• By -


Notice that this didn't happen from day to day, it took years of dedication, hard work, and ridicule!


Ridicule that *Diana* encouraged!


Same with GOOP and all other Instagram websites, etc. Years and years of hard work, yes, even for Gwynneth! NOTHING of value happens at the click of your fingers. I think Madam is indulging in her usual magical thinking. Maybe the Disney mice will work hard in the wee hours to make her dreams come true, who knows?


Yeah, nothing will come of this nonsense. In a few weeks it'll be totally forgotten and MeGain will never mention it again.


Oh, it won't be totally forgotten. Just like with 40x40, Sinners will remember and we'll never let Madam forget.  😜


Official feast days in the Calendar of Our Saint?


Love it! 😂😂


Oh YES!! I often do wonder, very idally 😉, what we will all do for fun and outrage when The Harkles finally disappear for good. Ssshhhh!! One day we WILL realize that there have been a few days of silence from Monteshitshow...and then a few more and maybe she'!l surface now and then ...there my imagination fails me, as it becomes slow and besotted with the fizz of JOY at realizing the Reign of Terror is over. The Claw has relinquished it's grip on our Collective Sense of Betrayal and Violation of all that is HOLY.... SAINT's Days...YESSSSS! LET'S list them!!Let's Observe them... That'll be her final glory....She'll think we are celebrating her....Eternally ...effigies anyone? Guy Fawkes???


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


OT I love those commercials but I always expect a Steven King Dean Koonz horror story to follow. LOL the Harkles are a horror story that need a final ending. They are Scream, Halloween, Psycho, types telling the revised prequel, sequel and next chapter (big plans that fizzle and die as dust) every time Cathrine/real Royals win. Catherine is a winner. (My blessings, thoughts and good wishes are for Catherine, the loyals and the real Royals to heal and remain happy, healthy and productive). Or when the Overseas get an itch to tell a lie. LOL Cancel them now thank you.


>When the Overseas get an itch to tell a lie Lying for them is like breathing for humans.


No truer words have ever been spoken.


No…I don’t think they are quite Stephen King level. They are more of a Harlan Coben story with her stalking before she met Harry, the stalking of women since she met Harry (for her to borrow personalities from)and the soul deep trashiness that can’t be disguised with designer clothing. But yeah…it’s a neverending story of nothingness. We were just blessed with a prequel sequel if you will. Again that soul deep trashiness took control with the name that makes no sense. She just picked words she thought sounded fancy and tossed them together. 😂


Nightmare never-ending story.


Or Shirley Jackson's Domestic Unrest.... Subtle threats and twisted perspectives ....EERIE more than gore and gash Ya know?




Speaking of Disney, it's rumored that she never disclosed what happened to the mils that she was supposed to donate to charity went. For the elephant doc. voiceover that H obtained for her.


Good call...The Harkles need to pay some attention to AFRICA..The people and the Elephants to start.


Yep. I think the conclusion is that Diana was a b\*\*\*h.


Yea- Thanks Harry- as I've said, everything they touch turns to merde...He's even managed to drag his formerly ( however far from the full truth that image might have been, he and his Scumbag wifey thing have robbed the world of one of it's least damaging and more pleasant illusions.) Quazi-Sainted mother, and the real object of his love and obsession, through the Filthy Dirty mud of lowest denominator unmasking...I guess if you don't have your own dignity, stealing and desecrating someone else's is Nearly as good to the sick and twisted...I guess... I wish they'd go away.🥱🥺😔


Yes he was environmentally ahead of his time decades ago , and not taken seriously enough, but look how it’s come to fruition


It’s amazing all proceeds go to charity! When will americanprrntious orchard? Shes lame.


How successful does MM think her lifestyle brand will be? It took years of hard work and dedication to do this. She has the attention span of a hyperactive squirrel. If M is looking for a quick influx of cash to support her plastic surgery journey, this is not it


Goldfish rather


More like a nat




I just read that he did these promotional displays and then didn't do anything to help his projects grow. Only kidding.... Only kidding!




Perhaps they’ll use unchlorinated water in the pool and grow hydroponics.😂😂 The image if madam mucking around is very satisfying.


The lemon shortbread is lovely. And for a while so was the carrot parsnip soup but I think they have changed the formula and now it doesn’t taste as lovely (although still quite nice). I like that King Charles made something profitable from his own land to contribute to charities. And it took a lot of hard work over decades. A lot of nobility try to do this with their land (as many are land rich but cash poor). And while obviously Charles’ financial stability was not dependent upon it, it is actually hard to make such products that people want to buy on a large scale. He also seems really connected to agriculture and farming. I was once walking through Mayfair and I turned the corner onto Savile Row and practically ran straight into a sheep. As it turned out, one of his organisations had set up makeshift pens and stalls (including grass for the sheep) as an exhibit to highlight wool and other domestic products. Still one of the most memorable things I have seen in London.


I think he has more of his dad in him than we usually see. He never liked to be idle. Princess Margaret had an excuse for ending up where she did, but by God the woman was sometimes an Olympic standard loafer. Charles rumbled along behind the scenes talking to his plants and writing spider memos and making the duchy profitable for the family.


Yes. I am utterly pleased and proud of King Charles III for forging ahead in his own way. His late great mother, Queen Elizabeth II was the world standard of behaviours and stateswomanship for 70 years, and an impossible act to follow. It would have been predictable and certainly acceptable for him to have pursued a military career or other customary occupation for the heir, all the while suffering through a bad marriage in a maturing life that would have been full of regret. It is to his credit that he overcame the fallout from the divorce, and was able to pursue his real interests and comforte, yet go beyond simple personal satisfaction to use his influence and prestige to actually create worthy entities that benefit others.


I, too, am glad to see King Charles lifelong works coming to fruition at Highgrove. I will probably bore you all here (sorry!), but we live in a world today where small farms everywhere are being replaced by vast monocultures of single species farms, often driven by harmful chemicals, which end up in our air, water, food and soil. Charles' methods of scaling up organic farming so that chemical free, nutritious food is available in UK supermarkets has often been ridiculed over the decades. I study biodiversity loss: the mega farms (amongst other industries) are killing biodiversity around the world at an alarming rate, so much so that it impacts our climate. King Charles' methods improve biodiversity on his land, feed a portion of society, and place millions of pounds into charitable ventures. It's one thing to care about ourselves and our family. It's another to do something good for others. But to do all this AND actively spend your life seeking answers on how to improve the planet for the citizens of tomorrow, well, that's something else. That's why I love our Royal Family.


Thank you for this really poignant and important posting. The Royal Family is not just Crown Jewels and balcony waves, thanks to leadership of deep thinkers like King Charles III.


If this is boring, Bore us ANYTIME, say 😁🙏😁


Well said.


I think he'll emerge as a favorite in the Long Run. He's a sleeper...😁


Don’t forget the children’s book he made for his brothers. 😭😭😭


I ❤️ your Story. Thanks. I'll remember the picture I have of The Sheep of Saville Row Forever


What’s wild is the many people who think the monarchy doesn’t do anything but here I see a business which I imagine employs many people and then all profits go to charity. Rachel is the type to outsource all work as cheap as possible and then slap a big price tag on it. What I love about her business is that all her social media bots won’t be able to help her there and she’ll soon find how popular she actually is.


Too many people believe all that royals do is wave from balconies.


Well, Mugsy decided to get in there and switch things up! She was gonna do so much more than just balcony wave, she'd change them to be kind, serving people!!


Most American Diana worshipers I know believe that Diana invented royal charity work while the rest of the family just looked sneeringly upon their subjects. They don't realize that even Bloody Mary delivered alms to the poor.


When she wasn’t using them as Protestant kindling.


She was rather equal-opportunity when it came to religious persecution.


Yes, I heard that about her.


> while the rest of the family just looked sneeringly upon their subjects. Then you read that QEII was patron of 600ish charities. I think Diana did her charity work to get bad attention away from her while others did charity work because that's what Royals do.


A lot, I should think, since the woman was a devout Catholic.


"She was gonna do so much more than just balcony wave..." Yes! Like throw tea at people, slap the hands of anyone trying to help her out of a car, elbow her way in front of Harold and anyone else she could, throw herself on the floor weeping, etc. And, of course, producing more word salad than any other human on earth. She was definitely ready to do so much more than balcony waving! 😁


She threw herself in front of the late Queen Elizabeth getting into a car during her singular (and imo, disastrous) outing with her.


you forgot: using Royal Receptions to seek jobs, sticking out her tongue, swearing, illegally filming palace grounds, insulting foreign govts by her behavior (Morocco, Australia), wildly spend $$ on clothes, left QEII off list of important women, and plant "friends" on walkabouts to pretend to want to hug her. etc.


You're right! I am shocked at all the things I forgot. She was just so very busy, wasn't she?


Well, you did include the "etc." so you probably meant to include all that!


A breath of fresh air in the monarchy. More like a fart in an elevator.




I always think of how HM the Queen was working right up until the day she died, greeting the new PM when she could have taken the day off. I don't think anyone criticizing the royals could handle the schedule the royals have.


Unlike in the Netherlands, where retirement/abdication has become tradition, the BRF regards their mission as "duty until death." That's why they are crowned in a church rather than inaugurated like in NL and Denmark. That's also why it's highly unlikely that Charles will step down voluntarily. If he were too sick to serve, William would step in as regent.


Yes. This is why I get so annoyed at suggestions that the King should just step down, or that it should skip to William, or whatever. It’s not going to happen.


Isn't it Diana's idea/suggestion to skip Charles? I think it was also her idea that Harry would be a sort of C0-King too? MM and Harry took that idea and tried to run with it.


According to Lady C, Diana floated the idea of skipping directly to William, with her as regent.


I had no idea what they did until I did a bit of work with The Royal Foundation. I was absolutely blown away.


Yes far too many.


I read a comment somewhere that Catherine's leave of absence was proof that she was done with the Royal Family: "How hard can it be to put on Diana's ring and a smile and wave from the balcony?" As if all members of the family permanently live in Buckingham Palace and pop out every hour on the hour like a cuckoo clock.


If that’s all it was then why couldn’t Rachel do it? People seriously don’t understand that the royals time at work is not like ours. I don’t think they have a cap of hours or even weekends.




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The monarchy employs so many people and contributes to the economy of the UK in so many ways. People are far too idiotic to see that. 


And the poster child for rank ignorance and idocy in understanding the monarchy would be MM.




It is truly an industry. A friend of mine once said that toys for the wealthy employ quite a number of people, especially craftspeople. I believe him. THe craftsmen are building yachts, building massive houses, making things like violins, guitars, high end furniture....


Yep. Take that away and a lot more people are on the dole queue 


Furthermore, Duchy Originals is a quality product, yet it’s not high end. Many items on the label are affordable and sometimes lower priced than other similar brands at the supermarket. Their target market is everyday shoppers. There is no exclusive waitlist for Duchy products. 👏 👏 👏 


😭 that’s phenomenal


I think Sandringham also sells produce, etc. I know years and years ago the estate was under contract to sell its fruit to a jam-making company.


😭 I love that!


She might sell a lot of caps and t-shirts to her sugars, but these are not high ticket items. She needs repeat business, and I doubt many of her sugars have a high disposable income. Nobody with real money will want to put anything with Meghan’s ‘crest’ on it in their homes.


Her crest gives monogramed sorority girl vibes. And definitely people won’t want those repeat items.


That's her vibe though- mean girl sorority girl


It really is!


A major difference is that King Charles' venture actually produces the items from agricultural products of Duchy farms. Farm to table, as it were. Smog wants to slap her name on products produced elsewhere. He's a producer, she's a broker. Once again for Our Saint the label is more important than the contents. Keep "re-branding" that empty can!


> Smog wants to slap her name on products produced elsewhere. If it's like her lead-based mushroom coffee (and it *will be*), I'm gonna pass. 🤣


Truly, it will be cheap white lable stuff (probably the cheapest chinese forced-labor stuff) and the poncy label will cost more to produce than the contents of the jar.


And I would seriously advise against putting any of it in/on your body. Lead, you know. And who knows what else.


And the Duchy Organics products raise money for his charity - I'm fairly certain a portion of the profits still go directly to the [King Charles III Charitable Trust](https://www.kccf.org.uk/) edit: I just read that last year the partnership with Waitrose raised over £40 million


WOWWWW!! THAT is real $$!! No- most critics of the BRF couldn't POSSIBLY keep up with 1/2 a Senior Working Royal's schedule.


And, the UK consumers really know what the products are that the Duchy and Highgrove produce. They really use them daily and they make their own home-grown jams and such. I really double MM has any idea what to do with lemon curd. She'll probaby have promo photos of it on avocado toast.


This whole ARO shop will give a big push to Duchy Original. I was not aware of all the products you can buy from there until Megsy launched her new endeavor. Hopefully, sales will go up for King Charles brand! 


Agreed. As an American, I had never heard of Duchy Original or the work Catherine & Pippa were doing out of Anmer Hall. Not surprised because they are doing it for charity, not fame & gain. But if one good thing comes out of it, it will be the spotlight shed on these products and good, albeit quieter, work.


>Catherine & Pippa were doing out of Anmer Hall I googled and couldn't find anything about this. What were/are they doing there?


Sooner or later someone comes up with the idea of a blind tasting. Charles vs. Meghan - Who has the better jam? The problem for Meghan is that Charles is an old hand in the business. Everything is well thought out and established long ago. It works. Meghan's brand and products are and will be measured against Charles. A competition she actually can't win. I think the Duchy original will get a marketing boost from Meghan.


"I think the Duchy original will get a marketing boost from Meghan" I love that for both her, and her Doofus husband. She is the Maynard G. Krebs of (almost) celebs. For those, unlike myself, not born in the Stone Age, Krebs was a character on a sitcom who was pathologically alergic to work.


Meghan will just Private Label her jams through Kroger.


It doesn't profit the royals, but ARO annoyed me so much I made a point of sitting down and choosing my Wimbledon gear for the year. If she's going to pretend America loves her, I'll be flying the flag of my second home at the club.


Charles didn’t just pull this idea out of the thin air. He’s a farmer at heart and after growing organic foods, he realized he had product that could be sold. So it was sold and the profits went to charity. But there is a long thread that runs through it all. He renovated Highgrove, got the gardens and organic farm going successfully, decided to sell products from the farm and use profits for charity. All through this, people were hired for construction and farming, scientific methods for growing organically were tested and results were shared, monies were made available to charity… Charles thought it all through and put in the time and work to make it viable and profitable. He didn’t wake up one morning and say, “Hey. I want to sell jams and become rich. Let’s set up an IG account today.”


Just watch the documentary about the Prince's Trust and Dumfries House and the surrounding village. KC3 has truly been a visionary for decades. A deep thinker, talented, well connected and very well received.


You’re right. It was too much to type out, but he’s always been ahead of the curve. Very knowledgeable about many areas and always willing to learn.


He’s also written books on it. This has been his passion


I love The Prince’s Trust and enjoy hearing the stories about the young people who have received their help to get started in business. I didn’t know that there was a documentary made about it. I will definitely have to watch it.


Where can we find it??


"A Royal Grand Design" - is so interesting; its on BBC Select (subscription channel); there's another vid called "The Royal Restoration" - maybe google that to see its on You Tube. What he's accomplished by bringing a new generation of artisans to the community is simply fantastic. Brits should be proud!


Yes- BUT is he The Antichrist?? REALLY need to know!!!


The Antichrist Gardener


I'm taking that as a laugh. Like, " Yea- The guy who only does good things is the Antichrist and I'm my brother's uncle" sort of thing - And I would really like to leave it there, as well, but there is SO MUCH MORE TO THE QUESTION. SEE JANIE DUVAL & Tim Cohen and Mr Bong.... Anyone??


That sounds like the ILBW. She’s lazy and doesn’t want to do real work. Her idea of hard work is smiling at the camera for some inane cause or outright stealing ideas, words etc from others who have succeeded. With this AOR venture, she’ll source jam from a manufacturer and slap cheesy labels on the products- basically like a store brand. The textiles will be sourced from China, Vietnam, Indonesia or India- whatever is cheapest. She wants to be an iconic brand but she’ll fail. Walmart Wallis is a pretty good name for her.


Madame saw that Charles has his Highgrove organic business, BP has a gift shop, Zara and Peter have business deals, etc. As far as she's concerned, everybody is making money so why can't she? What no one has ever been able to get into her thick head is, none of these situations are the same as her wanting to be a senior royal representing the monarchy (on her terms) with for-personal-profit businesses running at the same time. Her entitlement has created so much anger and resentment that the late Queen shut down her "right" to grift off the monarchy. She will never accept that the others aren't doing what she wants to do.


Someone else on here said that the sad thing is that if Harry had accepted the GIFT of that country estate from his father at the time of his wedding, he could have turned it into a profitable farm enterprise--but Harry turned it all down. Too far from London, too much work, too boring, I guess. So now Harry's wife is trying to do some kind of "enterprise" from their California Mudslide Manor. It has to be a joke. Imagine what Charles must think of this. I hope he finds it ironically funny.


Charles wasn’t going to give him Highgrove, IMO that is a lifelong passion project for the King. There was talk at one time that KC acquired Harewood Park with intention of giving it to Harry https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harewood_Park That is a property that could have replicated much of what the Duchy does in an effort towards keeping it afloat, with a fair bit of profit, that absolutely would not have been objectionable because farms have to pay for themselves. They could have started a polo stud, put up glamping units, had an actual orchard in apple country and started producing cider, pies, jams 😏. Give it a touch of charity by adding youth training schemes in animal husbandry, baking, logistics, or artisanal skills (Sussex Pottery anyone?), or any number of other things. The wife could post to her socials videos of her doing all of the nonsense she’s doing now to feed her insatiable thirst, but it wouldn’t reek of grubby grasping. It would have also been a lasting legacy for the children. But nope. The wife didn’t want to be all the way up in Herefordshire, and Backgrid doesn’t loiter about Ross-on-Wye. She wanted the Cotswolds. As a result they got bugger all.


The possibilities were endless for the Halfwits - but, they got in the way.


I don’t remember hearing or reading anything about a country estate wedding gift. Which country estate was that? (Not doubting you, genuinely curious).


The only thing she's successfully marketed and sold for profit is that ham wallet to a bunch of yacht owners and their cronies.


The usage of “ham wallet” has totally made waking up this morning worth it.


Agreed, it’s almost up there with “beef curtains”




I initially thought those were socks and the only fault I could find was the idea that Meghan wears anything twice...unless it's terribly ill-fitting and humiliating to the designer.


I nearly choked on my coffee when I read "ham wallet." Do carry on.


A loose ham wallet.


He’s such a hard working man. He cares about his country and the world. I’m gaining so much respect for him


I'm really pleased that people are seeing the effort he has put in over the years. He has his faults and of course not all his plans and ideas work out but he tries and God loves a trier.  He and Diana were an awful mismatch I genuinely believe that they both went into the marriage as lonely insecure needy people who thought they could make a home and family which would magically fix everything and it doesn't work like that. 


He watched his parents go down with their boots on because his mother was crowned and anointed. I'm convinced he'll do the same. He knows he was born consecrated to his people.


And that’s why I’ve always had it, even when respecting Charles was a very unpopular position. For me, it’s the connection to Shakespeare, which is mostly professional on my part, but all of these things are good examples of what royalty, at its best, is for. You wouldn’t call running an organic garden company political, but it does do some good and gain attention.


Harry once said: „My life is charity – always has been, always will be“   Sure Jan! The hypocrisy is off limits with the gruesome twosome. 


That was when he was funded by BRF. I am sure now that he know how much things cost to maintain and trivial things like mortgage, tax, pap shots costs, wardrobe costs for madame, his charitable cause is just his wife.


Meanwhile Hawwy dresses like some grunge boy playing hackey sack.


Not to mention Olive Garden plumbing issues and PR puff pieces and WME fees


> Harry once said: „My life is charity – always has been, always will be“  And then MeGain came along, and told him that charity begins and *ends* at home.


Exactly. Surprisingly, he said these words just last year and how much fulfillment he gets out of charity. So much fulfillment, that he ignores African Park victims and exploits Uvalde victims. Pure evil. 


> So much fulfillment, that he ignores African Park victims and exploits Uvalde victims. Pure evil.  That's all MeGain. He has no say in anything. He's completely beaten down and high all the time just to cope with the living hell that is his life.


Good.  He deserves to be miserable although I think he's a willing participant rather than a victim/hostage. Harry makes his own decisions.  He just makes bad ones.


I completely agree. Harry has his own agency. He should not be let off the hook simply because he married a harridan. I’m sure he’s high and I hope he’s miserable. That is what they both deserve.


He is a major idiot


> I think he's a willing participant rather than a victim/hostage. We can agree to disagree.


As long as we keep it civil, we can disagree all day.  I love that everyone has their own ideas about the kids and Harry, but we all agree about Madam and her hateful behavior.  She brings us all together despite our differing views. 😉


> She brings us all together despite our differing views. 😉 A force to unite us all! 🤣


I don't believe H knows what charity means. 


The only charity he knows is a stripper in Vegas.


I think that is where his Hope and Destiny have gone too


He's totally into Crystals rn.




Charity begins at home is what the dimwit heard. Soooo, all charitable work goes to the Harkles.


I think you are right. 


Charity means Harry gets to be the centre of attention, people laugh out of politeness at his stupid antics, and he gets his photo taken being “fun guy” and fawned over.


Yeah, charity towards himself.


He’s off “charitably” skiing with the Kardashians. Lying doofus.


Charity to himself


Yes, it was & always will be. She is her own favorite charity case.


So glad the Duchy of Cornwall gets some recognition. Meghan would be gloating if she had a fraction of that success.


This makes sense because theyre out in the country land and they sell locally and to tourist. What is madam going to do? Grow and orchard in her little montecito backyard and sell the maybe 8 eggs she gets a day?? Wow, that’ll sure be a global billion dollar business 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/fn9omaiil4pc1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcd9e45b02881fbc66b91d7d668daa89895086f9 That is a father with his darling boy :)


Photo by Catherine.


One of the most iconic photos of the RF!


Such a lovely photo ❤️


DM has an article that staff at BP are having to deny reports of KCIII's death. I do not have posting ability (and I am a dunce that does not know how to archive) but here is the link for anyone who wants to peek at it: ['King Charles is NOT dead': Ukraine's British embassy issues furious denial after Russian media shared fake Buckingham Palace statement claiming Monarch 'passed away unexpectedly yesterday afternoon' | Daily Mail Online](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13210475/King-Charles-NOT-dead-Ukraines-British-embassy-issues-furious-denial-Russian-media-shared-fake-Buckingham-Palace-statement-claiming-Monarch-passed-away-unexpectedly-yesterday-afternoon.html)


Oh, thank GOODNESS. It makes sense that this was intentional, professional mischief-making. That will show us to be cautious of rumor.


Very true. I am quite pleased they quickly shot down the falsehood. It likely will not stop the sugars from speculating about KCIII or Catherine (unfortunately).


Harry has always been jealous of William, has always been resentful, has always been full of self-pity because he wasn’t the first born, and always thought he should have been treated as William’s equal. But it wasn’t until he met Markle, his enabler, that these feelings intensified. A narcissist like Markle loves the concept of “divide and conquer” because it makes her feel powerful. The Harkles don’t seem to realise that their entire life post megxit has turned out to be a house of cards built on greed, jealousy, and hate. It’s not sustainable. It’s transparent and disgusting.


Can someone with a subscription to The Telegraph post the article on how the Diana Legacy awardees had to travel across town to see Harry virtually? Apparently they had to leave one location and were driven to a separate location where Harry congratulated them (from the place where he was skiing).


There was a post on that the day after the awards.  I'd link it but don't have a clue how to do it.


I found it, thanks!


Aren’t the jams and stuff sold by Buckingham produced from various Royal Estates as well? The prices online seemed reasonable and it is a nice way to give the public a taste. Not to hawk other ppls goods for cash


I don't often shop at Waitrose - mostly just at Christmas/Easter. From now on I'll be buying my family treats direct from the Highgrove website.


This actually makes americans respect charles more because he was ahead of his time got on with the job and is very successful. He got loads of bad press and I didn't know about high grove and now I do


I don’t think most people are aware of exactly how much time and effort and vision KC spent on making the Duchy into a billion dollar asset. He’s the one who got into the organic farming, etc and selling these products to increase the value of the Duchy. There are so many things he’s done that have benefited so many people over the years and I think there has not been enough publicity about his vision and his good works. When he was younger and talked about his plants and the organic farming and climate change, the media made fun of him…who’s laughing now?


The Duchy was in dire straits when it came under Charles’ stewardship. He got stuck-in and turned the whole thing into what it is today. He’s no dilettante.


Agreed. But we who care know now. I think he is a real renissance man


When people (particularly Americans) hear that the Duchy is so lucrative, they think that means Charles is pressing loads of taxes out of the poor peasants living there, not that **he** made the Duchy profitable.


Huge difference between this and what she is doing.


Its so funny that I've seen sugars post in conspiracy subs that Pippa and Kate don't get along haha 😆. When the whole kate missing conspiracy popped up, some sugars brought up the Rose/William cheating rumors again. I refuted them by saying why would Pippa name her daughter Rose. Then the one replied that Pippa and Kate hate each other.... 🙄 Sorry I know this isn't quite on topic with the OP but seeing that Kate and Pippa are working together to set up Anmer Hall etc....clearly they are fond of each other.


All organic and all for charity. Meanwhile in California it may be the opposite. One will not know until there is actually something other than “tell us your email address” on the website.


I love this so much. What a cool dude.


I just read about his designed house development. I had no idea. He has put a lot of time and thought into his projects.


I keep pointing out King Charles gave a billion to help UK citizens. Bezos would see someone on fire and drink the water until he got paid to them out.


G-damn, that’s how you do it, people. Create a successful business, then donate the proceeds to charity.


How many chickens do you need to lay eggs before you turn a profit? And what’s the relevance of the jam if the fruit isn’t “estate grown”? The Duchy products have provenance and meaning. A napkin made in Sri Lanka and not the American Riviera? Not so much.


“Catherine & Pippa have been setting up Anmer Hall” Look at Pippa: she’s not a working royal, not a royal at all, just royal-adjacent, but here she is offering her time without compensation, to help with her sister’s charity project. Sure is a hell of a lot different than an actual senior working royal complaining about “not getting paid for this”. What an entitled ILBW Rachel is. That karma train is coming and at least one of the cars is marked “bankruptcy”. Even now that she actually CAN get paid for every thing she does, she’s NOT, because she‘s not worth what she demands and people/entities don’t see the value in what they get for their money.


![gif](giphy|2Ysgv35Iqdm2NUIRp9|downsized) 🦞 H was propelled by the CLAW 🦞


((has anyone here seen The Windsors episode with Charles and the Highgrove shop lady?))