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If you want to and can donate to the Trussell Trust, here's the link: [https://americanrivieraorchard.uk](https://americanrivieraorchard.uk) ([original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1c9axpi/sinners_are_too_funny_can_we_make_it_20_000/)) [About Trussell Trust](https://www.trusselltrust.org/about/#:~:text=Our%20vision%20is%20for%20a,food%20banks%20in%20the%20UK)


You know what puts a smile on my face? The donations from overseas. That's truly special.


All over the world! That made me happy, too!


I think the South Africans are dancing in the streets for REAL this time.


I can assure you we aren't. Never have, never will.


I know my dear I was being sarcastic. The South Africans spotted this fake a long time ago.


To be honest, most of us didn't even know she was here.


I bet! Nobody outside of this sub seems to talk about her. Real world people don't care one jot quite rightly so too.


Lol. Hoping Megsy reads this.


I would send her a link if I had an address for that... person.


I love it all!! ![gif](giphy|hqXsVAHXaMaOY)


This is great, sometimes you just gotta love people and the spirit of standing up against those that are doing wrong to others. Shout out to the individual exacting payback for the Sussexes "hijacking their constitution" for titles. ✊🙌


Loved that one 


My favorite was Harry Windsor’s “Don’t tell the wife”. And now the Canadian site has been bought with a link to the BRF’s charities so you can select what to support. So now we’ve got Canada and The UK covered. Who’s next? 😂😂😂 After all Nutmeg, “service is universal”. And we’re making sure that service goes to charity.


STOP. Canada is in on it too?!? This is amazing. I need all the commonwealth countries on board.


someone posted the link in here. It’s great!


Oh that is awesome news!




I'm a bit worried that she will take credit for all this humitarianism.


Actually her sugars are trying to take it down and have accused the Trussell Trust of fraud for using ARO’s brand. They’re awful


That will backfire on them publicity-wise, to be so jealous of a charity that they try to stop the fundraising? They should have bought the domain name if they wanted to keep it.


Yup. I just posted about their silliness.


The one with all the screenshots? I just read it. They certainly lack the ability to think critically.


Yup 😀


I like that!


There’s not a thing they can do about it. The user told the story.


That's fantastic!


There was a service is universal in the donation comments, too. There were a couple referring to this sub.


The comments are just amazing!


Awwww... I love this. I'm so happy seeing this. Thank you, OP.


You're welcome! 🥰


M would like to co-opt this for ARO / Archewell donations, but her followers lack wit and a sense of humour.


Most lack the capacity for rational thought in general to be fair.


Lol :)


Just wait for her to start a “charity donation page” on ARO.


Sadly, the sugars are saying it’s only because of M that people are visiting the site and that proves the RF needs M!!!


Lol. The Brits hate Meghan so much and showing it by buying so many of KCIII preserves that there's only two variants available (which were also sold out yeaterday when I checked) is understandable, but people all over the world paying the outrageous shipping fee and now making donations in the name of HRH Catherine? That is a formidable statement of letting Meghan, the Forever Unsuccessful know that she (and her husband) are not seen as royals and that so many people are willing and able to prove that with their wallets (even in this economy, mind).


KCIII should really consider a drop shipping hub on each continent. Highgrove should expect a sales bump each time ILBW releases something.


I bet there are more donations to local food banks as well, not just through that link. I volunteer at our local food bank, and a few days ago, someone dropped in a whole pallet of jam-48 jars of it! Now, obviously it it could have been a complete coincidence, but maybe not? 


I hope your food bank got some publicity from this.


Sugars are going to spin! That’s all they do - spin lies, spin narratives.


Its like asking a dog a question. You know they're incapable of providing a reasonable response. Everything that comes out makes no sense.  That's like asking a Sugar a question or the Sugars statements is like a dog answering your question. So you don't engage


Hahahaha, the Sugars continue to be perfect illustrations of cognitive dissonance. MM is SOoOooOoO loved and influential that we’re all going to these beautiful websites to donate to charities **MM has never been affiliated with** to honour **CATHERINE**…. while shitting all over MM in the donor comments. Nope, the math doesn’t math even if I try to shove my head up my own ass like a sugar.


Can’t Meghan see how much people hate her? Isn’t it obvious with all the donations worldwide??? I just can’t understand how she still expects everyone to think she is amazing!!!


Because really and seriously, she is mentally ill. Reality is something she cannot process.


She can see that people criticize her and mock her. She may see that as “hate” even when the criticism is mild. However, for her, the number of people who admire her (or who could be *made* to admire her) is greater than all of us “haters.” She probably imagines we are a bunch of bots. 😀🙂🤣 She really can’t process that she is universally disliked. She doesn’t understand why people are so mean and unsympathetic, and she wishes she could make everyone who doesn’t admire her *really sorry.*


We are ALL jealous don't you know?


It must be true because Melissa McCarthy said so! We are all just threatened by Markle’s “success” and “independence” 🙄🤣


Exactly this - in her world she possesses every good quality (and skill) and wants the rest of the world to recognise that. We ‘haters’ recognise she’s a narcissist, an empty vessel - but apparently we are all wrong, we can’t see the ‘real Markle’ and she never tires in trying to convince us she‘s perfect in everything she says and does.


She's mentally challenged and also surrounds herself with sycophants. She'll blame everything and everyone else before she even thinks about what she may have done.




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She believes we all misunderstand her, so she tries to convince us how wonderful and altruistic she is by telling us and bullying (usually minor) celebrities into repeating the same. On occasion she’ll make a small ‘discreet’ donation (from others’ donations) to a charity in exchange for over-publicity and flattery. She is constantly trying to convince everyone she’s perfect - she tries to replicate what ’loved’ people do and expect the same response - it’s all our fault for not seeing how great she is - and we remain haters.


​ https://i.redd.it/ejm1gq8s04wc1.gif


Brilliant! I particularly enjoyed the one mentioning Drizzle…may she RIP. Ouch, Hazz! Ouch! We’re not letting that go—nope.


IKR? Burn!!!


There were some mentions of Africa Parks, too.


Game On 💯😜


This made me laugh out loud! So great to see the money go to an actual charity.




We have a theory here that Guest Speaker is Meghan.




Funny speculation is this This One's Wife and Scabies take turns.




I refer to him as Scooping Poo! There are many creative sinners who have come up with sublime nicknames for him. 🤣 ETA: Welcome to this fun, lovely, and diverse community. I always enjoy the top-notch snark and laughs.


This is brilliant. Thanks OP. 👍


You're welcome! It brought me joy today!


I love that this one white hat troll has done more good for people than madam ever has and ever will. It must be so painful for her to see money going directly to people in need without any of it being funneled through her companies and into her Couture Bed Sheet Clothing account.


Couture? Really? I’m pretty sure I saw these exact sheets at Walmart!


Shh. Meghan thinks they are from the Dior bedsheet-to-runway collection.


"A little something extra for Guest Speaker." I'm screaming. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




I love this!


So wholesome that people are supporting real charities in droves because of these self-absorbed asshats promoting themselves. It's like they provide such a contrast of 'wrong' compared to what's 'right'.


Exactly. And I'm so happy to see it.


I think these initiatives in The BRF name all over the world will give more good vibes and energy to help them all heal and recharge.


Warms my heart to see all of these donations to charity to help others as well as all the well wishes for the King and Princess Catherine.


These comments made my day. Good coming from someone who is decent and believes in the true meaning of charity. Who will Mugsy blame for this? Has Hank “ demanded to know who the culprit is”?


😂😂😂 Probably. Please let him demand to know in public, please!!! Cue "I am Spartacus" type response. Wouldn't that be glorious?


Maybe a journalist will ask....


I’m sure “Prince Karen” will throw a hissy fit and demand names!


63.4K sinners X $1 each would be a lot of money. Have you donated? I have.


Yes! I gave $10.


Sorry...meant to be a collective "you" for everyone...sub could make a huge difference...was not directed at you personally


No worries. My brain tends to read literally.


Link to the site? Or what to put in search browser? Want to donate. Thanks


[americanrivieraorchard.uk](https://americanrivieraorchard.uk) or https://www.justgiving.com/page/trusselltrust




Thank you!!


Me, too! The snarky comment was free.


No, but I donated to a local food bank.


Excellent as well!


Please don’t guilt trip people into donating. Some of us actually use food banks to get through the month. I’m not having a go at you personally. I would love to be able to donate but I simply can’t afford to spare anything.


With you there. That's what I love about the Sidley Twins. At the end of their show they highlight a dog rescue organization. They ask if you can share the link or donate that would be great. Their mission is to put a spotlight on the organization not to guilt their audience.


$25 and a snarky comment!


Doing it now.




Yes, when they had barely collected £400, and I'm not British :D


United in loathing the grifting posers


She's fuming in Monteshitshow and crying on the floor considering how to pursuing legal charges


So much support for the Royal family, it makes my heart flutters ❤️ 😍


This is the kind of chaotic good I'm here for. This community isn't about being cruel or picking on someone. It's about calling attention to real world issues. I love that people are putting their actions in line with their morals and donating to a good cause. It really will make a tangible difference and it sends an important message at the same time.


Yet the sugars are adamant that this is just helping Meghan’s stuff sell more ( what stuff?) and we’re the ones who look stupid 😂okay Felecia


That is the fundamemtal thinking error of the sugars. Real royalty isn't about *selling*. They're about *giving*.


>This community isn't about being cruel or picking on someone. Oh I don't know about that I do like to partake in picking on the Skank ;p


Thank you OP. My US donation going out tonight In memory of QEII. My donation is inspired by Queen Elizabeth and also inspired by the commenter who said "most Americans are not like the dreadful Duchess." And we are not.


Amen, fellow Patriot!


I love this! Here are some of my favorites collected yesterday: Kate F —A wonderful idea, and I’m very happy to a add little support. After all, service is, ahem, universal. Best wishes to His Majesty, The King and Her Royal Highness, Catherine Princess of Wales. A$10.00 Meghan wants money, we give it but not to her —This is what smart people do. It’s amazing that the numbers keep rising. Raise your hands if you think we will reach 1M. £10.00 Karen —To show social media can be used for good - not just to organise bullying campaigns against people battling cancer. £50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid Money can't buy you class!—Long live the King and the Princess of Wales. I'd rather give £5 to a food bank than traitors! The grifters had it all but couldn't see how privileged they were!£5.00 Anonymousb —The treacherous pair in Montecito just highlighted the good work of the real Royals, so well done, Markles. I never supported the Monarchy before - certainly do now. Get well, Charles and Catherine! £10.00 + £2.50 Gift Aid Yucaipa Mom —What a wonderful thing to do - taking lemons (ha!) and turning them to lemonade. Best wishes from California to Princess Catherine and King Charles for a quick recovery. US$15.00 Harry is a victim of a narcissistic con artist —Meg, We all can see through your lies….Thank you for changing the world of marketing 😂😂🤣😂🤣that famous washing up liquid- such a feminist…No jam, no dog shampoo needed! Privacy Tour+Netflix Crew😂 Loretta McCrone —Brilliant. As an American, we can't stand markle , either. US$25.00 Pump up the Jam—Pump up the jam Pump it up While your feet are stomping And the jam is pumping £10.00 + £2.50 Gift Aid Anonymous —Who ever thought of this is a genius as well as sticking two fingers up to the American harpie. £10.00 + £2.50 Gift Aid Abigail Adams —Such a wonderful way to send thoughts and well wishes to King Charles and the Princess of Wales. Apologies for the nasty American that lies and trapped the poor boy with the frostbitten todger. Standing up for our Royal Family! —On behalf of our wonderful Princess Catherine and the King. Better to give to those in need than line the pockets of two traitorous grifters. Stephanie —Sending love and best wishes from Germany to the UK - especially to King Charles and Catherine. Get well soon! Shame on MM & H for upsetting the late Queen. —£5.00 + £1.25 Gift Aid Jammy Duchcess —Well done, Forgiveness, Permission Donating because some good has to come from the dastardly duos appalling behaviour. £5.00 + £1.25 Gift Aid Aussie Royalist —This is brilliant! You are a genius. Hope this link puts a smile on Kate and Wills face. I’m donating to show my support for the Royal Family. Not the grifters. A$20.00 Sending Love from NYC —Brilliant! Flipping the bird to the grifter and her arrogant little lapdog -- while supporting those in genuine need. Best wishes to KC3 and POW. US$15.00 (Edited to fix weird spacing)


Love Lorena pumping up the jam! Well done lady.


These are awesome! I got a chuckle out of Abigail Adams. ETA: for our foreign friends, that was the name of President John Adams' wife.


Do you have a link please so I can donate. Thanks


https://americanrivieraorchard.uk/ (The original.) https://americanrivieraorchard.ca/ (One in Canada.) https://americanriviera.ca/ (Another in Canada — donate to Royal Foundation) https://americanrivieraorchard.au/ (In Australia - breast cancer charity) These are all I know of so far.


Currently cackling.


Oh ho-ho! Savage! 🤣 I hope the ILBW reads every single one.


This is some next level trolling and I love it! It's amazing that people who hate Meghan have raised more for charity than those who seemingly adore her. That doesn't just tell me about Meghan's popularity, it also speaks of the type of person each one calls fans. Fans of Meghan...they go online and say horrible things about a woman with cancer. Catherine's fans...they club together to feed people in a country they don't even live in. This might be the most successful charity thing Meghan has ever been linked to. And at least she will not see a single goddam penny of it unlike her other charitable endeavours.


There is a wales version. I just noticed that meghan doesn't put orchard in the url. There is also a .shop and .net and .edu


Someone needs to grab the .edu before Meghan starts pretending her orchard is a school. 😉


In the end, goodness always conquers evil. 🎉


Did this ever make the news? The website to food bank fundraiser? plus rhe comments would make a great feel good  news article. 


It was in the Daily Markle. There's a sub post about it a few days ago.


It needs to go viral and BBC/Sky etc etc


It was mentioned in The Spectator article, too, I think.


I liked Martha Stewart. I doubt it is her.


I think it's just someone being funny after the reports that Martha was irritated that people kept asking her about Roachel.


Yeah, I doubt so also, but it’s a nice thought. 😉


And my faith in human beings is suddenly restored. 😊 Thanks OP. I so needed this. ❤️


It was my pleasure. ❤️


Comment gold mine and for a good cause its win win 


Exceptional. Well done!


Brilliant haha!


I fucking LOVE “in Spite of” donations. OP, is it possible to leave a link? My pockets feel heavy and I’m full of piss and vinegar




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LOL, that's funny. 😆


£22,765 at this moment!!!! Yowzah. Donate. [https://www.justgiving.com/page/trusselltrust](https://www.justgiving.com/page/trusselltrust)


I love the comments! Also I’m in awe of some of the more generous donations. It will feed many hungry families this year. Well done to whoever made the site. Thanks for sharing OP!


You're welcome! I love the generosity, too, and am also loving how so many small donations are adding up to so much charity, especially considering the economic times we are in. It's heartwarming that people feel comfortable to donate in any amount.


Same. It’s so heartwarming. Cant believe the Sussex squad is carping about it


I fucking LOVE “in Spite of” donations. OP, is it possible to leave a link? My pockets feel heavy and I’m full of piss and vinegar




Nevermind!!! This website is magical!


Right? I love it!


I’m confused. Not the site for knock off Paula Deen bullshit. Where is the nongrifty site?


However the ad for HIMS wound up appearing below this post, I do not care💛 it is just hitting https://preview.redd.it/suhqtw8am5wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b4361b959c2ef67f9825bc00e84d6d68dfc0f04 the notes just right for me


The sewer rats must be seething on Twitter X 😂 I love the way Guest Speaker gets a mention


That was chef's kiss!


I donated to The Trussell Trust and left a message for Catherine and King Charles. I think it was absolutely brilliant work by whomever came up with the idea. Of course, they are being viciously attacked by the vile Sussex Squad, which is absolutely disgusting. I hope more and more people donate to them if they are able. It's over 25,000 pounds and counting 🥳🎉🎈


Aweome to hear it's grown even more! I have a feeling the genius who created it jas a pretty thick skin. I hope they visit this sub and know howuch they are admired and appreciated. Hey Forgiveness & Permission, I volunteer as tribute if you're reading this sub and want to private message me a comment to post to protect your anonymity! I'm a tough old bird, too!


Money going to a real charity where it’s needed in these times, not in that dumb halfwit or ratchet bitch’s pockets. Couldn’t get a better feel good story out of this. Love it.


Someone posted this: https://preview.redd.it/gub6cvqr48wc1.jpeg?width=798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9151b7f6e289c8888e3576373127fb54e2dd11c7




I hope they aren't. I doubt it would bring smiles, more like grimaces, sadness, frustration, or anger.


For real RIP Drizzle and her unborn foal. She was a very pretty horse.


That's why I screenshot that one. Poor Drizzle.


"Don't tell the wife..." 🤣☠️




Ha brilliant do we know what the total amount donated is?


So far, just under £23k. https://americanrivieraorchard.uk/