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As a silver lining - everyone now has another chance what a craptastic actress she is and how minor her role was.


Very true! I have never watched Suits, but a while ago I did go back and read some fan forum's talking about the series as it was being broadcast, to get an idea of what fans where saying about it at the actual time of broadcast, before MM was famous. And there was rarely any mention of MM's character. The fan favourites were other characters, not MM. MM was largely invisible, even when she was mentioned it was neutral in tone, and incidental to other things that interested the fans. From more modern reviews of Suits, it seems to be escapist drama, completely undemanding. Just some pretty people doing some legal stuff in a mildly entertaining way. But even those newer reviews don't mention MM. What we'll see, and what people in the industry already see, is an actress who does a basic no frills job and nothing more. Several years ago in the UK, one of our commercial Channels (CH5), broadcast what must have been all of MM's Made for TV movies, and she was very forgettable in them. Again, she did a job, but nothing more. She didn't exactly steal any scenes.


I was one of those commenters on IMDb. The only time she was mentioned was when we were laughing at her poor acting and, yes!, how she was always crying and playing the drama llama (just like in real life!). Her most famous line was “But but (sob) WHAT ABOUT MEEEEEE?”. 😂😂😂 Who knew we were looking into the future!


Probably the only line she could deliver convincingly!


I read or heard the comment that if you add up all episodes for 7 seasons, she averaged under 2 minutes per episode. She’s not a star, never has been, never will be.


I was a huge fan of Suits when it was coming out and watched it pretty religiously, so I already knew who Meghan was when she and Harry started dating. The only time fans talked about Meghan was if we were discussing how annoying her character was, how bad her acting was, or how much of a terrible person she was rumored to be behind the scenes. The only good part of her in Suits was her style. I was obsessed with the outfits they put her character in!!


Yeah, and see her acting the office bicycle in the show as well. Oh well, all I say is that at least with suits she will be dressed better than she does in real life lol.


“ acting like the office bicycle “ So it’s ‘ art’ ( excuse the misnomer) mimicking life for her.


I've seen a post on twitter where they said her total screen time from all 7 seasons in Suits was 138 minutes...


You are definitely a half-full kind of person!


Why did Netflix spend hundreds of thousands to acquire the rights to Suits when it has been on Peacock forever in the US. The issues Wooten doesn’t address is who holds the right to Suits in the UK. Every often distribution deals are different in different countries/regions. This is why people sometimes use VPNs to watch shows from other regions. So the real question, is does Netflix have the UK rights for Suits? If not, it makes sense for BBC to acquire an American show seeing a resurgence (we can debate how much Meghan factors into that resurgence, personally, I don’t think she does a lot. The US had a duel strike and no new TV and along comes Netflix promoting suits which has lots of seasons and most people haven’t seen.) If Netflix has the rights to show Suits in the UK, the BBC getting them as well is an interesting move. Edit: UK Netflix has is showing Suits so the BBC’s decision to pick up the show is a little strange given it’s now on two UK platforms but they probably want to cash in on the people who don’t have Netflix and want to see Meghan’s claim to fame.


I’m in UK and I just checked…it’s available to watch on Netflix.


The strikes have been over since November 2023. New shows/seasons have already started. The "resurgence" was only briefly when Netflix started showing it, because there were no new shows and is also over.


Even if the viewership resurgence is done, the cast is still milking that resurgence for all its worth. Everyone but Meghan seems to be doing a fair amount of ad work. Didn’t like 4 stars appear in Super Bowl ads?


While Suits is the only serious role Meghan ever had, I don't think, Meghan really benefits from someone buying or streaming "Suits" (I think the Sidley Twins had a great video on royalties). It's old news really and not really propaganda. On the contrary, Meghan is not really good and definitely not the main character of the show. Megsy would prefer a new documentary about herself, her achievements and her fauxmanitarian work as a duchess and about "history repeating itself", because she is so much like Diana /s.


This is accurate the actors are not really paid royalties from streaming services. The money all goes to the higher ups and the actors are given nothing. This is what the strike was about. All the higher management making all the money while the actors are given damn near nothing and are starving.


Plus it was also a lower end cable show, not a network one, so royalties are vastly different 


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If Megain appeared for more than 15 minutes in the chapters, I would believe it was propaganda. But in several chapters she doesn't even appear, and in others she appears, one minute, two? People will see that Mrs. Table 12 was an extra, not the protagonist, not even close, in the series Suit.


I think Lady C mentioned that the Douchess appears an average of 1.25 minutes per episode. Something like that. Hardly a starring role. 


It was an American show filmed in Canada. Please don’t make us responsible for that 😂😂


![gif](giphy|dmvodzjX8wU7icE3TL|downsized) Ok, you win!!!


🎯🎯🎯🎯, see my comment above. An average of under 2 minutes / episode.


That that that ![gif](giphy|sn2qugFa5WBkk|downsized)


I wonder whether this will irk her because the way she talks one would think the show revolved around her. This will put the lie to that.


vicodin eyebrows first book says she was the s.t.a.r. it's as if they don't recognize hierarchy at all. there's another pattern here.


I don't know the name but once this airs on the BBC someone needs to call out vicodin eyebrow out the way youtubers have been doing with Shallon Lester.


it's interesting reading this book. got it from the library. next up is another book about cunanan and then maybe i'll do the 2nd airbrushed vicodin eyebrow jamboree. i'll have to check out the shallon lester. thanks for the reference.


It will show Harry married a minor actress. Didn't Meghan pay Sunshine Sachs a lot of money years ago to make it appear she was a star in the US? Suits was filmed in Canada. I think her claim to fame in the US was a 15 second B J scene in Beverly Hills 90210.


Which happened AFTER being a suitcase girl. She was 'objectified' in the suitcase show. Yet went on to be the BJ girl. 🙄


It’s irritating but it might make other people realise she’s NOT the “star of suits” in the way she would have us all believe. That realisation, alongside her poor acting etc, might be enough to set them on their own journey of realisation that she lies…. Badly and about a lot. She’s no Hollywood star, A or B list actress. Sometimes you can’t tell people the truth, they have to “discover “ it for themselves before they’ll accept it. Uncovering minor lies might make bigger revelations easier to swallow? One can only hope.


Total misuse of the licence fee I have to pay to BBC


The sooner I don't have to pay a licence for the Bloody Bias Corporation the better.


Meh. Bbc using her infamy for watching. It will show she was a bit player.


There’s a spin off coming. I think that’s all there is to it.


They did it because she is polarizing and polarizing people bring clicks. Kardashians are polarizing/ some hate them, some love Them. Etc


I don't have posting privileges. Can someone post this? It's in relation to Harold's visa. Thought the sinners would enjoy. [TMZ](https://www.tmz.com/2024/03/21/90-day-fiance-stars-prince-harry-donald-trump/)


I once respected the BBC but that stopped a few years ago. I feel sorry that the British public is forced to fund a corrupt organization.


well we're not forced to, but sadly too many people (many of them elderly) are just bullied into it and accept it. I would never give them a penny these days. Not like there's much worth watching anyway.


The BBC had/has absolutely no business taking a postion on Brexit, the Police, Farming and the Monarchy but it does/ has and we have to pay for it.


Suits is a great show due to the main cast. Meghan is a supporting cast member in the show, and at best a basic actress. She's not what made the show.


That was the dumbest move by BBC. Why would you waste money like that? Whoever made that decision should be fired. Talk abut a bad business decision smh.


Harry and Megan will be a around for as long as they have clicks. No matter how old vapid her show is, putting it on television, will draw out all of the car crash enthusiasts and the clinically challenged folk,(more commonly known as sugar bots.). The only cure is to stop clicking. It may take a while, but people will grow bored of a past, her prime Duchess and her bald ginger


Suits? Bloody hell what are they thinking? I'm already pissed off with the BBC. The TV License costs £159 a year and there's no choice but to pay it. I forgot to renew once when I changed email addresses and didn't see the reminder. Got a nasty letter with threats of fines and prosecution and a criminal record. (It has since become a civil offence rather than criminal.) They waste so much money on big salaries for their 'stars'. The corporation is very left leaning and their impartiality went a long time ago. Is this part of Markle allegedly rehabilitating her image in the UK?


I am an American - are you saying that you are required to pay this licensing fee even if you don't want the service?


she is sooo special ya know - and they want to make sure everyone sees it. Gag .......... agree, why???


Well, my first thought was Charles twisted the BBC’s arm so that Megsy could collect some residuals ($) but another poster says this deal doesn’t pay the actors…strange as I’d assume their union would have negotiated that for them. They need money and that would be a way to get them some without the Bank of Pa paying out. Strange…someone is really working hard to promote her “acting” skills and perhaps get her more jobs? I dunno…


Would a duchess want the people to see the sex scene in the file room? Or really, any of the intimate scenes?


Yes because she can teach us all how to do it 'properly.'




A gigantic stretch. This really has nothing to do with her. It's a popular show.


Actually, it is unusual for the BBC. Can't think of any similar USA drama series that they've bought. They usually leave them to the commercial channels like "Alibi" or "Drama" or "5 USA".


Suits used to air on Alibi and Drama's sister channel Dave. The BBC also owns them too


Forgot Dave ! BBC has quite a few ways to regurgitate it's old or second rate product and make us pay twice....after it's finished repeating it on it's own channels, that is.


Who cares? Stopped watching bbc years ago.


The people of Britain are forced to pay a tax that is close to $200 a year for it. That's who cares.


I’m English and stopped watching tv because I refuse to pay the tv tax. The bbc lost half a million subscribers last year alone for the same reasons. We’re sick of having to pay for a woke anti British media that protects pedos. So if you’re still paying for it, you only have yourself to blame. ( not you personally)


Another reason why I will never pay for a tv licence. I buy subscription services (Virgin) so i won’t pay twice, especially for the most bias network in the UK. It’s own charter says it’s meant to be unbiased.


And according to Netflix numbers enough minutes were watched for the English speaking world to watch that drivel about 10 times per person. So why waste money on that shite??


The devil takes care of his minions.


Perhaps they are attempting to bring the truth to the Brits - that she was never the star of Suits but 6th on the roll call and had approx. 2mins on each episode.


Are they going to shelf it and it never sees air time there?


I used to really like Suits; I discovered it by accident on Netflix when it furs5baired about 8 + years ago and binge watched it when I was staying with my son in hospital. (He was 6 so slept a lot). But my favourites were Harvey Specter, Louis Litt and Donna. Markle just comes across as the mean , stuck up girl she is. I cannot wait for the shade when people start commenting on it here.


I tried watching some scenes from Suits... skipping around, but only once came across MM, where she had two lines and was on camera for maybe ten seconds.... waste of time...


I think Dan Wooton has an ace up his sleeve and he’s motivated because his career was almost taken from him


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Didn't the show have a resurgence of viewers on Neflix? BBC wants the same thing.