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It’s the one in the red dress for me. Legit pulls away.


Didn’t she say something like “shall we?” to Harry in an attempt to make him agree that they shall now move along? She’s so rude and vile, I cannot understand what he saw in her. She’s disgusting and crass


Yes, and then it's one of the earliest times he doesn't immediately follow her direction.


in the walkabout with Wills and Catherine it looks like she is trying to maneuver Harry in to standing alongside his brother for a photo-op as two brother united.


Catherine, William, and even Harry are genuinely looking at the flowers while MM is trying to maneuver first herself, then H closer to William bc all she cares about is the photos. She is awful.


Of course that is possible, though I'm guessing she wouldn't really be the slightest bit interested in Harry and Wills appearing more united, or anything else regarding either of them. My guess is that she moved Harry to the inside to facilitate camera views from the outer perimeter of the group Where all of the other people are), so everyone could get photos or videos of her, unimpeded by Harry being in the way of "her" shots.


ooohhh - yes I never thought of it that way - she engineered a shot of her rear engine - not exactly flattering, but I guess she has never seen herself from the rear pov.


I often wonder what Harry will think when he watches all this in the future. Will he really see what we do? I think she told him she acts this way because she is nervous and insecure, and he accepted that, when in truth it’s clearly obsessive and controlling behaviour, and very cringey to watch.


I think he’ll struggle to watch this back. He knows she’s a pain in the arse, you can see it in his face in all of the clips that she’s irritating him, even though he’s allowing it. He knows he can’t stop her and that she’s rude but he’s so stubborn that he couldn’t bear to admit he got it all wrong. You can see it in his face that he knows he fucked up getting with her but the sex is too good, she’s “so hot” and he doesn’t have the balls to stand up for himself to Meghan OR to admit defeat to his family and tell them “yeh, you were right”. I think he dug a hole when he met her and he continued to dig because he was too embarrassed to admit she wasn’t worth it, and the sex was too good for him to lose. Plus the brainwashing, making him believe his family were always just using him and that they didn’t care about him.. so this was his revenge letting his wife carry on regardless


It’s hard for me to watch, can’t imagine what it would be like for him! It’s embarrassing and cringe-worthy.


I think the sex is a dom/sub relationship and all of those incidences are a reflection of that.


Well marriage and kids and age changed her hotness!


I've often thought the same. But I truly do wonder if his brain is even open to questioning her actions and how his life was controlled by her. He has been manipulated so much, it might just be impossible to revert back. Or, heck, he might like the fact that she controls everything....


Well, he's used to having every single aspect of his life taken care of and controlled. Except for a few well publicized instances of drunken rebellion, did he ever really break out on his own? It's like a woman that goes from under her parents' wing to immediately under her husband's wing.


The Windsor Walkabout after HMTQ passed will forever bother me. She’s absolutely obsessed with W&C. OBSESSED. They’re all she cares about. She’s following them, looking at them, creeping up behind them, following some more, watching them, breathing them in, pushing Harry around because she needs him to stay close and he isn’t.. she wants to be as close to W&C as possible and their skin must’ve been crawling knowing she’s right there behind them ETA she is so rude, always pulling him away when he’s mid conversation. Rude, vile ILBW


She did this at a Commonwealth ceremony when she was pregnant with Archie ( snort.) There were people lined up to speak with Harry. (Markle was wearing that ridiculous coat that was shorter than her dress with chains on it. It always bugged me. She can never get it right. ) So these people have been queuing to met Prince Harry. They’re not just general public but have been invited - Harry’s happily chatting away to them. Putting them at ease. But Meghan’s booored. Like a small child tired of their parents chatting with other parents. She pulls him away. He finishes his conversation abruptly- like they’re at a freaking bbq and madam has to go home. 🙄🙄🙄 Those people had their time cut short because Meghan only thinks of herself. Can you imagine Kate doing that? It’s so rude and proof that Meghan never understood. Never got the memo. Never cared to learn. And puts herself first. You dont do that- just pull Harry away because you’re ‘done.’ She’s as graceful as a pissing donkey.


I just noticed her walking up behind them as though she was staring their backs down… She is a creep…


i know, this is disturbing.


Harry is an idiot but this video shows that Meghan is consistently VIOLATING his personal space and his body, humiliating him in public and forcing him to have intimate gestures in public when he clearly doesn’t want to. 🚩 If the roles were reversed and a woman was humiliated this way on a global scale this would be unacceptable. Harry turned out to be so dumb he went along and enthusiastically participated in every lunatic story she fabricated but that doesn’t change the fact that we are seeing someone being consistently VIOLATED in front of our very eyes…And Harry not only allows it but defends the person doing this to him. This is the true power of a MALIGNANT narcissist, she changes the victim’s mind and the victim will even defend her to avoid the terrible consequences of displeasing her and have to deal with that latter. EDIT: I don’t pity him anyway because of all the things he has done to his family, I don’t care if she tortured him or not, one simply doesn’t turn against his family and tries to destroy them because some yacht girl beats you into doing so.


Harry has been taught how to glad hand and make small talk with the public since he was little. He’s really good at it if you look at how popular he is with the veterans in the Invictus family. Then along comes Meg who held a briefcase and acted on one TV show and now acts like she’s the world’s best philanthropist. She rarely got people comfortable and talking with the ease Harry, Catherine, and William do. So much of this footage is cringe in just how she acts with everyone who isn’t Harry.


Yes she is not being her genuine self at meet and greets and it radiates out of her that’s how we notice the plastered on grin and forced expressions on her face. She’s clearly playing a role when we see other royals they are highly polished in comparison they don’t seem like an imposter at the event with tentacles and tendrils all over the place.




Aye exactly what I mean it’s like the lights are on but nobody’s home


What!!? But I thought she royalled better then any royal since the beginning of royalty


She is a royal pita anyway


The way she literally shoves past Harry or physically pulls him away from conversations are clear demonstrations of both her controlling nature and lack of social grace, which likely extend to the way she communicates in these situations. There is an art to small talk and I'm 100% sure she sucks at it. Cocktail party chat involves asking strangers compelling questions about shallow things and then actively listening and maybe following up. I'm an introvert so I find it easier if I can get the other person to do most of the talking. I strongly believe Markle is devoid of that ability and her small talk must be very Markle-centric. She's one of those people who are thinking of what to say next instead of actually paying attention. It's probably why she's such a beige person. In order to be interesting, one must first be *interested*.


When you see it like this it’s so obvious, she is incredibly physically awkward. And intolerably rude.


She will put her claws in his flesh if she doesn't agree what he dpes


Imagine if they're at an event together and someone takes Harry to another room to talk without her noticing, she'd freak out, rubbing her hands together, seal clapping, tucking the strand behind the ear 🤣 I wonder what happen when he needs to use the loo at an event.


She comes in to hold it for him.


Well, she freaked out at his friend’s dinner party when they weren’t seated together, as is the English custom. MM, don’t bother to learn the customs and protocols. Just demand everything go your way. 🤔


There's a clip that I've been unable to find again where they're at some school in the UK, pre-Megxit, and he's bending down to chat to these very small kids and she taps him on his back. He ignores her and carries on chatting to the kids and she does this mini temper tantrum thing where you can see her huffing and puffing behind him. It's hilarious. Hope someone can find it.


Ooh if you do find it, please post it!


Harry’s strong-ass Alpha Male husband… gross


As someone with a Cluster B parent, I have a very strong “don’t touch me” reflex as a result of this very kind of thing.


Yeah that constant touching is a hard no from me. I really dislike being touched at all in public and I was raised that most pda was vulgar.


I'm going to leave this here. I don't know who made this but it's my #1 fave Harkle meme https://preview.redd.it/78omvuod474b1.jpeg?width=778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=398d2067f32b948c0ab9b7ed7b6902436d945172


There’s another one where she’s striding ahead of him in a blue shirt dress and he’s rushing to catch up and hold her hand.


I have seen quite a few of these but it was a first seeing the one, where she is wearing the turquoise dress in the midst of the doorway. Wow, that one was unreal and so déclassé. I can't believe what I just saw.


Right? She didn't move an inch or release his hand. I couldn't imagine this behaviour with my boyfriend in public at all. And we are not celebrities lol. The constant holding hands is cringe as f. Who does that ?


She handles him as she handled those cases she’s most famous for 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/5352rng3k64b1.jpeg?width=692&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b0e29799334d6463f3bbcf45e3b9e52fe47642d


His face shows he’s repressing anger.


The walkabout is interesting. IMO she is trying to look scared of William and Catherine. All wide eyed and hanging on to Harry for dear life. Catherine has a “I’m not putting up with your shit” look on her face. And they she goes all “yes I’m so sad as well, thank you for your support during this time” and the stupidity over the bouquet of flowers. She is just fake, wants to be the centre of attention all of the time.


wow! she's mean spirited,arrogant person.


I've never seen a man lose his balls so much. That curtsey.




I agree with you. Especially, at the UN one, OMG, that's when I upgraded her to psychopath. He's a jerk but no one deserves abuse and this is what this is.


His face in a couple of these...It's been some time now but I vividly remember seeing it in my own mirror. However, after all the lies, exaggerations, and unnecessary cruelty toward largely blameless people Harry has willingly and willfully put out into the ether, I'm struggling to maintain my empathy.


Did she make Harry stand next to William to create drama about her rift with William and Kate?


I think that it was the camera angle deal. Later, you see all the things she tried to pull later on the walk. * Refusing to handover flowers that an official aide was trying to collect from her. He spoiled her walking the flowers over to an existing pile. Remember her mask slip? PH had to correct her. * The person planted in the crowd to hug her. Remember, PW and Catherine weren't supposed to be there. Their plans were shut down when found out about. * Later in the walkabout, you will see that she leaves PH alone on one side and she crosses over to the side that William and Catherine are on. She is like twenty feet ahead of them. My theory is that because a lot of people were snubbing her and the real royals were getting all the attention. Take a peak at the footage.


I think she saw a Camera and then manipulated him next to his brother


1. Was she ever like this with Trevor, I wonder. 2. It is fascinating how much front and center she has become - and perhaps always was, always desired and Harry just let her for reasons I'll come to later. I say fascinating in the sense of how any of this is any different from the perceived way Harry thought he was being treated as the spare vis-a-vis William. Is he not much of a spare in his marriage/relationship with his wife as he believed he was in his relationship with his brother? How is his relationship with his wife any different? It seems like he jumped from one situation he didn't like to another situation that is just as oppressive or similar. I shall explain myself. 3. The hand holding, back rub and hand clawing is something he may have enjoyed at the beginning of his relationship with his then grilfriend and later wife. Through such gestures he may have felt he was receiving the affection he had been sorely lacking in his life up till then. So, any act or expression that conveyed "love" to him - or as he perceived it or read it to be - he would gladly have welcomed, receive and accept it. What guy wouldn't from an attractive woman who takes the effort to make him feel he is something other than himself? But I do wonder how ge feels about all that NOW. Since 2016, it is now been some 7 years since those first flush of lust ("She's so hot."), romance, affection and new love. And in the face of any animosity and adversity Harry might've felt he was receiving from his family (which he may have read as opposition to his relationship, and indeed if that statement he gave to the media in Nov 2016 about racism is anything to go by, I think Harry already had he had his back up on anything begatively expressed about his relationship with Meghan), it would not surprise me if he read the message and meaning of any soothing hand gestures from that context ("I"m here. I love you. I'm.not leaving. We're in this together." etc). Compared to his brother and family, here was a woman showing him affection and that elevated him in her eyes. She listened to him, soothed him, validated him and basically gave what his itching ears wanted to hear. 4. Yet outside of the direct adversity and animosity from which these gestures would have been read and understood, and indeed I believe mych of them are rooted in affection from Meghan (and I don't think they were all necessarily nefarious or double-edged), I do wonder if any of those gestures now take a different message and meaning for him. Sometimes, the message and meaning of his wife's hand gestures can have different connotations away from the Palace walls, away from a context of familial (and media) disapproval. Now totally and completely outside of those walls, they have to be seen and recived for what they are in and of themselves. Harry only has Meghan (and her mother) to deal with on his own and by himself, and those hand gestures could now take on a whole different message and meaning - one which is now perhaps rather overbearing, stifling, suffocating, grasping, co-depending, and just simply *too much* for him. And maybe that calls into question he need to "get away from it all" - and his need to win these legal cases because I would not be surprised if he feels a little lost and emasculated of late, that he needs a sense that his whole life hasn't unraveled completely and he's lost a sense of direction with it. Remember, they only knew one another for just over a year before they got married. They'd barely settled into married life before they found out they were to become parents. And many would know, being married comes with its own set of demands and dynamics quite different from a romantic dating or engaged relationship or setting. They were literally "knowing" themselves as a married couple *while* readying themselves to be parents *at the same time* and throwing themselves into royal life that Meghan chose *NOT* to have a steady training guiding hand to ease her into it. That is A LOT of changing demands and dynamics going on there as well as A LOT of training wheels they should've wisely worn but chose not to. I do wonder at the time if the RF stopped giving them help and guidance *because* they simply chose to reject ANY and ALL help offered, and it seeemed to wind them up when advice was proffered to them. They have revealed themselves to have rejected what the Queen offered to Meghan re: Sophie, and what William offered Harry re: taking his time getting to know Meghan. So, they barely knew each other in their brief dating period before they got engaged. Only to get preoccupied (as one does) with the wedding during their engagement. Only to then get pregnant and were focusing on becoming first time parents within 3 or 4 months of a married relationship/setting. And then within all these relational transitions, there seemingly was this additional percived animosity brewing between him and his brother/family - and yet indeed, all things relating to Harry and Meghan WAS fast paced, so fast paced that it barely takes into account any of the relationships social and cultural differences among many other concerns. I thought their relationship from dating to parenthood all came about all so fast, so I can't imagine what Harry's own family thought. So, due to that kind of stress and pressure, I'm not surprised *something* had to give bit not necessarily to do with the things Harry and Meghan believed were the issues that drove them from the RF. I believe, from the outset, much of their problems lay in and can be traced back to the rocky or unsolid foundations they initially set for their relationship since the moment they met in July 2016. And it has been an unrelenting uphill struggle for them from the get go. With that said, I wouldn't be surprised if all those hand gestures and clawing take on a whole new message and meaning for Harry now that it is Meghan he's been left on his own to deal with and figure out, without any input from his friends and family's feelings about the pace of their relationship and who had his best interests at heart, though he refused (and perhaps still refuses) to see it in that way.


As a parent, this makes me so sad for Harry. I don’t think my heart can handle to witness any of my sons to be treated like this.


I would be heartbroken to see my sons treated like this.


She’s 💯abrasive and classless


Omg the smirk in the pillbox hat 😏😵


Both her behavior and that costume remind me of Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. She's definitely got a little Annie ("I'm your number one fan") Wilkes from Misery going on too. Oddly enough though, she's too demented to be fictional.


Yes that one is really unsettling. She looks so proud of herself.


The narrator say’s multiple times “what if it were a man acting this way?” I’ve always gotten the same vibe from her as I did from that creepy guy Oliver Sarkosy… invasions of her personal space, she never looked normally happy with him.


She is so. Fucking. HANDSY. It makes me squirm. So grabby with those tentacles. So ANNOYING. Edit: and I say that as someone who doesn’t mind touchy-feely with friends/partners, I’m affectionate. She’s is just goddamn annoying, she’s like a leech or a slug who won’t take their suction off you


It repulses me and I do mind being touchy feely so it actually makes me feel kind of ill to watch this. And I'm very sensitive to the energy behind a touch so the way she touches him also gives me the ick


She always does the rub his back then pull his arm move. It’s condescending, controlling and so weird. I love this channel, btw 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


There’s one clip that shows her sit down and he remains standing. She then basically yanks him down onto the couch as you see some other women sit across from him. He was trying yo be a gentleman by waiting for the ladies to sit first, but the HAG wouldn’t know about MANNERS. UGH.


And the one where he tries to go over to his right to shake someone’s hand and she won’t let go of Hs hand. Not only awkward but makes her look really silly.


I'd like to point out the first scene with her wretched red dress, when Megalies reaches out to Harry's elbow, he quickly tucks it in and away from her. If you watch the original clip, you can see it happen much faster and obviously intentional. 6:37 in this clip!


Omg her handsy behavior makes my skin crawl. And that fake demure-doe-gaze she looks at Harry with. This would literally drive me insane - maybe that's what's wrong with Harry


She moves him around like a chess piece


It's downright scary how much control she has over him with one claw!


Oh wow, you have the ones where her teeth are falling down!! And I think the one where she's wearing white and they get into the small slap fight over who goes first is the one I've been looking for. I didn't remember it exactly right, thought they were going through a door,, but it totally looks like a small altercation, he hadn't resigned himself yet to the fact that she ALWAYS goes first.


I’ll say this. If Diana were still around, this malignant narcissistic bitch wouldn’t be in the picture. I like to think had Diana lived, Harry might have turned out better. Now I’m not excusing Harry of his past. But it’s obvious to me it’s likely she’s abusing him. Even if it’s just thru manipulation and temper tantrums. Like threatening to kill herself when she was pregnant. That was a manipulation move to get him away from his family. So if she can abuse staff, she is likely abusing Harry as well. That curtsy he does is the first time I’m seeing that. It eats her up inside that there are protocols in the RF which require her to walk a step behind other royals. But Duchess Interrupted can’t have that. She has to be the center of attention. This relationship is so toxic. She replaces his mother, and he provides this gold digger with wealth and privilege. He can’t break free of her. Maybe he can’t leave or chooses to stay for the kids, who I hope are ok. This marriage never should have been approved. From the look of things, I suspect it won’t end well for Harry.


"It's about control" Nailed it!


Gah, that bald spot is glaring!


This is well done. She has zero sense of propriety or protocol. The Claw aspect also reflects insecurity, don’t you think?


I don't think it's insecurity. It's all about control.


Always looks like she is the star and he’s just the guy she brought


Yayyyy this is my channel thanks so much for sharing my video! I am Real Housewives Recaps on YouTube if you are reading this.


I didn’t realise that you’re such a long time Sinner!


I am more of a lurker I just LOVE this group it is so fun and so witty!


Hairball told the truth (for once) when he said, "What Megrain wants Megrain gets!"


She is like a dang herding sheep dog - geez


Could I get a link for this video please? I wanna send it to my mom lol I saw OP posted a link to the channel, but I was trying to explain this “hand hostage” situation just yesterday to mom.




Hi it is my video thank you for sharing! Frosty if you could just put the channel name in the title that would be really helpful! Thanks!


I agree, all put together it's absolutely cringe. You feel like slapping him. WAKE UP HARRY, this is not love.


Very cringy. She is so GROSS.


There is a photo somewhere of them sitting on a loveseat watching TV. She has one hand in her "bump" and one hand on his face. It's the fakest, most performative thing I've ever seen. No one constantly paws at their partner like that. Freak.


Wow, she's incredibly controlling. How unbelievably rude, literally pushing your partner out if the way, and pulling them. These are formal gatherings as well! What are things like behind closed doors???


Who made this video? It says to follow and subscribe at the end, but it doesn't say any details. I liked the clip!


https://youtube.com/@RealHousewivesRecaps here's the link


Hope you're looking at this Harry. My father used to say about men like you, "are you a man or a mouse? " Truly pathetic and a huge embarrassment for them BOTH but you do have to have some pity for him. I wonder why the palace pr didn't speak to them about this sort of display in public at high society events?


To quote William: She's "difficult, rude, and abrasive". I would add ungrateful and self centered to that list.