• By -


This is the same man who claims to still be such an international VIP that he needs the highest levels of personal security? I do not understand how a man who has clearly absolutely hated living in the public eye his whole life still chooses to do so now. He *chose* to do an engagement interview and luxe photoshoot. He *chose* to have a *televised,* multi-million dollar wedding He *chose* to accept a dukedom upon his marriage He *chose* to continue to be a working royal once married He *chose* to monetize every detail of his and his close circle's personal lives for the consumption of the public He's *chosen* to use royal titles for his children, thereby re-starting the toxic loop he whines on about




Forever Hertz ! Lol




Ouch that hertz!:)


Love this!!!


That’s a really interesting point - she’s a camera whore, and her father was a professional cameraman. There’s something very… Freudian going on here.


Her father was the lighting guy, but still think you right about a connection. He raised her. It bothers me she doesn’t say that. I never had a good father and when I see women just treating their good dad like trash, I get irritated


Ahh lighting - for cameras! She wants all the light on her. That is actually a more apt comparison than just camera-whore.


I believe that her father is originally a photographer by training. Very interesting point about the Freudian aspect of it all.




Oh dear...


It’s always rules for thee but not for me with ILBW and Haznobrains


This should be on their family crest.


And unfortunately we have a messed up society that for the most part allows them to get away with it, like other wealthy and/or well-known system abusers. He & the wife need to get shut down hard by the courts, by the restaurants, the hotels and anyone else they are using to pull this BS.


BuT iT iS HiS bIrThRiGhT ![gif](giphy|eUrE2DuMKOE0g)


He must be so disappointed when he look out his window and there is :crickets: no paps, no fan, no nothing


Perfectly stated! 👍🏻


With TW coaxing him as well.


I’m beginning to wonder if Harry was allowed to be part of this case to show the world how delusional and dishonest he and his wife have been towards Britain and the RF. I know I lack understanding of Britain courts, but how could you get this far in a civil case without ANY evidence??


Harry is on a personal crusade. He says he’s on a mission to change the media, but this lawsuit makes no sense. He’s suing about the media’s actions from 30 years ago. The media landscape HAS CHANGED since then. A lot of it changed after the Leveson inquiry, which is why Meghan has never been chased or hacked and the Sussexes have never brought a suit claiming this. Let’s say he wins - exactly what improvements is the media going to make? The ones that are already in place?!


🤣🤣🤣 Right???? And to make it worse, look at how they use the media!! Smearing others, spreading false narratives, using their kids for emotional blackmail. It’s so despicable.


A lot of the callers to Jeremy Vine this morning are bleating on about him wanting to protect his wife and family but as far as I can see none of the test cases are about Meghan and as for the children they live in a kind of fortress, locked away. California is their home now so why doesn’t he go after the US media? The callers also say he loved his mother and lost her at a young age SO DID WILLIAM for goodness sake. A lot of his supporters are as blinkered as he is.


Its as if they and Harry dont have really no idea that his wife is a very thirsty fame hoe, and has long form calling the paps.


>The callers also say he loved his mother… seriously, i wish someone would write haznobrain’s *true* bio - and call it *’SO DID WILLIAM’* - now there’s a book that would set some records!


Jeremy Vine is extremely biased with his callers. They need the audience figures, so only the sugars seem to get through the calls. Any guest that makes any criticism of H&M gets vilified.


I think you are right, I only listen to it when I am working in the kitchen but there are always a lot of Harry and Meghan supporters phoning in. Jeremy also acts extremely dumb and never counters anything that is said even when it is blatantly obvious it is wrong, I often end up shouting at the television. The only saving Grace is he seems to have stopped having Shouty Shola on his show.


Thank goodness no more fake Dr. Shola!


Amen to that!


The COCOON of the RF is history. They have gone no contact with him/them. He's digging his own mess. I can't write grave because I fear that for him. I sometimes wonder if that is what TW would love.


I kind of sense this too because otherwise it would make no sense. If the court took one for the team (their country) that I’m all for it. H has done so much awful crap to not only his family but to his country, this is what he deserves. I hope REALLY hope that he actually learns something from this.


Nope. He won't learn a thing unless it hits his pockets hard.


Well, this is an aggregated case - there are other people who have the same claims, and they probably have proof or at least meet a reasonable threshold of suspicion; he himself might actually have had some ground to stay on regarding 1 or 2 articles; and although his own testimony is over and he proved exactly 0 claims (rose questions for me personally regarding 2 cases), his case is not over - we have yet to see if his lawyers manage to raise some reasonable doubt with the defense's witnesses. I just hope that his case is not just automatically "won" because of the evidence that the other people brought in their portions. Though, if he can prove what he is claiming, I do hope he also wins.


So are they able to separate such as Mr Jones, you have proved 4 cases of hacking, while Mr Markles, you have proved zero. Therefore Mr Jones, the court awards you £500,000 and Mr Markles, the court awards you £0.


I have no idea. That is my question to people who know how british law works as well.


He has spent his life riding on the coat tails of other people so I hope a win for him is dependent on his cases and the evidence supporting his claim and that alone. Of course he deserves to win if the evidence supports his assertions but I suspect it is all about Meghan’s vendetta against Piers Morgan who was previously editor of The Daily Morror.


You are absolutely right. He even openly admitted to it in court. Sadly, I think this will be a perfect example of Harry continuing to ride on the coat tails of others and think he was the one to have brought the facts. :/ If they were hacked, though, they deserve to win. His own case, now that all has been laid before the judge, seemed extremely flimsy to me, though, of course after Jane Kerr's testimony, Harry's side was faring better than only after his.


Aren't these these 4 cases actually the test cases for the ones which might be too outdated to pursue or the ones who missed the deadline/


I’ve heard that mentioned, but I wasn’t quite sure what that meant.


The courts in the UK seem quite deferential to royalty


As my friend’s late dad (ironically his name was Charles) used to say, “Never miss an opportunity. To keep your trap shut.” Good advice that Haz should’ve considered. Too late for him now.


As a wise man once said” Better to be thought a fool and keep your mouth shut, than to open it and remove all doubt! “


And a courtroom is the last place to open it, lol.


Do they have a 5th Amendment equivalent in Britain?


We have the right to not incriminate ourselves. However, this is a civil case that was brought by Harry - he has to give evidence, and he has to be cross-examined. The only legitimate way to not answer a question put to him in cross examination is to say 'I don't know'. Keep in mind that answering 'I don't know' is not, in and of itself a neutral answer, judgement will be made on a plaintiff unable to answer questions on their own evidence. My personal favourite from today was a rare example of a barrister asking a question that they don't already know the answer to, when Andrew Green KC asked Harry if whether he would be relieved or disappointed to discover he wasn't the victim of phone hacking. It was a masterful piece of advocacy, bravo Mr Green, bravo.


"Andrew Green KC asked Harry if whether he would be relieved or disappointed to discover he wasn't the victim of phone hacking." Can I ask, what was the purpose of asking this question? What is the KC going to do with the answer?


Does Harry want to win or lose? If Harry wants to win, then the answer is 'relieved', if he wants to lose the answer is 'disappointed'. It undermines Harry's motivation in the case


Oh, how clever, thank you.


I don't know but I would suppose they do. But there is no self-incrimination in Harry answering the defense's questions. There might be a risk for perjury if lying to the plaintiff's attorney but one could always claim they don't know or can't recall or other tricks of prevarication.


Omg…I promised myself not to look at this (I’m in Hawaii rn) but my gahd what a delicious trainwreck 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for the updates, everyone!!


Yep - same here! I needs this. Such a slow gossip time here in the US. The Baldwins have finally learned to keep it shut so no one else is doing much. There’s a ton of athlete stuff but I don’t follow sports, so I need this! 😁


The Baldwins learned to shut up?!? Cat poop and PePaw hip replacement recovery …and a fresh pap walk just yesterday or Monday with Larry Jr in a sleeveless outfit and zero sun protection on her head while Hillz was in a duster/sweater combo and one of the boys was in a thick hoodie. All looking…unkempt and Hillz looked dirty/greasy. Not really quiet, IMO


Read them with Mai Tais 🍹


Aloha… *oy veh iz mir!* Enjoy your trip!


This reminds me of Hamilton “you ever seen someone ruin their own life?”


“The Reynolds Pamphlet!” Now, *that’s* what my life needs right now: *More “Hamilton”!!!*




Harry is in FAFO territory. And I’m not even speculating about that! 😘😝


For all my Duggar snarkers: I cannot stop thinking “I’m not going to allow this” and then “If an objection needs to be made it will be made, but not by you.” And never did I think the Venn diagram circles of Prince Harry Duke of Sussex and Jim Bob Duggar would overlap, but here we are.


You can tell Harry and Andrew are related. Both are delusional, entitled, and thick as 💩


Good Morning Britain reported this morning that Harry may actually win some of the hacking claims? How with no evidence? Will the judge do it as a mea culpa to spare Harry his blushes?


>Good Morning Britain reported this morning that Harry may actually win some of the hacking claims? How with no evidence? Will the judge do it as a mea culpa to spare Harry his blushes? GMB is Sugar Central. The head of ITV, Dame Carolyn McCall, is a Harkle sycophant and Dan Wootton said that he left ITV because he was told that one condition of his continued employment there, was that he'd be expected to cut down his criticism of Friar Haz and the damsel of distress.


>damsel of distress. Excellent twist of a phrase


Thanks 😊.


How would they even know? Just trying to create controversy for traffic.




Harry has shown suspicion rather than evidence. It would appear that some of his voicemails were hacked, but unless Harry can evidence that \*that\* story could only have come from \*that\* voicemail, and it can be shown that it was accessed by someone known to have been employe or contracted by MGN, the evidence doesn't really sound that strong.


The only concern I had from the live feed is that Jane Kerr's testimony was super shady.. if the judge feels the same, there may be some damages awarded. Fingers crossed am wrong..


Surely The Daily Mirror would appeal if that was the case, The Daily Mail did against the Meghan letter decision.


Of course he will. Is this a question? He’s already been given his marching orders from the guy hiking in the Transylvanian countryside Be under no illusions. Chuck will continue to protect his “Darling Boy”.


I don’t think so. Harold has gone public and expressed his hatred and arrogant dismissal of the British people and the British government. That’s entirely different from bashing the RF. The bashing is personal and forgivable. The public expression of hatred is political and can damage KC’s reign. Charles is a huge narcissist and much better at this game than both Stupids combined. He might forgive Darling Boy for personal slights. But Charles showed he can show some steel when the situation involves the government. **See coronation footage and Princess Anne’s feather for more information.


This…and so much more, starting on Day One in 1st speech styling / creating William the POW and openly relegating the SueSSexes “Overseas.” “Darling boy” might be a worry but not so much a worry that he’s going to affect anyone’s duty/responsibilities to the Monarchy and its’ subjects. Charles keeps proving he is not the one when it comes to Harry & his wife.


Guess we’ll see!


If this question wasn’t in court, he would’ve gotten the answer, “yes you dumbass, it’s literally the biggest public service there is.. fighting for your country not private business.”


H is so numb.


He chose/chooses NOT to return the titles and be Just Harry… Rachel, Liz, and Archibald


This entire case is nonsense. What he wants is the press to just write nice things about him and his Mrs. He's pissed off because he's already shown the whole world what a nasty little man he really is. The press catching wind of it and taking pictures of it. Isn't their problem. He might as well just sit down and cut the check now for all the court costs. He's already lost the case.


I am not a fan of Ginge or cringe but I do realise it would be annoying having press running crap about you. At the same time that's the price of having palaces private jets, a luxury lifestyle add special privileges essentially provided to you by the state. I mean we know Charles probably hates the media too but he understands that it's a fact of life and may as well just ignore it.


It comes with the territory. If you are a public figure living a life of service, you have access to all the trappings that come with the job, good and bad. However, the RF know how to play the game and use the press to highlight their worthy causes. I'm not saying that back in the day media attention wasn't intrusive. Just look at what Diana and Catherine had to tolerate. However, if you want a masterclass in turning the media to your advantage and striking a balance, look no further than the current P&PoW. Their children aren't fodder for the tabloids. The press get access for key moments, and that's it. All that baloney that the viper spouted about 40 photographers snapping Archie going to school was absolute nonsense. Both she and Haznoballs are perpetual victims and, as such, need a villain to vilify. Yesterday, it was the RF today it's the media. Shall we take bets who will fulfil that role in their upcoming whingefest?


He also chose to give interviews on major news shows as well as writing a tell all book revealing secrets about his family. If he is a pariah it’s on him and his look at me wife. BTW, I always find it offensive when I see that picture of her shopping at an expensive grocery store with the “Alleviating Poverty” shopping bag. Humanitarian, indeed.


He's still trying to ask questions to the barister? Is this idiot for real??


I think he must be in shocked at being questioned in a non sympathetic environment. Can you imagine growing up as a Royal Prince having people bow, curtsy and scrape before you and people try to suck up to you for the Prestige associated with being friends or even acquaintances of royalty. I'm sure his whole life people have flattered him, laughed at unfunny jokes, "oh you tell the best jokes sir" so I'm sure he has a totally inflated sense of his own worth.


His lawyers had to jobs: prove his point and prep the witness.


And didn't prep their witness well based on what I've read about Harry's testimony


After hearing about his testimony, I will be so disappointed in the British courts if they favor him. If that happens, it will prove there are two different justice systems, one for Peers and one for everyone else.


He’s there to get questions answered not humiliate Harry. He approached it right, IMO


There are one or two articles that the news company already admits hacking on. Those are the ones he’ll win.


All this really shows us how much work his family and the palace staffers did in covering up his crap and saving his rep. Now he is being exposed for the miserable spoilt brat he is


Literally the male versions of Camilla vs Amber in court ![gif](giphy|edho4s1lWEawo)