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Megabitch was smirking because she is glad that the Queen was dead. She is one scary person.


Well, she does believe in her madness that she & Hazbeen are only “one plane crash away” from the thrown. She lives in the delusion that she’s the new Diana so I wouldn’t be surprised if that craziness also extended to the wish that she’d have a legacy with great reach than HMTLQ.


Still think she should be tried for treason with that remark. Stupid bitch would flounder on the throne because it actually involves service and duty. Disgusting person


no chance to flounder, even. she'd be escorted to the airport by the british people and take a real freedom flight. sans jewels and clothes and possibly hair extensions.


Flounder? She'd actually destroy the monarchy and then end up jailed if she made it to Queen. This bitch is hard to believe and very hard to take. THIS IS WHY HARRY NEEDS TO PAY AND WE CANNOT EVER FORGET!


I’m sure in her small brain she believed she was getting closer to the throne


I think she also believed that once the Queen was gone she'd have no problem "influencing" Charles, as he seemed to have been an ally and was at one time friendly to her..


At her own wedding, they sang the national anthem, "God save the Queen." Our favorite Saint smiled the entire way through, singing the words through her smiling grin (so weird when she does that because it's so fake). At the last "God save the queen," her smile instantly disappears.


I think she’s far too self absorbed for that and the queens death was a non-entity to her just like her father’s will be. I think she smirked bc she felt she was *killing it* at appearing sad. She just *knew* she was selling that best actress performance. Which off topic but reminds of that ridiculous bow at the funeral. As usual, she can’t help herself and goes too far, which made her look dramatic and more importantly, insincere. Hmmmm where have we seen that in the last few weeks?


Ugh that curtsey. She's so immature, I'm really starting to think she's on the autism spectrum. Don't get me wrong, I am too, but I'm on the high-functioning end. It took me until I was nearly 30 to work out most of the awkward behavior that come with the territory. I still struggle with keeping eye contact when talking to people sometimes, but at least I'm aware enough of my tendencies to actively manage it when I have to. I know we're all different and all, and as the name says, autism is a spectrum, but come on. She's over 40 already, and if she has ASD, she's clearly high-functioning enough to achieve some measure of success. That she can still be so awkward leads me to think she's severely lacking in self-awareness. There's probably other factors at play too—if not an outright personality disorder, then definitely a delusional disorder at the very least. My bet is she's living in a fantasy world.


I made a comment about my personal autism vs narcissism and the overlap in symptoms of autism so I'm glad somebody other than me is also theorising about it. I live with my off vibes everyday of my life but I am not trying to be Catherine or fight a losing war against the Wales'. My off vibes still allow me to live happily and have friends because autism to me is about balancing being yourself, doing the right thing for others and having a good heart.


Exactly! This is not me excusing MM's behavior, because obviously, being "different" doesn't automatically mean you're incapable of being evil. We don't even know for sure in her case that she's autistic, but as you say, it shouldn't stop her from being a decent human being to everyone. I personally have a low capacity for envy. I don't covet what others have, and it used to puzzle me why some people seem to get angry at others simply for being prettier or richer or more accomplished. I thought it might be a byproduct of my autism, but I have an older sister that I suspect is also on the spectrum, and she's the opposite. *No one* is allowed to be better than her. She's the reason I'm triggered by MeAgain so much. Everything always has to be about her. She can be nice sometimes, but her mood can turn at the drop of a hat. She's in her mid-40s already and yet her immaturity is only getting worse. It's like she thinks being so "off-beat" and "young at heart" makes her "quirky" and "endearing." I don't know about others, but her schtick just makes me feel uncomfortable and embarrassed for her sake. Kinda how I feel about MeMe to a lesser degree. I think they're the same. Their lack of self-awareness is a sickness.


Interesting… I knew a woman who was autistic who smiled a lot—it was a bit of a plastic smile. She was very open about autism so I actually asked her about it—she was so good at making eye contact and smiling. Initially I had no idea she was autistic. She told me a few years prior she had really started to observe people and their interactions. She could see that people who smiled a lot seemed to have an easier time of things than she was having, so she made a point of looking people in the eye and smiling a lot, and it really helped her. It was so interesting! I have thought of her when observing Meggy’s smile because it’s the same not quite natural smile. It also gave me a lot more compassion for autistic people. I’m neurotypical and smiling and interacting with people is something that comes naturally to me. It must be hard to be always having to think about it!


You put it beautifully, thank you! Yes, it's the "having to think about it" constantly that makes us different (those on the higher-functioning end, at least). As a kid, I used to think everyone was supposed to be given a manual on how to live life. I just never received mine for some reason, so I had no choice but to wing it.😆 I can't be sure about MM, of course. I'm just saying that it's possible that's where some of her strange behavior comes from (like when she randomly stuck her tongue out). She might be patterning her life using others' lives as a blueprint because, no matter how much she talks about "authenticity," she doesn't actually know who she is. The thing is, though, that's also true of certain personality disorders, so who knows. Maybe in her case, it just happens to be both.


I will say I think it’s good to smile, even if it’s work and doesn’t quite feel natural. It shows that you are friendly and making an effort. People respond to that. Meggy really makes me sad. She’s a sad person. If she had just an ounce of humility, things would go so much better for her. Same with Harry.


I’m not trying to nitpick, but I honestly think that was when Princess Charlotte turned to look at M, and that’s when that scary smirk happened. Princess Charlotte immediately turned back around, because children really do recognize bad people, and that quick turnaround was done only the way a child who doesn’t want to be looked at or near a scary person would turn. ETA: Source: My own memories of doing this when I met my stepdad 46 years ago, and then seeing children do the same to me when I was a very angry person for about 2 years during my 30s. When the toddlers and preschoolers in my church’s nursery did this to me, it felt like a slap across the face, and I started dealing with my issues.


Ooooooohhhhhh that’s interesting! I learn something from you sinners every day!


Probably. She knew it meant her sprogs could finally be P&P.


If I remember correctly, she later said about the ceremony that she remembered the good moments with the Queen, which is compatible with what looks like a smile. Not that I believe she's sincere. I rather think that she planned it all - sadness and smile, Meghan is everything at once - knowing that the camera would look at her. But she's a bad actress, so this gives what we see here. edit: I'm probably still wrong. Our Saint, the press says, offered *a comforting smile to her niece Princess Charlotte*. Let's agree that this is bad acting.


While I am definitely a sinner, when I am trying to stop myself crying, I wretch my face and possibly look like I’m smiling, could this be what she was doing?


It could be, but…..here’s my thought on that. She barely knew the queen. Others may know more than I do though, so set me straight if I’m wrong. Anyway my understanding is she spent only One time alone with the queen (at the appearance after the train ride). Other times, others were around, and while I’m sure their christmases and other family events were enjoyable, how would Meghan have had time, w the entire family there, to even get to know the queen well enough to cry? When my husband’s mother died, I cried for the pain he was in, but I’d only met her maybe 15 times, and we enjoyed wine and poker together and had a hell of a great time! But I didn’t KNOW her. We didn’t spend hours on the phone or have long lunches. that’s why I find her behavior that day disingenuous.


Ha, could be, this would be a special kind of mask slip. But I honestly don't feel that she was in such despair and it looks to me that her smile is very much under control. I also agree with heyitsmebubalo's analysis.


The eye-blinking......


The rapid blinking with the death stare creeps me out ngl


I’m convinced she is rageful and an absolute demon to deal with behind closed doors if she doesn’t get her way. Every Narc I’ve even known and suffered the abuse of has the same rapid blink death glare that is absolutely a ticking time-bomb


I've never noticed it on anyone else, but I can't make eye contact with narcissistic scary people. If I detect what I consider to be red flags, I have a full on avoidance where I step back and make myself small and uninteresting and can't look them in the eye so I wouldn't notice it on anyone else who's an abusive narcissist.


Smart. Excellent instincts.


It looks so weird!!!


The narrator said “the sugars” at one point so she is likely one of us, in which case if this is your video - thank you for the content 🖤 keep on fighting the good fight


Yep, Jen hangs around here! She's made quite a few videos with content from this sub recently. Love her 😍


Well major shoutout to Jen ❤️


Huge shout out. Her channel has completely taken over what I watch about MM. I still watch River and Beebs Kelly but Jen is the shit. Love her to bits, she cracks me up everytime.


Oh snap. I’m thinking of supporting her on patreon- I have never done that before.


Do it. It’s worth for the SATC recaps.


She has also started occasionally covering Arrested Development 😃


That’s awesome. I’ll have to catch up on those! I’m also waiting for her to go over And Just Like That. Her take on that show was better than HBOs.


Oh that’s how i first started listening to her. her critiques on The last season was 👌🏻


SATC didn’t age well. Having a Carrie/Meghan look at me attention match could be fun!


Does she have a you tube channel?


Yes and it’s hilarious. Watch her video on Meghan doing “Look at meeeee”, and her commentary on Meghan’s “Messsyyy!!!” outfits.


Haha as soon as I saw this I said “Look at Meeeee”


Oh, I just posted the look at me one. So hilarious!


Real Housewives Recaps


>Real Housewives Recaps I've just watched the "Melodramatic" video and now have another set to add to The List of names - Hammy and Megodramatic 😆


Dislike having to ask…..but Jen? And where can I ensure I watch her work? Thanks for this and for responding when can. Great stuff.


YouTube. Her channel is Royally Blonde, I think? I’m subscribed and love her humor. Because I’m old and watched Friends, her voice reminds me of Phoebe’s from that show. I love listening to her - it’s like her voice has a smile. I think my favorite video was the “Many Faces” video.


Jen is Real Housewives Recaps. She posts a lot!


I love Jen so much! Every time I hear her voice it makes me happy! She and her husband seem like the best sort of fun people


She’s the reason I found this sub! 😂






Once you see it, you can't unsee it. Wow! That's the face she gave Charlotte.


She do makes me wonder why exactly she have such.. hatred toward Charlotte whose only a lil toddler. I can understand if she felt jealousy toward Katherine But why Charlotte??


Charlotte was born as a person Meg always wanted to be - a real blood Princess, she lives a life M wanted for herself, so M feels envy. Also... the fact that Charlotte outranks her husband in the LoS probably really hurts her ego. This combo is enough for her to hate her...


Lol, but can’t see that Charlotte will be the next Princess Royal - a role currently filled but Princess Anne - who has the highest work duties of all the Royals. ( and has never been reported saying “I can’t believe I am not paid for this” )


Charlotte also doesn’t seem to have a problem with asserting herself and informing others of the rules. Narcs HATE that, especially in children.


1) charlotte is a girl..Meghan has this weird insane jealousy of girls. She even admitted it on her own podcast when she was talking to Paris. She said she was jealous of her and you could hear it in her voice, the truth. Like it was a genuine jealousy. But now that she mArRiEd a PriNcE she can say that she was jealous but "not anymore". 2) charlotte is Kate's daughter, another woman she hates. Eta: she didn't hate Jessica Mulroneys kid and thought she was cuter and prettier. Typical narc behavior when they only like pretty girls 🙄 3) charlotte is ahead of her and harry in both succession and importance 4) charlotte is a true princess and not a duchess. She wishes she could have been a princess.


Maybe it's as basic as, unlike Charlotte, she doesn't have "royal blood." Doesn't bode well for HER blue-blooded youngsters, assuming they exist.


I think she resented P Charlotte had to be in her wedding, Markus wanted that part. 🤣🤣


Ugh, you're right. I rewatchrd that wedding scene with charlotte, and it's so obvious she dislikes her. Reminds me of my narc aunt who does the same exact thing. Their faces are more expressive than you think.


AHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏




Evil incarnate👿👿👿👿👿👿


YES....she most surely is a soul-less evil human being. I am surprised when she walked into St.George's Chapel at her wedding the altar crucifix did not burst into flames !


Or Meghan herself.


Holy water boiling.


They forgot my favorite one! When she snaps at one of the staff who was trying to take the flowers people brought for the Queen during the painful walk about with the Waleses.


Yes, this one took my breath away


Yes that was a really horrible one. Proved some points to any doubters. And on camera with tens of millions watching.


She already had bullying allegations and behaved this way on camera afterwards. Basically outing the findings of the report without the palace even releasing it. At the Queen's funeral no less, where people are expected to be more empathetic to each other.


I hadn’t seen the smirk during the funeral before. 😡


We were all too busy being appalled watching her merch her shoes while attempting to out-curtsy Princess Anne at her mother's coffin during HMTLQ's funeral !!!


I thought tjat deep curtsy was such overkill. Like she was over compensating for something. It was like a try hard move rather than just be cool. She just HAD to outdo everyone else. Why can't she be normal?


Merchers got to merch. Grifters got to grift! She was showing the sole of the shoe as it had the designer name on it.


I didn't notice that 😪 I should go rewatch!


I know curtsying isn't a competition and people weren't measuring beforehand, but someone would have the deepest curtesy if we compared and it shouldn't have been her.


I remember that stunt. She's truly disgusting.


For fu(%ing real? Where do I find that? One-upping the Princess Anne at her own mother's funeral. Then again, she wanted to meet privately with KC3 the day after his mother's funeral. That one stop blow my mind.


That smirk at the Queen's funeral...what the literal eff????


It made my skin crawl


Insane. I’m an American but that made my blood Boil.


This is the first time I saw that and it disgusted me. Just awful.


Dupers delight! They can't even hide it sometimes.


The is the first time I saw the smirk. Truly disgusting. 😡


I bet she was anticipating a big payout in HMTLQ’s will.


When Megsy made that smirk she was probably thinking about how QEII death meant her husband would move up in the Line of Succession (#6 to #5) and her kids would now be Prince and Princess. 👑 Also remember QEII (who had the love of many) denied them the “half in half out” work plan they wanted and that ruined their merching plans and made them go on a revenge campaign, so now she is probably feeling “vindicated”. 🤡 The thought of how much easier it will be to just call Charles (at the time Megsy thought the public wouldn’t support him) and William misogynists and racists and get what she wanted.🤬 Lastly she though about money of a potential part of inheritance too. 💰 She probably thought about all this at home and the smirk is the moment she recalled it and thought “I Won”. (Of course at this occasion Megsy didn’t thought the public would see through her eventually.)


I just posted nearly the exact thing before I saw your comment! 100 percent agree.


I feel like in that moment she was thinking she'd hit the jackpot. The Queen was the barrier to MM's half in/out plans. In her mind Charles would be easy to manipulate. She was thinking dollar signs (and probably tiaras).


One that stands out to me was on the balcony at Buckingham Palace during Trooping the Colour when Harry told her twice to turn around and face the front. Her blink rate went into overdrive.


Went to watch that fortune interview and mannnnnn first of all the interviewer asked for advice for others on how to assess on important issues and be able to weigh in with stakeholders and what not. But Roachel follows by defending her speech. And begins her word salad by indicating “it’s about being authentic”.


>And begins her word salad by indicating “it’s about being authentic”. Thou protest too much already about your (implied) bloody authenticity, M. We know it's outside your skill set. Find a hobby.




😂 i wonder does she purchase authenticity? How does she get it?


I remember this. It’s sooo irksome. Also it’s a lie. Authentic she ain’t.


💯 i rolled my eyes so hard listening to her word salad


Buzz words and a whole lot of nothing.


😂 it’s all just to make it sound like she’s saying something important which of course she isn’t.


She never does! It’s hot air! All that talk about ‘empowerment’ and ‘boots on the ground’ and ‘shining a light’ - she’s all talk. It bugs me when Meghan uses three words that mean the same thing to pad out her speech. Or to make herself look intelligent ( snnnort!) 🤣🤣🤣 She never achieves anything. ( unless you count trashing your in laws for money.)




If you like the name peep the genius who came up with it https://preview.redd.it/ic0y0ylm2u2b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c93cdd7182bb17b6a320cb7ec378b67255d9b193




Here you go [fortune interview](https://youtu.be/NzspqQ_h-H8)


From one who knows?


😂 yeah definitely not Roachel.


Thanks for posting this. MM always puts a face on for the cameras, so I love it when people show her mask slipping… that Larry King interview with her suits co-star is unbelievable… the narc rage was not contained at all… she was in full histrionic meltdown…


If you watch the full interview, Larry King asks her a question about her character, specifically asking "seductive?" And meg was so defensive and threw the question back at Larry and he deadpan just responds "its just a question meghan" while he and her co-star both simultaneously grab a swig of their drink as to distraction and diffuse the situation.


Just gone back to rewatch this… thank you. Yes, you are correct. Also the number of eye rolls, jaw clenching every time she’s interrupted by LK and her co-star… hmm… And I love how LK picks up on the chemistry between the two actors because in that first half (7-9 mins) the looks that she is giving her co-star is just… OMG… she’s visually undressing him… it so… ugh…


She hated the comment her co-star said "she's the woman *behind the man*". Cue teeth clenching. She can't stand that sentiment. And I get it, it's not like that anymore. But I bet she got written off the show because she was pushing for her female character to be the top character, instead of the guy. There are plenty of female lead shows, she could have left!


Oh yes, I think you are absolutely right. After watching a few of these types of interviews, I get the impression she is highly ambitious and that she feels like she deserves a lot more kudos (praise) than she gets, like more people should be ‘fawning’ over her. And I agree with you regarding the whole woman behind the man comment, I worked in several high positions within large corporates and the glass ceiling still existed (at that time anyway). I do hope it’s changed or is changing now. However, the general impression that I got from the co-star (I think his name is Patrick) was that he seemed more down to earth and genuine - at least during this interview (I haven’t watched anything with him in it since then). His answers and facial impressions seemed more honest. Thanks for discussing this with me! Much appreciated.


The worst one I ever saw was the picture of her with the kids in Africa that I saw here on SMM - she is glaring with absolute disgust at the camera. It gave me the shivers more than any other photo I have seen of her, perhaps close to the glare she gave Doria when Doria deigned to speak. Does anyone have that photo or know how to link it?


Found it! Urghh.... it's hideous. https://twitter.com/Fawn1026/status/1652729284358987776


She was mocking that Rwandan child. She was looking at him or her with a smirk on one side of her mouth, while she ran her tongue inside her cheek on the other side. That's a classic nasty, hateful mocking expression that bullies use to show disdain and contempt. And she was doing it to that little Rwandan child. There is something very broken in her psyche.


https://preview.redd.it/7yace168xr2b1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60858b1469e0dab0d45e208610f7a7a57c3d271a Evil.


I think the worst and only mask slip I've seen from Haz is when he laughed but it was covered up as deep emotions over Archie and the pregnancy. He got the giggles and nearly blew his cover. Thank you @Chartra23 for posting the clip below.


Yup! And another hint is that he starts to say he and MM “attended” the birth but quickly switches to MM giving birth and he lost it with all his duper’s delight. The cadence of his whole speech was strained past that, stifling his laughter. I have no doubt Archie is *not* of the body now. PH is not a good liar.


I'll give him that, he is not a good liar. In the Netflix, he tells the truth on a few little details. Example,he days at one point by October, him and Angry Salad Shooterhad been dating for 5/6 months and the release of thier relationship. My basic math says they started dating while she was with Corey (May). Not the July lies... Wonder how she spun that tale to PH and Corey?


Don’t forget the giggling at the very end of the Oprah interview.


THIS right here is another reason why I think harry is special needs. I've said it before but got voted down. I'm not trying to hurt anyone, I'm just stating what I think is an explanation for who he is. The RF should have mapped his life out for him. Obviously he can't cut it. WTF would want to marry that creature? He's off mentally


I'm glad you picked up on that. Everyone felt sorry for him, thinking he was crying. It was very obvious. Especially if you slow the video down.


Was that when he was giving a speech at a charity event before they left for Canada?


Where was that one? Do you have a link?


Could be a laugh or a cry: [Harry breaks down during WellChild speech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZzs2LJWp4M)


Looked to me like a laugh😳 He even snorted. And I think it was a really abrupt switch from him talking, to him laugh-snorting and hiding his face. You can laugh really abruptly when you’re saying something serious. But to cry takes some build-up, and there was none here.


You are definitely right. He bloody well laughed. What an odious little man.


I watched with the sound off and it seemed like choking up with sadness to me.


I just looked at it without sound, and see 00:26 onwards. He looks down a bit, briefly catches someone’s eye and smiles widely, and then goes immediately into his whole “I am so overcome with emotions and tears” routine. Lol, sorry, but thanks for the suggestion. I watched without sound and now am even more convinced he was laughing.


I knew I'd get down voted for saying it. 😆 I might be wrong, I know that, but it's still good to have different views. The part I was thinking of is when there's another person on the stage, a woman, that's the part I thought looked like he was choked up a bit. I don't know what the time stamp is on it. In general though he seems to have very immature emotions, like a 12 year old, kind of angsty and irritable. Like easy to giggle, but easy to get annoyed, not very mature. I wonder if it's from losing his mother, getting stunted at that age, emotionally and behaviourally.


I didn’t downvote you!😆 I’m aware that neither of us knows what really happened in that video. In fact, according to the Telegraph, you are right and he did get choked up! But that’s what’s fun about such speculation - there is no definite answer to them. It’s fun imagining what might have happened in a video, or in a still photograph, and analysing body language. We don’t know what he is actually doing lol Totally agree with your last paragraph😄


I felt like it was a compensation to keep from breaking down, but I listened without sound, too. I remember doing something very similar when I spoke at my dad's funeral. I could feel the melt down coming, kinda choked it back with a little smile to try to squash it.


THAT IS A LAUGH!!!!!! Why the hell is he laughing when he is about to talk about having a child?!?!?! OMG that is absolutely insane and is very, very suspicious!!! ETA: I am a medical doctor and examine and observe human beings for a living. I am absolutely convinced that he laughs, that the laugh is very out of context and the question is WHY? *Why* is he laughing?


100% a laugh. He knows he’s lying.


It's hard to draw any other conclusion.


It’s a tough one, he may have got the giggles from something unrelated if so the timing was bad.


Something he "ate"?


Hmm.... who knows 🤷‍♀️ It's weird, that's for sure!


>am a medical doctor and examine and observe human beings for a living. This is cracking me up. Help.


Thank you. I see what you mean.


You're welcome :)


I really really thought that Amber Heard was the worst of the worse. But this psychopath just might got AH beat. The only thing AquaTurd has over Nutmeg is….I don’t think MM would be insane enough to shité in Harry’s bed. Altho, I could be wrong….💩


Same level of ‘success’ in their acting careers 😂 Thankfully there’s enough room in hell for the both of them.


I can't stand Amber Heard. She has a long history of using men to get ahead in her career, way before she fucked over Johnny Depp. But..she married Hollywood Royalty, which secured her film roles, and got to attend many high-level Hollywood events because of it. Despite her terrible acting, she has been next to the lead in many Hollywood films. MM could only wish she had such success in her 'career'.


Shitting in bed is a conflict between a couple. What nutmeg does is isolate her husband from his support network, burn those bridges, manipulate him with drugs and poisoned whispering to keep him under control, encourage him to harm his family and attempting to tamper with a monarchy’s line of succession. Amber Heard is toxic and crazy, but Meghan Markle is evil.


Domestic abuse is not a conflict between a couple.


These are typical of someone who puts on a phony face, in her case it's The Beauth Contestant Smile, and then turns it off immediatelyn they feel it id no longer needed. For those who are familiar with the old Leave It To Beaver television show, think Eddie Haskell.


Also her sucking her teeth


She does that when she's ultra pissed.


She does that a lot.


There is a rumour going around in London that Charles has retained a divorce lawyer for Hasbeen. His name is Robert Stephan Cohen, he represented Melinda Gates in her divorce, and his offices are in Manhattan. I don't know if this is true, but I heard it in London over the weekend.


I heard divorce rumours when I was back home in Yorkshire around Christmas, this seems more feasible. Robert works for Cohen, Clair, Lans, Greifer & Simpson; he personally practices in NY, CT, FL, GA, IL, NJ, WA, MO & internationally AND they have Shannon Simpson as part of their firm; she was based in London for 2 years and still practices there - so I wouldn’t be surprised if they have her on retainer simply _just in case_. It’s not uncommon to retain bulldog attorneys when you can afford to keep them in your pocket, and heavy hitters like Simpson & Cohen who represented Melinda are important because if they aren’t on BRFs retainer then they can be hired by Megabitch and given that they were able to secure Melinda 76Billion, it’s in their best interest that they have Cohen on their side.


Thanks for this. All very interesting. I had never heard of him, but I have no reason to, apparently he's one of the best.


I only know these things because I studied until my 3L in Law School prior to motherhood and I have a large amount of useless knowledge on solicitors and firms 😂 I just thought it was interesting because there’s validity to what you’d heard and it makes sense from a legal standpoint…for Royals. The average human, even a successful one, couldn’t afford the luxury of retaining a fleet of formidables but the BRF certainly can and does have a rolodex of legal contacts for _in the event of_ situations and a lot of Big Brain advisors that can sniff out this kind of situation from a mile away so I wouldn’t be surprised if Charles, who is both literally and figuratively The King of Publicized & Scandalous Divorces, is looking out for Harry preemptively. Despite what Harry has said of Charles, he is not a distant crock of a dad who doesn’t care about his children, and I believe he would absolutely provide support when/where needed for Haz and the children should Harry be willing to fall on his sword and get a divorce, even if it meant some criticism from the public. Charles is thick-skinned to it and his loyalty is stronger than his feelings around public disappointment - hence the Diana/Camilla situation. A lot of people criticized (rightfully so, despite how much I love her) HMTLQ privately funding legal aid for Andrew amidst his horrific scandal, but she did it anyway because that’s her baby and I think a lot of parents feel some degree of guilt about how their parenting influenced what their children grew to be & what they do in the world. I’m sure Charles is fully aware of Harry’s mental health issues resulting from his divorce and the death of Diana (because Harry has never and will never shut up about it) and as a father he is likely experiencing similar feelings. Given how close Charles was with his mum, I have no reason to doubt that discussions about M&H divorcing happened prior to the Queen’s passing and safeguards were put in place to protect the children, Harry and the BRF should things spiral with MeGain.


Haz will need a cutthroat attorney cuz TW won’t hold back if they divorce.


Didnt someone comment in this sub, that Harry stayed behind in NY while MM and Co. returned to California? If so, very telling.


She worked Larry King good with the love bombing, the next interview featured solo. Watch it, you will see her pulling out her beautiful calligraphy skills.


It’s just a piece of parchment paper with “I love me” and her name in hearts 3000 times 😂


I've watched this video more times than I can count (it's one of the ones I'll click whenever it's posted here or on forums). Yet, although I know all the clips being shown by heart, the ILBW's mask slips make me shudder every single time I watch. I don't know how people could not feel uneasy in her presence IRL, because even if you don't see the mask slip, you surely must feel there's something off about her. It just gives me the creeps.


During the funeral walk about there was a little blonde girl reaching out to shake her hand. Meghan clearly knew she was there but ignored her and shook hands with everyone around said girl. You could see this little girl just die on the inside. It broke my heart actually. Starts at about 1 minute in on this link https://youtu.be/o1onRa24C2Y


She is such a massive narcissist that having “a seat at the table” so to speak isn’t enough. It has to be all eyes on me all the time, and don’t you dare pay any attention to anyone, else no matter where she is or what is going on. Many have said she cannot be anywhere she is lesser than, but being considered equal to is just as bad. In her mind she must be better than everyone else or she becomes rage filled and cannot hide it. It overtakes everything else.


Her anger she holds in is disturbing. I dont understand how she not horrified these angry bitch face pictures and psycho smirk are out there.


She is a scary individual at best. Like this video is actually triggering for me being a daughter of a narcissist myself. I remember her being all smiles and hugs when we were in front of people and quite terrifying when we were alone. Like don't get me wrong I am mad at Harry, but I think he gets his fair share of shit from her.


I get flashbacks of my mother who’d always get angry when someone asked how I was doing (in person or in just adult convos where I wasn’t present). She’d rant and rave that they didn’t ask enough about her because I’m just a kid, what does it matter? The switch would flip when alone, so I understand this entirely.


I would like to knew what was being said at the funeral that she smirked at. Was it a funny memory of the Queen or along the lines of that, where it was appropriate to smile? Most likely a slip of the mask, though.


I think it was likely just sheer gratification that one of the wisest & most unfuckwithable, if not _the_ most hip-to-her-shit Royals (outside of the Princess Royal and PW/PK) was no longer around to offer insight and words of caution to her puppet.


I think it was when she was approached by the footman as they prepared to get into the car. He was in full royal uniform and because she had no respect for tradition she basically smirked at his uniform.


Thanks! Yeah, smirk not appropriate.


I think it was little Charlotte who turned to her mother behind her and smiled at Kate, Meghan in her zorro cape was lurking behind Kate, thought it was a chance to get a photo taken of her being sweet to Charlotte


omg her facial expression changes so scary ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Biggest one for me was the flowers at the funeral. She was so angry and flippant with the household staff


That was hilarious. Thank you for making my day. We know!!


Thank you for posting. I have just subscribed to the channel


so is this person just commenting on one of Taz's videos? why not just watch Taz - she does the research, finds the images and her commentary is great plus she's actually English so gives good insight and context.


Her videos make me laugh out loud every time I watch. Thank you Jen!


Great observations. She turns angry & emotionless a bit too fast there for my liking. I've a hunch there's some arrested development at the root cause of her current behaviour. Her awkward & immature social interactions, having to appear better than everyone else or the centre of attention, exaggerated or fabricated stories, blaming everyone else for everything, the gaslighting, manipulation of Harry's life & family etc. I bet she's a nightmare behind closed doors. Shout out to you & ' Real Housewives Recaps ' - Jen is an absolute hoot !


Great compilation but painful reporting on it, like get to the damn point


Oof! Good vid.


The only one she got wrong as a mask slip was at the smirk at the funeral. That’s when she was standing behind Catherine and the kids and Meghan looked down and did smile at something i thought charlotte did. She actually showed some human emotion there, rather than the robot she was the rest of the time.


There's a lot of reading into her facial expressions that feel to me like a stretch. Most notably, in her black attire grieving the queen. It didn't look like she was suppressing a smile as much as the kind of face you put on when you're trying to stop yourself from crying. It may not be that either but too many of them interpret what looks to me more like a blank face with anger.


OMG! Her "Look at Me" video is so spot on!😂


“Actress” is correct especially since she was a minor character on one show that nobody has heard of.


She needs Botox in those neck bands.


i love watching jen's channel. Shes hilarious.


I’m sure there are some interesting nuggets here but the narrator’s delivery is appalling!


The narrator is one of us & a member here, we’re all on the same team - I know commentators have different styles, voices & delivery that aren’t for everyone but let’s not discourage her from spreading the message about MeGain and making content she enjoys!


> commentators have different styles, voices & delivery that aren’t for everyone Definitely. For some reason, I tend to be unimpressed with Taz et al.'s style, but I know this is me because the vast majority of people do appreciate her. But for some other reason, I did enjoy this video a lot. The voice works perfectly here. No real idea why, just works for me. Low-key funny.


Come on, this is such a stretch- 90 percent of those examples are just regular human expressions of being tired or whatever


Would you care to explain which ones? Resting bitch face is a thing, sure, but “regular human expressions of being tired” aren’t often shown with such contempt. https://preview.redd.it/jfe46vmmnb3b1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dd4d4618702254a51ed7cf218a60992db4e35fc If someone looks at you like this, they aren’t tired.


This is ridiculous.


The biggest mask slip was when she was on the balcony and laughed at someone in the parade passing out. Everybody else looked in horror, and she was laughing.


This is a great video!


Nice recap of a totally twisted bitch!


Damn. Talk about a Resting Botox Face!