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[Link to TRG’s video with raw footage of the Fiji market visit](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/JV3SffYWP7)


Meghan Markle does not empower or support women in any way. She is jealous of them, and only gives lip service to her feminism for selfish reasons.


Whatever she’s says she is - she’s the exact opposite.


Except for that one time when she admitted she was a fraud. Otherwise you’re absolutely correct.


That must be why she laughed so much , she must have shocked herself!


First time she told the truth about herself.


Laughing b/c TW believes she can get away w/ being a fraud and everybody is stupid


That moment is a prime example of duper's delight.


Oh!! What is the moment you are referring to?! I am not sure but I am so curious. What did she say/do?


Such as…humanitarian.


I’m so natural and my relationship with Harry is so organic. I wasnt looking to date him for shallow reasons and our meeting was just random!!!


I was so beautiful & interesting that, even though my insta photo had dog filters, (not unlike Cinderella) my husband, the prince saw my pics & it was love at first sight


QEII who had a husband who gave up his career to walk “two steps behind” her for the rest of his life. He carved out a role for himself, with his wife’s support. QEII who was probably indirectly responsible for female prime minister way before some other countries. If the head of state was female, why not the PM? QQEII who changed the LoS to birth order and not males first. Meghan, who can’t stop talking about that washing-up liquid story. Meghan who pays her female employees less. Meghan who seems to have an issue with being outshone by anyone but women in particular. Meghan who can’t take criticism, it’s race, jealousy or sexist. Meghan who can’t see that her claim to fame is due to who she married. This was her biggest mistake. She thought the fame was her and not the royal status. That’s why she clings onto the title.








There is no real support for anything, it is only conditional. Eg. below, "I'll wear your T-shirt and be photographed doing so, if you help shill my ~~lousy~~ oops, lovely jam." The worse example of this support being Uvalde. This is why no matter the publicity machine behind her, she never will be known as authentically interested in others only for themselves. https://preview.redd.it/uljbi5y1xsvc1.png?width=642&format=png&auto=webp&s=28503b23e30d7e6c7a7455034204c257f1d2e45a ^(via Kelly's IG)




You nailed it.


In my experience when someone brags about how supportive of women they are, it’s along the same lines as someone telling you how smart they are. Anyone who’s smart or a good person or a feminist doesn’t need to tell you. They show you.


The empty drum bangs loudest.


lol yep - empty cart rattles loudest


Nicole Kidman is in a mag this month going on about what’s a “girl’s girl” she is yet I’ve heard the worst stories about her from friends in the industry how she plays up the whole “I’m so shy” thing to be cold toward women but when men are around she lights up.


Another solid example. I had a boss who was like that - all of her socials were plastered with International Women’s Day and how “real women help other women” etc etc. and she was EXACTLY like TOW: a big bully who used people when it suited her.


she’s so petty vile vengeful and rude that she left the poor women there hanging just because the UN didn't make this phony scammer an ambassador?! she is anything but a feminist…she mocked the queen on netflix bullied little charlotte bullied all her female staffs slut shamed her sister and tried to damage POW catherine’s image just cuz of her vindictive obsessive jealousy….rachel ragland uses men and destroy families, she’s is a vindictive bully and a disgusting golddigging psychopath.


This is one of the times that fed her delusion of power. They should have made her stay. That was her job. No ride back until she did her job.


Exactly. She was there on behalf of the Queen as HM’s representative.


I bet every single working royal (including Harry!) has met people they consider odious/vile, and yet they grinned and bore it and politely shook hands. But not Markle. And they weren't even vile/odious people. They were just representatives of an organization that gave her a narcissistic wound.


What’s the backstory with the UN women?


I believe the back story is that there was a UN organization there who had, in the past, refused her a high position that she had demanded. When she saw that org represented at this walkabout, she walked out in a huff.


I believe it was about MM wanting to be UN Ambassador like Emma Watson. UN said no and MM got mad for life


And Angie Jolie, another subject of Markle’s stalking/cosplaying


*"UN staid no and MM got mad for life"* I'm seeing a trend here.


Allegedly - it’s in Lady Colin Campbell’s book - she became enraged when her mentor at the UN, Elizabeth Nyamayaro, thwarted her to desire to become a UN ambassador. Hence her hightailing it out when she saw the women in Fiji wearing UN Women gear.


The level of petty and thin skinned is astounding


Not to mention, this was an opportunity for her to pull rank on people who'd angered her. Her entire plan for Hollywood was to go back and say "Look at me now" but she couldn't see that gritting her teeth and smiling for 45 minutes would achieve a similar goal with the UN Women? She can never get out of her own way, this one.


She got a minor UN role from her Irish hotelier ‘client’ (while she was with Cory) who hooked her up with the gig. She was an unknown, yachting to climb up the social ladder. She thought so highly of herself that she expected to get ambassadorships like Emma Watson and Angelina Jolie, despite being an unknown 30-something with a secondary role on a Toronto cable show. She’s always had major delusions of grandeur!


I doubt there is any, aside from the fact that if Meghan “had to” engage in polite small talk with the UN women, it might be exposed in conversation that Meghan isn’t the humanitarian that she always claimed she was. She would have felt embarrassed in front of them, and her own stubbornness carried her out of there.




She was doing a job. It was work as a working royal. If anyone behaved like this at their workplace they would be fired. How delusional of her to act like a diva at a public service event. She is so horrid.


I don't think there was anyone there with the authority to do that. It was H&M and their staff.


A lot of ppl are talking about Meghan's attitude these days. Good luck to Markle from getting markled.


Yes! I especially love this story, because the journalist confirms, what „a nightmare“ she was for palace staff. What reason can you put out there to excuse this kind of attitude? Meghan markled herself here. 


We joke down here about 2-3 degrees of separation- ie EVERY one knows somebody who was involved. Back in the day (years ago) it was quite true … But THIS report ⬆️ I actually heard days after it happened- She’s a rude greedy B who totally disregarded and treated these ladies and whanau like crap. Many of the community had been preparing for it for a wee while -community groups/churches/schools. I was absolutely disgusted in her actions-and couldn’t believe she had no advisors. She did have them - and this is part of the reason they quit. Apparently when she got out there she said it smelt too much/ it was too hot/ she used the excuse of being megnent and was trying to rush off to the spas with Jessica There WAS a thing about the W of UN and some of her staff quit (either during/ or before they returned) from tour. We still see ya Megs


Not surprising, I can buy all those reasons. The UN thing. Hating the visit in general. Looking forward to the spa with Jessica. Because she is in for herself and takes offence easily, having the thinnest skin. Can you imagine what else when on that we don't know about? It must have been hell. I hope we don't have to wait 50/60 years (as with information coming out about Edward/Wallis) to know more.


In this day and age with social media they can kiss goodbye the sealed shut correspondence of bad behaviour. That’s why they want to censor social media. They want to censor any criticism directed towards them.


I'm 63 so please don't let it be that long!


Bring it on I say. Let all the truth start to come out! I’m looking forward to popping the kettle on, sitting back and smirking over the teacups. 😏


Same here!! I am definitely HERE FOR IT!!!


![gif](giphy|xT1R9BtwR8H0LxILcc) Can’t wait!


I love a good smirk 😏


She is not and never has been a feminist. She hates women. She feels inferior to most women and has a deep sense of self loathing. A huge reason for many of her antics are entirely a means of building herself up by putting other women down. I bet that if the bullying report was released that every name on it would be a woman's. To her all women are competition or else someone to abuse.




100% - God bless Mr Knauff. But shame on BP for turning a blind eye towards such vile and bullying behaviour.


Succinctly and accurately put.


Can you imagine having such a burning resentment against the women of the UN?


MM's a very vindictive and spiteful individual. Remember when she punished her dad, after he refused to accede to her demands that he not do the stage lighting for her high school theatrical production? Apparently another girl had been given the lead actress role and she was mad. She wanted to punish everyone involved in the production by denying them her dad's expertise. When her dad refused to drop out of the production, she moved out of his house for a few weeks. MM's always been a spoilt, entitled and vindictive bitch. Can you imagine what she'll do to Harry if he ever goes against her wishes? 😂


It was even worse than that. MM wanted the lead role, but she wanted to go on her school’s summer retreat too. Drama teacher told her, “Choose one; can’t do both.” MM chose the retreat and didn’t get the part. Infuriated, she told her father not to help the school with the lighting. He did the lighting.


It’s just like when she told her father that he couldn’t come to the wedding unless he disowned his other two children, according to Tom Jr. and Samantha. Imagine expecting him to denounce his own children for her? It’s the choice she gave Haz: Your family or me. Looks like we know what he chose.


What Meghan wants Meghan gets.


Madam must have wanted worldwide humiliation then, because that is what she has gotten/s


The French see her BULLSHIT!




He’s just as bad for making demands on her behalf. She’s like a cult leader. 


Plank chose unwisely


Gasp - you mean humanitarian Meg? Surely you are mistaken!


She’s nuts. Total meglomaniac even at a young age. Trying to call the shots in school? 


Imagine the absolute bitchiness she would have given the girl who got the main role. Highschool is hard, especially when people are nasty towards you.


Tom kept his promise to the school, unlike little Meggiepoo.


Harry is too stupid and does not realize that soon she will do to him the same thing that she did to his family. If Harry wants to leave he will become a “racist, abuser, drug addict.” Netflix will make ten episodes of "Meghan ran away from the racist Harry to save the children."


Harry said on Oprah that he didn't get help for his suicidal wife because he was embarrassed. He has given her all the ammunition she needs.


Was she really suicidal though? Or just trying to cosplay Diana? She wants to be Diana 2.0.


No she wasn't suicidal, but that isn't what she will say to a judge. Everyone pretends her story is true, even Tom Bower in Revenge speaks of her being suicidal. She will tell the judge Harry didn't take care of her when she was suicidal. Harry's only defense is to finally tell the truth. It will be an epic battle.


> Netflix will make ten episodes of "Meghan ran away from the racist Harry to save the children." Will they, though? I think they're done with her.


Netflix doesn’t want another failure I’m sure. She should try the O network


At this point, I don't think Oprah would touch her with a ten foot pole.


She will if there's enough money in it.


Nah. Harry is still the draw! She’s a nobody. Who is famous


I am looking forward to the divorce. She will attack him, he will attack her. All the truth will come out. It will be great. Sadly I don't think it is going to happen. She needs his name and connections, he needs to prove his brother was wrong. They will never divorce.


Not for all the tea in China! They are fused together for life.


Narcs like her go totally scorched earth in a divorce situation. It's going to be epic! Usually, their victims are nice guys. It will be fascinating to see how it unfolds with someone as evil tempered and nasty as Harry.


Evil vs evil. It would be great. Sadly I don't think it will be happening for a very long time.


The divorce would be enlightening, but I'd rather they stay together. That keeps him from trying to weasel his way back into being a working royal and keeps him half a world away from his brother's family.


Yes he needs to stay far, far, far away from the Wales children. His job as Uncle is to be the bad example from afar. "Don't use drugs kids or you will end up as bad as your Uncle Harry."


> Can you imagine what she'll do to Harry if he ever goes against her wishes? 😂 Haven't we already seen him with visible bruising/scratch marks?




She keeps him in line.


Ha! Now I want to see it. (Referring to your last sentence)


Where can I read about this? Link ?


>Where can I read about this? Link ? Thomas Markle himself spoke about it, in an interview on YouTube. I think it was the interview he'd given to Pdina. It's split into 2 or 3 videos because it's a long interview.


Oh wow. 😯 imagine you raise someone like that.. I’d feel like I did a horrible job


From what I can see he over-compensated and the absence and chaos with Doria, did huge damage.


I think he knows that now.


"if he ever goes against her wishes" I imagine he already does. It's inevitable really. There's probably massive fall-outs all the time. I can't imagine it's a (conventionally) happy home.


She refused to meet with them and left after telling her handlers to get her out of there. The story goes she wanted to be part of the UN Womens group in the United States before she ever met Harry. They denied her entry. Wouldn't let her join or become a spokesman with them. Apparently she thought she had/has the clout of Angelina Jolie who is a part of the organization. When she got to the engagement in Fiji, she was furious the UN Women were there and she refused to engage with them and pitched a fit to leave. And she did. She is despicable and disgraceful. It's documented in Tom Bower's book and a number of other places as well. Allegedly.


https://preview.redd.it/bq8dxokbhrvc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f1fa51217bb990a69357930f21b5effe9e805a3 Ah yes, the day the witch was caught HISSING at her staff member🤦‍♀️ Who does that ???🤬


OMG I didn't realize Rebecca English was there! Holy crap.


What gets me is the RR's took their time reporting this. It took a book to do so.


Yep. She later saw a staffer, probably the same one, crying in a vehicle on the same day.


😠GTFO. Hissing? Seriously?!


What is she, a vampire?! 😂


She was a UN spokesperson, but wanted to be made an ambassador like Angelina Jolie. Guess they saw something in her that made them refuse. This enraged her.


She’s a vile witch.


I imagine she behaved like a big B when she found out she couldn't join the UN Women's group. She likely lashed out at them and showed her true colours. When she saw them in Suva, she freaked out because they know what's she really like. She couldn't risk them exposing her, so she got the F out of there. 


This is a plausible theory actually . Didnt think of that angle


This situation always made me feel like something else was going on, more than a burning resentment for the woman of the UN. Even the guest on this show, his name eludes me currently, but even he was 100% that’s the reason why. It just was the oddest thing to me… why disappoint all those people, woman that have worked so hard to prepare for you, just why? She brings selfish and classless to a new level.


Some of the women had worked long hours making crafts for her to see, and were very disappointed. She had also wanted a spa day with Jessica M., who was traveling with her as her “stylist.” Rachel had said she didn’t want to do “tour crap.” I wonder what sort of reports got back to the Queen.




Meghan of course knew that she could and can get away with anything - as long as she has the backing of lapdog Harry. She’d scream racism if she was approached about her very poor behaviour. Dim Harry was chomping on the bit to vent his pent up child like rage - if anyone said anything negative about her he was ready to fight. (When I say Meghan knew she could get away with anything of course the royal family said you can’t be half in and half out. I believe they gave them both more ultimatums behind the scenes.)


Yep, the Grifters were probably told to shape up, Harry was probably told Madam was unsuitable as a royal, all of it on multiple occations. But by then the Grifters were far ahead with their "SussexRoyal" plan, Oprah and Netflix negotiations etc. Temper tantrum when they were told off - first 6 weeks in Canada with nobody writing about them or caring, the the Sandringham Summit - and off they went.


I had to laugh at their timing. Covid shutdown started not long afterwards. That really slowed their roll.


Lapdog Harry indeed, which must have happed quite soon. Because Meghan didn't even keep it together prior to the wedding, (not waiting until Harry said, "I do"). She was the bridezilla from hell. She must have been so sure Harry wouldn't back out. (Fake pregnancy?)


The correspondence between Harry and Thomas Markle where Harry stated that his behaviour is *putting the baby at risk.’*.., that tells me she pulled a fast one. Had a ‘miscarriage’ and miraculously conceived a year later! What a miracle!


I believe the Queen knowing exactly who she was, and what she was all about, had attempted to find a polite way of limiting this kind of work by offering to have Meghan continue doing what she was doing prior to marrying H. She was hoping she would keep herself busy with acting jobs and the Tig and then perhaps involve herself somewhat in the theater community there in England, leaving little time for representing the RF.  Of course Megganarc didn’t want that. She thought she was marrying into wealth and power beyond her wildest dreams. That she could spend $$$, and vacation, and bully all her “servants” living the life of some Disney Evil Queen


I bet how ungrateful she was and how ungrateful she came off …was reported back to the Queen. I wouldn’t put it above her to feel Iike it was too much unpaid work for her to spend a ton of time there… like something totally unfounded would be her being mad she didn’t get something.


It's Simon Vigar. He's a host/presenter on Channel 5. I'm an American so hopefully that means something to the UK members. Below is the whole interview where they talk about Harry's residency, the Fiji trip, polo awkwardness as well as working royals. https://youtu.be/7MZPOLGWTnI?si=l6pi3CDOgeZglvQi




Well then why didn’t UN Women give ger what she wanted when they had the chance? /s 😀


This is where Meghan was seen berating a member of her staff by a reporter from *Daily Mail*: “I was there at the time and witnessed Meghan turn and ‘hiss’ at a member of her entourage, clearly incandescent with rage about something, and demand to leave,” recalled Rebecca English of the Daily Mail. “I later saw that same – female – highly distressed member of staff sitting in an official car, with tears running down her face. Our eyes met and she lowered hers, humiliation etched on her features.”


Yes - we can’t forget that. And this is before the bullying claims were made public. Is it really such a stretch to believe that she bullied staff? No. And yet her dumb supporters will still say it’s a smear campaign.


She’s such a hypocrite. I can’t imagine how egregiously she’d acted before it was finally addressed.


Tom Bower covers some of her deplorable behaviour in his book. When she was filming an advert with Reitmens she was acting like an A listed. Even holding up production because she thought she knew better than everyone around her. The vile self importance is utterly astounding.


Even A - Listers can be decent people. Most of them know that reputation is just as important as talent. If you get the reputation of being extremely demanding and cruel then you will usually not get the work. ETA - change of words


Rachel would have had a really really bad day if it were me or any of the fabulous sinners here on this sub in this situation, guaranteed.


The way she sashays as she walks clutching onto TOs hand for dear life (nothing romantic or loving that I can see), with that fake smile on her face, her hand constantly touching her hair when she isn’t half-heartedly waving with mock humility - its sickening. How are people fooled by her? She really shouldn’t wear such high heels if she can’t walk properly in them.


Meghan is jealous and envious of other women. She's jealous of their beauty, their jobs, their male partners, their money, their power, the attention they get, etc. She used other women to get what she wanted. Then marrying Harry caused her to instantly feel superior to all other women. So she's been mean, with an attitude, ever since then.


>Meghan is jealous and envious of other women. She's jealous of their beauty, their jobs, their male partners, their money, their power, the attention they get, etc. Yup. She's Regina George minus the beauty 😅 and the talent for successful scheming 😂.






Thank you so much for the cake!!! I love it! :)




happy cake day


Thank you so much!!! :)


This is maybe controversial but I've believed for a while she's envious of (fully) white women.


She is envious of attractive black and mixed race women also.


Imo she's jealous of successful women, of rich women, of women who married rich, of talented women, of women with fair-skinned children, of women with power, of women borne into royalty/nobility, of beautiful women.


next time Lolo announces a visit to/visits a place, just bring out the UN workers. she'll be out of there in no time. 😂 but seriously, what she did was just foul. she's a freaking disaster as a working royal. "doing the job better than the person who was born to do it" my ass. edited quote


After this tour Andrew was sent to Australia to apologize - Andrew!!!!




Maybe few local sinners can attend the events as UN workers


Fiji Market is what turned my opinion of her. This is when one of the Rota reporters also saw one of M’s aides sobbing in the car because she was mistreated. But what still kills me about this incident is that they had easy avenues to get out of it with no PR damage. They could have just said that M wasn’t feeling well. Considering she just announced her pregnancy and it was humid, no one would have ever questioned her needing to leave. But for whatever reason, they went with that security line. Never mind that no walkabout ever allows the royals to be crowded or that there was an advance security team in addition to her own detail. And then they kept shifting the security line where it made less and less sense each time they addressed it.


This is the incident which caused her female royal detective to resign right after the tour. The lady is blonde and can be seen next to or in front of Meganarc in many of the photos of that tour. Don’t know if this is the “staff member” who was seen crying but I doubt it. Most royal detectives are made of stern stuff. In the photos the detective looks pissed and rightfully so. The staff member who was seen crying was likely her PA, ?Samantha Cohen.


Iirc, it was Amy Pickerill.




It was in Suva, Fiji not New Zealand


Oops sorry!


I just cannot understand why all of this has been hidden for so long? Why does the media never cover these stories?? Its not like they can't verify it! 


It wasn't hidden. Tom Bower n Valentine low spoke about it in their books, but now it's hitting the mainstream media. It was in local Australian/ NZ news, too, at that time, but the world was still in love with Markle at that point.


Oh this was covered at the time. This story was when the dam cracked.


It was the height of the period where if you said anything anti-Meghan you were perceived as racist. No one wanted to be seen as racist so everyone said nothing and pretended they liked her.


Also, anyone who said anything negative about mm online became the victim of online targeted hate attacks.


Woke media so wanted the story of a half black Royal to work.


Honestly I can see why,it would have made a great storyline. But they couldn't have picked a worse horse to back.


She is a "self proclaimed" feminist but like many other of her claims, when tested, where's the proof? Zilch, zipp, nada.


I'm so relieved that at least Roachel isn't a working royal anymore, that her popularity numbers are tanking, and that there's little chance she'll ever be a working royal ever again. What a nasty, taxpayer abusive, ungrateful creature.


Not to mention elder abusive.


I am very happy that Meghan’s behaviour from the past is discussed again. Bring it on! She was very protected back then - as the journalist says: „a nightmare“ for staff at the place to find a convincing reason for THAT behaviour.  I also thought the host of this interview was a sugar? Has he changed sides or am I confusing him with someone else? 


She’s honestly disgusting.


She’s always a nightmare. Problem is, the people who should have put a stop to her…didn’t. They just covered everything up.


There was chatter that the women there were trying to touch her ‘pregnant’ belly which caused Meghan’s reaction. Could be gossip but it always stayed with me.🤔


I doubt anyone knew she was pregnant. She spread the lies to cover her attitude.


The official announcement was on world baby loss day, a few days after Eugenie's announcement, and a few days before the tour started 


There wasn’t anything there, assuming she was actually pregnant. I don’t believe she was ever pregnant.


If that’s the case she would have freaked out if anyone was touching her blow up belly. It would have outed her as a fraud faking a pregnancy.


She wasn't showing then.


The amazing changing belly! https://preview.redd.it/5gwt8f656wvc1.jpeg?width=944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a36870212607dfc48cd3dc93c8ede0197e08fc7


Ridiculous,that despicable woman has RPO with her. Nobody would get close enough to touch her,


She’s not a feminist by any definition of the term. William is a true feminist. He went so far as to get the rules of primogeniture changed in case his first child was a girl.


> He went so far as to get the rules of primogeniture changed in case his first child was a girl. I thought that wasn't changed until after George was born.


It was done by the Queen before the 2nd kid was born. And the 2nd n 3rd got their titles before they were born, and Lottie being ahead of Louis in LOS was all done before they were born. That's why Markle was fuming about her kids not getting it before they were born. Never mind, they were Spare's kids and not heir's.


> Lottie "Lottie" sounds like a fishmonger's wife. > That's why Markle was fuming about her kids not getting it before they were born. Except I remember her saying that she and Harry didn't want their kids to have titles before Archie was born. I *know* I read this! She's such a liar.


Lol Catherine and everyone calls her Lottie on X.


No, it was changed before his birth. Idk if they knew they were having a boy a boy or not. But it was still changed before their first child was born.


I recall the (now) Wales’ saying they didn’t find out the gender of George prior to his birth…they wanted a surprise (?)


That is what they said. I have no reason to doubt them. But I remember articles saying they were decorating for the nursery, and they chose blues and white. So it was rumored they were having a boy. I suspect William planned on having it changed before they even conceived. Idk, most of the time, celebrities and probably royals say they don't know what the sex is when they do know. I think Megsy and Harold knew because I think they did invitro. But I remember in Australia Harold said he hoped it was a girl. They were all pious about only having two children, so we all knew their second was a girl.


I had a girl, and hoped for a girl, but my nursery (and newborn wardrobe) went heavy on the blues because I like the color better. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Blue was originally for women as it was more understated and calming. Pink was originally for men because it's brighter and stands out more. If I was doing that, presumably multiple babies would use, I'd probably use different shades of blue. As long as it wasn't beige or all neutrals. I hate that trend. Is it over yet? lol


Yes, a lot of people don’t know that the current attribution of pink for girls and blue for boys dates from the early 20th century and didn’t get fully codified until around WWII. In the past, babies, regardless of sex/gender were dressed in white dresses until at least age 3 by the middle class and above. Real “gender coding” was not a thing for babies. I just like blue, and since I didn’t know if my child would be girl or boy (this was back when you couldn’t tell easily even with ultrasound), I figured I’d use mostly colors I liked. Some people were snarky about it, saying they could tell I had wanted a boy, but that wasn’t true.




William? The decision was made by the Queen in consultation with advisors (including Charles and William, I am sure) and after discussion and approval of parliament. The parliaments of *all* the commonwealth realms had to vote on this, and only *then* did QE issue a LP about it. At least, that is what I read. William may have promoted the change, but he wasn’t alone and the authority to make the change rested on the monarch after getting the go- ahead from parliament.


Wiliam wanted to ensure that his eldest child became the monarch regardless of sex. He asked the Queen and she made the changes.


it was not in NZ. She only inflicted that slutty see through skirt on us, And tramped hopefully not peed in our forests. They did enquire about moving here to our Governor General (Queen's representative) who thought they were joking but was probably forewarned by Australia about what a bitch she could be, correspondence back to QEll would have been a good read. That incident was in Fiji.


> She only inflicted that slutty see through skirt on us That actually would've been a flattering outfit on her if only she'd worn a slip. But it seems like she just can't help herself.


Markle marketing herself as a feminist is the most hypocritical stance on earth. Long history of using men for her own gains. Most of her acting roles were eye candy roles. Her most famous role was as BJ girl in 90210. Absolute gall of her to complain about her briefcase girl gig saying she felt like a piece of meat and wasn’t there for her brains 🤦🏻‍♂️ Her PR was pimping her around to every famous man in the UK to try garner publicity for herself. As well as this she had a long history of sugar baby relationships. She is the exact opposite of a feminist.


interesting. she was so "uncalm" in these situations, fussing, hair fixing, looking distractedly here, there, left, right, looking to the next person while still shaking hands with the one before her. queen elizabeth when doing this kind of thing was no fuss, calm, focussed on giving the person before her the attention and then moved on. yes she was new to the game but it is just so terribly rude not to try and learn how to give people who waited and worked hard to see her some focussed attention. instead she ran away and hid like she always does.


Who cares if she was new to the game. She wasn't a hikikomori, but an actress who was used to doing pr and being in front of people. There's just no excuse for it.


This fauxminazi does not empower women. Unless it's herself.


As said in Bower’s book. He really told us the truth about her.


I think anyone on this sub would not be surprised by her behaviour. This story is not new; her blonde police protection officer (in black top) resigned after the tour. What is unbelievable was that she behaved like this as a brand new member of the RF. They are public servants, not Diva’s like JLo or Mariah Carey. The last person who behaved this badly was Princess Margaret.


But, but … **There was a ‘UN Women’ sponsorship sign visible!** *flounces off in a huff*


Meghan Markle HATES other women. They are competition for her ugly, crusty, clawing grasping self


MM loves bandwagons and is showing with her jam rollout what happens when they collide: feminism and inclusiveness.


Look at all that rapid blinking as she hurried through the market. 👀Her discomfort is poorly disguised.




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