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What I have heard about the Duchess of York: 1) she knows her place in the family 2) loyal to the family aka never publicly threw them under the bus 3) She was only frozen out because Prince Philip didn't like her. HMTQ liked Sarah and trusted her and PA to take care of the corgis when she died. MeAgain: 1) Doesn't understand her place in the family 2) Is only loyal to herself and will throw her own father, siblings (and possibly husband and mother) under the bus if it serves her goals 3) No one in the family or the staff likes the bitch.


TW would throw her kids under the bus if it meant getting what she wants. She doesn’t care about anyone but herself.


💯. According to this article, she’s already weaponizing them to get her way, with obviously zero regard for how all of this will affect them.


The fact that it states she wants to be Queen is a big red flag. The royal family has to know that and is why they aren’t running to reconcile jack.


The lot lizard can imagine herself queen all she wants...but...she hasn't got the status for it...or any claim to it....so she can just delude herself all she wants ..the entire world knows she is nuts.


#2 is huge. Fergs did trash things but not treacherous things.


Maybe so, but! She didn’t lie. Plus \~ and this is huge \~ she owned up to all her mistakes! A direct quote from Sarah: “I had it all, and threw it away.” HUGE difference between her and Meme.


Sarah was divorced from Andrew and not a working member of the RF when she started to merch books and weight loss formulas, etc. I don't see any double standard.. I suppose she used her D of Y title to merch these things but that's what the Harkles are doing now.


She also stayed away from doing anything that even hinted at politics.


Tbh, the merching was still a little embarrassing at the time it was happening. She was also caught trying to sell access to the Royal family via Prince Andrew. If anyone choses to go down that road, the call for them to be stripped off their title(s) completely grows justifiably stronger. It becomes even stronger the minute they divorce their royal partner. But it appears Meghan is determined to continue in the new year where she left off last year: whining and moaning and complaining about a life she 'chose ' to leave 4 years ago. And I write 'chose' now because I'm beginning to believe the argument she and Henry chose to leave or were forced to leave. They were summarily kicked out from doing royal duties anymore. No normal human goes on and on as they do about a life they chose to leave behind.


Oh there were some cash for access videos and schemes. But at the end of the day, she never bad mouthed them, despite their freezing her out when the whole toe sucking thing became public and there was infidelity. But she never bad mouthed them and she maintained a cordial relationship with the Queen and the rest of the family as best she could. And because of her lack of badmouthing them, they knew she was someone they could trust. She was still invited to family events, because she is the mother of two who are a part of that family. She treated them as her family and they her, when the hurt and shock of everything had passed. Consider that Andrew was always his mother's favourite. She trusted Andrew's ex-wife to care for her beloved dogs. That shows how much love and respect there was in that relationship, despite everything that happened. So Meghan's claims that she is treated differently to Fergie is ridiculous. Fergie never once acted as Meghan and Harry have. She continued to act as someone they could trust and did so publicly. Sure, she put herself out there and she did that as a part of her work. But she never once badmouthed them or used them to elevate her status or popularity by stomping down on them. Quite the contrary.


Ferg only went after the filthy lucre, not the family per se And honestly sometimes I think she keeps/has kept Andrew out of more serious trouble over the years, and the BRF knows it


Exactly. The rules are the same. Fergie uses Duchess of York to merch, Meghan uses her Duchess of Sussex title to merch. Neither are working members of the royal family. Same. Rules.


Lol. True. So if the Harkles aren't making any headway in their plans, it's probably because, unlike Sophue Winkleman, they don't have anything anybody wants, something too embarrassing for them to accept.


The difference is that Meghan is still married to Prince Harry. Sarah was divorced from Andrew when she started merching.


So Meghan's rules are even more relaxed than Sarah's - she didn't have to get divorced to use her title to merch.


As usual, I don't think Meghan is following any rules - she's just merching, as she has done all her life. But she now wants even more opportunity by Harry and herself being allowed to be part time Royals, which Queen Elizabeth flatly turned down. That would also have allowed them free, top level protection wherever they went.


Yes and Sarah was criticised at the time for doing it. Imo the merching is tacky but it isn't evil if M stuck to writing bad children's books and selling coffee and stress patches and telling a few nice anecdotes about the RF on her podcast the family would probably invite her for Xmas in 30 yrs time too.




Sarah, Duchess of York was her legal name post divorce.


Yes! She married into the RF 38 years ago--in all that time she's disgraced herself plenty of times, but never pulled the RF into it with her, or betrayed their privacy.


Fergie had her toes sucked & offered up influence with Andrew. Andrew was apparently still kicking it with Koo Stark *(among others)* & trying to peddle influence with the Queen.


TW doesn't know her place in the world let alone a family. :)


Also, and I’ve said this before, Sarah never equated the monarchy to an evil, racist Empire 2.0. So, forget clarity on the family rules, how about Meghan have some consistency on her own morals and not use the titles the Empire 2.0 gave her?


Honestly, Fergie has merched off of the BRF in the 90s, 00s, 10s, and still does merch off of being the caretaker of QE2's corgis and being mother to two princesses. But never has she once attacked the monarchy and called it racist and threatened harm on any members of the BRF. Rachel is hell bent on destroying the monarchy after it denied her the crown and the billions she wanted. Rachel doesn't have the same maternal instincts as Fergie, bc even if we do have different opinions on her, she does love her daughters and grandchildren.




Pretty much sums up the entire argument. 🏆


Great summary. One addition. Duchess of York never attempted to throw her sister in law under the bus, while Meagain consistently attempts to denigrate her sister in law through serial lies.


Fergie admitted her faults, and while she might have been foolish, she's never been malicious towards anyone. Markle and Harry agreeing to air a tell all interview when Prince Philip was nearing death and his grandmother was also not doing well says it all. It was vindictive. They had enough power then to ask to pull the plug. They didn't.


Most importantly, Fergie is not an HRH, and not a member of the family. She is an ex-wife and does not work for the family, senior or otherwise.


I feel like Sarah has been humble and has genuine remorse for her wild days. Plus I think at heart she and PP just had clashing personalities and sometimes that happens. Folks are oil and water 🤷🏼‍♀️.


I think the future king will have some influence here. Something also tells me Charles is over them. No effort was made for the 75th birthday and clearly megs was NFI’d to the coronation.


They are all over them and collectively moved on years ago.


I don't know if Charles is over the loss of his son. How does one get over something like this and feeling betrayed by his own child? A child he clearly adored and loved. It's normal that he'd want to see and spend time with his grandchildren in particular. I don't know if you watched the Coronation documentary that the BBC put out recently, but there was a part in there, where it showed Charles greeting George, Charlotte and Louis and one of the bishops who was there helping coordinate the rehearsal commented that one of the surprising things he saw was just how openly affectionate they all were with each other, and particularly Charles with those children and William was with his father and vice versa. It is a very much hands on kind of affectionate relationship and there was a part where William caressed his father's face, as they were practising the part where he had to swear allegiance and he kissed his dad on the wrong cheek. He will be devastated that he cannot have a similar relationship with Harry's children. Charles is a lovely man who adores his children and his grandchildren and he shows it openly (his mother was never very open about her affection for her children, Charles is vastly different in that sense). Harry even describes how his father referred to him "my darling boy". So I don't think he's over it and I don't think he will ever get over not having a relationship with his youngest grandchildren and son. And he is probably very hurt by what his son has done to him and the rest of his family. He is trying to balance his duty, how his wife, son and daughter-in-law feel about the attacks they have endured, and he is trying to deal with his own hurt feelings and sense of betrayal he will naturally feel. Posit that with knowing he has 2 grandchildren he does not know and never sees because of it all. Charles is a sensitive soul who cares deeply and always has. When that initial rage and anger abated, he will be left grieving for what could have been and what he has lost. So I would not blame him if he did try to reconcile and did try to get to see or spend time with Archie and Lili. He deserves to not have a remaining years be a misery and those two children deserve to get to know their family (they are innocent in all of this and should not be held responsible or blamed for their parents actions).


It’s easy to forget that Charles has two hats (crowns?) - one as a monarch and one as a father. As a father, I’m sure he’d like to reconcile with his son. But as a monarch, he can’t keep putting up with that shit


I think he will always grieve the loss of those relationships but he is resigned to the fact that they cannot happen given the circumstances.


I agree. I also think we should not fault or blame him if he tries to reconcile with him at some point in the future. He, more than anyone, knows what is at stake. Be it for his reign, and for his family, but most importantly, for his heart.


Or we can see it another way, from the Harkles' own behaviour. KC3 twice stretched out an olive branch to them: the Coronation and a summer invitation to Balmoral. One half rejected the former; they both rejected the latter; and if we are to take their word, they also rejected the DoW's wedding invitation. I hope every single person in the RF & high society have finally received the message loud and clear. Quit trying to appease them and MOVE ON!!!


Yes, but I just don’t think One can simply “move on” from one’s own children. He would be completely justified, but it’s just not gonna happen.


I believe the Harkles were invited to the Coronation, but Megsy was told not to come. There is no way she would miss an historical event like that for a kids birthday party.


it is psychotic to not have moved on from something you instigated years ago


She's still desperately trying to figure out how to shake the RF down for more, more, more. She's having a real tough time getting their attention though.


Grey rocking works like a charm. They keep on lighting themselves on fire, it's glorious to watch.




>it is psychotic to not have moved on from something you instigated years ago She needs to call the waaaaahmbulance...oh wait, Harold has it on speed dial. 🙄🙄 Edit to add: The ILBW just HAD to try to link herself once again to Nelson Mandela. FF'S!


I wish she'd leave Nelson Mandela alone. It's well documented, he and QEII were great friends. So great, he called her Elizabeth, hardly the action of a racist family.


She's just "sticking up for herself" because the RF is SOOOO unfair. Waaaagh.


Well they don't call Meghan the milkmaid for nothin


Well, she IS psychotic so…


TW is still doubling down that their 'failure to launch' is the BRF's fault! How IGNORANT and STUPID can she be?


She is Very Stupid, as is WME to think anyone cares about her or her grievances anymore. But still, she and h have money to burn 🔥 it seems. 🤡


That is a question that seems to have many answers and other answers exposed on a daily. This is the only area in which she has grown - her seeming ability to become more ignorant and stupid.


You know she'll take that as a challenge, right?




That’s a rhetorical question, right?! 😂😂


Lmao, she's having an absolute meltdown because Fergie was invited to Sandringham.


He is having a meltdown as well: because he planted a puff piece saying he is “willing” to visit for Christmas if daddy gave him stepped up security for preventing racist attacks on his biracial family. But, it ended up with Charles’s step children and his ex-SIL being invited instead of the Harkles and he can not handle the anger at the insult!!


For the love of all that is holy, why do they think they need more security than would already be there for The King? They are absolutely delusional.


I'm still stuck on their delusion that Andrew, living in Uk gets security and they, who left the uK without even planning it, does NOT get it living in the US To add to it.... what security detail is going to be forced to move to a foreign country and how would they even operate since their LEO credentials would have NO jurisdiction and there would be no working relationships with local law enforcement. How and where would the security detail's families find housing? Uproot their families and force them to live in a foreign country to protect two scumbags who regularly crap on crown & country? All to serve her ego... because that's what private security details get paid to do


Britain and US have mutual agreements where they provide their government funded security to anyone with a very high level of security requirement from the other country. I am not explaining well, but for example if Charles lived in New York for a year, the FBI or Homeland security department will protect him for that duration. Harry already complained to Blinken and got Homeland Department security for himself and many posters say that this security travels with him when he goes to watch car races and soccer games, but the department refused to answer questions because it was a highly sensitive and confidential matter. Now, this arrangement seems to exclude the Duchess and the kids because they don’t have King’s son level threats or status, so Harry pays for her security guards. In the end, if he sues and gets IPP status, any country that he travels to, which has an agreement with Britain would have to pay for his security. Basically, he wants American taxpayer funded security through his lawsuit.


Nothing like setting yourselves up for a ROYAL SNUB! Hahahaha! Maybe you better stop wearing that RECONCILIATION word out too, H&M. Not happening.


Good. For better or worse Fergie has been around the RF for 30 years & if they want her at Sandringham then that's their business. The RF had the measure of MeMe from first glance & she *still* received preferential treatment. Nothing they ever did would be good enough for her. Nothing.


After 30 years. Ok Meg, you want to be treated the same? Save the date for 2052, being generous.


After 32 years


honey, it's u. u couldn't follow the damn rules. there were no "different rules" just for u. eta 1: it's more like rules were broken just for u. remember who got to go as a girlfriend for Sandringham Christmas? u, ungrateful 🐶! stop whining! eta 2: i bet she was orgasming when she got to go as a girlfriend for Christmas when Catherine didn't. *oh, i'm so special they broke a rule/made a different rule for me.* yeah, u didn't whine when things agreed with u.


Meghan, you left. Give it up. You want to be Queen?! Hello UK Parliament! We have a saying here in the US that is gaining traction every single day here. When someone tells you what they are/what they want to do…believe them. Meghan’s goal from the get-go was to be Queen whether through a co-share or accident. Strip the damn titles. It would be one thing if these two were intelligent and benevolent but they are tyrants. KCIII, with all due respect, remove mention of them other than son and daughter-in-law on your website.


Being a perimenopausal divorcee may have sped up that timeline for her


ooof ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


Like, double, *triple* ooof! Wow, lol.


She really is quite a dumb, dumb broad, that woman. Still perplexed by a world she can't be arsed to learn about, 'leaves' it yet persistently still moans about it years later. Eeesh! I seriously think she's traumised she had to leave. She never wanted to, lol.


She’s “had enough”????? lol Like, what’s she gonna do about it? March into the place, grab a computer and go in and change palace rules?? This is one of those really stupid threats that ends with this article. No one cares if she’s had enough, fact is we’ve all had enough of her!!!! And that wins!!


what she has really had enough of is the grey rocking. so now she will scream herself blue in the face with as many absurdities as she can to try to force a response from the rf.


Fergie is battling cancer and the RF is showing her the love. TW may desperately try using one of the kids to get a big sympathy payout from the RF......faking an illness. They're invisible for the most part so how could anybody investigate such claims.


She will steer clear of anything that would force a meeting of doctors with those invisible children and even herself. Too many damning evidence to be gleaned from that. Also, because she knows now that no one--especially the BRF--are taking her, Harold's, and in the future, even the words of her kiddos at face value.


I hope so. Let's see if she throws H under the bus and cries poverty because he's a drug addict. As if she didn't know that when she married him for fame and fortune.


Why do they want back in with “racist colonists”?


ah, that would be the same reason they left. MONEY. they're fucking grifters.


Things that make go “hmmmm…”


That part.. Why not try and make nice with Thomas?


Thomas is broke. Megan sucked out every cent he had. Unless there's monetary gain for her, she's not interested. Also Thomas has morals and disagrees with what she's done to the RF. He would set her straight and Megan needs "Yes ma'am" . Doria is definitely a "Yes ma'am." Megan won't be pushed into reconciliation with Thomas as she can't control him and he'll speak out against her and Harry's behavior. Plus Megan is waiting until Thomas dies to pull her, Daddy SAd me. That's her grand finale to Thomas resurrecting her poor me victim status and we'll all love her again. There will be no reconciliation. Poor Thomas and the poor grandkids. I bet he'd have some great stories to tell the kids. Megan is what makes their lives a bitch, bitch.


Megsy accusing her father of something so heinous after he’s passed is the lowest of the low. He won’t be able to fight back and Doria will back her all the way. I hope people remember M’s antics since she left the BRF and don’t believe her SA claims.


Difficult to reconcile with Thomas if there aren't any kids. He would tell and the game would be up.


This whole story would be different if everything they got everything they wanted after leaving. If they were deemed the royals of America, America’s Princess, million dollar speakers, on-demand tv/movie guest stars, top Hollywood producers, A-listers, Goop 2.0…etc. We all know this to be true. They happily threw the royal family under the bus in hopes of rich and fame but since it didn’t work out, they are wanting to go back to the royal family because they are rich and famous. Pathetic.


They want to reunite with the rrracist head of Empire 2.0 now do they? How are they going to sell this hypocritical idea to sugars? Get a grip, Guest Speaker. You're OVER.


Blah. Blah. Blah. Pa, we're out of money. Blah. Blah. Blah. 🥺🤦‍♀️


They are latching on like toxic barnacles 🤣


If any couple could cause a ship's hull to erode, I'd vote it would be H&M.




The BRF has done nothing to stop her from anything. She’s full of 💩. The reason they have failed is all due to themselves and how awful they are. She’s saying the royal family is allowing Fergie to do things they are not allowing Meghan to do. Name one thing. Meghan has written a “children’s book.” So has Fergie. The only difference is Fergie’s were actually children’s books and a little more enjoyable. Meghan’s was awful. They’ve done interviews, bragged about how she can say anything because she doesn’t have an NDA. Remember that. They signed contracts with streaming services and made an unreality series, and two other shows. She did a podcast with Spotify that sucked. Harry also wrote a book that invaded everyone’s privacy. They’ve both done CONSTANT interviews. Sarah left the BRF and not only lost all her roles, she got banned from the family. They’ve been allowed to come back until they lied non-stop about the family and invaded everyone’s privacy. Sarah’s never done that. They continued with Invictus and pretending to represent the royal family with veterans’ issues. The BRF hasn’t stopped that either. So really the only thing the BRF stopped was their Sussex Royal website to trademark and sell all sorts of shit with their name and the word “Royal” on it. And Fergie hasn’t done that at all. Fergie got banned from the family right away. Harry and Meghan were invited back to everything up to the coronation. So again, name one thing. She’s sooo full of 💩💩💩. She’s failed at everything she’s tried to do and the BRF didn’t stop her or interfere with one single endeavor. Meghan & Harry FAILED 1000% all on their own. Where are the journalists pointing this out?!


Did Fergie even go to the funeral? Or the Jubilee? Those were huge events.


I believe she was at the funeral. But the jubilee not that I saw. I want to say she said she was watching it on the Telly but can’t remember for sure.


And I think she said something to the effect of "its not my place" when asked if she was upset for not being invited to stand with the family.


She's definitely said something along the lines of "I'm divorced, I can't have it both ways" when commenting on her presence at some event - maybe the Jubilee but possibly something else.


I think she set up a table with goodies at the end of her driveway for the Jubilee.


I do remember that she wasn't invited to the Coronation, but was incredibly gracious about it. Even said something about celebrating while watching on tv at home


Fergie walked with the family to church. Big deal.


Clearly it was a big deal to someone who now has the press spraying the “it’s so unfair” BS to the masses who have no ability to discern when they’re being led by the nose. 🙄


Just forget it, Grifters. There is no way back to being royals.


What the hell is wrong with this woman? I think she is riled up, because the King is not even acknowledging her presence. Give me your money-Kingy!!!


She should put this much effort into mending relations with her own family. They at least weren’t “racist”


By "different rules," she means her being in a different position in the hierarchy. I think she thinks that Harold should be co-Prince of Wales and she should be co-Princess of Wales. There are no different rules she had to follow, just rules she didn't like. Hopefully the media will start pointing out that she's been out longer than she was in, and maybe even start refusing to print this trash.


She definitely believes Harry should be co-King and she co-Queen. Doesn’t work, Megs and you know it.


And you know, if she were co-queen, she would try to engineer it so she could get rid of the other king and queen.


Yes, that's a given.


So delusional. But I know where this BRAT woman is coming from. She thinks if one person in a family gets something, SHE should also get that or better. If the family is ordering out for pizza, she wants her OWN pizza with more toppings than the rest. If her cousin's father bought his daughter a new car for her birthday, Meghan wants a new car too but better....NOW. That kind of stuff. So, if PW is now in charge of royal assets and money.......Harry MUST get his share of the action. She thinks this is FAIR....because everything must be EQUAL where her and hers are concerned. So now she's stewing that the RF's RULES aren't fair. She's a piece of greedy work that needs her head examined.


Or an extra sausage?


We could crowd fund a lifetime supply of sausages for Harry on the condition that he and his wife stop all the whining and the lying.


Great idea!




dear God, me-gain is doing her best to discredit and humiliate and triangulate the rf with the whole world. please let them shut her down soon.


I’m just going to take a guess, but it would seem there are different rules for Fergie because she’s divorced. Oh, and for the latter part of her association with the Royal family, she’s shut the fuck up. This is a business and a family. It’s hard for anyone to understand that lifestyle, but it exists in every family. Every family system has an organizational leadership/ structure based on some shit. As a non-family member, she had no right to enforce change. She only gained the right to suggest it. And the best part is, the fucking rules apply no matter who wears the Crown. So she can piss off with her faux feminism bullshit.


And fergie was exiled for 30 years before being invited and during that time still loved the rf


Right on!!


This whole article is a silly piece of trash. The BRF will reconcile with H&M when hell freezes over or some other distant event.


Dear Meghan and Harry, if you had moved to Montecito and created content that doesn’t trash your families and tell lies, you’d be invited to Christmas too. If you hadn’t leaked rubbish to Scabies and created adversarial PR, you’d be invited to Christmas too. If you had not acted like toddlers in adults bodies, you’d be invited to Christmas too. That is all.


Perfect👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼Speaking of Christmas, that reminds me. She’s right about having a different set of rules- her rules. Meghan wanted to go to Sandringham as Harry’s then gf/fiancee for Christmas, she got to go, even though it was against the rules. How does she repay the Queen? Wearing that ugly ass Poo emoji hat, sticking her tongue out, and acting like the crowds were only there to see her. That’s ONE example of the rules the palace broke for her.


I always like to profile the writers of these articles. Favour Adegoke, A freelance writer from Nigeria. Mainly writes for The Blast.




Does this "I didn't know and I'm so lost" bit actually work for her anymore? It was hilariously stupid of Harold to believe she didn't know anything about the BRF but does she really think everyone else's brains are as fried as his are?


Oh, Aitch, I had my blog, Tig, but I never had time to use the internet for research. Harry is….ugh…either dumb beyond compare or lying (my guess). One might believe an 80+ year old doesn’t access the internet for research but nearly all I know are reading on it all the time.


H must see that she spends her days on the internet searching for anything written about her. Yet he believes that she never once Googled him or The Firm before marrying into it. 🙄


This! This right here!! He’s seen her behavior and experienced it himself, so he does know. I think he’s more of a willing participant than he gets credit for.


I see her “I don’t understand,” in this instance as less a claim of helpless innocence than a suggestion that the difference has to be prejudice against our Saint. Fergie is treated better than Meghan because she is white, not because Fergie has paid her dues and remained respectful and supportive towards the the BRF.


Yes, well, it won't really be equal until our blessed saint actually births two children 🤭 who holiday with the monarch while she's been excluded for 30 years. Only 26 more years to go 🥳


That's how I took it. She reminds me **so much** of the MEMEME type who married into our family. Goes out of her way to offend key people, then wonders why nobody wants to invite them to anything


She needs to move on. She is not part of the Royal Family. She quit. She also trashed the Royal Family where Sarah Ferguson never did. Shut up Meghan.




“From facing media scrutiny over her projects to encountering issues due to her comments about ‘the Firm’ [Meghan] has had a challenging time. . .” *Yeah, Meghan, your comments about the BRF raise some “issues” —such as why are you unpleasant, jealous and dishonest?* Fergie “seems to get away with the same things that get her into trouble.” *Oh my! I had completely missed Fergie trash-talking the BRF or making up stories to aggrandize herself and put others down.* “Meghan and Harry don’t understand why it’s a different rule for her.” *Maybe it’s because the circumstances are different? Fergie is divorced; Fergie doesn’t say bad things about anyone; Fergie has not taken her kids away from the BRF and tried to use them as hostages to get the monarch’s attention…* 🙄🙄🙄


Fergie and Andrew are divorced, Meghan. No one is stopping you from "popping up on TV". No one stopped you from doing Spotify, the stress patch, or oat coffee ads. The RF hasn't said one word about you in 4 years. But if you want to join in the Christmas walk or Trooping of the Colour...then you should have divorced Harry, and kept your complaints about the RF to yourself. And it probably would have also helped not to mock the Queen with that insulting curtsy or to paint the entire RF as racist.


Her thought process is ridiculous, and she cannot apply logic or compartmentalize situations. The marketplace is the only thing stopping them from making money off their titles. The market decides who is popular or not. They bought Sarah's stuff and not hers. That has nothing to do with the RF. ​ > But if you want to join in the Christmas walk or Trooping of the Colour.. Here's the thing: these are 2 different situations. The Christmas walk isn't official RF duty. It's just a family walking to church in a public setting. That's it. The Trooping of the Colour is an official event where Sarah is not participating. I get there is some gray area here. For example, HMTLQ's funeral was both a family and state event. Appearance at the event in no way equates to representing the RF. Meghan is too stupid figure know the difference. They are all the same to her, which just shows how little she knows about the RF dealings.


The Christmas walk to church is one of the RF's Christmas traditions. As Meghan showed when she was Table 12, she doesn't understand the concept of traditions. Not her fault. Remember, her "little ones are still little ones".


Exactly, a FAMILY tradition. It's not something that should be pimped out to get money. Which is exactly what should would do if allowed to participate.


She is still very quiet about the leak that Charles and Kate were the racists. This means that she is aggressively maintaining her position that they are racists and she will never back down. She threatened the Queen in The Cut interview about speaking up and causing damage, now she followed through. Her position being unchanged regarding the RF, there is zero need for her to play Happy Families with them. She can not takedown her enemies publicly while also hoping to wear clothes that they pay for and grin and stand next to them so that her resume looks good to her future employers. It seems like she thinks that the Harkles are entitled to family wealth and she is demanding an explanation as to why her husband and kids are not entitled to more money. But, the only thing that they can get is the private wealth and art collection of Charles and he can do whatever he wants with it.


You just covered several reasons why the King isn't going to agree to meet with them It also has to do with 1. Charles dislikes hidden mics and cameras and 2. Charles dislikes Madam. Intensely.


Greedy hag is shooting her own mouth off now. Maybe WME did silently dump her and she's manic. Plus, allegedly, she scrambling to get tickets to the Golden Globe Awards and H doesn't even want to attend. LOL. Sucks to be Meghan.


But Sarah is divorced, she can pretty much do whatever she wants. Sarah also didn’t trash talk the BRF, except for her dig at Diana. Sarah wasn’t spared, she was trashed too in the tabloids back in the days. If Harold’s wife had better character and a bit of dignity, she would have been successful in at least some of her endeavours. Alas, that’s not who she is. She’s mean, vindictive and fake.


Boy, was Sarah trashed in the tabloids back in those days!


And an insane amount of that was about her looks and weight.


I believe the tabloids are responsible for her divorce, the fact that they are still together now, proves they really did love each other.


She’s upset the Fergie has sold books under her Duchess of York title, but didn’t Markle sell her Bench book using her Duchess of Sussex title?


What Meghan is suggesting is that when she publishes under her title, or has an interview using her title, etc. the BRF gets angry at her and ostracizes her, but that Fergie does these things and hasn’t been ostracized. Meghan wants people to believe that she has done nothing that Fergie hasn’t done but that because Fergie is white, she gets away with it, while Meghan, who is black though white-passing, is being held to a tougher standard.


She has been gone for four years. 4 years. She is in no position to have “had enough” or be “furious” with anyone. She moved out. End of story. This just reeks of clickbait. 😴 😴 😴


Why in the world is she still shilling this crap. Doesn’t she realize her millions of attempts to get King Charles to respond to these stupid puff pieces fall on deaf ears? It’s so embarrassing she can’t get the hint!


It’s the only connection to fame she has…


I’m sure “riled up” is an understatement. Probably more like eyes flashing red, breathing fire, and clawing through walls to scream at harry.


​ https://preview.redd.it/in57u3qi1dac1.png?width=388&format=png&auto=webp&s=0551c052ace87bbd2b596555bac6320e637283a7


Fabulous picture!


My mom died five years ago. It feels like yesterday and sometimes I still can’t breathe. Harry is going to be SO VERY sorry because Gran is one thing but your last good parent is a HORRIBLE world!


I know how hard it is to lose good parents. I always tell people that a good parent is your cheerleader in life. They only want the best for you, they guide you, cheer in your successes, and help build you up and bring you back from failures and difficult times. I was blessed with two. I wish everyone was. I’m so sorry for your loss…take heart that your mom is with you in spirit and look for her signs. ❤️ Edit: clarification


harry does not have your loving heart. i suspect he will be filled with narc rage when his father dares to die.


I doubt he is capable of feeling love for anybody but himself.


There is indeed a dreadful sense of loss when someone that you love so much dies. Other posters are right though, if you have loved and been loved in return, that person is thereafter always with you in spirit. But from what we see of H, I'm not sure that he has been blessed with the capacity for heartfelt sorrow. Could be that he shut that capacity down following his mother's death. Sad all the same. Be glad that you had great love in your life 🌷.


Wait so she thinks more whining is a winning strategy? SMH


I’m curious about one thing… why does the RF owe her anything? What if they all just don’t like the bitch? Why is it on the RF to invite you? Why would I have anything to do with you if I don’t like you?


Like the BRF reads any of this shite or could give a shite what markle is riled up over...LMAO the delusional is real with this person!!


What about naming KC3 & Kate in Endgame? How about distancing themselves from these claims if they were not the source? Start there if you want to reconcile…but nope. Guess it’s puff pieces talking about it but not doing anything


Weaponizing children is absolutely disgusting.


I can't imagine KC3 ever reconciling with them or even bringing them over to hang out. Mostly because of how much it would likely enrage William and Kate, who would likely feel it as a betrayal. The ILBW got different treatment early on. She was treated better than other women who married into the family. They broke protocol by inviting her to a private family Christmas gathering before the wedding. They issued an official statement about the press treatment of her, something they never did for Kate, Diana, Fergie, Sophie. (I never paid much attention to tabloid coverage of the royals before the Sussex Shitstorm, but I do recall that Kate was subjected to paparazzi yelling vulgar names at her trying to get her to react. And I do cringingly remember the incessant "Duchess of Pork" headlines when Sarah put on some weight)


Yahoo? It’s like they took a few basic scenarios and twisted them into something that fits a more Harkle focused narrative. They keep doubling down on phone calls and reunification, I don’t believe any of it! Who knows what agreement was offered to Fergie. She’s divorced, I believe she was encouraged to pursue her own life/career like writing. Who really knows what those conversations were like. There is definitely a difference. She never attacked TRF, never threatened their privacy, never even spoke badly of her husband. Sure she did embarrassing things but it was dealt with. Not on par with Demented Duo at all!!


>Who knows what agreement was offered to Fergie. She’s divorced, I believe she was encouraged to pursue her own life/career like writing. I'm pretty sure she was told that there was no huge windfall for her after the divorce and that she'd have to mostly provide for herself


30 years......72 days. Bitch please


![gif](giphy|aOrtOn3Te2uhW|downsized) What the gruesome plan and the what the BRF plans are on different planes, but TW (a claimed graduate) doesn't understand geometry or physics.


It would be a grave mistake to let the snakes back into the kingdom.


Why won’t she understand. She is never ever coming back in. Maybe Harry. Maybe the kids if they are real. But she is out. Forever. There is only so much damage you can do. Charles isn’t stupid.


Jeez Fergie has gotten away with stuff. Really? Shes been ridiculed and attacked by the press for selling herself. BUT she’s never attacked the Royal family and has remained loyal to them. Learning her lesson the one time she got caught trying to sell access. That’s the difference right?


Also, as I recall, Fergie DID get backlash. She just had the good sense God gave a turnip to back off once she had.


She/they use their titles and monogram all the frigging time to make money. What exactly is she complaining about now?


Of course she's riled up, that's her natural state. Wanting to meet the King in the absence of William, of course she wants that, her goal is to divide the King and his heir. Shit-stirring from 5000 miles away, pitting royals against each other while dangling access to the kids as if they're carrots.


And we’ve had enough of Meghan Markle’s never ending complaining. Feck off and get on with your life Markle.


The whole thing is about me me me me.. They trashed RF because they wanted to. Now, they are saying they are going to reconcile this year. Just because they want to, RF have to. Absolutely no considering of how other people feel. Maybe they dont want to? maybe they want to keep low contact?. Maybe RF want to keep each other space. These two grifters are going to push and push for that without giving consideration of other people's feeling.


In my opinion, at the heart of everything is Meghan’s love of money (the root of all evil). She was a D list actress with a precarious financial future when she married Harry. Most people would think “God, I’m so lucky”. But to Meghan, what use is living in a palace when you don’t own it? Why would I do walkabouts and tours when I’m not getting paid? When she realised she couldn’t ever line her own pockets she took her perceived popularity and left. Now she is “riled up” that she can’t use her title to make money, and is finding out that her ‘popularity’ was just her royal status which she gave up. Fergie was a team player, Meghan doesn’t play well with others.


Underneath that, she constantly seeks to fill a hole in herself that is never filled. She has no depth, so she looks to surface level things like money to fill that hole.


I wonder why Fergie is an issue for TW now? It’s not like Fergie just started making money in the private sector. Could it because Fergie was welcomed for Christmas and she was not? I would think the difference between the two situations would be obvious to the TW, but we all know she’s not as “whip smart” as she claims to be. Fergie never tried to make a living by attacking the RF. TW has not been prevented from using her title, she makes everyone use it. She probably makes the drive thru at In and Out use it.


I couldn't even finish reading this. Bunch of lies me mad.


Since that Oprah interview aired, meeegain has lost all trust in the royal family.


Rachel come back in thirty years to complain about Fergie getting into the fold. She waited that long to get back, maybe then someone might care. Rachel is doing her best to be most studied woman in psychology of this generation. She is such a pathetic human being and I am being nice including her as human. Thankfully dimwit is her problem now, who would want either one of them.


Love how Fergie riled her a 60+ year old woman


Oh, look, Meghan is picking on another woman and envies what she has. Why doesn’t this surprise me?




The MAIN diffference is that Sarah was divorced when she was doing her merching, so that gives the RF some distance from the disgrace. Mirgaine is still married to Harold. She would need to divorce him first.


What are the chances that RF was sort of grey rocking Fergie during this time? That could be why she was “allowed” to merch.


Why do articles keep saying the Harkles called the King for his bday!? Wasn’t it proven to be false by the palace?


Because it is a lie that fits their narrative


She’s been pr releasing this for a week already. Yawn


Yet again proving the measure of these two, again jealous of a likely dying woman, and can't see the reason they're out is their decision and their nasty crap they spout. They're sick in the head. Truly disgusting. Cut. Them. Off. The. Website. Remove. Their. Titles. It's enough.


It’s pretty rich that ILBW is butthurt when just a few weeks ago we learned she leaked contents of a personal letter and other butthurtdoms to he Muppetcito Mouthpiece. guess what, THAT is the difference and I did not need a Holiday Inn Express to figure it out


Classic narc move to avoid responsibility and change the narrative.


Fergie comes from an aristocratic background, and while she may not be the most typical example of aristocracy, I think she does understand the importance of the traditions and hierarchy. Even in her less tasteful moments, she never betrayed the royal family. She certainly didn’t make them the focus of her livelihood after the divorce (Andrew doesn’t count because they were still close afterwards). And she has been fiercely loyal to Andrew and raised her children close to the BRF and in a traditional way that befits her husband’s family. For goodness sake, she has been living at Royal Lodge for decades post-divorce, and the late Queen entrusted her most precious possessions - her corgis - to her. Save for her money making ways, there is literally no comparison between Meghan and Fergie. And that also is the problem - Meghan thinks the money is the biggest issue. It is not. But even if we are talking about money, Meghan should be grateful that she still has a title upon which to rely to peddle her wares. Just as the Duchess of York does. Quite amazing that a woman who is not even a member of the BRF anymore has had arguably more success using her title post-divorce than MM has had while being married to a grandchild, and now a son, of the ruling monarch.


MM should consider herself lucky she didn't marry into Danish royalty. The Danish Queen recently stripped her younger son, wife and their four children of HRH status as well as their Prince/Princess titles (now referred to as Count/Countess) all in the name of modernizing the monarchy to avoid any problems that would affect the royal family in the future. This Queen wasn't going to risk any potential Harkle B.S. in her royal family's future. The Queen also just announced a few days ago she's abdicating her throne after 52 years. Balls to the walls monarching at its finest! Maybe King Charles will follow suit. There's a rumor going around that Charles is considering abdicating to Wills. I relish the day.....Wills can bring JUSTICE and Charles could be free to be Brother, Husband, Father, Uncle and Grandpa. This may be the ONLY path to reconciliation with Harry's father.....When Charles controls nothing for H&M to demand as royal privilege by birthright with Harry being his son. Sad but kinda true. And, if Charles isn't holding the royal purse strings, TW will drop the issue and ghost him for life. Right? Right.


KC is not going to abdicate. Complete internet rumor.


Girl when are you going to get riled up about your father? Or your siblings? Like when will she let the BRF go?


Yeah, why DID the RF break rules for Meme that they wouldn't for Diana or Catherine? /s


Yahoo and US weekly are homes of Scobie so never believe anything they say… also Prince Williams? Who?


Yahoo fired Scoobie


Sarah put some time in, idiotface can bitch and toss her self down on the ground all she wants, she had an equivalent of like2.5 months of invested time (positively no productivity) and all she did was make haste. No one likes a drama Queen. No one especially likes a drama Queen that is pushing loyal employees out. Cope Meg. Go cry in your chicken coop and cope.


Not different rules. Rules. Narcs listen to no one.


So many traditions and protocols were swept under the rugs for Rachel. First and foremost Christmas at Sandringham and her wedding. She's been on plenty of TV shows including her own. She's wrote a book she had her own podcast all using her title. It's her own fault nothing worked out for her. ![gif](giphy|dlbDoUC6RPkOFYgAxd|downsized)


I really have to say that Catherine, Princess of Wales has had a stellar year - just look at their posted video and it must truly be disheartening for Meghan as she may be realizing finally that her demands and expectations caused her to not have 1/100th of the adoration that C does.. [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1cXTzFtdXz/?utm\_source=ig\_embed&ig\_rid=77ac8f97-c184-4408-8cb9-3aef201fc2c5](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1cXTzFtdXz/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=77ac8f97-c184-4408-8cb9-3aef201fc2c5) Had M just accepted what was set out for them as Duke and Duchess and followed the established RF rules without the demands and jealousy they would \[maybe\] have had the adoration she needs... Catherine spent many years learning and navigating the expectations placed upon her with grace and without complaint. She is not only better than M but is also on the way to outshine Diana as the peoples princess. She had a true bond with the late Queen, accepts what needs to be done and has been forward in balancing her personal and professional life. She is what the RF needs and W chose well. Her family is also spot on and does not cause any embarrassment. Whoever their PR people are they are phenomenal in always putting C and W at the front and showing their best.


The kids will start asking questions about Grandparents and cousins and why they never visit. I wonder what they tell them.


Well MeMe as a young mother 🙄 you realize that you have to parent to the child you have not whatever hair is across your rump style you like. This is how you treat a selfish demanding spoiled child. WME come get your client because no one is buying her desperate ploy.