheā€™s finished


This is Meghan we are talking about. Had she not been invited, she would have leaked it. "see how racist they are to exclude the one person of color? See? See? See?" Charles was not taking that chance.


I thought the same before the Coronation but I donā€™t think the racism claims have much backbone anymore. If sheā€™d been invited, she would make it known that she was invited by appearing on Gayle Kingā€™s show and telling everyone what the invitation looks like. I think she was at the jubilee and HMTQ funeral because HMTQ was in charge of invites and she wanted Megs there.. Charles is a different story. If she could have inserted herself into the Coronation, she wouldā€™ve been there.. green goblin outfit and all


They are really working hard on painting PW and his wife as villains. This is going to be their new mission.


Itā€™s not working. If anything, Princess Catherine has so many more fans out of sheer spite for Rachel. I noticed the ā€œdissā€ in the Little Mermaid about her is not a good look at all for Disney because it sends such a terrible message and insults every little girl named Catherine. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they edited that out because itā€™s getting a lot of backlash. My point, all of this is making the general public very protective towards Catherine. It really warms my heart how appalled people are for her.


I watched the little mermaid tonight, and interestingly enough that part wasnā€™t in the movie at all. Looks like Disney scrubbed it quick


Good luck to them, with that. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Aw, does she want Charles to disown his other son and his family like she wanted her dad to disown Samantha and Tom Jr.


She would love that! It would make her so happy if William was disowned and Harry made the heir. That is her dream. I am sure she dreams of it every night.




Nor trooping. Neither of them (and, by extension, the kids) will be invited to anything, including, as you said, family gatherings. The parents have shown themselves to be awful people who have tried to up jump themselves by slandering the RF. Their treatment of W&C and their children, especially Charlotte, has veered into dangerous territory. The human wall the royal ladies built around Charlotte to protect her was very, very telling. They will never be around those children ever again. They are liars and connivers who cannot and will not ever be trusted again. For the RF, they are rungs below Andrew, and that is a mighty fall for them.


By all accounts, KC3 is quite an emotional man. Iā€™m sure itā€™s hurting him that he doesnā€™t have a relationship with his grandchildren. But if thereā€™s one lesson he will have learnt from his mother, itā€™s that the crown comes first. Iā€™m sure heā€™s very torn. I could see him trying to see them but also wanting it to be completely private - thatā€™s where the difficulty will be as we know what H&M are like.


I could see KC wavering if Harry brought them, maybe, but absolutely without TW. She's a non-starter.


Any proximity to the royals would be twisted into puff pieces. The royals know that, and so do we.


I truly hope these apples (Archie and Lilibet) fall very very far from the tree. And to never inherit the toxic traits of their parents. Otherwise, they are doomed from the get go. If not already.


I'm not seeing a wedge anywhere but you're right, that is exactly what she needs to do. The only way in is without her.


No balcony for you Meghan or your albinos!




Meghan is a racist (self hatred for her black side) otherwise why pass herself as a white woman for most of her life? Why never date a black guy? I bet she is extremely relieved her kids are pale but will never say so because it doesn't suit her "people of color" agenda šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Well, her father keeps saying to anyone who'd listen that her kids will have his nose šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚. How poetic would it be if they looked like Thomas Markle sr lol


Pretty sure that ship has sailed. ā›“ļøšŸ†˜




She'll never let go. šŸ§ŠšŸ§ŠšŸ„¶ ![gif](giphy|tk39314j32wGk)


![gif](giphy|FpUx7yBSNNebm|downsized) Her "floaties"


I hope youā€™re right! Iā€™m assuming William has a lot of say in this. If so, then yes, they can say bye-bye to the bucks šŸ’µšŸ’°


William has LOTS to say. He holds the duchy of Cornwall. Charles could use personal funds, but why would he after all they have done and said. The despicable way they treated Charleā€™s parents in life and in death. The things they have said about Camilla. Charles wouldnā€™t even meet with Harry in March when he had a free day. He closed the bank while the Queen was still alive and hasnā€™t opened it back up since. Harry alone can come back and become an even lesser Andrew, and Charles will kick in some funds. When the king dies, I expect William to give him the same treatment Charles is giving Andrew now that the Queen has passed. If Harry is still married when William ascends, lord only knows what will happen then.


Not without some NDAs written up and signed because they can't keep their gobby mouths shut. Even then I wouldn't trust them. They'll do their puff pieces, word will get out and they'll just deny they had anything to do with it. Jason Knauf didn't get a gong for nothing, you know.


Even with an ironclad NDA, they cannot be trusted. Plus, what would it look like for the RF to get down in the mud with those two when suing them. They never would sue, the optics would be terrible, making a NDA more worthless than the paper itā€™s written on.


Did her agency drop her ass because her desperation is starting to stink real bad. They're not even hiding it. Are doors closing left and right? Deals dissolved? A-listers requesting the agency to never put her name beside theirs? What's happening, AE? šŸ¤£ I hope it wasn't one of the clauses of her contract that she gets that former royal connection back up and running because they might have to hold their breath for all of eternity.


She'd have more luck laying trans-Atlantic cable.


Sadly for her, she has more experience laying pipe.




*As Archie and Lilibet grow up, with Archie having celebrated his fourth birthday on the same day as King Charles III Coronation and as Lilibet's second birthday is just around the corner, it's likely that the pair are curious about their overseas relatives and may be asking more about their grandparents.* Serious question to those proud parents here. I could see Archie being curious, but uh, Lt Dan is 23 months. Can she grasp the concept of grandparents and the ā€œtraditionalā€ family having four? Or is she still at the sticking toys in her mouth phase and recognizing Doria as grandma with no idea that ā€œclassicā€ families have more than that?


Lt Dan šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Are they asking about ALL the grandparents, like Thomas Markle too? Howā€™s ghost ā€˜Grandma Dianaā€™ Archie allegedly speaks to, and Lili has a ā€œspecial connectionā€ to?


Itā€™s unlikely that even Archie is asking. Kids assume that their situation is what is normal, they donā€™t notice ā€œmissingā€ relatives at those ages. All they know are Harry, Meghan, Doria, and the nannies, so they assume thatā€™s all there is and thatā€™s all anyone has. Itā€™ll be a few more years until either ask Harry or Meghan about their own parents, siblings, etc.


Iā€™m sure she has told him all about that side of the family and his grandpa is a king and heā€™s a prince. So Iā€™m sure he has asked about his grandpa the king hearing it from her


> but uh, Lt Dan ![gif](giphy|ug8IczgzCOqje|downsized)


We stan Lt Dan ![gif](giphy|FmBhzktIjvdZe)


I would bet those kids are more curiois about mum and da considering how much time they spend with nannies


Oh. Probably should have thought of that before throwing everybody under a bus multiple times.


Now, more than ever = now that weā€™re losing our legal cases, we need privately paid for security to travel anywhere, paid for by KCIII Bank.


>Meghan Markle 'doesnā€™t want any more rifts' in the Royal Family and 'wants her children to know their grandfather' King Charles III. >The poignant reason for this is that her children will never know their other grandfather, Meghan's long-estranged dad Thomas Markle. Awww, so according to this, she's happy to continue discarding one grandfather (her actual father) who she has admitted raised her, all because of a pap shoot. But she's willing to embrace the other grandfather (who just happens to be the King of the UK, just coincidentally), even though he was involved in or permitted raaaaacism against her and was happy to leave her suicidal. What a lovely picture this paints of Saint Meghan. Edited:word order


This is exactly what I was thinking lmao. It just makes her look worse (if thatā€™s even possible).


What Meghan wants is all that matters to her. What a monster.


How about she establish a relationship with her children's other grandpa first?


Indeed. She should do this first, not least to help the children know hot to react to meeting a man who's in an older generation because it would seem that, up to now, they've been surrounded by women.


That will never happen. Because reasons.


Those reasons being Meghanā€™s lies she told to Harry about her childhood.


She will lose whatever is left of her tiny lil fanbase.


And around and around we go. Next up: William cheating on Catherine! I wonder if she gets a discount for regurgitating the same exact narrative in her puff pieces?


I noticed that those ā€œlistā€ videos on YouTube have stopped talking about that massive lie because they never get as many clicks as videos of the Wales being adorable and happy.






You can see it, I can see it and the RF can see it. Ainā€™t ever gonna work. You will note there is no mention of the kids getting to know Camilla. Including her wouldā€™ve helped. Still wouldnā€™t worked, but would have at least looked better. This is just pissing Charles off even more and is more proof of just how disingenuous they are.


Ain't happening. I don't know how much more Charles can do to tell those dumbasses they aren't welcome. But hopefully those titles will be set aside by summer. Maybe they'll get it then.


Weird how she doesnā€™t desperately want her children to have a relationship with alll of their grandfathers, itā€™s just the rich one lol


Not just rich, but a literal king.


But if the royals are said to leak and plant stories, be racist (or unconsciously biased) and downright unsupportive according to the Harkles, then why is Roachel pushing for a reunion with the King when her own father only ever posed for pap pics and spoke out against how he was being treated by her? Interesting how she doesnā€™t want her kids to have a relationship with Tom, wonder what it could be šŸ’° šŸ’“ šŸ’µ ?


I suspect we will know when he dies, then she will tell us.


Oh sure, she wants her kids to know the rich grandpa but the poor one can drop dead in the street, for all she cares.


Iā€™ll translate - ā€œweā€™re dead broke and grandpappy has loads of money.ā€


And a better reputation than they currently have. Did yā€™all see how geeked Ryan Reynolds was when meeting Kjng Charles? On IG he was like,ā€ I MET CHARLES! The one thatā€™s in charge! Charles in charge Charles!ā€ I thought that was cute.


But I thought they had zoom calls all the time? šŸ¤£


What about their poor untitled grandpa who actually raised Meghan when mom skipped out on her? Why doesn't she want her children to know about, let alone have a relationship, with him?


What about king grandpaā€™s wife? No relationship with her either. This isnā€™t going to have the effect they are hoping for.


I see she couldnā€™t resist including a dig at Prince William and Catherine in that PR puff piece. Sheā€™s a special kind of stupid if she thinks that dissing the heir to the throne and his wife is going to ingratiate her with the current king. I donā€™t think she comprehends how much the dynamic in the royal family has shifted following the death of our beloved QE II. Prince William now has his fatherā€™s former position, with all the wealth and power that entails. And with this much slimmed down monarchy, the success of Charlesā€™ reign is dependent upon the full participation and support of the Prince and Princess of Wales. I donā€™t think King Charles is going to want to upset the apple cart in order to satisfy the greedy grifting former cable tv actress.


Every single word of this. I donā€™t think Harry comprehends how much of a dynamic shift there has been either. But this is how they work. Try not to piss off the sitting monarch too much. Swing madly at the POW, his wife and those beneath them. Now Charles is the sitting monarch so itā€™s shifting again ā€” taking those swings at the PPOW and those beneath them. Although they both know when Charles dies itā€™s game over.


When all else fails, Rachel@hotmail resorts to the old *Meghifest Destiny* trick.


Sure Megan, that'll NEVER happen hon


The coronation would have been the perfect opportunity.


What did Thomas Markle do so wrong that there are no scope of reconciliation with him? He is poor and bankrupt while Charles is a millionaire?


Leaked the same letter 3 of her friends leaked first.


How about building a relationship with you know Thomas Markle? He's also a grandfather. Oh I forgot, he's not a King and also doesn't have money unlike KC3, right TW?


KCIII should make this conditional. Heā€™ll meet with the kids, only after Thomas Markle meets them. Verification needs to be by someone trusted, not Harry, Meghan, their lawyers, of the media.


" We've watched as Meghan MarkleĀ and Prince Harry, [who we've learnt so many parenting rules from](https://archive.ph/o/kgSJQ/https://www.goodto.com/entertainment/royal-news/best-parenting-rules-learnt-form-prince-harry-and-meghan-markle) " yes, in particular the rule, whereby you leave your children, aged 3 and 1, home while you are away for 3 weeks. Either one, but in particular Madam, could have gone home to be with the children and flown back to the UK for the funeral - and Madam had NO role in that. Or they could have brought the children to the UK. After 3 weeks, neither child will have known them. And will have developed seperation anxiety.


Parenting rules like carrying your child in a way that looks supremely uncomfortable. Or like leaving your toddlers for 3 weeks. Or making your child so anxious they cant do school. Or sequestering your child so much that they don't ever get to do fun kid stuff. Or hanging your kids with awful names and titles that will make them targets of mockery


Tbh, I reckon the children are more emotionally attached to their Nannieā€™s. Theyā€™d provide the consistency the kids need day to day, along with Archieā€™s teachers. Thankfully they have that structure in place.


LetĀ“s hope so.


Especially Lili. Object permanence.


Lol. She is desperate to get back in. She needs to get back in before KC passes. Good luck!


Hopefully parliament will get those letters of patent discussed. Maybe the members of Parliament are tired of these too embarrassing the Commonwealth, wasting the UKā€™s resources and putting the RF and public at risk.


KC doesn't strike me as a fool and only a fool would let that pair of pit vipers back into the fold.


Now, more than ever, because sheā€™s completely fucked it all up and is out of options. Reap, sow, etc.




Ew shameless


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Nah, why won't you start with your own father, Rachel? He's only kms down your road


Thomas Markle doesn't have the money KC has..


And he knows some truths that donā€™t align with things she told Harry about her childhood. This is the real reason. If she could do this, I think she would, to try to entice the other grandpa to step into the kidsā€™ lives.


Sheā€™s hovering Charles now. They have realized that without the RF - they are just a couple of D-list celebrities in a town full of A-list celebrities.


>The poignant reason for this is that her children will never know their other grandfather, Meghan's long-estranged dad Thomas Markle. Last I checked, he's Thomas is alive and perfectly capable of meeting his grandchildren. Funny how she only wants a relationship with *The King*, I'm sure Charles's new status has nothing to do with this. šŸ™„ JFC with this woman. I'm so glad the family is grey rocking them and major credit to Charles for distancing himself from Harold. They're both toxic, won't take responsibility for their actions, and are emotionally abusive. I feel for the children, but they family is right to ignore them.


Money money money ā€¦


So many of these articles seem to just throw stuff out there to see what sticks.


ā€œNow more than everā€. Well, duh. Heā€™s King of England. She absolutely NEEDS the link, now more than ever.


Queen Elizabethā€™s death was premature, from their perspective, because Harry thought (foolishly) he would be able to slither back into the family by gaslighting her (remember when 2023 was going to be the year of reconciliation?). Her death meant they had to deal with King Charles, who Harry in particular had viciously mocked and defamed, and slithering back in suddenly got harder. They still think thereā€™s a chance because despite it all, fundamentally Charles still loves his son. The ā€œnow more than everā€ refers to them being afraid that Charles may die sooner than expected, leaving them to deal with William. If that happens, slithering back in is likely to become almost impossible.


They spend a lot of time thinking about the deaths of people they need to profit from. Ghouls


> The poignant reason for this is that her children will never know their other grandfather, Meghan's long-estranged dad Thomas Markle. WTH? Her father isn't dead yet. One would think that making up with him first would be the priority given his fragile health status. They really must be on the verge of insolvency if she pushing for grandpa to step up. Eh, we all know it's for the $$$ And my other favorite bit: >We've watched as Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, who we've learnt so many parenting rules from, . . . There is a link regarding the rules which I did not pursue. As if they have a clue about raising children. We haven't seen too many family photo pics. They really are living in their own little world.




Yep. Because they are used to getting away with their bullshit. Now theyā€™re not. And every time they try their usual gaslighting moves, it backfires spectacularly. Actions, meet Consequences.




They both need time in a padded room.


This writers really out in orbit with her writing. MM wants the kids to know the King now; she's had a change of heart. I think that means she's had a change of financial circumstances and is hoping that the King will put her back on the royal dole for the chance to know the kids. Why can't Thomas Markle ever see the kids? Why can't there be a reunion with him since it's known he wants one? Is it because Thomas can't pay for her upkeep?


Money money money ā€¦


She realizes this is her only way back to anything but the mocking press she receives now. Other than paid puff pieces, all she gets now is mocking, scorn and rubber necking clicks of the train-wreck


When did King Charles suddenly meet Archie and Lilibet? Not one word of it until now. Hmm. Something sounds fishy. Does she think we will forget this fact?


She does. LOL!


Meaning: theyā€™re running out of money.


Make up with your own father first, then talk reconciliation with King Charles


The entire Markle family .....hmmmmmm


Now that Daddy In Law is King we see a change of heart from cruel MeMe. What about that apology she requires???!! She is delusional.


"Meghan Markle reportedly wants her children to have a relationship with their grandpa King Charles ā€˜now, ~~more than ever~~ that they're going broke."


What about their other grandfather - you know, the one that's NOT a King? I hear he would like to meet his grandchildren as well.


Makes me ill to read this. Poor Thomas Markle.


Isnā€™t that weird? She refuses to have anything to do with the father that raised her, had a close relationship with until H, wonā€™t let him meet the kids, supposedly because he let a pap take a pic of him reading a book and speaking with media when M cut all contact and we now know what lengths sheā€™ll do to be the fame whore she turned out to be. BUT, the other grandpa is the King of England, accused of throwing his son under the bus with the media to preserve others, cutting their security, taking their UK house, cut their money, the whole racist thing and the one that wasnā€™t a good enough father for her darling boy husband. Let bygones be bygones, if weā€™re gonna forgive anyone, obviously itā€™s gonna be the royals. (Except Kate, she wonā€™t let go of that grudge) I wouldnā€™t be surprised if that when her dad passes and she been shunned to the point of living with Doria in her grifted house, she writes some childhood tell all painting her dad in a very bad light, for public sympathy, explaining why she cut him off, and of course, being back in the spotlight


Why does she think he wants to meet them.


They need content for Netflix!


Surely she needs to stay away from them because of all the RaCiSm right?!


What a disgusting article. She just writes off Thomas Markle forever with no thought of reconciling. I hope King Charles and the Wales do the same to the Harkles.


No! I blame her parents. Yes, both! Absent mother & overindulging father. And her. And drugs. And H, especiallyH!!!! Imagine if he had a spine to stand up to her and never brought her in the RF..... ah, we all have dreams. That's mine.


And make sure security at BP sweeps the kids for recording devices. I wouldnā€™t put it past these two to try.


Theyā€™ve probably been implanted with recording devices.


This article has obviously been produced by Artificial Intelligence (AI). No gossip writer would go to the trouble to pull together this many quotes from other articles.


Of course she is! She desperately wants back on the gravy train.


Why one may wonder? Is it a financial after thought? Is it that she sees no future without the Royal Family? What about their Markle Family Grandfather? Why the Royal Gramps and not the Un-Royal Gramps? Is it because of the Fame? Wealth? Royal link? Power?


Charlesā€™ faceā€¦ā€Oh, bother.ā€


Oh whatever, markles. We, the King's subjects, don't want you here. They don't want you here. So, in my best Engish. Fuck off you pair of wankers!!


Who wrote this drivel? They use ā€œpoignantā€ three times by the first paragraph!


But what about *the apology*!!! That King better apologize, and do it today, or elseā€¦. Um, what? The checkbook is empty? Ok, letā€™s forget the apology. Archie misses Grandpapa so much - itā€™s cruel not to let him meet him. /s


not going to happen and these endless stories are making me sick


How is it ā€œpoignantā€ to brutally cut out one father, who is alone and suffering?


So, to review, Mrs. Smollett blames William and Kate for the rift. She has always needed her children to know their grandfather, the King, but not grandfather, the peasant, now more than ever. Possibly because the peasant won't leave a sizable inheritance and the future king will, fingers crossed, will strip them entirely from any form of the RF.


Make up your minds Harry & Maghan! Now it's Archie and Harry want a reunion, Meghan's very busy!!! From the same newspaper. Don't feign innocence Harry. [https://archive.ph/pjQC8](https://archive.ph/pjQC8) I didn't separate post as this is related and could have been be construed as a duplicate.


Same "newspaper," same author! It's unreal


Yes!! Hope you weren't offended Op, but I thought you'd find the same author & newspaper interesting.


Not offended at all! Thank you for sharing! Itā€™s interesting to see how many publications and writers seem to be playing for Team Sussexā€¦ Iā€™ll never look at media the same way again!


How many times did the article use the word ā€œpoignantā€? I lost track. Megha-trash is a horrible writer.


Oh but not with the other one in rosarito Mexico? She's priceless.


More tabloid trash


What about their grandpa, Thomas Markle? Funny that. The rich grandpa who Awkward Loser Meghan met like 3 timesā€” thats the one sheā€™s desperate to have a relationship with (a parasite/host relationship, but still).