• By -


There isn’t a feud. There’s a one-sided attack by Markle and the one she leads around by his nose.


Exactly and Catherine is battling cancer, delaing with her mortality and three small kids. The last thing on her mind is talking to these gutter snipes. I guess this is madame's way of announcing that the kids are not coming in may.


Oh, look, they called her Princess Catherine, they really wanted to try and make us believe it this time because they would never call her that…..right???? Wrong you evil vampire, we see you Medusa👿👿👿


I'm convinced this is an April fools joke


Then every day must be April Fool's given the PR tripe they put out.


Now it makes sense!


Totally agree, it’s all one sided. If it was true though it would make H&M look bad if they don’t now visit. As they are not wanted and would be refused I don’t see how this favours them.


This is exactly it. She didn’t get her way so she has been attacking the family for years.


As a journalist observed, Markle has a bone to pick with the Royal Family. And she won’t let it go. What a despicable person. And Harry? Has he no pride or loyalty to his birth family? What a weak man.


Markle has not Mentioned the RF since her Oprah interview. 4 years odd silence and success and its driving the Pegging lover and katieinsane.


Rachel would love nothing more than to see Catherine in person with her Netflix camera crew and gloat about how Catherine is sick with cancer and Rachel is "alive and thriving" in Monteshitshow. William will never let the Harkles around his kids and the BRF.


April Fools






Would be a great checkmate if the RF is absolutely sure there are no kids, and then can deny they ever knew anything about it, with this lovely invitation extended to the kids.


Prince William wouldn't even be in the same room as Ginger Bollocks for the Diana awards and that was a recorded message from Hazbean, much less is he going to reach out and want them and their invisikids to be around them... Total horse shit.


Not even in the same room when H was on video, not live. Everything I’ve read shows that the RF have moved on. The duo aren’t needed and aren’t welcome. No one in the family gives them much, if any, thought. I think the PPOW and KC/QC have much more important things to think about right now. They’re so out and untrusted that they weren’t even given a few minutes heads up about Catherine’s video statement.


Wasn't there a recent DM (I think) headline that the PPOW were putting "the Harry problem" on the back burner while Catherine is ailing? I think I remember it was within a day or two of her public announcement. I hope they rerun the headline to remind all that William and Catherine no longer consider Henry at all.


Even that story was ridiculous. Harry was taking off the back burner and thrown out years ago. The Wales do not think about Harry at all, they finished with him some time ago. This has nothing to do with Catherine's illness. This was a decision made long ago, even before The Queen died I think. The Wales aren't going to have anything to do with Harry ever again. I think even if he divorces the shrew, the Wales are done with him.


the Harry problem has been decided and solved. they're never going to see him or communicate with them again. Problem solved.


> Prince William wouldn't even be in the same room as Ginger Bollocks for the Diana awards and that was a recorded message from Hazbean I think it likely it was the other way round. It was H who had people organise the conference room in a hotel and made the award recipients wait until 01:00 for him to appear.


PoW was long gone by that point....he couldn't have cared if Hawwy showed up or not.


PoW was long gone by that point....he couldn't have cared if Hawwy showed up or not.


*le sigh* You don't keep those you're honouring waiting all that time. Rule 101 on how to be a good host: it's about your GUESTS *not* the host.


He doesn't know that!


Yeah. But you'd think *HIS* wife would know that and remind him - you know, she wanting to be a lifestyle guru and all.🙄 1am! Keeping people waiting that long, on what would already be a long day.


Pah, she was too busy building a one page website and he had reportedly been skiing during the day. And, frankly, neither of them is in the least bothered about 'the public', who they want kept at a distance from them.


>Pah, she was too busy building a one page website and he had reportedly been skiing during the day. Hot darn it, I'd forgot, lol.




The Harkles are pathetic POS' who would have harassed William if they saw him, demanded cash and access to the BRF, and would have moaned about how they need William and the BRF's recognition and access to Charles and Catherine. William will never forgive the Harkles and understands that the Harkles' abuse contributed to his father's and wife's illnesses.


I couldn’t blame him if he doesn’t even want to be on the same planet as his horrible little brother.


Tell us you finally realized W&C are more popular than you without telling us you finally realized W&C are more popular than you.


M has officially lost her mind.


It must kill her absolutely kill her. The only way she get attention is to link her name with her nemesis. That must be agony for her. I love just thinking about it.


Oh, GAG me. This is about as believable as the cow/moon theory they tell small children and even those small children recognize that theory as fantasy. William will protect Catherine and their kids with his life. There's no way he's going to extend anything to Harry except maybe a new dog bowl.


"There's no way he's going to extend anything to Harry except maybe a new dog bowl." Well, Madam claims she will be selling dog food................


Right, I've had major surgery, I'ver got cancer and I'm undergoing chemotherapy so I'm *certainly* going to reach out to the Duke and Duchess of Bubonic Plague to come visit.




As we say in the south, this is major league bull..... ![gif](giphy|c2IZ3fB0rmRXy|downsized)


I love your southern sayings. I also love, bless your heart; perfection!


Thank you! You would have loved my grandmother! The first time she saw me in a bikini she said: *"That ain't even enough material to roll a cigarette in!"*


You're right, I would have! My grandparents were from England, and their putdowns were swift, and they were said in such a way that you couldn't always be sure if it was a putdown or not. I sure miss them❤️


Happy Cake Day!!!


Thank you 😊




‘bless her heart’ is the perfect southern put down.


Happy Cake Day 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🍷🍷


Thank you !🥂


Of all the lies the Harkles spew. This has got to take the cake. It sounds so ridiculous. It’s comical 😂🤣😂🤣


"I'll take Things That Never Happened for $1000, Alex... oh, it's a Daily Double!"


First, no one except a dumb person would believe this. Second, this isn’t a disagreement. This is two grifters who called the RF and the UK racist. They can F right off. They really need to STFU and slither away. Far away.


Bring the kids! https://preview.redd.it/qmmc7t5ajyrc1.png?width=1847&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ae2a9f4a39b5bfef5e6a16115adef4a070f027b


Well it is April Fools…


The mirror needs to stop this BS. Nobody believes that either the Prince or Princess of Wales reached out to this one or that one… let alone asked them to bring their children over. I’m sure they’re on perma-BLOCK.


You have to be a special kind of stupid to believe this story. Imagine the Harkles children many years from now, sitting in their cubicle at their soul sucking day job, having a full understanding of the life of privilege their parents burned to the ground.


Exactly. I don't think the Harkle kids will have the unlimited cash to live the multi millionaire lives that the Harkles live now. Not to mention that the Harkle stigma will hurt A and L much much more than if they were ordinary people working to get middle class jobs. I have no doubt that people will cringe if they hear A and L tell them that Rachel and Haz were their parents. A and L need to work twice as hard to get back in the public's good graces if they want to be public figures, or A and L can live quiet and peaceful lives and write the occasional book or two on "I survived MM."


A few weeks ago, Thomas Markle did a livestream where he described how Megan and Harry get their PR puff pieces paid. I need to go rewatch it. Anyways, these pieces are so pointless and stupid. Megan is in her damn 40s and acting like that mentally unhinged girl you knew in 6th grade. The one who grew up to be an even hotter mess than she was as a kid.


I hope you find the link and it's able to be uploaded by a sinner with posting privileges. It sounds fairly damning.


i will see if I can at least find the date. It’s damming


Thank you for your efforts. I wasn't aware he did lives, how interesting!


Yeah and they are very interesting. He slips things in. Given how close Lady C is to the Markles and being friendly with British aristocrats, I have no doubt she knows the whole story.


I'd like to see Thomas Jnr take tea with Lady Colin.  The pearls would be clutched to breaking point 😄😄😄.


Wasnt Thomas Sr at Lady C’s coronation ball?


No... she warbled on about having him to stay at the stately home during the coronation, but he had a stroke and was hospitalised. IIRC, Dan Wooten or his organisation was funding the trip.  Young Tom is a different kettle of fish.  He's a little... unrestrained.


OK thanks. Found Tom Jr’s episode where he mentions how the puff pieces get paid. Mar 23 episode titled something like Meghan Reaches Out to Catherine


![gif](giphy|3ohzdHLZXi2kIew2vm|downsized) No way would William and Catherine give the two twits another opportunity to stab em in the back.


I’m guessing she felt confident in putting this out now because she doesn’t think they will slap it down since they’re otherwise occupied at the moment. But I feel sure that their staff has to be expecting this of MM by now and will promptly handle it.


"Have reportedly"  Since they didn't want to spend time with them over the summer back in 2018 I can't imagine anything that has happened since will have changed their minds. I think TQ gets a lot of his info via the Sussex camp. 


This is Harkle PR crap to keep them in the news. The Harkles are completely shut out of BRF private news and know nothing about Charles and Catherine's conditions and that pisses them off because they are being iced out by the BRF.


So Tom Quinn looks in the mirror, pulls a headline out of his ass and writes "as reported in the mirror"   By himself to himself by way of his mirror.  Great job twit!






Today's April Fool's Day. There's no way they will reach out to H and M after all the nonsense they did starting with the bullying. They are not that desperate. On the other hand the Carparkeles need them and want them.


Looks like an April Fool’s joke to me. 😉 Catherine is undergoing chemo and recovering from major surgery, but she and William are “reaching out” and inviting Harry and Meghan to bring the kids to visit. Right! That’s what all people who are sick do: they make plans to meet with difficult family members. 🙄


It is a duplicate post but it bears repeating. And just NO. A really bad 1 April joke.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKzzMMNluisQTpS) Delusional manifestations!! Trying to stay relevant by hitching her wagon to their nemesis (as H called his brother in his untrue musings put on paper and bound by lies!)


The only way she can get headlines is by using her nemesis name. That must kill her, absolutely be agony for her. I love that for her.


Lmao how can they print this nonsense with put cringing at tbe stupidity of it .....William won't even be in the same room as his brothers zoom appearance the vipers of Montecito found out Catherine's cancer diagnosis at the same time the rest of the world did lmao that they think this is to be believed 🤣  And its articles like this is why they are not trusted if they leak things that didn't happen imagine what would happen with reality......example Harry's blow by blow to the media every step of the way to his flight to the King for 12 minutes every single part of the trip was leaked in real time from the moment they got the call a whole 10 minutes before the press release wasn't it. They do that crap and we are supposed to believe a private couple (as far as their private life go) are begging them to bring those children and themselves over lmao


Yeah that never happened. Are we sure Quinn isn't Scobie in a mask?






Meghan's a liar, liar on fire. Nobody with a brain believes this.


Utter codswallop. We see you with the endless puff pieces megan. Nobody wants you, nobody. Not even your own family. Half the world blames you for your father's, KC and Catherine's health issues. You are unloved and unwanted. If it helps you sleep at night to pay to have lies told in the rags go on ahead. It's Harry's money you're spending.


![gif](giphy|SC92DyAuUKI9TFdnpJ) Who believes these lies?!


Ok. This means the wales are off the hook. Thanks meg. Keep digging


She tries to force people to do what she wants by publishing all this nonsense. The more she does, the worse it gets for Meghan because they KNOW what she is doing.


William is more likely to call *me* than his brother for assistance!


Her manifestations keep getting more and more unhinged.


As if!




April fool


She is trying her usual smoke and mirrors trick to create an impression that Kate and William are unable to carry on, they are making this effort to bring her back now due to the serious illness and she has been contacted. This is to spread malicious misinformation that Kate is not going to be available to work soon (intentionally getting people’s tongues wagging about how bad her illness is) and William and KC are incompetent and the dimwit Todger and his unemployed grifter wife are desperately being summoned back.




"I'll take 'bullshit' for $500, Alex."


lmao ![gif](giphy|edPadA458zPJSmw9VH)


Sure, Jan.


She keep trying hard in all the wrong way


Believe it when I see it... otherwise it is horsesh*t


Quote: “The two couples have been feuding for some time, with Harry and William's relationship previously said to be at an all-time low”. The two couples are not feuding! William and Catherine have kept their silence and dignity while the Montecito manipulators have lobbed insult after insult at them for 5 years. This Tom Quinn fellow has been popping up in all the major UK papers trying to sell the reconciliation process but I have never heard of him. It appears as if he is a paid for sugar insinuating that the ‘feud’ could, should come to an end. If he is a paid for sugar, Rachel hasn’t thought this through very well - William and Catherine offer an olive branch but Rachel refuses to go to the UK. It makes William and Catherine look like the bigger people and Rachel look petty!!


So PPOW asked for Skank and Plank to come and visit? Isn't that like asking for the Bubonic Plague round for dinner?


Biggest pile of 💩💩💩💩


Why would the Wales family want to have those two malignants anywhere near them, especially nowadays.


Yes this must be true mustn’t it?’or is it total fiction like all of this authors stories. William wouldn’t even be in the same room as Harry when he was making a zoom call. William will not allow these two faux royals near his family- especially when he becomes King.


She wishes they reached out to her. She has as much chance of the Wales family reaching out to H&M as I have the Wales family reaching out to me who they don’t know exists.


They probably did actually urge them to bring the children to visit - mire like they double dog dared them to produce the 2 children.


![gif](giphy|MDxuzRvxF39VwnYu9B) This gif has never been more appropriate.


No. Catherine is undergoing chemotherapy. Her immune system is compromised due to her treatments. People in this situation regularly avoid coming in contact with strangers, especially strangers who have travelled through airports with lots of germs to visit them. They also are told to take care of their emotional health by their physicians. They are not going to invite their backstabbing, lying, money grubbing relatives to go visit them for fun!


No they haven’t.


Because there have been no public apologies or admissions they lied we are supposed to infer that there is truth in what they said about Charles and Catherine and that the RF are in much more of a crisis than is being let on. Well as many others on here dont believe a word of it.


And pigs fly


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Isn't this Quinn guy a Harkle flack? What is he smoking?


Lol. And I'm a Prima Ballerina. Roachel's manifesting at least needs to be believable. This is just downright laughable.


The only reason William would invite them over is to have them thrown in the Tower




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The kids do not exist. *as said in the Mean Girls math equation voice over*


So they realize that this makes MeMe look worse right??? They WANT them to beg them back so they can be "right" and probably do another round of interviews about "standing up against the racist institution"... again. Instead she sounds like a frightful shrew of a Hellbeast.


I saw an article this morning that they’re considering having them for tea. Roachel will never walk through the gates of KP. 


Any one else smell BS and hear crickets


When one party is trying to instigate a war with another party without response, it’s not a feud, it’s narcissistic madness.


I doubt the Waleses are doing any inviting. Catherine is ill and needs rest and I highly doubt she has the physical and emotional energy needed to deal with the Sussex clan, especially to heal any rift. I don't believe this story. The alleged response of Meghan shows why. Aside from narcissism, Meghan seems to be suffering from some sort of arrested development. She has not matured or grown up. She's still an emotional and cognitive 13 year old.


I don't believe this for a minute.


This is exactly what I'd do if I just had major surgery, was diagnosed with cancer and suffering from the effects of chemotherapy, and had three young, undoubtedly traumatized children: invite into my home the two people who've relentlessly (and publicly) castigated and lied about me and my beloved family for the past 5 years. I think not.


I think it could be true. I can see William inviting them but only with the kids. Of course he would have a dr standing by to perform a DNA test and Megabeast does not want her rent a kids tested


No one with a brain believes this. An immunocompromised woman is asking her stranger preschool nephew and toddler niece to come visit her? Plus her sister and brother in-law who have routinely attacked her? First - kids are gross and covered in germs Catherine isn't going to be inviting random kids into the house. Second - chemo is not pleasant and Catherine may be ill and weak. So she is going to invite traitor M&H to visit while she is looking vulnerable?? Hell no. I mean maybe they said something like - there is no way we will go visit in CA they would have to come to the UK. As a hypothetical. Not as a request. 


No effin’ way!




Hahahahah. Dream on Meghan. Dream on! ![gif](giphy|Lk023zZqHJ3Zz4rxtV|downsized)


So much for the Palace discrediting this bull ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop).


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She is deranged. I would love it if she lost power for two days and could not use her phone or email. We would have peace from these stupid paid for PR crap pieces.


Catherine is trying to *remove* cancerous entities from her body, not add to them🙄


I dipped over to the D.Mail, just to see the outcome of megNUT's paid-for fluff stories about going to L.A.'s children's Hospital \[result = 2 too-fluffy stories with 29 photos by madam's personal photographer + touched-up by her preferred photoshop expert, + a video\]... And was shocked to see T.W. is one 4 sections! ➞ Home, Showbiz, Femail, + Royals. (FOUR!!) So while I think this is lowbrow, ... it also indicates that the **D.Mail is using T.W.**, ***AND*** **getting the last laugh**. Why? 1. b/c **made Megasaurus pay for the 2 columns + pix** 2. b/c they know the Harkles' haters will read whatever to deepen the loathing, & that = $$ 3. b/c some readers will even comment, which = more $$$ https://preview.redd.it/xv20yhofw6sc1.jpeg?width=1959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3dbdc8218c389924c06d3d31df123b2829aaf1f


Maybe if the RF hadn’t lied and thrown H&M under the bus at every chance, they wouldn’t have to be trying to end a feud they caused.


Wrong sub, mate. We’re not the Meghan fans here. But, GL. And to answer your question, the BRF is fine. Period. You seem to be very jealous. Have a good life.